The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 3 Chapter 32: Eli in Grand

"I. ?? Chinese eight? One? W? W㈧W?.? 8㈧1㈠Z? W㈧.? C㈠O? M?" Eli stood in the center of Grand's backyard, with his arms outstretched for dramatic effects, After crossing the ocean, Big 6, finally stood here. "

There are many eyes on him. With the current population composition of Grande, the majority should be the former criminals in the new living area-where did that stupid-coercion come out? ’. To tell you the thoughts of these insignificant characters, it is to explain that the illusionist Danny has left Grande temporarily.

Right anglers don't have any inexplicable thoughts, such as Louise, only waving at the office window on the second floor.

"Waiting for you for a long time." Louise said first in a calm, natural tone. "Before you ask, James is here, basement ..."

"James is here?" Eli was surprised.

Louise frowned, looking at Eli's expression, not as if it were a fake, "He's here. Didn't you come to him?"

"No." Shaking his head and nodding again, he also started a lot of Louise. "But he's convenient here, isn't it in the basement." Eli sat down behind the desk. "Wait for a while and let him out, I have some Things to talk to you. "

Louise continued to frown, which should be her line, "Well, exactly, me too."

Just when Louise thought the serious conversation was about to begin—

"You are beautiful ~"

"Uh, thank you." Louise waved her hand and placed a blood bottle on the table.

This is the case, we all know that Louise is waiting for Eli to come, and Zac has explained that she is ready. So regardless of Eli's personal purpose other than finding James, Louise will not affect herself. What is this blood bottle for? Everyone will know soon.

"I never knew what type of woman Zachary liked, you ..." Eli tilted his head, "surprisingly, unexpectedly."

"I just praised it at that time." Louise pushed the blood bottle to Eli, just about to continue.

"This is praise ~" Eli's eyes fell on the blood bottle, but it didn't seem to need special attention. "Smart, sharp, decisive, clear, and of course, beautiful. I really like your role, oh, role . "

Louise began to feel a little weird. This is when someone says to you that you are a ‘role’. Louise looked away and felt that it was better not to respond. The progress of the matter was promoted. There is no need to jump to the stories written by Madison now. Healthy conversation requires a peaceful foundation— " Do you know what this blood bottle is. "

"Thank you, I'm not hungry." Eli still didn't care about the blood bottle, and continued his own words, "I feel that you think it is necessary to please you." Don't care about Eli's words, "After all, although I I ’ve been in Barton for a while, and I ’ve been in contact with Alpha, but I have never revealed how to deal with the Tortoir orphans of Barton. Ha ha, Zac ’s orphans, you are one of them. "

Louise did n’t care about Eli ’s words, but Louise was more concerned about the information contained in the words, so temporarily gave up and continued to ask Eli to care about the blood bottle that had been pushed to him, instead, “You Haven't the "General" in the southeast contacted? "

"Sorry, no." Eli raised his hand and shook it. "They were the first on my 'visit' list, but James changed my plan."

"James." Louise pouted, "How did he change?" Curious? Wordless.

"He said that if I weren't going to kill every Torredo vampire, don't disturb the gang who only wanted revenge."

Louise answered after a moment of thinking, asking, "Revenge that is irrelevant to you, preventing you from clearing the blood of Toledo?"

Eli put a smile on his face, "Why do you ask? Shouldn't you be lucky? At least for now, I don't intend to let Torredo's bloodline disappear, even if I had such a plan, The guys in the southeast will also be in front of you. "

"You can't make Toredo's lineage disappear." Louise shook her head, showing a little sympathy, who made Eli use the word "look down" just now, and went back, "I thought you knew" General " Me and I are not the only descendants of Zac, we still have brothers, where you can never touch. "

"Ian right, Papa's vampire at midnight." Eli accepted the sarcasm calmly, then squeezed his eyes with a slightly strange expression, "I never understood that guy, Papa at midnight. What the **** is he?" Come? God or man? I have read some documents and said that he used to be a man until he used his witchcraft to start deceiving death and becoming a 'non-human'. Ha, I really thank the Lord, I am not thirteen Clan, huh, no need to face such enemies. "

Louise watched Eli stop speaking.

"What are you doing watching me like this? Do you like my makeup, hehe, the trick is eyeliner ..."

Louise shook her head and interrupted with calm words, "What are you doing here, say it directly, and then I talk to you about the really important things. I give you, uh, three minutes. Now."

Eli froze for a moment. "Where does your natural attitude come from?"

"You will know in two minutes and 59 seconds." Louise waved her hand, urging.

Eli narrowed her eyes, still not seizing the time, but looked at the office instead. What he wanted to see was not the office, but the entire Grand. His confusion was expressed in the deliberate words he said deliberately-"Alpha is not at home, Grandry now only has women, old men, children, and a bunch of unrelated humans, why do you?"

Louise didn't speak, pointing at the time.

It took another ten seconds to remain silent. Eli eventually spoke normally, but still wasting time. "Is Alice? Grande ’s mourning banshee told you she did n’t see your death, so you dare to be like this ... "

Louise leaned against the back of the chair, with her arm on the armrest supporting her chin, and her entire body sat skewed, as if she began to stare.

Eli moved his lips and smiled, "Hehehe." He smiled well-"Then allow me to ask, your mourning banshee, Miss Alice, did you see Zack's death ~"

There was a slight fluctuation in Louise's expression. Because, this is a threat, isn't it? ** Naked threat ~ Ha! To tell everyone a joke that can only be understood from the perspective of God, all Patton, apart from a few carefully selected people, think that the third "Colt" is in the hands of Eli ...

A little bit, Louise still decided to follow his own rhythm. Then, continue to stay well.

Eli fell into a passive position. He stared at Louise, his face getting more and more ... it was very white, "You are betting that I am visiting Grande for the first time, don't you carry weapons."

Closing her eyes, Louise concealed her rolled-up eyes, then opened her eyes, opened her mouth, and closed her mouth. She refrained from saying directly, "You're pulling out" Colt "to scare me." Be gentle. Well, after all, hehe, Louise knows, we know, who is the one who really occupies the absolute height here——

"You appeared in the center of our backyard." Louise was still sitting skewed, lazy, and wasting the other's time anyway. "If you want to use violence, we won't even notice your presence. "Wave your hand." The last chance to say why you came. I also gave you only three minutes on the face of your appearance. If you walk through the main entrance, I can take five minutes. "

"Wow ~" Eli curled her lips. "The story is a story after all. You who Madison shaped, the woman next to Zach, is not true, reckless, is your true character ~ Or, you just gave up , Life is not much better than once standing on the street and gave up ~ Ha ha, you abandoned yourself ~ "

This ... is an insult. Even people like Louise who have never denied their past can feel the malice in these words, then, "Well, your time is up."

Louise sat straight, looking at Eli, with a serious expression, "It's time for me." Pointing to the blood bottle that had been pushed to Eli in front of him, "Can you feel what blood is this."

Think about it from Eli ’s point of view, even if you do n’t understand the reason why Louise is so attitude, you should also slightly doubt the blood bottle that Louise has been signaling. What is it?

"I said I'm not hungry." Eli looked at the blood bottle in front of him, and the little one was not as tall as a finger. "And this amount is not even suitable for dessert ..."

There is no need to finish it. "Listen carefully." Louise opened the cap for Eli. "This is you, the problem of the so-called magic feast Toledo. You may want me to say that it is your race. Talent, but I ’m sorry, it ’s a problem, it ’s a flaw. ”Louise made a sniffing gesture.“ Any normal vampire would n’t think it was just a normal bottle of human blood. ”

Eli frowned, rebelling a little bit, "This is ordinary human blood ..."

"There is a smell of Bruch in this blood." Louise said straight.

Eli froze for a moment, then laughed, "Are you kidding me, haha, Bruch ..."

"Georgina told us." It's an uncomfortable thing to look at each other. Sympathy is a negative emotion. Don't wear a moral hat. "The secret of your race." Louise shook her head helplessly. " But your first purpose here is not to find James, so I guess you have n’t seen that part yet. "

Eli frowned, "What part."

"You let Georgina and Robert return to Barton, but they didn't start doing anything, and Robert was used by Zack to 'colt spike', Georgina ran to Grande herself to avoid James, and ... "Louis waved her hand." Why do I want to spoil. You can watch it slowly. "

Perhaps it has nothing to do with the current theme, "Madison's narrative style is very distorted."

Louise was too lazy to respond to this, "The point is, you need to know that when Georgina was a 'guest' in Grande, he not only mastered the blood control skills of your race, but also got your secrets-you Blind to vampire descent. "Literally blind.

Eli adjusted his posture, and needed to receive a little more information, and it was natural that Zac mastered blood control skills. Then came the exposure of his secret. Don't forget, the Devil Banquet doesn't know Eli Torredo's secret! Finally, is that, Georgina, is Grande, uh, ‘guest’? ?

"Based on this." Louise pointed to the opened blood bottle. "You must think that you are in Barton, how hidden are you and your descendants, right. I'm sorry to tell you, you are not at all Not hidden, as you want to say, Bruch has disappeared in the Federation, so if any vampire feels Bruch ’s breath in Barton, it ’s you, you. ”

How good Louise ~ Help Eli to get rid of the troublesome information and indicate the truth, "So, even if you don't appear directly in the center of Grand's backyard and show it to everyone, you are here. You approach the grid from anywhere I will know Rand. "

Eli said nothing, and finally picked up the blood bottle in front of him and observed. Oh, as if he could see something.

"Rimmel's work." Louise said directly, and then didn't give time for Eli to digest, took out the second thing, said, and promoted a level. This is a list with only 8 names. "This is the list of Darcy at the Feast before you arrive at Barton. The team of Hunter personally selected by Rosenbull. Hunt your team." Similarly, Pushed to Eli.

Eli directed the blood bottle and picked up the list. We should give Eli a positive comment, at least he now knows that he should remain silent ...

Sorry, Eli didn't keep silent, "I just saw these guys passing me when I first entered Massa."

"Yes." Louise was already taking the third item, and the response was very casual. "When you appeared in Newton, they had already connected with Kozil." Similarly, there was no time for Eli to digest. The third thing has been launched.

It ’s a photo, a polaroid photo, Dead Deer, ‘I ’m sorry’ message. Now, Eli was silent.

"Where did you see?" Louise frowned. "Did you see Alice confess to Lola for the first time? Isn't she an ordinary person."

Eli continued to be quiet for a while, throwing away the picture in his hand, "I see, it feels very strange, Zac narrated his and my history like that at the table, which is ridiculously wrong. Huh." Emotionally indescribable smile, "Also Take that as an important life experience. "

Do you still have an impression, Zac, in order to comfort Alice ’s uneasiness, let all aliens tell the story of the first time they showed to humans that they are aliens. That's our Zach, for the first time telling his Toledo origin story.

Louise was just about to speak, and Eli took the lead. "You know why, I will take the initiative to tell Alpha, the story of four centuries ago."

Louise doesn't care about the reason, but since the other party asked, "You are asking for coexistence agreement with Alpha, you need to show sincerity. There is nothing more effective than an intermediary to open up the situation. You also need to explain what you left The reason for this message. "

"You are right, but it's not all." Eli seemed to be calm and calm. This is the necessary preparation after he realized that things might be completely out of his control. It ’s a bit like you prepared snacks, paper towels and the like before you watched the movie, because you do n’t know that this movie will make your appetite burst or break down the tear glands. “I ’ve been with James for a few days,’ visit 'Some of the Baton aliens, I know some ten years ago, Zak, Alpha, and human Anthony, and the Baton aliens agreement. I am very ... "

Everyone! serious!

"Confused. Zach, not a good person." He looked at Louise. "You should already know it now. I think Alpha should have retold what I told him that night. Zachary became Toledo." The real history. He is not a good person. Bad, I can even describe him directly. He took the eternal life he obtained and deliberately ran to me to show off, and then continued to emphasize in my stupidity, 'I have got what I want When I live peacefully, I look at me with sympathy. After countless encounters that he did not realize, he was still like that, high above him, and he gave orders as his noble Toledo noble, even Execution, huh, the so-called vampires that tarnished the vampire's reputation. Finally, let's look at all the things he did in the hidden alliance. Do you know that the devil's Lesenbra used these deeds to make a collection, now? It was in the hands of Kozil, in Button. "

I noticed a small change in Louise's look-it is predictable, Zager, Louise has been avoiding this thing ...

Not biased!

Eli raised his hand, "Don't open your mouth, let me finish. All those deceptions, betrayals, and provocations in the secret alliance ... Hehe, Zachary, the amazing Toledo, but, not a good person. So , What puzzles me is that ten years ago. Hehe, unlike Zacary I knew, and Zacary that the Feast knew. Can you believe that such a bad guy, actually speaking in a wizard's speechless Next, adopted a homeless banshee banquet? (Alice's story) let alone those other aliens, hum, let a ghoul act as a harmless human being? A yawning note allows the reader to give himself Make clothes? ... God, who is he? "

Eli shook his head, "I told Alpha to ask questions, I thought Alpha would question my story, and then say something for his" brother "vampire, but Alpha did not, listen to me Bara one After night, the transformation ended and went back to bed. "

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