The Rebirth of the Male God Starts From Playing Games

Vol 2 Chapter 690: 691. Can’t hide it

Chapter 690 691. Unable to hide

  On March 14, 2011, Cao Yang received a call from Zhang Xia of Junming Law Firm.

The first sentence of the phone call was, "Mr. Cao, Teacher Fang is ill and hospitalized. Please come over and take a look when you have time. Maybe..."

(If you don’t remember who Professor Fang is, please read Chapters 165 to 170 of this book)

Zhang Xia's choked voice came from the other end of the phone and said, "There may not be much time left."

What? !

Cao Yang was extremely shocked when he received the news.

Professor Fang Qiong, a senior professor at China University of Political Science and Law, is also one of the drafters of our country’s company law. After entering the Internet era, Teacher Fang is still working hard to improve relevant laws and regulations and has made many outstanding contributions. contribute.

Her students are all over the world. Over time, many of them are now working in legal departments. Professor Fang can be said to have made the greatest contribution and played an important role in promoting the modern legal process.

At the same time, Professor Fang can be said to be the founder of Bomi’s Legal Department. Although she does not work in Bomi Company, basically all the executives in Bomi’s legal department were recommended by Teacher Fang precisely because of her experience. Through hard work, Bomi's legal department has strong strength and interpersonal relationships, and is in an invincible position in many rights protection cases.

In addition, Bomi's legal department also helped Xinzhong International win a lawsuit over property rights disputes last year.

It can’t be said that the battle was completely won, at least it was completely cut, and a price of more than 18 billion US dollars was paid. At the same time, all the related technologies already mastered by Xinzhong International for Ji Radio have been authorized, and there will not be any big problems in the future. dispute.

At this point, Core International can finally develop its own chip technology normally without letting others get stuck.

Therefore, in addition to technical support, some things also need legal support.

Fang Qiong really made a huge contribution in it.

Cao Yang originally wanted to find time to thank her, but he was usually tight and didn't have time. He didn't expect that the first call he received after the year about Professor Fang was that she was already hospitalized, and Zhang Xia's tone was very It's scary, and it says "time is running out".

After asking about which hospital Fang Qiong lived in, what ward, and what ward number it was, Cao Yang asked his secretary to bring a bunch of gifts in the afternoon and then went to the hospital.

Teacher Fang lives in the oncology ward of Union Hospital.

Although Cao Yang had already had a premonition, when he heard the words "oncology department", he was still frightened for no reason.

The so-called oncology department is basically related to cancer.

No wonder Zhang Xia said on the phone that Professor Fang didn't have much time left.

When he thought of this, Cao Yang felt a little sore in his nose. He remembered that when he went to Teacher Fang's house for dinner for the first time, this little old lady was very energetic and straight. Although she was small, she was very straight. It looks particularly elegant.

At that time, in order to win over Fang Qiong and let him help Bomi Company establish the legal department, Cao Yang also followed her to the hospital to take care of Teacher Fang's father.

Teacher Fang's father was hospitalized for a cerebral infarction. It was not very convenient for Fang Qiong, a girl, to take care of him, so Cao Yang often ran to the hospital. It was under this situation of playing the emotional card that Fang Qiong was moved by Cao Yang's behavior and was willing to help. He looked for people to find connections, and that's how Bomi's legal department came to be.

Professor Fang's father passed away five years ago, also due to cerebral infarction. After all, he had suffered many attacks. In fact, the brain has become quite fragile. Many blood vessels and nerves have experienced large-scale decline. Later, it was really The cerebral infarction was too large and could not be rescued, so he passed away.

From that day on, Teacher Fang truly became a loner. Cao Yang still clearly remembered that time, Teacher Fang cried for a long time. A strong woman like her would never shed tears easily if she had to be strong all her life, but that time She really cried heartbrokenly, and Cao Yang tried to comfort her for a long time but couldn't respond.

Since Teacher Fang's father left, Cao Yang has found time to visit her or arrange for someone to take care of her. Although Professor Fang likes people to visit his home, he doesn't want to disturb Cao Yang.

After all, according to her words, Cao Yang devotes his time to work, does more good things that benefit the country and the people, provides more jobs, promotes the construction and development of the Internet, and at the same time improves related information security, laws and regulations, such as Going to see her was far more important.

What a selfless person.

Cao Yang has not gone astray and become an evil dragon. To a large extent, Professor Fang is restraining and spurring him from behind, so he is still very grateful to Professor Fang.

Unexpectedly, after a few years, Teacher Fang himself would now be admitted to the hospital.

I can only say that time passed too fast.

Time is something that catches you off guard. It brings you all the good things, but it ruthlessly deprives you of them.

After searching inside the hospital for a while, Cao Yang and his little secretary found the room where Teacher Fang Qiong was.

When entering the ward, Cao Yang was stunned for a moment.

On the hospital bed by the window inside, a little old lady held up pillows high, sat on the bed, and read a book while wearing a pair of reading glasses.

The book in my hand is called "Theory of Moral Sentiments"

The cup next to her contained her dentures.

However, this little old lady had sunken cheeks and abnormally slender limbs. Although she was wearing a hospital gown, she clearly felt that the clothes were empty.

Because he did not wear dentures, Teacher Fang's mouth looked extremely dry, as if his entire head had shrunk by one-third.

She looks like a skeleton covered with skin. Except for her bright eyes, it is difficult for people to associate her with a university professor.

You might even suspect that if she used a little more force, she might break the fingers that turn the pages of the book, giving people a sense of frailty.

Compared with the Fang Qiong in Cao Yang's previous memory, he simply couldn't believe that the old lady lying on the hospital bed now was the Professor Fang he was familiar with.

Cao Yang's eyes suddenly became moist.

He stood at the door and did not dare to go in. After a while, Professor Fang discovered them first.

"Hey? Xiao Cao? Why are you here?" Teacher Fang looked very excited. Seeing them now, it was like meeting his family.

But as if he remembered something, Professor Fang just shouted, then quickly picked up the dentures from the water glass next to him, turned his back and put them on.

During this time, Cao Yang and the secretary gathered their emotions, and then the two of them walked towards the ward.

In addition to Professor Fang, there is another old lady living in the hospital bed next door.

It seemed that she was particularly happy to see Professor Fang's relatives coming to visit her.

"Teacher Fang, let's come to see you." Cao Yang said, and the two secretaries followed him to put milk, fruits, and other consolation items needed by the patients next to Teacher Fang's bed.

Each inpatient is equipped with a bedside table. Under this cabinet is a box that can be put in. If it cannot be placed, it can be placed under the bed.

Seeing that they had brought things over, Teacher Fang pretended to be angry and said, "Who asked you to bring things over? I don't even eat these things, so I might as well chat with you."

"There will definitely be talk about the day, but there should be no shortage of gifts." Cao Yang said with a smile, "These are all for you. I wish you a speedy recovery."

Although Zhang Xia said that Teacher Fang did not have much time, no one exposed this.

Teacher Fang didn't care that much and let them go.

After several people sat down, they chatted with each other for a while.

Cao Yang looked at the surrounding environment and blurted out, "Teacher Fang, why don't you live in a single room?"

Logically speaking, Fang Qiong is a very influential person, and the most important thing is that she has a close relationship with Cao Yang. For a company as big as Bomi, it is easy for Teacher Fang to live in a good room. things.

If necessary, Cao Yang can find a private plane to take her to the best hospital in the world in the afternoon so that she can receive the best treatment.

Even if Teacher Fang wants to live a few more years and see the future, Cao Yang will find a way to get the most advanced team to do cryonics for her. When the technical conditions are available in 70 or 100 years, she can be resurrected. return.

"Why do you want to live in a single room?" Professor Fang stared at Cao Yang, looking very angry, wishing he could reach out his hand and hit him on the head.

"I've taught you all this in vain before? Aren't we all the same? Why do we need to be special and differentiated? These are all pedantic! I have been innocent for most of my life, don't you kid? I'll give you some sewage at the last minute."

Professor Fang is good at everything, but he has always been too serious in his life. Especially when it comes to his reputation, he is even more cautious, for fear of giving any excuse to others.

Even though she helped Bomi a lot, Cao Yang wanted to thank her. Teacher Fang didn't want anything over 100 yuan. This person really valued reputation more than life.

If you think about it from this perspective, Cao Yang's plan to get her to live in the beautiful country is probably not feasible.

"Yes, yes, you are the purest." Cao Yang smiled and nodded.

Although everyone else was respectful to Cao Yang, this little old lady basically never regarded Boss Cao as a boss. If there were any special feelings, it would be the relationship between teacher and student, mother and child.

Teacher Fang glanced at Cao Yang's back and the door a few times, and said with some disappointment, "Why didn't you bring little Sining with you today?"

"She's still in school. I'll bring her over on the weekend."

I have to say that Professor Fang still likes Cao Sining. After all, Teacher Fang was one of the witnesses of Cao Sining's birth in the hospital at that time. Unfortunately, Pei Siqing gave birth to the baby at that time and did not let Teacher Fang hold it, mainly because he was afraid that the baby would be more awkward after birth. weak.

Professor Fang has been single all his life and has no children, so he is extremely happy to see the children.

But I’m not very happy if I don’t see the children.

The sunshine is just right today, streaming in from outside the window, making it warm and very cozy.

The surrounding walls are white and everything is so bright.

Cao Yang sat on a chair, chatting with Professor Fang nonstop with his little secretary, and time slowly passed.

Cao Yang suddenly felt a little dazed. In this situation, it seemed that he had not enjoyed such a leisurely and slow-paced life for a long time.

Although I was in Professor Fang's ward, I felt like I was home.

And Teacher Fang is more than just a teacher to him.

Cao Yang's impression of her was that she was in her 60s, but he didn't know that Professor Fang was now in his 70s.

"Huh? You are actually going to be the adult representative." Professor Fang couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth when he heard about Cao Yang's nomination of the adult representative.

"No, it's just a nomination. There needs to be a process." Cao Yang explained.

"That's basically stable." Teacher Fang said with a smile, "That's great. This way you will have more capabilities to improve Internet companies in the future."

"More than that." Cao Yang quickly interrupted her, "You underestimate me too much. After becoming a representative of adults, I can do a lot more things."

Professor Fang was stunned for a moment, then stretched out his hand and tapped Cao Yang on the head.

"If you have some power, you will be swollen!"

I saw the little secretary next to me snickering.

Who else in this world can control the boss like Teacher Fang?

"Of course I am here to do good things, and I will definitely live up to your teachings." Cao Yang covered his sore forehead and said, "Teacher Fang, I asked you, a patient, why do you use so much strength?"

Teacher Fang was stunned for a moment and laughed angrily at this guy.

"Isn't it because you are naughty?"

After careful research, it turned out that Professor Fang Qiong had [lung cancer] and it was already in the advanced stage when he was diagnosed.

Cancer cells spread very quickly and have basically spread all over the body. In Zhang Xia's words, "There is not much time left."

Cao Yang and Zhuang Yurou felt bitter after hearing this.

Thinking about the time when the two of them went to Teacher Shang's house, the little old lady looked quite energetic.

Although she is still very energetic now, she is always a little reluctant, especially her frame which is really shocking and heartbreaking.

Cao Yang sighed and said, "So, we should smoke less, drink less, and take care of our bodies. How come it's like this?"

"Who said you won't get lung cancer if you don't smoke?" Professor Fang coughed twice and said with a smile, "It seems that you don't know much about the relevant knowledge. Lung cancer is often a hereditary disease, but smoking does increase the risk of cancer. It’s just a risk.”

Cao Yang clicked his lips, "It seems that Teacher Fang, you smoke a lot in private, and you haven't denied the fact that you smoke."

In fact, as he got older and worried about the country and the people, Teacher Fang would smoke some women's cigarettes at night. He got a little addicted to it, but he stopped completely after going to the hospital.

There's nothing you can do about it if you don't quit smoking, the condition is like this.

Teacher Fang coughed a few times, waved his hands and smiled, not daring to look into Cao Yang's eyes.

I can only say that this young man is a ghost.

After a while, Cao Yang remembered something and his eyes fell on the photos above the bed.

That was the first time Cao Yang entered Teacher Fang's home and saw some photos. Teacher Fang in the photos was still very young, probably during the years when she went to the countryside to teach.

The young teacher Fang was gentle and charming, completely immaculate. Next to her stood a silly man wearing a red sweater, a white shirt and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses. The two of them were not very close to each other. Close, but looking extremely nervous.

Cao Yang couldn't help but think of the object of Teacher Fang's admiration when he was young.

He smiled and teased, "Look, Teacher Fang, if you didn't have a child when you were young, you wouldn't even have anyone to miss you at this time."

Professor Fang immediately blushed, then stretched out his hand and patted Cao Yang **** the arm.

"I mean the person who misses you. Not the person you miss."

Cao Yang smiled, "I must miss you."

Professor Fang frowned slightly and glared at Cao Yang fiercely.

A wicked person cannot hide the look in his eyes that wants to kill someone.


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