The Rebirth of the Giants

Chapter 938 It seems that I underestimate you!

Liang Tiancheng was really angry this time!

Unprecedented fury!

He was on a business trip abroad. As a result, shortly after he arrived there, he received a call from the company. The company's recent project was completely suspended, and all the partners were suspended. The Liang family's company was isolated in an instant. Before he knew what was going on, he received the news that the Liang family would be closed for investigation.

To put it bluntly, it is to directly seal the Liang family.

The news has not been made public yet, but everyone who has a big face in the dark knows it.

The Liang family used all the connections to find out a little bit, saying that the Lu family did it.

Lu family?

Ha ha!

Old Man Lu said back then that he would not touch the Liang family again, so he would definitely not, unless the Liang family provokes the Lu family again.

Looking at the domestic news, it was obvious that Lu Haoting did it.

After all, part of it was informed by the Ye Group, who else could it be if it wasn't Lu Haoting?

His wife's own son, directly ordered to seal the Liang family, why does it feel so ironic?

"What are you doing?" Han Yue roared after being bumped, her head hurting badly.

Seeing Liang Tiancheng, she was stunned!

Liang Tiancheng looked at the woman in front of him and suddenly felt amused.

It was all his own fault. Back then, he really didn't want to marry this woman, but this woman was deceiving. He just wanted to know the news of the Lu family, to borrow the resources of the Lu family, and to want the property of the Han family.

Who knew this woman could be so deceitful?

Then, regardless of what he said he loved him and wanted to divorce and marry him, he was stunned at the time. This woman would dare to divorce after marrying a Lu family member?

Is this looking for death?

When things got bigger, he could only bite the bullet and play the trick, marrying this woman and entering the door.

Liang Tiancheng didn't want to say more, so he quickly changed the woman's clothes. Han Yue didn't know what happened and didn't move.

"Why did you come back..."


"Shut up and change clothes!"

Liang Tiancheng slapped him in the face, and let Han Yue clean up viciously.

A slap in the face made Han Yue stunned!

Still not moving?

Liang Tiancheng slapped him in the face again, "Didn't you hear what I said?"



"Did you hear?"

Han Yue: "..."

Liang Tiancheng was so angry that he grabbed Han Yue's hair, pulled her hard, grabbed her neck, and pressed it on the closet, "Bitch, see clearly, go to Lu's house to apologize to me later, If you can't let the Lu family let go of the Liang family, I will kill you!"

Liang Tiancheng threw Han Yue aside and left her alone, and went straight to the safe to get something.

In this bedroom there is a safe belonging to Liang Tiancheng, which contains many of his collections.

Mostly some top jewelry, and important documents.

He took out all the boxes and checked them. Seeing that Han Yue was still looking at him sluggishly, he didn't care whether she changed clothes or not, he pulled her downstairs.

In the hall downstairs, everyone in the Liang family was already waiting.

No one was sitting, everyone was standing with a dead look on their faces!

Mr. Liang stood at the front.

Seeing Liang Tiancheng come down, he sighed, "Let's go!"

Han Yue was stuffed into the car by Liang Tiancheng. In the middle of the night, several cars from the Liang family left and headed towards the Lu family.

When they arrived at the entrance of the Lu family's courtyard, it was still before dawn. No one from the Liang family dared to sit in the car and wait. They all came out and stood there, waiting for dawn.

After the sky gradually brightened, there were gradually some pedestrians at the gate of the compound.

Many students, gradually, there are people who work.

The guard at the door had already gone to the Lu family to report, but no one responded, so the Liang family could only wait outside.

Being watched like a monkey.

Han Yue's eyes were dull, wearing a white nightdress and standing there with bare feet.

As time went on, Yang Kangming took a special car to work, passed the gate, and saw people from the Liang family.

The people who came and went at the gate were moving very slowly, and he could clearly see everyone in the Liang family.

Those hands clenched into fists involuntarily, and cold sweat broke out from the palms!

After so many years of strategizing, for the first time, the development of things was completely beyond his control.

He knew how powerful the Lu family was.

Old Man Lu is a decent person. He never wanted to let the Lu family dominate, but instead he restrained his edge and tried his best to suppress the Lu family's sense of existence.

The old man is decent, Lu Haoting is young!

Maybe everyone knows that the heir of the Lu family is not easy. Even if the old man got him out of town a long time ago, far away from the imperial capital, shrewd people can still see it.

Therefore, intentionally or unintentionally, everyone is trying to suppress Lu Haoting's development as much as possible. It is not without reason that the Xi family can be so strong.

Do you really think a Xi family can beat the Lu family?

Mr. Lu should know this situation well, so he has been relatively low-key for so many years, and the management of the family's descendants is very strict.

The death of Tang Yu back then must have sounded the alarm in Old Man Lu's heart. Therefore, Lu Haoting has kept a low profile for so many years!

He thought that the Lu family would have to keep a low profile for several years. After all, the old man, at the very least, had to wait for all his grandsons to grow up.

But I didn't expect that the Lu family would suddenly be so tough this time, and the Liang family would be the first to operate!

Yang Kangming's thoughts were very chaotic. He didn't even notice such a huge change before?

The most terrifying thing is that he didn't even know the reason.

The time was getting closer to noon, and under the bright sun, the people of the Liang family were dizzy.

Everyone in the Liang family was overjoyed and hurried to the Lu family with all the gifts.

And at this time, in the manor villa, in the study, Lu Haoting was sitting in front of the computer with a lot of documents at hand.

Zhuge Yuehua glanced at him and smiled, "Looks like I underestimated you!"

Good night! There will be an update tomorrow at 12 noon!

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