It happened suddenly.

Plus the incredible speed of thermal weapons.

Even Little Tiger couldn’t react.

Even if it subconsciously wanted to pounce, it was still a step slower.

Chu Xuan also saw the pitch-black iron pimple and saw the fireworks spewed out from the barrel.

But he was undaunted.


A line of blood rushed out from his palm.

It appeared like blood-colored lightning.


The bullet hit that line of blood.

It’s like hitting an iron plate.

Suddenly, it veered off course and shot into the crowd.

Only listening to ah, a man fell to the sky and fell in a pool of blood.

The bullet pierced his eye socket with pinpoint and through his brain.

Zhao Hong’s eyes widened.

What is that blood line?

Can actually block bullets?!

He roared and shot again.

Bang bang!

This time, three shots in a row!


Every bullet was easily blocked by that bloody line.

The three bullets were all deflected, and instead of killing Chu Xuan, they shot down the three younger brothers of the Linghou Gang.

Zhao Hong was stunned.

He had only four bullets in total.

All of them were actually prevented.

He can see it now.

That blood line is clearly a big blood-colored worm!

This young man can not only control zombies, but also control bugs!

It’s terrible!

Chu Xuan stretched out his hand and gently stroked the blood wire.

He said lightly, “This gun is your last reliance?” ”


Zhao Hong was paralyzed.

One ass sat down on the ground.

There was no thought of resistance.

“The Greyhound Gang is yours…”

“Spare my life.”

Zhao Hong swallowed his spit and said sincerely.

After speaking, he was actually kneeling on both knees, without the slightest arrogance of the Linghou Gang boss.

He already saw it.

The young man in front of him is simply a monster.

He couldn’t compare with this man.

His net worth and life are already in the hands of the other party.

Now you have to be sincere in order to have a chance to survive.

Chu Xuan shook his head.

“I am satisfied with your body, the spirit dog has helped me, and I want you too.”

Zhao Hong was stunned for a moment, and suddenly seemed to think of something, and a look of shock flashed under his eyes.

“This… I…… I’m not a man.

He said a little squirmingly, “But if I have to force it, I can’t…” The

younger brothers around looked confused.

I grass.

Is this still our high-ranking Boss Zhao.

In order to survive, he could even agree to this kind of thing.

Chu Xuan smiled dumbly.


I’m not good either.

Chu Xuan said calmly, “Little Tiger, tie him up for me and throw him on the rooftop.”

“Little leopard, you stay here with two dogs, and no one is allowed to leave.”


The tiger and leopard roared and took orders.

The little brothers of the Greyhound Gang looked at each other.

Zhao Hongdu had already knelt down and relented, and they naturally did not dare to run around.

For them, this is at best a change of boss.

The city head changes the banner of the king, and whoever is the boss has to use these little brothers.

That young man can’t be a light pole commander, right?

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Thinking of this, the people gradually calmed down and returned to their rooms, what to do.

Howther Hotel, rooftop.

Xiaohu brought a clean recliner, and Chu Xuan lay down comfortably.

Zhao Hong knelt in front of Chu Xuan with a smile, “Big brother, what posture do you want?” I can do both. Chu

Xuan’s pupils flashed purple light, releasing his Dementor Pupil again.

“I ask, you answer.”

Zhao Hong struggled a little at first, but within half a minute, he became a puppet.

Whatever Chu Xuan asked, he said.

After a moment, the power of the Dementor Pupil gradually disappeared.

Chu Xuan had already got the information he wanted from Zhao Hong’s mind.

“Psionics… A first-level transcendent… Extraordinary talent?

“Kind of interesting.”

Chu Xuan was quite interested.

This planet is called Ocean Bluestar, and the country located is the Yanhan Celestial Dynasty, which is a centralized imperial state.

This place is Donghu City under the jurisdiction of Linjiang Province of the Yanhan Dynasty.

There are two big forces in Donghu City, namely the Linghou Gang and the Black Frontier Security Company.

Zhao Hong’s information was obtained from the Black Front Security Company.

The thing that caused the zombie outbreak was not a virus, but psionic energy.

It’s just that ordinary people can’t withstand the baptism of this energy, genes will collapse, the body will mutate, and eventually become a bloodthirsty monster, that is, a zombie.

Some people can withstand it, but they fail to awaken their talent, but their physique is slightly stronger, that is, ordinary people.

Some people not only endure, but also awaken extraordinary talents, and their physiques are also extremely strong, which is the transcendent person.

Zhao Hong, before the zombie outbreak, was a dog meat dealer.

Wandering around the outskirts of Donghu City all day, stealing domestic dogs while no one was paying attention, killing and selling meat.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that his awakened extraordinary talent is “dog taming”.

Born to suppress greyhounds.

Transcendent beings are divided into levels one to nine.

If there is a spiritual energy core in the body, it is called a first-level transcendent being.

If there are two, it is a second-level transcendent and so on.

Zhao Hong is a first-class transcendent.

“Great… Big brother, I am … What’s wrong?

Zhao Hong was dizzy for a while.

He didn’t know what had just happened.

Chu Xuan didn’t say much, but turned around and began to prepare the corpse refining liquid.

Zhao Hong is a first-class transcendent with extremely strong physical fitness.

The corpse refining potion liquid naturally had to be the best, otherwise it would just waste his physical endowments.

This time, Chu Xuan took longer to prepare.

It took two hours to get ready.

“Okay, put him in.”

Chu Xuan waved his hand.

Tiger faithfully carries out the order.

Zhao Hong looked at the black medicinal liquid in the bathtub, revealing a look of fear, “Big brother, didn’t you say spare my life, what the hell is this for!”

Chu Xuan grinned, “Bubble well, you will become stronger, come on.”

Zhao Hong swallowed his spit.

I always felt that Chu Xuan was teasing him.


Zhao Hong was stuffed into the bathtub by Xiaohu’s head.

He desperately wanted to stick out his head, but he was always suppressed by the huge force of the little tiger.

After grunting a few large sips, Zhao Hong fell silent.

Apparently in a coma.

Chu Xuan took a sip of instant milk tea and nodded slightly.

Considering Zhao Hong’s physical fitness, he specially added Requiem Grass to the corpse refining liquid.

This thing can hypnotize.

Perfect for Zhao Hong.

Chu Xuan took the milk tea and came to the edge of the rooftop, standing here to get an unobstructed view of the situation in the hotel.

He could see the members of the Greyhound Gang, bored together.

Someone is playing cards, someone is chatting.

There are also people who are idle and have nothing to do, and are actually fighting.

“People, eat and drink every day.”

“There will always be people who have malicious intentions towards me.”

“This Linghu gang is doing things that hurt heaven and reason, there are few good people, and killing them does not reduce merit.”

“In that case, it’s better to refine them all into Yin Corpses.”

“The dead are more obedient than the living.”

Chu Xuan took a sip of steaming milk tea and thought thoughtfully.

“Little Tiger, you choose by yourself, the strong ones will keep the refining corpse, and the rest will be used as rations.”

When Xiaohu heard this, he immediately roared excitedly.

Chu Xuan frowned, “Hey, leave some for the little leopard, leave some for the blood wire, don’t eat it all alone.”

Little Tiger nodded aggrievedly, and then rushed down excitedly.

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