Zhuge Yuehua turned his head and pointed to the two boxes next to him, "There are fruits in there, you two, go wash them and bring them over."

He was referring to Lu Haoting and Tang Yu. Obviously, this fruit was also prepared by him for Gu Yunxi and Gu Xiran. Now let them wash it.

Tang Yu is okay. He has seen the high technology of the Zhuge Royal Family before, which is more surprising to Lu Haoting!

Zhuge Yuehua was standing there controlling the computer, and when he turned his eyes to see Lu Haoting's amazed eyes, he smiled, "Are you interested?"

Without waiting for Lu Haoting to answer, Zhuge Yuehua withdrew his gaze, stared at the computer in front of him carelessly, and said calmly, "If you like it, treat Yunxi well. When you get married, I will give Yunxi a dowry. In the future, you can drive everywhere."

"This thing is completely invisible, and the monitoring systems of various countries can't find it, save trouble!"

Lu Haoting: "..."

Drive... drive to travel?

Local tyrants are local tyrants, they are awesome!

The two obediently went to wash the fruit.

Strawberries, grapes, watermelons, and lychees are all available. They have all been washed and placed on a plate. They are placed in front of Gu Yunxi and Gu Xiran. The plane has already taken off. This thing is very fast. You can get there in three hours.

Not even.

Gu Yunxi saw that everyone was here and asked, "We are all here, what about the other plane? Who flew it?"

Zhuge Yuehua was working on the computer with his head down, when he heard the words, he said directly: "The drone, I'm driving."

Gu Yunxi looked down at his computer and stopped talking.

Tang Jin was also on the plane, chatting with Gu Yunxi and Gu Xiran, with the two children by their side.

The rest of Lu Haoting, Ye Fan, and Xiaoba were idle and bored. They simply took out their mobile phones and played games. A few people formed a group, and they happened to be divided into two teams, PK!

One by one, Erlang's legs were crossed with their mobile phones in their arms, and they were very happy.

Looking at this lively scene, Gu Xiran said, "We...are we really going to fight?"

Gu Yunxi: "Big brother seems to tell me that he is taking me to play!"

Gu Xiran: "..."

The two silently glanced at Zhuge Yuehua next to him, the boss is the boss!

After three hours of flight, Zhuge Yuehua called Gu Yunhan to confirm his location when he was about to arrive at the location.

Then the plane stopped in front of the island.

That's right, it stopped and just floated in the air.

Zhuge Yuehua said to Gu Xiran, "Look, isn't it here?"

Seeing Gu Xiran frowning and looking down, Zhuge Yuehua let the plane fly around the island for a week, extremely arrogant!

Gu Xiran looked at it for a while and said, "Yes, it is here, it must be here, I ran out of this place with Tang Feng at the time."

She pointed to a road on the island.

Zhuge Yuehua nodded, pressed a button on the console, turned on a light, and then a beam of light blue light enveloped the entire island.

"Now all communications on the island have been blocked, and all the news in this place cannot be passed. Only when we enter it can we communicate with each other. You can act on your side."

He said this to Gu Yunhan on the phone.

Someone on the island had already discovered this side and was attacking them with a weapon. Zhuge Yuehua opened the protective cover and said calmly: "You guys are playing here, I'll go down and take a look later and clean up. I'll let you down when it's clean."

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