"This is indeed Benjamin's style. Eight ?? One? Chinese W? W? W?.? 8? 1㈠Z? W㈧.㈠C㈠O㈠M" Louise turned his head to the side, "but probably no one can answer your doubts, We do n’t even know. How did Zac become like this. But if you want to say that Zac became a good person? ”Louise, actually shook his head.“ You are a little naive. ”

There is no real thing to hand out to Eli. Next, Louise can only dictate, starting with a little easier. It is still a level of advancement, "I have a question. Are you going to deal with Mr. Allen? Well, Zack's killer."

Going around, still coming back here, what Eli should have said in the lost three minutes, "I have visited the saint, and I will return to her boyfriend's father."

The puzzled expression that Louise had just turned into helpless, "You obviously haven't seen the saint's love story, James told you?"

"I don't need him to tell me, I know who is looking for Allen." Eli looked at Louise. "But because the saint didn't give me what I wanted, I also insulted me by the way, so I don't Will make this return process easy ... "

"Whatever you want to do." Louise shrugged, interrupting the elaboration that Eli might have made. "Grand didn't care." Shaking his hand, "Grand didn't care about this whole thing. Care. "Avoid suspicion ~ Right?

Eli closed his mouth and looked at Louise's indifference.

why? Why doesn't Grande care about Allen? Louise himself said, that is Zack's killer! Is this something you shouldn't care about? Does it have anything to do with the previous three things?

Thinking is not necessary, and Louise is not prepared to let Eli think about anything. Continue, "Tell me what you think of Colt."

Eli changed his sitting position again. "View? What do you want to know? Don't you have a Grande."

"Oh, sorry. I'm not asking you what 'Colt' is. What I want to know is how do you think of 'Colt'."

"I don't understand your question, what should I think of" Colt "?"

"For example." Louise seems to be waiting for the other person's rhetorical question-in terms of controlling the field in the dialogue in order to achieve a certain purpose, Louise is really much softer than Zac, "You just mentioned the mourning banshee Can't you see the death caused by Colt. Then, when you were in Newton, did you ever worry about holding Colt? "

"Still, I don't understand your problem." Eli already had a hunch and frowned, "What the **** do you want to say."

Because of her gentleness, Louise would not smash the phrase "You do n’t have Colt" on Eli ’s face. "What I want to say is that the black witch regards" Colt "as a threat." "The facts are there. To avoid the threat, they came from the chaotic middle to the east, Newton."

Eli froze for a moment, glanced at Louise and then moved away, saying the following, "When Allen fled to Newton, everyone knew that you Grande did nothing, avenge or hunt down , A human holding a handful of 'Cort' escaped Newton. "There was no tone, just state the facts, okay, 'facts'," but after you reminded me like this, I realized that the black witch seemed to , I ’m also indifferent. Moreover, I know very well that Newton ’s angels hate me for turning their scheduled souls into vampires and food reserves for their descendants to practice blood control skills, but the angelic black witches in the same city are still indifferent. ,Did nothing."

Louise shrugged her shoulders and clicked. Why did you say it embarrassed the other side? "Still, everyone in Button, still cooperate with your coexistence agreement because you hold 'Colt'." Start to the next level Pushed forward, "Do you know why?"

"Isn't it because of Sloan's big mouth."

Still asking the question, "Do you know, Papa wants you at midnight?"

The first expression on Eli's face that he had no control at all, his eyes twitched, "Papa midnight, want me."

"It seems to be used for research." Louise said very gently. "You are rare species when you are in the Federation. You know, vampires other than the thirteen clan, the vampire's definition of this big 6 becomes an aggressive colonizer. The previous vampire. "

Eli laughed, "Rare? Haha, don't you know how many my children are in the Federation now, we don't cherish it at all ~"

This return to the original character did not last long.

"My personal guess is that your descendants are probably not very rare, but you are very rare. Did n’t you tell Benjamin, did you become like this step by step? Because you missed the noble blood of Toledo, and , Um, how to describe it, and ... "

"Anger." Eli made up for himself. "After I got a poor immortal bloodline, I was angry with any status vampire bloodline, so I killed and devoured until I no longer confirmed that I was flowing in my body. What kind of blood is it. "

Louise expressed gratitude, sincerely, "Thank you for the description, as I said, you, it is rare."

Eli frowned, "Then how do you know Papa wants at midnight ..."

"Madison's story should not be missed." Looking at Eli, "I guess we overestimated your reading." Waving, "Forget it, I tell you the same. I hope By knowing these things, you should now be able to understand a little bit more about your situation in Button. "

"What's the situation." This is not completely pretend.

Do it again.

Louise first showed two things to Eli, blood with the smell of Bruch, and a list of the Vampire Squad. Just to illustrate, Button is ready for you to come.

Then Eli's message to Grande. Thanks to Eli for taking the initiative to explain the reasons for the history he told Benjamin. Shouldn't you be thankful, when Eli wondered Zac, we knew that Zac was also confused.

Finally, the discussion about 'Colt' and Papa at midnight.

It ’s clear, this is our Zack, is this the whole time, the key point to make any decision. Now, it's time to show this guy who really controls everything behind the scenes.

It's time to let Eli's premonition in the mind come to surface-

Louise raised her hands, a bit like a surrender posture, but it wasn't, just expressing that I was not malicious, and her eyes were red, "How much do you know about Toledo's enchanting pupil?"

"Not many, but at least know to avoid." The honest answer.

Louise nodded, "So Zac initially determined that you must use a fatal attack ..."

Eli shook his head, there was nothing to say. He knew it, and Zac couldn't remember him.

Louise continued, "So I want to show you that it is different from the real situation. This is what he prepared to deal with your blow."

"Why are you still mocking me now?" Everyone thinks that after hearing so much, Eli doesn't know what is going on? "Fatal? Huh, just say it!"

Louise didn't listen, and while Eli's short, impatient gaze stayed, a memory that once caused Louise and Zach to have a small conflict was left in Eli's mind. Remember, Louise was upset that Zach had asked her to "see" Zac's fake picture of death.

Crimson disappeared immediately, Louise held her arm, and now she could give Eli the full reaction time.

The silence lasted for a minute.

"Very good, very good. Where is he."

"To be an awesome Toledo." Louise quoted Eli, out of drama.

The effect was quite good, Eli stood up at a 45-degree elevation, "Did I already see him."

"Well, you've seen it and touched him." Louise didn't know why he said that, and said, "It's your time to ask everything you want to ask."


"To make the Demon Feast uncomfortable." Louise was a little disappointed. "Don't you think that you and Zac, no matter who is alive, are not bad for the Demon Feast. Before you reveal the history of you and Zac, Zac does not Maybe take your life to complete the devil feast. "

"So these things are for the Demon Feast to face their own mistakes?" Eli lowered his head and looked at Louise. "In the long run, it is wrong to bring me to the Federation and want me to replace the thirteen clan. (Ery can never succeed in making a replacement, and Papa retains Ian at midnight.) It is also wrong to trust Zac (collectibles, Zagger). We are all troubles at the Demon Banquet, and the Demon Banquet wants two Mistakes are aimed at each other, and Zac, choose his own at the banquet? "

Louise's disappointment disappeared, and she didn't think she could sum it up better. Waiting for Eli's second question.

"I'm still here, still in Barton." Eli continued to lean, "Why."

"Just told you, Papa wants you at midnight."

It seemed to be possible to hear the brains turning after the eyes that looked up, "Magic Banquet doesn't want Papa to get me at midnight." Shaking his head, it was completely understood, "'Colt', the magic banquet asked me to hand over 'Kol T '. That's why Sloan just started talking. "

"Awesome Toledo." Louise shrugged.

"Hehe." Eli smiled again. "Am I grateful to him? Hehe, what is this, is he sympathetic."

"Whatever you think, you are still doing your own things smoothly in Button." Louise turned her head. "Thank you, it's your business. I'm just reminding you that since this is only Papa's midnight and the magic feast Political games, in order to delay time, so there will be an end. I do n’t need to remind you more about your real situation now, so maybe it ’s now that the magic banquet is ready to deal with you ... "

It's really just a coincidence. The phantom man who disappeared early in the morning came back.

"How is it going?" Danny's colored light floated in the corner of the office.

Louise only raised her shoulders, Eli's complexion could explain everything, so why not talk.

The color light rolled over, and the color was getting stronger, so he could n’t stay longer, as soon as possible— “Zac said that the magic feast is ready, and it will be given to Eli ... you soon.” Lei wriggled twice in the direction, "Call you back to the feast. You will not return when you go back. You will die. The feast has targeted your secrets and arranged traps that you cannot escape."

Eli looked at the light and returned to Louise's face. "You tell the devil my secret."

"Blame Georgina." Louise could say anything.

Forget it, "If I left Button, what would happen to my descendants."

"The optimistic expectation is that Papa gave them a little more time to live at midnight, to restock, to study the nature. Isn't the optimistic expectation." Louise shook her head. "Probably overnight, it will no longer exist. Then there are the rest of your descendants in the Federation, one by one. You no longer exist, and Papa does n’t have to worry about anything at midnight. "

This is understandable. The Demon Torrido is not just a title. The political game has actually started long ago.

Danny the phantom has disappeared again, perhaps one thing should be told to everyone. Recently, Danny has disappeared more and more frequently, and the reason is also predictive. Remember the advice Danny had at the table when Russell first came, let Benjamin go and ask the employees in the new living area. Yes, Grande has more humans, **, there are more. The bad thing is that they are all former criminals. For example, Evan threatened Russell ... forget it, don't want to mention it.

"So what is this." Eli was smiling, a little strange, with black lips pushing his white cheeks, "hehe, inform me, just when I came to Grande with the idea of ​​seeking advice, you, hehe , You, give me a sentencing notice. "

"Ask for advice?" Louise raised an eyebrow.

"Saints ..." Eli shook his head. "It's really a lovely girl ~ She made it very clear that I can't compare to Zach, no matter how imitate him. So, yes, I'm here for advice Yes, and you only gave me a castrated three minutes. "

"Oh." Louise didn't regret anything, "Don't care about Sissi, she has always been like that, and, she is probably intentional, funny, she always knows the truth."

"Really." Eli smiled and waved his hand. "Now, what to do."

After all, it turned into asking for advice.

"Before I give you advice ..." Louise rolled his eyes and said again, "We need to talk to James before I tell you what Zach gave you."

The smile is gone. Eli looked at Louise with an incredible look, "Who cares about that guy ..."

"You should." Louise was calm. "Just said, we overestimated your reading. If you see the part of Georgina, you will understand many things. And those things are to save you, Save Guan Jian from your descendants. "

"That." Eli sat down again. "Let's talk about James." What else is there to pretend now.

"First, Kozil, has betrayed the magic feast. His first action was to help Grande and push Georgina's death to the magic feast ..."

There are enough conversations here. It may spoil the future. Leave it there, do n’t care, otherwise when the future comes, nothing will be new. Let's go to look at something that is completely expected-

Kozil's apartment, Zac is packing things up. To be more precise, take Kozil's personal belongings, regardless of size, "I like your mini bar, give it to me?"

"No, you are a funeral home, what do you want from the minibar?"

"Recreation room, and employee's living area."

"No! How to send you fixed to the wall and the floor ?!"

"It's a pity, for these records, especially this album, Nainard likes" The Unknown Men ". I don't want them and me to be too bored after returning to Grand.

"Take it!"

Yes, Zac is preparing to return ~ Of course, the eight-member team is to take it back. As soon as the Eli incident ended, it was time for Zac to freely dispose of the eight-man team. Don't be too excited, they are all modern people. It's not boring to deal with it.

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