For inheritors, there is a very inconvenient setting. August 1st? Chinese? Internet? W? W㈧W ?. ㈧ 八 ㈧1? Z? W㈠. ? COM is not the setting of "I", uh, "I" is just a storyteller, maybe a very bad storyteller, but can I really blame "I", and not "I" created this kind of random It ’s the thing that opens the life cycle, uh, something, not 'I', let this kind of thing come into our story, so we have to consider the definition of this thing, and under this definition, it ... uh, he or she will do Something happened as well! The effect of what he or she did on the story.

Hey, which inheritor are we looking at now?

It ’s better to start with Barton. It wo n’t take long, trust me.

"Do you need a lawyer?" The police officer with straps on his shoulders looked at Cliff behind the iron fence, er, this talkative guy. I do n’t know how to converge. The retribution that used the post to ridicule the public has already manifested in him, but now he has forgotten the pain again. But, hehe ~ "He lifted his shoulders, which can only barely complete the back and forth exercise," "It is only for defending the police, but will not provide you with divorce advice ~"

Cliff clutched the iron bar with both hands and stared dumbly at the police officer. "Do you want to fly again?" Ha! The guy who flew from James's vision was him.

"Are you threatening me?" The policeman leaned over to the iron fence. "Oh, Cliff, help yourself, don't." The uninjured hand touched Cliff's trembling face, "I'll be yours Exercising your own right to remain silent, I did n’t say anything ~ Do n’t thank me ~ I just think you ’re bad enough today, and my wife ran away, hit a popular police detective in the North District, and went to prison (detention) , You do n’t need to make it worse today ... "

Cliff's arm stretched out, and the police officer knew to hide, quite agile, twisted left and crooked, "You can't catch me ~"

"What are you doing!" Coulson's voice, not happy, walked down the stairs. "Do you want us to be prosecuted!" Remember the indoor layout of the Southern District Police Station, the detention room is in the basement, and the exhibit room Together.

The policeman glanced sideways, "Oh, nothing, I'm teasing him ..."

"Play ?!" Cosson sullenly said, "Do you know how bad personal insults can make the police look!"

"He attacked our police station! Just at the gate!" The policeman no longer unexpectedly looked like that, and squinted at Cliff. "I'm insulting him, he deserves it!"

"Go up!" Coulson seemed too lazy to get entangled with the other party and gave up the stairs and stopped talking.

"Goodbye in the courtroom!" The policeman finally glared at Cliff and went up.

Coulson waited for a while without speaking, and looked quietly at Cliff behind the iron fence, as if thinking about something.

"Do you remember me, we've seen it before?" Coulson said.

"Remember." Quiet time was enough for Cliff to adjust his emotions. "You ran to take James away at my wedding." Isn't that true.

"Yes." Coulson didn't mean to continue this topic. "I heard you came to report the crime. Your wife is gone?" Supplementary, "Lance's neighbor, Linda, is gone."

The flesh on Cliff's face was twitching. It was because all the points that would anger him were reached in Coulson ’s words.

"Why are you beating Lance? Does Lance have anything to do with your wife?" No matter what Cliff thought, this is a very sincere question.

"It's none of your business!" It's not a surprise to get this answer.

Coulson shrugged. "That's good, Lance replied to the director in the same way." He said, walking to Cliff, holding the key in his hand.

"What are you doing ?!" Cliff watched Coulson open the door.

"Can't you see it, I'm releasing you."


"We decided not to prosecute you for assaulting the police, and not to pursue your violations." The iron gate was opened, and Coulson made a gesture to invite out, "meaning that you are free and you can go."

"What?" Cliff looked at the door that had been completely opened. "Why ?!" These two words should be married and matched.

"Do you really want to know?" Korsen seemed to be indifferent, and actually chuckled, "Okay. I need to correct what the guy said just now, you didn't attack the Southern District Police Station. You are at our police station. The riot at the door was because you were resisting the arrest of the police in the Southern District Police Station. You were defending yourself. In the process, some police officers were injured, such as the one just now. That was not your fault. They were incompetent and unable to suppress peacefully Live you. "

Cliff didn't understand, "What?"

Coulson lifted Cliff's arm and pulled him out of the prison, then closed and locked slowly, "But of course, your self-defense is illegal, theoretically. Because they arrest you It ’s the job they should do after they have committed illegal activities on their own territory as the Southern District Police, and you have not cooperated with them. "

Cliff can no longer keep up with Coulson, but he has stepped out of prison and he is free.

"Don't understand yet?" Coulson seemed a little disappointed and shook his head. "Southern Police Station, we are just doing our own work, and we have no conflict with you. Cliff, think about your illegal behavior, Tell me what you are. "

This was what Cliff knew. "I ..." frowned, "I beat James ..." Leng was there, because I got it.

"Yes, James Lance is not a member of our Southern District Police Station." Coulson waved his hand and signaled Cliff's way upstairs. "So your theoretical violation is not our Southern District Police Affairs. , Understand, it ’s the matter of Lance and the North District Police Department. If anyone has the right to prosecute your violations and hold you accountable, it ’s not us, it ’s the North District Police Department. "

Cliff was pushed upstairs by Coulson again, twitching his cheek, "The North District will not hold me accountable ??"

"Yeah." Coulson shrugged. "Secretary Cologne just put down the phone with Director Darcy in the North District. Hehe, they don't pursue it." A meaningless smile, "Hehehe, you are really a lucky guy ~ Lance It doesn't matter if you run away, haha, even the director of Darcy ... "His face changed, but it was short enough that no one would notice it." We are all talking to you, and we ask the Southern District Police to let go, hahaha. He is the boss ~ "

Focus. Darcy, let the southern police station let go. Yes, when we look at the influence of male inheritors on this story, we casually watched Darcy.

Cliff, after looking at Coulson for a while, he didn't know how much emotion had passed under that wide fat face, and finally turned into a gloomy "*!"

I said it won't take up too much time, it's time to see the 'her' inheritor. ‘She’, not in Button.

In Newton, there is a community that is very incompatible with Newton ’s social environment, a community occupied by a group of Indian women. You can say that the outside world is chaotic and everyone is worried and doubtful about the future of their city. Here, it is peaceful and serene.

But here are not all In’an women, and there are also common races in the Federation. I do n’t want to mention insignificant examples. Look at the direction of Yuehua pointing at the hot chocolate. “See, every day, it ’s like a clock. I will pass by my window, and then check with each other for a while to confirm that there is no threat to my life before leaving. "

Isn't Yuehua talking to Baiying, Baiying is working, remember, a school for special people. Yuehua is the woman who is a housewife.

"Huh." Linda ripped her lips and looked at the woman outside the window. "Is this the fate of a woman who has an intersection with James, or it's already dead." For example, Georgina, "or walk cautiously to death On the road. "

Yuehua smiled, facing the woman outside the window, okay, let's just say that it was Kate. Yuehua pointed her deliberately wide eyes at the window to let Kate watch it.

This process lasted for half a minute. Kate took a long breath without saying thank you and turned away.

Yuehua shrugged. "It may be a little strange, but I like this kind of thing very much. She is very clear about what she needs to know, come here to get what she wants, and then leave without any comments. I have said that she is very Is it on time? Oh, she is very on time. Come, go, be quiet. "

"Humph, it won't last long." Linda looked at Kate's back. "There will always be a moment when she will collapse and endure this feeling again." She rolled her eyes. "She has already made a deal in Patton. Spoiling things proves that she is not good at coping, hum, pressure. It is also a matter of time before she collapses here again. "Looked at Yuehua," If I were you, I will kill her as soon as possible, save her again What a ghost!

Yuehua kept a smile and shrugged her shoulders with a sigh, "We tried to kill her. But she still came back." Probably indifferent explanation, "We tell her where Alan is, I hope she can be a little bit The reporter pursued the incident and went to see what the consequences of what she did did. "

Linda seemed interested in this topic, "Have she gone?"

"I don't know, I didn't have time to stare at her, but as a result, she came back, so I guess ..." Another sigh, "You are probably right, she will collapse again sooner or later." Shaking hands, "Don't say this woman anymore." Squinting at Linda, "We are speaking to you." Very straightforward, "I should go out and add some daily necessities to the guest room now, or ..." Wait for Linda to make up her own.

The meaning should be obvious, just ask Linda how long she intends to stay here!

Linda lowered her head and thought seriously.

There should be no doubt about why Linda is here, it is safe here. In the city of Newton controlled by angels, here, there are mourning banshees who can 'predict' death here. Federation, no place safer than here. Kate will come here, Linda will also come here. According to the content of the conversation just now, any woman who has a relationship with James needs to move carefully or the woman will hang up. This is the only place they can avoid.

"Then, hehe, let's shop." Yuehua was intimate. "It's good that I have something to add." I looked out the window again. "The weather seems to be good today. Do you want to be together?"

"Thank you." There is nothing to say. This thanks is very sincere. "We hardly know. I came here only because of the people we know together, uh, Zack. You don't actually need to do this for me."

"Oh, no." Yuehua waved her hand. "We Black Witches came here and considered this situation. Some guys from all over come to come close to us." Yuehua smiled, "Our policy is to do What we can do, help. "

Linda frowned at this moment, hesitating whether to ask, "Why?"

"Not why." Yue Hua smiled. "This is a policy inherited from Salem. Our existence is already a threat to many people in this world. We need to do something to reduce others' threats to us. "Brows his eyebrows." Toledo, who helped us build Salem, says so. It turns out that he is right ~ Salem has been in peace for so long. "

"You help me, it is likely to increase your threat." Linda was sincere.

"To whom? Demon feast?" Yue Hua shook her head and still smiled, "Let you go out and run around, it is a threat to the demon feast." Looking at Linda, "You are in an awkward situation at the feast feast." You have been forced to push out Barton by Eli Toledo this time. This is not necessary for the Demon Banquet to prove that their heirs in captivity finally become the end of you. You are not their only inheritance in captivity. You will become a bad model. So, now, at least keeping you safe is a good situation for everyone. "

Although Linda frowned, she nodded. "You are right. I live better than I die."

Yuehua nodded and walked towards Linda, pressing Linda ’s stomach strangely. “And, huh, personally, I ca n’t watch the pregnant woman running around outside, and I still have to worry about the safety of my life. It ’s too immoral. "

Linda stared at Yue Hua's hand on her stomach, "What did you say?"

"You heard me ~ you have ~"

"Uh ..." completely ignorant.

"It's still very 'new' ~" Yuehua has gone away with a smile, ready to go out, "probably the day before yesterday." As Yuehua went away, her volume was increasing, as if to say Gossip, "I have been studying the aspects of gestating life recently, huh, huh, so it is very sensitive. In fact, when you came in the morning, Bai Ying and I appeared, but your mood is not stable, so I have not told you for the time being. Congratulations ~ "

"Wait ... the day before yesterday ..."

"Yeah ~" Yuehua's voice was full of congratulatory smiles, "It's about ten o'clock at night ~" Quickly recall, at that time, "Oh, don't be surprised ~ I have been studying this recently, ha ~ I know What do you want to say, Baiying and I did n’t try it, we enjoyed the life without children, just what we were studying, huh, huh, you should know, the birth of Teacher Cuisha. "Little helpless," still I could n’t figure out what was in her stomach, but came up with something that accurately judges the beginning of life ... "

Yuehua still said, but Linda's face was green. No, Cliff's head is green.

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