The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 3 Chapter 14: Threats to inheritors

"Jam! What are we doing here?" Weiss didn't want to get out of the car at all. He looked sideways at the sign of 'Kozier' and tried to open the case file to refuse to walk with James. "I should look at this The case, my first case in the North District Police Station ... "

The door was pulled open, the seat belt on the chest was unfastened, and the arm was pulled up. ?? Bayi? Chinese W? W㈠W. 81ZW. Com James, regardless of whether Wes is ready or not, forcibly pulled his partner out of the car, looked up at the "Kozier" sign, took a deep breath, and looked back at the speechless Wes, "You need to know Something. "Pulling Weiss into it.

"I need to start work. Someone is dead, James." There was no time to throw the case file back in the car. "We need to go to work, not here." Wes frowned. Pulling with a man in the past is the behavior that Weiss will try to avoid ... If you do n’t understand, do n’t pay attention. Anyway, it ’s because he did n’t resist James ’actions much. To the work area behind the shop.

James seemed very clear about his destination and pushed open a door directly, "Where is he ?!"

This is Maureen ’s studio. Oz Kocher and Maureen are both. Interrupted by this voice, they looked sideways at the two detectives at the door, and then ignored them with a lip. The job-cut the fabric on a model.

"Is he there?" James asked for a reply.

"Why do you ask?" It wasn't a living person's mouth, it was Zagar. "It's okay to look up, no one will stop you."

"Who is talking." Weiss's eyes twitched.

Unanswered, only James pushed him anxiously towards the elevator, and, "I will explain later!"

"No, no, I don't want to know." Wes pursed his lips and began to stare at the beating value, 'enjoying' the movement method that only humans have-using the movement of a space in places where humans cannot reach achieve.


"What you will see next may make you angry! This is normal, don't suppress yourself!" What is James doing? Help Wes do psychological construction?

Wes glanced at James and didn't want to respond.

Knocked on the door.

The voice is gradually approaching-

"Don't stop ~"

Wes froze for a moment. The voice over the door was Zach!

And we should know who Zac speaks to, Nainard. The sound continued to be close to the closed door, do n’t spit out the soundproofing effect of the Kozil apartment door. Someone ca n’t stop anyone who wants someone outside to hear, “We ’re so lucky, we participated in Eli ’s visit last night The client of the inheritor is here ~ "

Just when James's face began to twist, he was pushed away, and Wes stood in front of the door, his hand just pressed against the door handle and opened.

Zac smiled, "Hi ~ Weiss. Surprise! I'm still alive ~"

Weiss's eyes were from top to bottom, then from bottom to top, angry? The opposite.

"Okay ~" Zac raised his arm. "I want to hug you back, but, you know, James doesn't like me to be close to you ~"

Yes, Wes gave Zac a hug.

Is it surprising? do not! Someone is happy that Zac is still alive, let's enjoy this pure joy a little ...

James's face was already dark, "Weiss!" Almost gritted his teeth!

Weiss still hugged Zac and responded in this way, "I'm hugging and saving the old Mel grandson, Chris, Jason, and you! People who have been helping people so that justice can be done!" "Uh, in theory, this is a fact. Zac did stop the" cult ", cracked down on the" violent anti-social groups ", ended the circulation of external toxic-products, and let those who should go to jail ..." So James, shut up! "

Zac put his hand on Weiss's back and patted with a smile on his face. "Thank you ~" Waited for a while, "Now you can let go of me, I start to feel strange ~"

"Well!" Weiss let go of Zac, glared at James, and didn't speak. He glanced inside the door. Nenad was looking at this with a complex emotion. Wes was stunned for a moment, and now he began to feel dazed afterwards.

"What's this?" Zac's movements wouldn't have any stagnation. He walked away with the case file in Weiss's hand, and randomly turned to the house with a gesture of invitation, "New case? In the north? In the southeast, uh ... "Xiao frowned," Execution ... "James had already stepped in front of Zac, forcibly closed the photo of the case opened by Zac, and snatched it away , "Don't look at what you should see !!"

Really familiar taste. Zac shrugged. "So I guess you're not here to ask me to help with the investigation ~" Instead, he smiled at Nenad and said to James, "Yes, you already have a vampire partner You do n’t need me anymore ~ ​​Hehe, it looks like you are having a great time working together, right? James ~ "Non-stop," Come on, Weiss, I know you have a lot of questions. "Go to the bar," Despite asking. "

"Okay!" Weiss walked past James, sat next to Zac, and looked at Nenad. "Meet again, Nenad." Turning to Zac in Zac's slightly surprised look, "I No problem, you are still alive, this is enough! "This is not a sudden awakening. Wes's awakening has already existed. (At the end of the first volume, Wess also said that regardless of James's pain. Words), Weiss is the one who always expected Zac to be alive!

Zac ’s eyes went back and forth several times between Nainard and Weiss, raising an eyebrow. "It ’s Nainard? The one you told me before, when you were still serving in the West, let you live from various tasks. Come down and protect you and James the vampire by your side, is it Naina? "

Nenad seemed to sigh, ignoring James, "I wouldn't say it was protection, my job was just to keep Lance's seed alive." And before seeing Nenad, he almost broke James We on the arm should understand what attitude Nainard's mouth just expresses to keep Lance's seed alive.

It's time to ask an already obvious question, why did James bring Weiss here. See Zach? Do not! It ’s to see Ninaard!

"You need to know one thing first" and "What you will see next will make you angry" are two things! The latter is just the former to be born and comes with effects! Nenad is the protagonist here, Zac is just an incidental!

With a funny smile on Zac's face, he looked at three people. "Oh, I got it, wait a minute, I didn't get it." Zac tilted his head, a little puzzled, and glanced at the gloomy James. , "Why? Why did you bring Wes to meet Nenad?"

The answer was Wes, "Because I was transferred to the North District Police Station, I'm James's new partner." A lip curled and glanced at James with some irritability. "And I told him a lot last week. … ”A little vigilant glance at Nenad,“ Huh, Dadao Li. ”He shook his head helplessly,“ He was probably naively looking for an opportunity to prove to me that his situation is not as simple as I thought. ”Sigh. Looking at Zac, it's the look of 'I hope you understand me', "Rather than let me talk coolly, it is probably a good opportunity for him now, let me see how difficult his situation is."

Zac raised his eyebrows and thought for a moment. Weiss's attitude toward aliens and the way he sees things have always been appreciated by Zac, haven't it been difficult for Zac to guess what Wes, who didn't know he was still alive, would say to James.

So Zac nodded and rarely gave James an admiring look, "Yes, I don't think you are naive." We smiled and patted Weiss, "You should be fair, now. Exactly. If there is an opportunity for James to show his difficult situation, here is the most perfect. "Pointing at yourself, shrugging and skipping, pointing to Nenad," I remember Hamilton ’s arrangement, you It was the one who handed over to the North District Police Station, right. The previous Becky fire accident was for you to supervise Darcy. "Then, I pushed past the report that was always on the bar, all the wavy lines, "And this is the report that last night James and Eli Torredo partnered to threaten the inheritors ..."

Zac was interrupted. "We didn't threaten Linda !!" Naturally James.

"You made me sad." Zac waved at Nainad, as Wes squinted hard, trying to recognize the handwriting on the report. The words were said to James, "You said 'we'" , You and Eli Torredo are so harmonious that you can squeeze into a title, oh, I feel, betrayed, in various senses. "

"You ..." It didn't matter what James wanted to say, because Nenad stared at him as he walked past James, and forced him to shut up.

It is worth noting that the redness in Nainard ’s eyes was withdrawn when confronting Weiss. The difference should not be too obvious. Why? Guess it. At least Naynard ’s “respect” personally respected Weiss ’s alien and right. The attitude of the Demon Banquet, which is much higher than the ignorance of James, "Before you come, I am telling Zack how I think of Eli doing this, saving time." He handed his wrist, actually It's about to let Wes keep up with the progress. Probably didn't want to interrupt in the following conversation and explained to Weiss.

"No, I already knew what happened yesterday." Wes gave up the recognition and pushed away Nainard's wrist, "Jam told me."

Zach gave James the glorified look again, "Yes, very comprehensive ~" To show Weiss his situation in a comprehensive way, Zac thought so.

But, "You don't have to praise him." Weiss pouted, "You didn't show up, he was injured."

"I'm here now." Zac smiled and waved his hand. "I just don't want to send my blood too lowly and proactively. After all, he already has a new partner with the same function, but it's not me ~" Who is now In childish.

"I swear! If you say Eli is my partner again I will ..."

Everyone looked at James. On a rare occasion, everyone wanted to listen to James's post.

Unfortunately, there is no more text, James's face twisted several times and collapsed there.

"He was beaten by Cliff, right in front of the Southern District Police Station." Weiss took a deep breath and stopped looking at James. "Linda is gone."

Zac opened his mouth and glanced at Nenad, "very unfortunately, your opinion seems to be right." Then he glanced at James, "explain why 'if you sad couple don't cooperate Me, I will make sure that your life this time is the last time you experience higher creatures in your infinite future 'is not a threat. "

Did James just say that, he and Eli did not threaten Linda.

"Elie proposed immortality!" James's eyes twitched. "He gave a solution that no one would be injured! Linda and Cliff don't need to continue their speechless suicide test! Linda Can survive with Cliff! As a vampire! Let this life cycle never end! "

"And you don't think this 'solution' is wrong?" It was Nenad, staring gloomyly at James. "You know how many times Darcy has circulated his life and completed many tasks of the Demon Feast. His humble status accumulated to the reward of becoming a vampire? Obtained this opportunity to end the life cycle of the inheritor? But who gave you this impression-Eli can freely give the vampire noble privileges, eternal life, to these inferiors at will Race? Absurd! It's a shame for the Demon Banquet! "

"Don't be partial." Can you notice what Zac did, he waited for Nainard to express a point completely before reminding everyone to focus, "So there are two options, one is obviously bad, Linda does not want to bear Yes, one looks good, but actually shakes the foundation of the Demon feast system. "After looking at Wes, it was confirmed that Wes understood." Thanks for the information update, Linda seems to express her refusal to make an action. I have chosen. "My eyes are circling to James, hum, to see the petrified appearance of James, I should have understood," It is still a threat, and the effect is unexpectedly good. I separated the forced couples directly and left. Patton. "

After a moment of silence, "Tu!" Nenad shook his head irritably, looking at Zac, "I'm right! Eli is squeezing out the power of the magic feast in Button! Starting from forcing Linda away! This is a temptation! Taking advantage of our special feast has given up on the special situation of Linda! "

Does this have to be explained? Linda has retired, got married, is a child, and wants to commit suicide ...

"Blindly do this kind of thing! Then wait for our response! If we don't pursue it because of Linda's speciality, he will get a measure! He will be more arrogant! Who next? Darcy, who has received a vampire bloodline reward? He There is more reason to do that! Then, he will squeeze out and swallow our forces in Button one by one! "

"So what you mean is that we have to do something, is it a momentum to stop this?" Zac asked with an eyebrow raised.

"of course!"

"Hehe." Zac looked at Wes with a smile, the ghost knew what signal was being passed, and the words were still to Nainard, "You know the process, and after you express your opinion, I will give advice ~ This is my advice ——We do nothing, let Eli get in to measure ... "

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