The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 3 Chapter 2: Manufacturing Zac

"So quiet.? Eight? One Chinese? Text W? W? W ?. ㈠ 8㈠ 1? Z㈧W ?. ㈧C? O㈧M

"Well, be quiet. What are you looking forward to, everyone is going to the wedding. Only you and me, you, and me." Zager couldn't express his expression, but the tone had already explained everything. I don't want to be alone with Zac.

"Yeah, everyone is going to the wedding." Zac tilted his head, and the ghost knew what he was thinking.

"What are you going to do?" Zagar's voice was a little quick, because Zac was dressing up.

"Go out." He raised his hand and pressed the brim, and brought sunglasses, facing the mirror, "Perfect ~"

"Uh, what?"

"Go out ~" Zac smiled at Zagar. "Since everyone has gone to the wedding, I don't need to be stuck here anymore ~"

The joy of not being alone with Zac only lasted for a while, helpless, "You can't go out."

"Why?" Zac had already reached the door and smiled back to answer.

"Don't think I don't know what you are going to do, I am you, I know what you are thinking." Zagar's tone was serious.

"So you know what I want to do, because you are me, this should be what you want to do, but you don't support what you want to do, because this is what I want to do, because, you are me?" Zack Leaning on the door, he smiled and said that the tongue twister was completely meaningless.

"Uh, please, don't go back to this."

"Back to what?"

"Back to this! I am me, and you are you. Despite how consistent our ideas are, we are still different people. But Zac, I am very sorry, I am you! And you like me, do not want to live! Mature, accept reality!"

Let's take a closer look at the reasons why Zagel is unwilling to be alone with Zac. Believe me, important information will be expressed here.

Speaking of the front, of course ~ do n’t want to be resurrected by Zac is the most root cause, but it turns out that Zac is just such a constant statement on his mouth, with his ability as a vampire, to resurrect such things, he has no clues, Therefore, as long as Zager has a bigger heart, he can automatically filter these things that Zac said, when they do not exist.

What really makes Zager unbearable is the new problems that have emerged in these days, which are regarded as the extension of the resurrection.

Zac seemed to have changed the way to advance his intentions. He began to ask Zagel, ‘after’, “when you ’re fully‘ resurrected ’and start your life, what are you going to do?”

There is a serious loophole in this question, ‘His own life’, Zager will not have his own life, he is Zac ’s life. There won't be two independent individuals, just one Zac, one Zac that is copied! There is only one Zac in the world. He has done all the things Zac needs to do in his life.

So Zagar has been avoiding this problem. On several occasions, he was almost forced to say, "Look at your Louise first!" But fortunately. The reason to hold back, ‘I ’m going to grab my own girlfriend’, as weird as weird.

Evasion, that is, no answer after hearing, just silence, Zager can't escape Zac, Papa's gift at midnight, the 'Lotus' on his chest. No matter how many fabrics Zagel asks Morin to cover on his body, the lotus will be clearly marked on him. Zac can easily find him among a bunch of models, and then, "Hey ~ Gore ~ ​​What's your thinking? What will you do afterwards? "

The last time this question appeared, Zager gave this answer: "Don't ask me what I am going to do! I will do nothing! Because I will not be resurrected! I am going to die! Calm! Not disturbed of!"

So Zac gave Zagger a little calm, today, continue.

Zach raised his eyebrows, "You said 'you like me'." She tilted her head. "Interesting expression, so you at least admit that you and me are at least physically different." Zach With a smile, "You also think that you are more mature than me ~"

If Zagle ’s eyes are flexible enough, he will roll his eyes, but obviously his production is not so good, “Stop, you know very well, I can say anything you want to say, your thoughts, I know very well. You do n’t May guide me as you manipulate others, and achieve your goal! Give up.

"If you know me so much, or, according to your own ideas you insist on, tell me, how will I guide you? Then what kind of goals will you achieve?"

"Look! This is my point of view! You, I don't know, when, when, stop! Do you think that let me say it and let me admit that I am different from you? No! We are the same! Every Every coin has ... "

Zac took it in. "Two sides." It was actually very offensive behavior, and he answered. But the purpose is also very obvious. Zager refused to talk about Zac ’s ideas, then Zac said about Zac ’s ideas, hum, anyway, are they two alone, "Every idea, every sentence, every This behavior has two sides. We are all in some, huh, many things, the execution is the same side. The result of this execution defines us and defines 'Zack'. "Laughs because this sentence itself is very It ’s ridiculous that the person who performed any of the actions of this person, Zack, was Zack. Zager was only copied from all Zack ’s actions. , The coin began to spin, and we had our first disagreement. Live or die. "

Zagel was quiet for a while, as if after a helpless, tiny sigh, "I never expected you to understand. You are not, a brain that only thinks, you are not, a manufactured thing. But I am, I It ’s a tomato, but it has the idea of ​​a vampire named Zac. You ca n’t understand that while I live under the continuation of 'Zac', I look at my life as a tomato. "

"Tomato, interesting choice." Zac smiled again, tilting his head, "I will choose, uh, cup, use the cup as a metaphor. You know ~ avoid any food, decorations, and I will be in the category of practical tools. Choose something to compare with you. "

Zagar stayed quiet for a while, and then the voice came with helplessness that seemed to be uncontrollable. "You don't want to belittle yourself, so avoid doomed food and ornaments that have no real value."

"Yeah ~ Oh, there is a person who understands himself, how beautiful ~"

"Uh, I can't believe I would say that, I'm not saved, I hate myself! I'm a stubborn, childish, naughty shit! Make me want ..."

Zac very efficiently connected, "Destroy something." A shrug, "Well, I seem to have this bad habit. When I feel frustrated, I want to destroy something. Just like I realized The Thirteen Clan can never win the war with the belief in witchcraft, so I destroyed the Thirteen Clan. "With a relaxed tone," When the wizard family in the middle hindered the exhibition of the hidden alliance, I destroyed the relationship between the wizard and the werewolf. When When the exhibition of the Secret Alliance started to be bloated, I broke the Secret Alliance. Wait a minute ~ "Zac spread his hand," bad habits. "There is no undertaking," What do you want to destroy? Now! "Encouraged.

"You! I want to destroy you! You and me, this makes people ..." Oops! Zager stopped.

"Hah!" Zach won, "Finally!" To Zagger, and hugged, "Now, to answer this question, is there anything I, we, want to destroy, but did not succeed? "

At the end, Zagar did not answer.

"No. Not before, not now, so let's destroy this, this‘ you are me, I am you ’hate thing.”

"That makes me die! Simple and easy!"

"Do you end 'Zac's proud eternal life'." Some people think that Zac's way of expressing himself in the third person is very, well, troublesome, "No ~"

"Okay! You win! I lose! I now declare solemnly! I am not you! I am me! I am a tomato who wants to die! I am satisfied with you, now, please, satisfy me!"

"Sorry, cup, I can't satisfy you." It seems that both of them will stick to their analogy. "You can't count on the cup that is the most perfect and best for me in my life. Break it."

"You really ... unreasonable!"

Um ... is this really easy? Once someone is forced to confess his own personal meaning, all these words that completely deny Zach come out.

A wooden hand lay between him and Zac, "You killed 'skin', you ended the 'blood', you also let Oz destroy the 'heart' and 'bone'! Now you are here to say you want Stay me! "

"Correct, I didn't kill 'Pi'. He asked for it myself. At most, I helped him hold down 'Colt' in a small space and told him that there was a trigger." A little bias, "I happen to be a little bit The questions about 'Colt' and the shape changer need to be answered. He can at most count as a guinea pig that is not a loss to anyone. "

The speechless situation was born, and Zagel followed the topic, "You mean the judge Judy."


"Still, I still don't quite understand that you will kill him, let alone boring."

"Look, sometimes, you still don't understand what I'm thinking." Zach shrugged and didn't give up any moment to express his opinion, but his face had a complex look that rarely appeared on Zack's face.

"Do you want me to ask?" It should have been given up, Zager used an aggressive questioning tone.

"No, I'm just thinking about how to describe it." Zac waved his hand. "Maybe you will think I'm naive again." Shaking his head, he had already thought about it, looking at Zagar, "You, first declare that I don't have any Depreciate what you mean. "Pause for a while and make sure that Zagger is listening," You are made, I guess, while you realize that you are Zack, you also realize that you are, made of."

"You can say that." Zagger responded quickly. "But you should know a little. At first, I was just a collection. Your collection, the collection of thoughts and rules of behavior. It is the follow-up work of Xinxinren. Let me With real thinking skills. Hey, you can think of them as a part of me. "

Zac waved his hand. He had stated many times that he did n’t want to know how Zager became the Oz toy. Continue his own words, "You know you are made like this, I am not, I am myself Live like this. Is it easy to understand? "

"Easy, and my consistent point of view, I should die! I shouldn't exist! I have never lived ..."

"We have already turned this point, don't mention it again." Zac was impatient, continue, "So, please imagine, when I, realized that I might have been made, well, What to say, shock. "


"'Pi', the shape-shifter, told me some of Eli Torredo's actions."

"What about you, you told me and Oz." Zager began to be impatient, but immediately, "Wait a minute, you were thinking about Eli Torredo's history, and asked me about How much do humans remember, do n’t ... "

"That's what it is." Zac shook his head, with a complex emotional willingness, "We all know that at the time I didn't pursue the slave's escape for my father, gave up the life of the former human being, and promised to be a good Torrido. It ’s just that I do n’t remember the name of the man who looked like it, and he became a Toledo whose father was not disappointed ... "

Knowing Zac completely and knowing that Zac would probably lead to a philosophical issue here is long-winded, so Zagger interrupted, "You think your father did not comply with your request. What did the descending humans do and erase your memories? After that, everything you did started with this initial, your father's creation of erasing memories at once? Wait a minute. You would not think Eli Torrido is the one ... "

"Lee don't care first. The answer to other questions is, I am an excellent Torrido, but from the origin, it was my father's manufacturing. It ’s now. It ’s manufacturing from the beginning, and then ... "Said, this is a philosophical issue, and Zac knew that he could not express it more clearly, and waved his hand," I said, shocked. "Shaking his head," So I guess I should say I ’m sorry, I did n’t seriously consider the shape-shifter ’s request for death. Only I can satisfy, I will be satisfied. That ’s all. ”

"So it's just a moment of confusion?"

"Yeah." Zac confessed with a curse. "It is gratifying that there is nothing to regret." He glanced at Zagar. "First, let's talk about Eli's question." A serious question, "He is Was he originally living well on the original Big 6, but accepted the magic banquet, and the task of 'finding Toledo' came to the Federation. His first move to gain status at the magic banquet was to imitate me? What I ’m doing in Barton. Imitate me. ”It ’s just to emphasize, do n’t care,“ A few days ago, there was a message in Grand that Sloan told me before he left, the deer who died, And, "I'm sorry." Hey, Zager, Deer, Deer. So, is he? "Zac looked at Zager and asked very seriously.

"Why do you ask me?" The same sentence, if you can, white-eyed, "Now you just make my head messed up. I was made twice? Is this what you want to express?" Zagel, perhaps completely broken.

"Yeah, why should I ask you. What do you know, you know, you should use this to convince me, the consequence of the two people thinking too much is that we will fall into a dead end together." Zack shook his head, "So, take Here comes a new question, what are we going to do with Eli Torredo. Like I did with 'blood', people have passed away in memory, just keep them gone. Or, let's go back to the origin To resist the fate of being made? "

Because it was clear that Zager was useless and could not help a little, Zac was only talking to himself.

But Zagel said, "So you can't wait any longer, you want to go out, before it's too late. I doubted the reason why you let Sloan seem to recycle the 'colt' message. You might let Hami They think that you are using Sloan to make everyone in Barton think that 'Cort' is in Eli's hands, and then the magic feast will ask for 'Cort' to press Eli and force him to appear in person. Papa, who claims to help each other, gives way to midnight. Let this become politics, politics of faith! Papa does not want to hinder the magic feast that still insists on the original purpose of the Lord ’s faith! But I know that something is wrong! Now I understand, you are hesitating! You are protecting Eli! You are delaying his time! Let the Barton aliens not resist the imitation of Eli because of the fear of 'Colt'! You have taken Eli from Patton The ups and downs of the alien and the magic feast are freed! "

Zac looked down. "I just thought of the second argument you should use to persuade me. I was praised by you. I didn't feel satisfied with another praise."


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