The Rebirth of the Giants

Chapter 939 With Yunxi's backing, I don't need to keep a low profile!

After all, Zhuge Yuehua is not a native of his own country, and he doesn't know much about the top-level forces here.

It was because his baby sister was going to marry into the Lu family as a young mistress, that he paid more attention to the Lu family.

Of all the families, the one he pays the most attention to is the Lu family.

I thought that the Lu family was just an ordinary top-tier wealthy family. Among the top-level forces, although they were strong enough, they were not that special. The Lu family had the status that a big family should have, and their power and dominance were not prominent at all.

On the contrary, the Lu family has a particularly prominent shortcoming, that is, no money!

Almost everyone knows that the Lu family is very poor, and no one has ever wondered why for so many years.

It stands to reason that with the status of the Lu family, being poor is really weird.

But after so many years, everyone seems to be used to it and accept it, the Lu family is poor.


Because Mr. Lu is a cautious and very old-fashioned person, no one in the family can do business, so he is afraid that they will do bad things and affect the family, so he has been in control and is not allowed to step into this circle.

So many times, people don't imagine the Lu family too prominently. After all, the shortcomings are too serious.

In this peaceful age, everyone's hard work has only one ultimate goal, and that is profit.

So many families want to climb up, in addition to power, what they most need and ultimately yearn for is wealth.

The Lu family did not have this, so to a certain extent, the strength of the Lu family was always considered to be much lower than that of the Xi family. The only exception of the Lu family was Lu Haoting!

But this guy was rich because of the compensation his mother got for betraying the Lu family when he was a child. The old man felt sorry for this grandson, and he took care of the old love and didn't start with the old friend's family, so he gave a symbolic punishment to some property and settled things down.

To be honest, if what the Liang family and Han Yue did back then, if it was put into a family like the Xi family, the entire Han family and the Liang family would be doomed.

So the way Old Man Lu handled that incident sent a message to people that the Lu family was not that strong!

It is normal for Lu Haoting to be rich!

But right now, all this seems to be different from what Zhuge Yuehua understands!

Lu Haoting smiled very modestly, "I used to be low-key, but now it's different. With Yunxi supporting me, I don't need to be so low-key anymore!"

Zhuge Yuehua smiled!



Old man Liang stepped on his numb legs, leaned on crutches and supported by his son, and led people to the Lu family hall.

This time, it was very rare that everyone in the Lu family was there.

Except for the parties Lu Haoting and Gu Yunxi!

Then, after being sent away, Qing Bo and Chen Xianglan of the old mainland were nowhere to be seen.

For the rest, all the descendants of the Lu family came back at one time, which was rare.

Seeing Mr. Lu, Mr. Liang stood there, did not dare to sit down, and bowed to Mr. Lu, "The Liang family is not strict in discipline, this time the Lu family has been embarrassed, it is all the fault of the Liang family, this time I brought my family with me , come here to apologize."

"Please... Sir, you can have a good time with the Internet..."

Pleading, Mr. Liang has never done such low-level pleas in his life. The most impressive one was when Han Yue wanted to divorce and marry his son.

At that time, he brought the Liang family to apologize, and the Han family did the same.

This time, when faced with such a situation again, Mr. Liang actually prepared a lot of words, but looking at Mr. Lu's cold and serious face in the main seat, the pair of shrewd old eyes fell on him, and he was suddenly... at a loss.

As he spoke, his mouth did not know what to say.

The living room is eerily quiet!

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