The Rebirth of the Male God Starts From Playing Games

Vol 2 Chapter 689: 690. Still have to rely on hard power

  Chapter 689 690. We still have to rely on hard power

In the dark Bomi Academy, the lights flickered on and off, and the sound of machines rotating sounded regularly. At the same time, lines and songs from the movie came from the entire Academy.

Sometimes it's light, sometimes it's heavy, sometimes it's high, sometimes it's low...

This is an exciting musical feast, and it is also because the script of the movie itself is very interesting. You will not feel bored at all. Not only can you be immersed in it, but you can even appreciate the charm of an excellent song and dance movie.

Cao Yang had seen relatively few such movies in his previous life, and the most impressive one was "La La Land".

Sister Shitou's performance in it, as well as the lighting of the entire scene... give people a dreamlike feeling.

And now, "Resurrection of Leslie Cheung" brings the same feeling to Cao Yang.

It’s just that these songs are all in Chinese.

When he saw Leslie Cheung appearing for the first time, Cao Yang was stunned.

Although he himself was mentally prepared, and Cao Yang was the earliest witness and user of AI face-changing technology, and he also proposed the idea of ​​​​this movie, he actually sat down and watched the lifelike face in the movie. When he was in human form, Cao Yang couldn't help but feel excited in his heart.

"Oh my god, this looks too similar, doesn't it?"

Cao Yang and Yang Junrong blurted out.

Although Yang Junrong supervised part of the music, he did not see the specific content and scenes. What's more, most of the music in this movie was composed by Jacky Cheung, but Jacky Cheung was not able to appear because of his busy schedule. Here, otherwise, Cao Yang believes that Xueyou will be shocked when he sees the later results.

This feeling is like seeing the living Leslie Cheung.

"Oh my God," Yang Junrong had goosebumps all over his body and his scalp was numb.

"Is this really just a special effect?"

Yang Junrong couldn't help but ask.

Several other people laughed silently after hearing this.

"Yes," Cao Yang whispered in his ear, "Brother Yang, is this technology good? We call it AI face-changing."

Yang Junrong really didn't expect that the current Bomi technology would be so advanced. It has almost reached the point where the fakes can be confused with the real ones. In the past, when watching a movie, you could tell whether the special effects were there at a glance.

And after the release of Cameron's "Avatar", the industry is more interested in making movies with a sense of technology.

To put it bluntly, it means to make something that is more different from the human world but more real, and the more you can feel the charm of technology.

However, when he saw the company's own production of "Resurrection of Leslie Cheung" today, Yang Junrong felt for the first time -

It turns out that the shocking feeling given by the fake thing is not lost at all.


Didn't lose.

In Yang Junrong's mind, being able to see a living Leslie Cheung appear on the screen again has made this life worthwhile.

Ai Xiaomi sat behind everyone, hesitating to speak. She originally wanted to take the opportunity to say something, but now everyone was concentrating on watching the movie, so it was hard to get into the conversation.

It's a pity that I couldn't grasp it just now and let Boss Cao perform alone.

Among the people present, the only ones who have not watched the film after post-production is completed are Cao Yang and Yang Junrong. The key is that Yang Junrong did not even know what AI face-changing was before today.

In the whole film, Yang Junrong participated in relatively few parts. He basically produced the music according to the requirements, and the music was mainly handled by Jacky. Yang Junrong was the boss of Bomi’s music department and was responsible for the entire company. Only then will the production of all music and sound effects appear in today's Bo Xuetang.

Although there are many big-name celebrities participating in this drama, basically most of the people in the entertainment industry in Hong Kong are in it, but no one came to Bomi Bo Academy today.

Maybe everyone has made an appointment to wait until the day when the movie is officially released to watch it together.

This makes it more ceremonial.

Although these celebrities wanted to come and watch the movie, they all resisted the urge in the end.

And what’s even more ceremonial is—

After Bomi Company obtained the Dragon Seal this time, it negotiated with major theater chains to release the film on April 1 across the country.

April 1 was chosen for several purposes:

First of all, April 1st is April Fool's Day, which coincides with the connotation of "Real and Fake Leslie Cheung". News released before April Fool's Day can be used to create a wave of publicity, and it will be more topical when combined with April Fool's Day.

Secondly, April 1st is my brother’s death anniversary.

Leslie Cheung passed away on April 1, 2003. Choosing April 1st has a strong commemorative significance.

Eight years later, it was released on the anniversary of his death, which is more fitting for the movie title "Resurrection of Leslie Cheung" and has a more ceremonial feel.

On that day, Cao Yang had made an appointment to attend the premiere ceremony in Xiangjiang. Not only the executives of the producer, Bomi Film and Television, but also Cao Yang would be there, and basically everyone in the entertainment industry in Xiangjiang would be there.

I believe that day will become very grand and memorable.

These are all planned.

The movie continues to play.

In the entire Bo Xuedang, except for the sound of the movie itself and the sound of the playback machine, there was almost no sound.

Everyone was staring at the big screen in front of them, and it felt like a private venue.

The main reason is that the movie itself is so fascinating. When you are immersed in it, you will never doubt that the movie is a fake Leslie Cheung, and the real Leslie Cheung has left this world.

Just like the title of the movie, in everyone's minds at this moment, Leslie Cheung has come back to life.

The total duration of the film is 120 minutes.

After reading it, Cao Yang and Yang Junrong were almost moved to tears.

Even the film's producer Ai Xiaomi couldn't help but secretly wipe away tears.

The movie has finished playing, and the entire Boxue Hall is silent.

Everyone's faces were buried in the shadows, and no one stood up to turn on the lights.

I don't know how much time had passed before Cao Yang stood up and applauded Ai Xiaomi as if he had just woken up from a dream.

"Awesome, Xiaomi, you did a great job with this movie."

"Yes, yes," Yang Junrong wiped the tears from his eyes, stood up, and looked at Ai Xiaomi excitedly, "How did you do it? Why can you make such a good movie?

I look just like the real Leslie Cheung.

Has technology developed so powerfully now? "

"Hehe," Ai Xiaomi scratched her head and smiled sheepishly, "Actually, technology is not that powerful, or it is part of the fact that technology is powerful. Brother Rong, the reason why you think it is so realistic is mainly due to the actor's own skills."

"Really?" Yang Junrong was shocked, "This thing actually needs an actor? Does the actor look exactly like Leslie Cheung?"

"I can't say they are exactly the same, I can only say..."

Ai Xiaomi took out her mobile phone from her pocket, rummaged through it, and showed Yang Junrong a photo of Leslie Cheung starring Chen Qiangfu.

"Oh my god!" Yang Junrong couldn't believe his eyes at all.

This Chen Qiangfu and the Leslie Cheung actor he saw in the movie have two completely different faces. Apart from the slight similarity in their outer contours, they basically have nothing in common.

Chen Qiangfu's eyes are relatively small, his lips are square, and his teeth are not very good-looking. The facial features of his entire face seem to have been pinched together by someone's hands. It looks weird no matter what.

If Ai Xiaomi hadn't insisted that he was the leading actor in this drama, Yang Junrong would never have believed it.

"This this…"

Yang Junrong had been here for a long time and didn't know what to say.

Because what he saw today really peaked his knowledge.

Who would have thought that the difference between the real actor and his image in the movie is so big, and Yang Junrong has no way to connect with the Leslie Cheung in his mind.

"Are you telling me that they are the same person?"

Yang Junrong looked at the photos on his phone, then looked back at the big screen.

Although there is no playback on the big screen now and it has become dark, he is telling everyone with his actions that this is completely impossible.

I don't believe this is the same person.

"It's the same person." Cao Yang said with a smile, "This is precisely the biggest charm of AI face-changing technology, which can completely transform one person's face into that of another person."

"Of course, there are some details that are not so consistent and perfect," Liu Guangran took over and said, "But in the post-production, we repaired those small flaws together, at least they cannot be seen on the big screen. of."

Yang Junrong was completely stunned.

If you can't see it on a large screen with such a high resolution, then to what extent can you tell it?

But it's normal if you think about it carefully, because Yang Junrong himself didn't recognize it when watching the movie just now, let alone the general audience.

And the most surprising thing is that the actor himself is very different from Leslie Cheung.

"The performance itself still depends on the actor's strength," Ai Xiaomi said to Yang Junrong. "As the leading actor, Chen Qiangfu himself has figured out the behavior of many of his brothers during his lifetime, so he can do very similar things in the movie. His hard work is inseparable from his strong basic skills.

For example, if you add a character who only has the skin of Leslie Cheung, but without his soul, whether it is body language, speaking style, or behavioral habits, if he is not the same as Leslie Cheung, then you will definitely not be able to see him. Into Leslie Cheung, right? "


Yang Junrong thought for a moment and nodded with deep approval.

"Then this actor is really amazing."

Although the final effect was achieved through AI face-changing, after Ai Xiaomi's explanation, Yang Junrong also deeply felt the charm of Chen Qiangfu.

This is called a real actor!

"Strong actors and AI face-changing," Yang Junrong said with a smile on his face, "it's really a perfect match."

"This can be considered a good thing." Cao Yang laughed, "In other words, in the future, people can rely on their strength to become popular, not just on their appearance."

Because with AI face-changing, in fact, as long as your acting skills are good enough, you can interpret any face.

For example, if you want to shoot some revolutionary-themed films in the future, you can achieve very realistic effects by finding actors with good acting skills without using complicated makeup methods.

It makes you feel like those historical figures are alive.

Cao Yang fell silent again halfway through his words.

“But it’s also possible to understand it the other way around.”

In other words, with the continuous development of AI technology, in the future, good-looking actors will not need to carefully polish their acting skills. At that time, they will only need to find a capable stuntman and replace their own faces.

Technology is what it is. There is no such thing as good or evil. The key lies in how you use it in the future.

Thinking of these things that might happen in the future, Cao Yang couldn't help but feel worried.

"By the way, after watching it, what do you think of the movie? For example, please comment on the camera language, script, characters, lines, etc.

I accept criticism humbly. "Ai Xiaomi said seriously.

But she added, "But if you want to change it, it will definitely be too late. That's it. I can only try harder next time."

Everyone couldn't help but be amused by her words.

"Ai Xiaomi, Ai Xiaomi, I really can't figure you out." Yang Junrong said with a smile.

Ai Xiaomi stuck out her tongue when she was told that.

"The plot is very good. I was very involved in the drama just now," Cao Yang said. "Singing and dancing are actually my weakness, but the whole scene was shot very beautifully. When the singing and dancing appeared, I didn't feel it at all. I was embarrassed, but I was led in and found it very charming.

I think being able to achieve this is enough to prove that this movie is very good, right? "

"Yes, this movie is really perfect in terms of script, actors' performances, singing and dancing, camera movements and costumes," Yang Junrong said.

Xie Tingfeng also sighed, "Seriously, if you find a real brother to shoot, that's the effect, right?"

Ai Xiaomi laughed so hard that her branches trembled with laughter, and she was elated by their praise.

This script is basically Ai Xiaomi's original work. She is not sure how it will turn out in the end, but it is a reassurance that it has received such high praise from everyone.

"Wow, with AI face-changing, I have to be careful when connecting with you on the Internet in the future. I don't know if it's a real person or someone pretending to be connected." Yang Junrong suddenly reacted.

This technology is actually not difficult, and the code is also very simple. As long as you understand the principle, it is not complicated to do what you want to do. It is just that the algorithm has certain advantages and disadvantages, and there is a certain threshold if you want to make things more precise.

But if the technology is in the hands of criminals, it will be a real problem.

For example, some people maliciously use AI face-changing to make short movies with celebrity faces, and some people may use AI face-changing to commit fraud. These are things that need to be guarded against in the future.

However, Cao Yang sometimes also thinks, isn't it always the dream of mankind to make other things more and more human-like, even difficult to distinguish?

Especially after the invention of the computer, Turing proposed the Turing test, and countless scientists followed suit, and even science fiction novelists were making similar descriptions -

One day in the future, people will no longer be able to distinguish between robots and humans, which will lead to a series of chaos.

However, for scientists, this day may be the day when their ideals come true.

"Don't worry, at most we will be like Zou Jielun, asking you for some pocket money or something." Cao Yang said with a smile.

Yang Junrong was stunned for a moment, then smiled and punched him with his hand, "Nonsense, Zou Jielun usually gives me pocket money."


Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then they all started laughing.


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thank you all

See you tomorrow (End of chapter)

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