The Rebirth of the Giants

Chapter 965 Finale 16

Liang Chuxia was too excited and rushed out all the way, but Du Yasheng on the opposite side was wiping the drink on his body angrily, without looking at the way.

Then, the two collided.



Two screams sounded at the same time, this corridor is not very big, and the two people collided very hard.

The Du family was also on the invited list today, but the Du family, which was in a good position, was completely left out at this banquet today.

In the past, when Yang Kangming was in power, the Du family, who was related to Yang Kangming, was naturally in a good position, but today, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Yang Kangming's state is very wrong, and those top leaders are obviously rejecting him.

In that top circle, Yang Kangming was strangely excluded. Remembering that the third uncle of the Lu family worked together with Yang Kangming, and their status was second only to him, everyone thought that the Lu family had gained power this time, and they were going to push the third uncle Lu to the top!

In other words, this Yang Kangming is about to die?

Look at those young people who have never met before, these people have never appeared in the imperial capital, but even Old Master Tang and Old Master Lu are very respectful to those people, especially the one in the middle dressed in white and extravagant, look It makes people feel trembling all over.

Obviously, the identities of these people are not simple. Even the Lu family and the Tang family have to be respectful, and the top bosses are there. In this case, it is possible for the Lu family to get rid of Yang Kangming.

Now that Yang Kangming is being ostracized, maybe it's because the Lu family has already tacitly agreed to get rid of him.

In this way, the Du family was more embarrassed at the banquet.

Du Yasheng was usually very arrogant and naturally offended many people. Now that the Yang family is about to fall, even if the Yang family is not involved, everyone knows that Du Yasheng and Gu Yunxi are mortal enemies.

Now that Gu Yunxi is in power, it is only natural for them to bully Du Yasheng.

Therefore, Du Yasheng was ridiculed for a while at the banquet, and a girl pretended to accidentally pour alcohol. Du Yasheng was full of anger and was furious.

As a result, when I came here, I was bumped by Liang Chuxia again, and it exploded!

Both fell, Du Yasheng got up immediately, rushed over and picked up Liang Chuxia, who was still dizzy.

"Don't you have long eyes?"

Screaming and roaring, Liang Chuxia was thrown out.

Liang Chuxia slammed into the wall, Du Yasheng was not enough, she was tall and slender, but Liang Chuxia was petite, and her skeleton was a little small, Du Yasheng was in a fit of rage, her strength was fierce, and it was really not something that ordinary little girls could resist .

She rushed over and grabbed Liang Chuxia's hair, pressed her head and slammed into the wall again and again.

"Bitch! What are you? You dare to bully me? Go to hell, go to hell!"

Bang bang bang!

One after another, she grabbed Liang Chuxia's hair and smashed her head against the wall.

Han Xi, who followed behind, happened to see this scene. Seeing Du Yasheng's crazy appearance, he was shocked!


He hurriedly rushed over to break Du Yasheng's hand and threw it away.

Liang Chuxia was hit several times, her head became even more dizzy, and she couldn't stand at all. Han Xi stretched out her hand to support her, her body was weak, and she leaned against his arms slightly.

How can a little girl stand up to such a bump?

Han Xi's face was ugly, "Are you crazy?"

There are obviously distinguished guests at the Tang family's banquet. Is this Du Yasheng dying to make a fuss here?

Good night!

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