The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 3 Chapter 16: Some conclusions

"Zac, Zac!"

Nenad kept shaking Zac. Bayi Chinese W≥W = W. 81ZW. COM

"I'm here." Zac opened Nenad's hand. "Concentrate on driving."

"Oh." Nenad still looked at Zac for a while, "What are you thinking?"

First of all, there are more than two people in this car, and one passenger is lying in the back compartment, Cyrus. They will return to the Alan Funeral Home in the Southern District. Nenad's descendants, right, who he doesn't take care of.

Zac's mouth curled up with a smile, and opened a new topic, "Demon Ban has enslaved many aliens and special humans for four centuries."

"Uh ... yes."

"Have you ever had someone like Walter?" Zach's eyes clearly begged Ninad, `` Please say yes ~ I have a bunch of Walter abilities below to discuss with you ~ coordination point ~ '.

Fortunately, this demand can be satisfied, Ninad pouted, "There was one, and then died."

"Dead? Really dead, or disappeared?"

Sounds like a simple question, but Nenad is hesitant. The result of hesitation was to hand over the facts to Zac, "He left his body, the flame he used to open the boundaries of the world went out, he did n’t come back. Then, his body began to rot, we tried to save him, after all This ability to travel through the world is very useful. We. ”Pointing at ourselves,“ Cappadocia tried, delaying the decay of his body until there was nothing to delay. So, he died and disappeared. The only thing that can be confirmed Yes, this world is no longer. "

"Why would the Demon Banquet want a guy to cross the world?" Zac was a little curious.

"Because the Demon Banquet has its own persistence." Nainard glanced at Zac. "I guess when the Secret Alliance decided to form a federation, it completely abandoned its beliefs. We did not. We are still using our own methods to The Lord reports on our achievements in this big 6. "

"For example ..." and so on.

"Uh, in the first century of the establishment of the Federation, we basically recovered all the land owned by the Indians in the west." Nainard recalled and blinked, "We, uh, completed the slavery in the second century. Some Indians in the west, the rest also realized that the west is a place full of discrimination and maliciousness. We moved in the third century. In the third century, we increased the native population of our colonists to ... "

Zac smiled and waved his hand, there was no need to listen, it was too ridiculous, "Aren't you going to use prayer to report to someone who travels across the world?"

"We prayed." Naina snorted. "Have you ever prayed?" Actually asked Zac a question.

"Well, yes, of course, sincere prayers, it was a long, long time ago, and I can't remember when."

"Yes, do you remember your prayers being answered?"

"This, I remember very clearly. No response, no time."

"That's it." Nainard shook his head. "What do you think we prayed for the feast, the Federation has been established, and we are still doing what the colonists should do."

"Oh ~ in order to invite credit ~"

"Yes, in order to invite credit, but, no response."

Zac nodded and got it, "So you need someone to stand before the Lord and tell how hard you are and how worthy of praise. It doesn't matter if you can get the reward, at least you can come back and tell you clearly, Holy The Lord knows your efforts. "

Just when we thought that the magic feast was such a great vampire organization-er, it manipulated the distribution of the federal population in the past four centuries! Not great? Hey, but it's just a ‘child’ that needs attention.

"That's about it. It's a pity." Shaking his head, he didn't say anything. Having just finished speaking, the guy who sent the letter to the Demon Feast was rotten.

"There is a person like Walter in the Hidden Alliance." It's time to refresh everyone's memory. Remember, Zac once commented on Walter and used his ability to deceive, is it a waste?

Before Nainad suddenly thought of something, Zac waved his hand to stop it, "Specifically, it is Fan Zhuo. Fan Zhuo provided him when his soul lost contact with the world and was about to dissipate A body. "

Nenad's face was ugly. "Huh, Fan Zhuo is so kind."

"Oh, it's actually not good intentions. The enemy of the enemy is a friend. And he has information on everything the Devil Banquet has done in the west since the establishment of the Federation. Fanzhuo is stupid if he does not contain him."

It's such a bad habit of accommodating people casually ... Maitre ~ And, what Zac hopes is in the Republican Eli ~

Nain drew his mouth, "I hope that once Van Joo used him, he would not let him die." He glanced at Zach, "You know what I mean, he can escape from the feast to the secret, instead Come here too. "

"Yes. But your hope is still lost." Zach shrugged. "Even if such an uncontrollable person is prevented, Fan Zhuo can't control him. He still leaves this world. This time, he took it. His body. "

"How can it be?"

"Shut up your surprise." Apparently feeling what Naynard was going to say, Zack added, "Do you know the reason why only the soul leaves this world when crossing the world? If you don't know, don't be surprised that the body can also Leave together. "

Nenad shut up.

After a short silence, Zac looked at the scenery outside the window and was almost out of the North District-because of the bus incident that occurred yesterday, the section of Highway 27 at the junction of North and South was closed, so now Nenad is from Around the southeast, "Do you want to know what happened when Walter and I went to another world?"

Nenad frowned and glanced at Zac, quite calmly, "You haven't gone anywhere, you have been sitting in place, and blinked several times halfway."

"Maybe I just had a cramp in my body." Zack smiled indifferently. "You didn't understand what I just said. I said that in the secret alliance, a person like Walter left the world with his body, maybe He went to another world, maybe still somewhere in this world, the point is that he walked with his body. So. "After looking at it, Nenad signaled that he would listen carefully this time," I know, and Sure, people like Walter have the ability to carry the body through the world. Tell me, what do you think of this fact? "

Uh, you have to play this ‘what do you think’ game?

Nenad feels that he will always be running to catch up with Zach's mind ... but he likes it, shame.

"I ..." Nenad was thinking for a long time. Suddenly, finally, "we! He can take his body, physical form, he can take us! Vampire!"

"Not bad." Zach nodded. "I know this fact for a long time. When I was still in the secret alliance, I also asked Fan Zhuo about his views on this matter. But ~" he said, " Let ’s put the conclusion of “Van Zhuo ’s ability to understand is average” here. ”I do n’t want to make too many comments about the people and things that used to be. It does n’t make sense. Now I ’m talking about Walter.“ I do n’t think Walter knows him. Have such capabilities, or, potential. "

"What do you mean."

"Even the original person lost his body after entering the Secret Alliance, and then left with his body, right. He didn't leave the Magic Banquet like that at first."

Nenad frowned, "If you want to say that this ability to travel with a physical body requires a certain condition to open ..."

"I'm not going to make such a far-reaching guess. What I can confirm is that if that person would have traveled with his body, he wouldn't be planted in your magic feast, and Walter wouldn't make a living by deception. "

"Where did you go with Walter?" Nenad glanced at Zach.

"The world in which **** dogs live." Zac raised his eyebrows and said it felt strange, "A gray world."

Nenad shook his head. "That's why I didn't go anywhere. We all know that **** dogs live in the cracks of the world. When the time alternates, they appear when they don't exist. That's not the world at all."

Zach was a bit curious about Nenad's statement, "Do you have any special definition of the world? Why is that not the world?"

Nenad pouted, knocking on the front window with his hand, "Look, this is face glass. Look carefully. What's in the glass?"

Zac cooperated and got close to the observation. There was nothing special besides glaring at the sun.

Nenad continued to guide, "Look at it from another angle."

Zac was very obedient and changed his angle. Looking obliquely against the glass, avoiding the refraction of the sun, but not dazzling, but still did not see anything.

Nenad began to explain, "This is the world. From different angles, you will see different light, direct glare, and strabismus."

Zach seemed to understand a bit, and tried to fill in, "You mean light. In fact, the different angles of light let me receive different senses. The same thing, but you can see different presentations."

"That's it. The world of Hellhounds." Nainard shook his head. "Dawn and dusk are normal, is there really a difference, but it's just that the sun shines on our world at different angles. The appearance and hiding of the Hellhound is This angle of view of the world is controlled, so their world is not a world, it is just a part of our world. "

Zac had fully understood Nainard's words, but his surprised expression was not based on Nainard's marvelous view, but what he had thought of.

So, looking at Nainad, "You said that the world of **** dogs is part of our world, right?"

"Uh ... I said that."

"Time is part of our world."

Nenad frowned. "I didn't say time."

"Hehe, believe, you are talking about time. Hehe, this explains why I am still sitting in place."

"I can't keep up with you." Nenad called Zac who was too far away to catch up.

"Hah!" Zac came back to pick up Nenad. "You are right. I didn't go anywhere. I'm still in the same place, so I sat and even blinked there."

Nainard wanted to hold Zac's hand, which was a bit difficult, and the distance was still too far.

Not afraid, Zac walked back a little bit, holding Nenad, "You said that the world of **** dogs is our world, right, tell me, what is my world?"

Nenad didn't answer, because Zack himself picked up fast enough.

"Points, lines, planes, space ~" Zac didn't know what he was happily, gesturing with his hands, "Material. In front of countless strange and strange materials, we realized our space, but this is our world? Ha ha No, there is one more thing, no matter what matter, dead things, creatures are reflected in, the most important thing in the world. Time. "Zac moved to Nenad," What is our vampire's greatest pride? " "

eternal life.

"Still, we are still experiencing time, Yong, is a quantifier of time. All things that enter this world will feel this thing that dominates this world, limited by its rules, we are all in this thing. Time. "

Nenad's mouth moved, regardless of whether he understood Zac's words. One thing was understood only by contacting the context. "Are you trying to say that you and Walter have run out of time."

"Yes." Zac looked at Nenad. "We didn't leave this world. We just walked around the core, foundation, definition of this world ... hehe, whatever you want to describe."

Nenad's eyes twitched, "You just said that everything in this world is in time, and you now say that you walked in time." Shaking his head, "What's the difference?" I don't understand what Zac is happy about.

"Hah, have you ever seen the stupid guy who walks on the road and suddenly decides to walk only along the edge of the road?"

Nenad had an ominous hunch, "Are you going to tell me you are that stupid?"

"Oh, you should also try, not walking the road, only the edge of walking, you will realize something special when you exclude everything and only the line under your feet can move forward."

Nenad can only ask, "What's special."

Zac pointed to the front and smiled, "When you are on a road that is just a line, you have only two directions to go, front and back." Then point to one side, "Tell me, when you turn suddenly, Where are you going? "

Uh, will go to the roadside? ?

Yes, the roadside.

Then let's take a look at the time. What is on the side of this straight road? What is behind the time marked by golden Roman numerals? Hell, heaven, or any other world of faith, huh, such as those of Tam and Leo ... Uh, unbiased, now what I want to talk about is--

Zac lost memory yesterday, right, not today. What did Zac did yesterday but did n’t do today?

Yes, yesterday, Zack ran around in time and was lost. Was it by Waltra today?

The conclusion has already appeared, isn't it? After a golden character on the path of time, there is a world, and Zac used his identity as a vampire to enter the world chaotically, and the vampire lost three hours of memory.

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