Du Yasheng took a closer look, Han Xi, she knew it.

Also know his background.

The Han family!

That is, the Han family member of Lu Haoting's own mother.

Recalling that the Liang family was completely kicked out of the imperial capital by the Lu family some time ago, Du Yasheng smiled disdainfully, "You are an actor, what qualifications do you have to talk to me?"

Before Han Xi could speak, Liang Chuxia, who was next to her, exploded and scolded her as a male god. This is absolutely unbearable!

The little girl who was still dizzy just now rushed to the front immediately, protected Han Xi behind her, pinched her waist with both hands, and faced Du Yasheng like a shrew, which was completely different from the cute little girl just now.

"Who are you talking about? My male god is a great artist, does an artist understand? Art! A scumbag like you must not understand art. How ignorant must you be to open your mouth and say Han Xi is an actor? Brainless? "


"What are you? Tell you, auntie, I have a backstage, Gu Yunxi, right? She is the granddaughter recognized by the Tang family today, and she is still the granddaughter-in-law of the Lu family! If you talk nonsense again, I'll go right now. Tell Gu Yunxi, what do you do? Humph!"

Du Yasheng: "..."

Seeing that Du Yasheng didn't dare to speak anymore, Liang Chuxia became even more embarrassed, and shouted rather domineeringly, "Get out!"

After successfully making Du Yasheng angrily cry and run away, Liang Chuxia turned around, his eyes lit up with worry, "Male God, are you alright? Are you not scared? Don't be afraid! I will protect you!"

Han Xi: "..."

Are you drunk and stupid?

Liang Chuxia's head was really hit hard just now, but now his head is even more dizzy, watching Han Xi giggled for a while, and with a thud, he fainted!

Han Xi: "..."

Seeing that something was wrong, he immediately supported her and sent her directly to the hospital.

At the end of the Tang family banquet, Jiang Xinlei, who was having a great time, didn't see Liang Chuxia and looked for people everywhere.

"Yunxi, Xia Xia is gone, help me find it."

Gu Yunxi frowned, the people here...

At this time, Lu Haoting just came over, "Han... Han Xi called just now, your classmate Liang Chuxia was drunk and was beaten by Du Yasheng, he helped send him to the hospital, everyone was fine, he just didn't wake up, he drank too much !"

Gu Yunxi narrowed his eyes immediately, "Du Yasheng beat her?"

Lu Haoting nodded, "Fight, I heard that the two happened to bump into each other. Du Yasheng was in a bad mood, so he took out his anger on your classmate. Liang Chuxia was drunk at the time and couldn't beat her."

"But don't worry, everyone is fine, Han Xi has been sent to the hospital."

Gu Yunxi breathed a sigh of relief, everything is fine!

That Du Yasheng, it seems that cleaning up is not enough.

Jiang Xinlei next to her was stunned!

"Lu... Young Master Lu, you said... Who sent her to the hospital?"

"Han Xi!"

"Han...Han Xi? The male god Han Xi?"

Lu Haoting frowned, not understanding.

Jiang Xinlei was so excited that she couldn't breathe smoothly, "It's... it's the actor Han Xi! The male god of the entertainment industry! The dream lover of all women! Ooooooooo my husband Han Xi!"

Lu Haoting: "..."

After a long pause, Lu Haoting nodded in the eyes of the other party's infinite expectation.

"Ah ah ah!" Jiang Xinlei screamed, "It's really him! It's really him! Ah, Yunxi, take me to see him now! Xia Xia is all right, right? Oh, you can get a guy in a fight. God is so lucky to meet him!"

"Which hospital? I'll go there now. I want to confess to my husband, and I want to marry him!"

Jiang Minghan, who just came over: "..."

Good night!

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