In the Haotai Hotel, a bloody feast was set off.

Little tiger, little leopard, plus two spirit dogs, have the strength to completely suppress ordinary people.

Everywhere it passed, there was a bloody wind.

The screams were endless.

Chu Xuan thought thoughtfully.

Zhao Hong once mentioned the term “high-level zombie”.

According to Zhao Hong, zombies are also divided into three, six and nine.

Advanced zombies are just a general generalization.

Above ordinary zombies, there are first-level zombies, and the spiritual energy in the body is condensed into a solid spiritual energy core.

The strength is comparable to that of a first-level transcendent person.

Further up, there are second-level zombies, comparable to second-level transcendents.

However, Zhao Hong has only seen a few first-level zombies, and as for the second-level zombies, he has never seen them.

“Psionic core? If you have to compare, it should refer to Jindan and Corpse Dan, right?

“Jindan, it is only the cultivators of the Jindan period that can condense. The corpse pill must also be a corpse that is comparable to the cultivators of the Golden Pill period to condense.

“My two Yin Corpses are still long away from condensing corpse pills, if according to the transcendent system here, how many levels of zombies are they?”

Chu Xuan chuckled a few times, too lazy to think about it.

After all, it is not the same system, and it cannot be generalized.

A moment later, Little Tiger came to the rooftop with six strong men.

The six people couldn’t stop talking.

One person even got his crotch wet, and he was so frightened that he was incontinent.


Little Tiger still had half a finger at the corner of his mouth, and it swallowed it in one bite, only then roared a few times, indicating that he had completed the task.

Chu Xuan bowed his head slightly, taking advantage of this time, he had already prepared six corpse refining liquids.

With a wave of his hand, he asked Little Tiger to throw them into the bathtub and start refining corpses.

He harnessed the flying magic weapon, centered on the Howther Hotel, and began to look for a place where a large number of zombies gathered.

He never forgot his purpose this time.

That is to arrange the blood array, and sacrifice a large number of zombies in blood!


Chu Xuan harnessed the flying sword and soared in the sky.

Without the various industrial activities of human beings, the sky of Aquamarine appears very clear.

Chu Xuan looked down below, and it was a desolate scene.

Above the high-rise buildings, a large number of green vines grow.

I don’t know how these vines climb hundreds of meters tall.

Perhaps plants, like animals, have been influenced by spiritual energy and have undergone some abnormalities.

Chu Xuan flew around, probing the situation below from time to time, and shook his head repeatedly.

He was dissatisfied.

The zombies in many places are scattered sparsely.

It is not cost-effective to use the Blood Transformation Array in this way.

After all, Spirit Stones are needed to urge the Blood Transformation Array!

These spirit stones in his hand, at best, supported the Blood Transformation Array for about half an hour.

“Huh? Nice there. Chu

Xuan’s eyes lit up.

He suddenly found that in a rotten building that had not yet been built, thousands of zombies were gathered.

Moreover, at this moment, these zombies are still rushing upwards.

It seems that something is attracting them.

Chu Xuan immediately harnessed the flying sword and approached.

At this moment, the high-rise building of the rotten tail.

Two sturdy men dressed in black and civilian clothes escorted an old man and rushed towards the highest level.

The old man was already covered in sweat, almost being set up by two men and galloping.

But even so, he still clings to a large box and never lets go.

A moment later, they arrived at the rooftop.

Two men in black took out the walkie-talkie and sent out a rescue signal.

They brought all the furniture they could find and pressed the small door of the roof to delay the time when the zombies rushed to the roof.

The old man collapsed on the ground, panting heavily.

After a while, he said, “Two, I’m just a drag oil bottle, and you can’t live with me.”

“This third-level spiritual energy core is handed over to you, leave me here.”

“This is a lot of human lives, and there is no room for error.”

Saying that, he handed over the large box in his arms, his expression solemn and solemn.

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Both men in black immediately shook their heads.

One of them, named Zhuang Qiang, said seriously, “Elder Zheng, you are the chief of our Linjiang Provincial Institute of Life Sciences, and your life is more valuable than ours.

“Even if we die, you can’t die.”

The other, Sun Meng, comforted, “Don’t worry, we have already contacted the Black Front Security Company here before we come, and they will send a helicopter to pick us up.” ”

The rescue signal has been sent and they should act ahead of schedule.”

“As long as we can hold on, we can survive.”

Elder Zheng sighed lightly, “The world is changeable, I’m afraid I can’t count on them…”

A few minutes later.

Bang, bang!

The scratching and roaring sounds of zombies came out.

Obviously, the pursuing zombies had smelled the breath of the living and were desperately squeezing away the furniture.

Zhuang Qiang and Sun Meng’s faces changed slightly, and they quickly rushed over and pressed the furniture with their own strength.

However, how can two people compare with thousands of zombies.

Just listen to the boom.

The furniture can be slammed open.

A large number of zombies surged out, and Zhuang Qiang, Sun Meng, and Zheng Lao’s pupils shrank.

So many zombies around.

They will definitely not live.

At this moment, a sword groan sounded in the sky.

The next moment, a young figure descended from the sky.

The long sleeves were rolled up, and the wind rushed out.

Then, the three were surprised to see that these zombies suddenly turned into headless flies.

Even if a few living people stand in front of them, they cannot see or smell.

The young man flicked his fingers, and a wisp of breath shot out and shot into the corridor.

The zombies were like hungry wolves smelling meat and rushed over.

In an instant, all the zombies rushed into the corridor.

The young man waved casually, and the small door of the roof slammed shut.

He stepped forward and took out a piece of yellow paper and pasted it on it.

After doing this, the young man came to the three of them with his hands tied.

The two men rounded their eyes, only feeling that the young man was simply a fairy.

Elder Zheng looked at the young man.

The attire of the young man in front of him was very similar to those cultivators in the Xiuxian novel.

He couldn’t imagine that such a person would appear in front of his eyes.

“Dare to ask, what did you do just now, why don’t the zombies attack us?” Zhuang Qiang couldn’t help but ask.

Chu Xuan said casually, “It’s just a small spell, and it converges the breath.” ”

Breath Gathering Technique, a spell under the refining period.

Can completely converge the breath.

Zombies have poor eyesight and attack the living by smell.

Fang Cai used the Breath Gathering Technique to completely hide the breath of several people.

These zombies naturally become headless flies.

Then, he shot out a wisp of living breath, and the zombie immediately chased out.

Zhuang Qiang also wanted to ask, but the small door on the roof was slammed again.

After that, there was the roar of a large number of zombies.

The three of them suddenly tightened and subconsciously retreated.

However, they were surprised to find that the small door suddenly became extremely strong.

No matter how many zombies knocked, it was actually not damaged.

“Don’t worry, I put up a rock talisman, they can’t break through this door.”

Chu Xuan said casually.

The rock talisman is a talisman basket under the refining period, which can be strengthened by sticking to various utensils.

It not only strengthens hardness, but also delays durability.

With the power of these ordinary zombies, a thousand heads together, maybe it can be broken.

But in such a small space, there are at most a dozen heads attacking together at the same time.

One Rock Talisman is enough to cope.

The three of them only felt the clouds and fog.

Rock Talisman? What is it?

Chu Xuan looked at the three of them, and finally froze in the box in the old man’s arms.

“What is this, the zombie is chasing it.”

He asked, pointing to the box.

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