"By the way, don't worry, the protective cover has been opened, and even if there are cannons below, it will not be able to hit you."

Gu Yunxi: "..."

Gu Xiran: "..."

With the cooperation of Zhuge Yuehua's other plane, Gu Yunhan's speed is extremely fast. After all, he has high-end weapons in his hands, and ordinary people are really no opponents.

The other party's news could not be delivered, so there was no reinforcement at all.

Lu Haoting, Tang Yu and the others were playing games on it. Fifteen minutes later, Zhuge Yuehua went down and the drone came to pick him up.

Gu Yunxi, Gu Xiran and Tang Jin were chatting above, and while talking, they were still stuffing snacks into their mouths, while watching the situation below.

After another ten minutes, Zhuge Yuehua let them go down.

The plane landed and stopped on the beach, and everyone hurried down.

The laboratory is inside the island. After entering, there is a small canyon. After entering by boat, it is inside the mountain.

Walking in for a while, you will completely enter the scope of the laboratory.

Gu Yunxi looked at this place, everything in it was really high-tech.

Zhuge Yuehua said, "That woman's brain is not smart enough. Look at this nondescript."

Gu Yunxi: "..."

Gu Xiran wanted to cry a little bit. Back then, she took Tang Feng with her strength to escape from this ghost place. At that time, these advanced things really almost tossed her to death, but now, In the eyes of the big cousin, is it just some nondescript stuff?

Zhuge Yuehua led the crowd around a few corners, "The core laboratory is inside, and everyone here is under control now, don't worry, it's very safe here."

When everyone came to Gu Bingyan's core laboratory, they saw countless bottles and jars of various colors lined up there. Looking at it, it made one's scalp tingle.

But Gu Yunxi and Zhuge Yuehua can't, both of them like to do these things, so they don't have any strange feeling when they see it.

Zhuge Yuehua said: "This woman is good at poison, and it's not fake at all. Looking at this research, she still has some skills."

Gu Yunxi said: "Compared with the system in my system, it's still a little worse!"

Zhuge Yuehua smiled, "My uncle is a genius in our family. Medicine is his best skill. I haven't found anyone who can surpass him. The only one who can compete with him is probably our mother. Unfortunately, my mother was seriously injured. I have been recuperating, and I haven't studied much in these years."


Gu Yunxi paused and looked at Zhuge Yuehua.

Zhuge Yuehua rubbed her head, "If there is a chance in the future, I will show you to your mother's family!"

Gu Yunxi bit her lip, "Thank you brother!"

From the beginning to the end, Zhuge Yuehua never forced them to do anything, everything was up to her own will, she could be wherever she wanted.

Gu Yunhan came over and was pleasantly surprised when he saw Gu Yunxi smiling and Gu Xiran next to him!

After all, Gu Xiran had been in a coma in the past, but now he finally woke up and his body recovered. He was really happy as a big brother.

Just after seeing Gu Xiran's face clearly, he frowned. Why did he feel a little familiar?

And Gu Xiran was really dumbfounded!

"You... you are my brother? Aren't you that perverted mermaid?"

Gu Yunhan: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Gu Xiran has been in this circle all the time, Gu Yunhan is quite famous, the name of the mermaid is just as loud in the hacker world, Gu Xiran really knows Gu Yunhan.

It's just that she hasn't seen him, but she knows him.

The more Gu Yunhan looked at Gu Xiran's face, the more he felt that he had seen it before, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt cold all over!

Because, he felt that his dear eldest cousin beside him might kill him.

Sure enough, what Zhuge Yuehua smiled was called Sen Liang, "It turns out that you have also had contact with Ran Ran!"

Good night!

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