The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 3 Chapter 17: Interesting thing

Zach did not go back to Allen's funeral home with Nainard. He said to Sirius in the back compartment that he had time to see him, and got off near Weiss's house. Bayi Chinese W≤W≈W =. ≈8 ≠ 1≥Z≥≥W≈. ≤C≥OM

There are now two things on Zac's schedule.

A natural bus incident was born yesterday. But now that Walt has told Zach that the fallen angel is investigating this matter, regardless of the motive (died in Barton but not attributed to the soul of hell), anyway, Zac feels that he can not worry too much.

The other is the official matter that should have been carried out yesterday, the murder of the Republicans.

The clue on Walter's side had been broken, and it was too unrealistic to retrieve information from the mouth of the **** dog. So Zac returned to the starting point, he could only come back to find the detectives to make up the case process, and then find clues that he can work.

what. But Zac didn't go to James right, he came to Weiss.

It ’s not because Zac does n’t ‘love’ James anymore, Zac will always ‘love’ James, it is because ‘love’ that Zac deliberately does n’t look for him. Ask James to come to him in person!

We should be clear that the murders of the Republicans have emerged. James is the one who opposes and rejects the help of foreigners, right? Even yesterday, I asked Tosbella to go to Grande, not Zach, Alice, or the one who didn't show up. It ’s so sincere.

This sincerity needs to be rewarded ~ right drop ~ so Zac came to provoke Weiss.

The timing was also great. At noon, Zack confirmed that there must be someone in Weiss's house.

"Open the door, Jason, I have heard your heartbeat." Zac stood at the door of Weiss' house.

The door opened a slit, and Jason's eyes looked at Zac through the door slit, "I'm not here."

Zac also cooperated. Looking around for a while, I found the spare key under the stairs in the front porch and shook it in front of the door. "Then I found the spare key by myself."

Jason pouted and opened the door.

Zac walked into Weiss's house and immediately saw the suitcase. Jason didn't pay much attention to Zac, and he kept packing and stuffed into a rather ugly suitcase.

Zac glanced at the kitchen. Jason didn't make lunch. "What are you doing?"

I think ... I confirm that somewhere in this story, I have told everyone that Jason likes to cook for Wes very much.

"It looks like I'm doing something!" Jason's mood seemed to be bad, "I'm moving away!"

"Oh." Zach raised his eyebrows, so Weiss can finally unambiguously share the fact that he lives with Jason ... no. Now it's not time to play as a spectator. Zac glanced at the suitcase that was already full, but Jason was still trying to stuff the suitcase inside. "Did you find a new place?" Slowly.

Jason didn't speak.

Zac did n’t mind. In fact, silence helped Zac continue. “It ’s not a good time to move. Obviously you do n’t want to live in the Back Bay area. I do n’t think you can afford a house in the Noor area. Southeast, Um, you know what happened in the southeast, Wes must have talked about it at home. Then, Paisin, Paisin ’s house is not cheap now. "

Everyone remembers Wes, Jason, Cliff ... these people are orphans. Economic ability is a critical part when considering their quality of life.

Weiss has a house left by his parents in the Southern District. Cliff, huh, Cliff has property accumulated over the life cycle. Jason, just a kid who strayed into a violent organization.

The movement in Jason ’s hand did n’t stop, “Cliff agreed to let me stay with him for a while.” Just wanted Zac to shut up and tell.

But in fact, it just gave Zac a new topic, "Cliffe? Will he ask someone to live with him?"

Who doesn't know the "marriage life" of Cliff and Linda in the Southern District? Zac knows more, so Zac does n’t think Cliff would want an outsider to disturb their marriage.

"Linda wants to pay me back the favor of their wedding." Jason frowned, and Zac said it impatiently.

"Linda." Zach raised his eyebrows. That made sense. Linda probably wanted to create a distracting thing, 'marriage life' ha (two times), "Then, here." Zach is at will. Looking around at Weiss's home, "It's over?"

Because Weiss and Jason have been ambiguating their relationship, so, sorry, Zac can only be ambiguity now.

"It's over!" Jason didn't know which nerve was wrong and began to thump the suitcase that he refused to close.

"Relax ..." Zac used a calm tone as much as possible to appease, and slowly lifted Jason, who was obviously emotionally unstable, with one finger, and let the suitcase close honestly, "Are you all right? "

"good, very good!"

"Do you want to talk?" Zach is now in a complete "I'm here" gesture. It ’s the ‘you are crying, I have shoulders’ gesture.

"Do not!"

"Okay." This kind of thing can't be forced, Zac handed the closed suitcase to Jason, "You do what you want, I have to wait for Wes, work at work. And, I didn't see you."

Jason stared at Zac for a while, grabbed the corner of his mouth over the suitcase, and left.

Five minutes later, the phone rang.

Zac hesitated for two seconds and went to pick it up. He didn't speak for the first time, so over the receiver—

"I don't come back at noon, something is happening in the bureau, probably won't come at night, you eat it yourself ..."

"Okay." Zac made a sound, and then waited patiently for the ignorant over the receiver, "It's me, Zac."

"Uh ... how are you at my house? Jay, where is Jason?" It was Weiss.

"I'm waiting for you, but I don't want to go to the police station, I don't want to give James any impression that I am actively looking for him, so I am here." Wes asked two questions, right, the second answer, "Jason, I didn't see him. I came in with the spare key. I hope you don't mind."


Weiss ’s vital capacity is amazing, it does n’t matter, Zac is patient, and waits until the ‘er’ in the earpiece becomes as confusing as the electromagnetic background. “Is there any case in the police station?”

Weiss didn't answer Zach, "You, you wait." There was a messy phone line pulling in the background sound, and then the background was completely quiet, "Where is Jason?"

Zac raised his eyebrows and answered carefully, "I told you I didn't see him. Do you want me to help you find it?"

"Uh, yes, help me find it."

This is a direction Zac didn't expect at all, this should be a joke of entertainment atmosphere! Not really proposed! But now, only, "Okay. Where should I go?"

Zac felt his head was caught in the door, and actually asked this question. At the same time, I also felt that Weiss' head must have been hit by the train, because he also answered, "Uh, bedroom? Yes, go to the bedroom!"

Zac was quiet for a second. "Okay. Wait a minute." Putting down the receiver, he went to the bedroom.

The vampire's degree wouldn't make Wes over there wait too long. Zac picked up the receiver again. "I found it. Jason is not in the bedroom, and." Zac was hesitating. On the one hand, he didn't want to continue this The inexplicable topic, on the one hand, is a sad topic, "I also show that the bedroom wardrobe is half empty."

"Uh ..." God knows what emotion Wes is over the earpiece. "Go to the studio. In the backyard, there is a house with a bunch of tools. At the innermost, there is a suitcase! Not a big, ugly suitcase! Look, still not there! "

Zac held the receiver, moved his mouth slightly, and blinked his head tilted, so quiet for a while. The topic was realigned, "I watched it and disappeared."


Zac pursed his lips as if it was not the right time to continue to ask the police what was going on. Wait for the breath on the receiver to be a little more stable, "Do you want to chat?" The same gesture, "I'm here" gesture.

Got a different response. But it was an unexpected response-

Zach, not the receiver, said to someone in a background over there, "Get out of James! I do n’t want to talk to you now !!"

A tiny, distant background sound, "What did I do? Who are you calling? Why are you hiding under the table?"

"Go away!" Then it was Zac, "Sorry, not to you."

"Are you hiding under the table?" Zac's focus has always been so magical ... but it's critical. Everyone will understand.

"Uh ... it doesn't matter. You, are you looking for me? It's because of the Republican case ..."

"No," Zach also sat on the sand by pulling the phone line. "You have made me curious. What happened, you and Jason." If everyone needs a proof that 'Zac is a reliable person', This is, "Do you think Jason has left?"

"*! Uh, sorry." The guy on the other side of the receiver seems to be in confusion, and at the same time, a guy in the background who should consciously get away is approaching—

"Wes! What the **** are you doing! Come out! We still have somewhere to go! Who are you calling ?! It's Jay ..."

Zac held the earpiece away from his ears because Wes was exploding there.

The specific process will not be repeated, except for the full name that Wes seldom talks about, such as ‘James Lance’, it will probably be replaced by an asterisk.

If you imagine that Wes was under a table in the North District Police Station, such a blast. Woo ~ curiosity is surging.

"Tell him it's me, and James will leave consciously." Zach made a move.

"It's Zack! Zachary Grande! Your precious and valuable informant!" Keep imagining that Weiss howled at James at a table in the North District Police Department. Moreover, let the imagination fly, you will imagine many interesting things, "I am calling your precious informant to make you nervous !!! Do you want to make trouble? !!! Get away!"

Zac raised an eyebrow here, and his idea was nothing to say, and patiently waited for the side to return to quiet.

Why Weiss is so angry with James that Zac is going to explore now, "Is it related to James?"

"*!" Really typical, "Of course it is his relationship!"

"Talk to me." Zac wasn't quite sure what he would hear, but remember that Weiss would make a phone call under the table, which was the key.

"Uh, yesterday, early morning! James suddenly ran to my house!"

Zac glanced away at the bedroom where he had just found "Jason" and shook his head. "What did you do."


When Zac decided to understand something, Zac would not accept silence, "What did you do, Wes." The fact is that Jason told Zac to not see him, but Wes didn't know that Jason was leaving , But he asked Zac to find it so purposefully. It only shows that Weiss has a hunch. So Zac would ask.

"I kicked Jason down and pushed him under the bed!"

It would be more perfect if it was closed in the closet.

Zac was n’t sure if he wanted to laugh, or should he feel sad, “Then, Jason began to feel, enough?”

"It looks like this now!"

"That." Zach shook his head. "Are you angry James now, or yourself?" This is helpless. Zac doesn't want this kind of thing to become troublesome later.

"*! Everyone! I'm angry everyone!"

"Okay, that's understandable." Zac is not going to be a spectator completely, why? Here-"James went to you early in the morning because, forget it." We know, Spella went to Grande. James did n’t want to go to Grande, but Wes went halfway. , "What you need to know is that this led me to wait for you here today. I'm willing to help you in the Republican case, so, will you come back? Don't take James, before he surrenders to come to me, I I don't plan to see him. "

Probably the topic changed a little bit faster, and Weiss needed time to respond.

Zac thoughtfully cushioned this turning point, "I think what you need to understand is that you said this to me here, maybe, one day, you won't be committing this kind of person who puts you on the bed, regardless of male , Female, stuffed under the bed. Jason might be, uh, come back. "

"I tell you this just because you are ..." A little lower voice, "Not human! You don't care what other people think of you, you don't care how you think of other people! You live forever! You can live everyone ! You do n’t care! "

Zac raised an eyebrow, as if there was nothing to refute, "Maybe you don't care what you need. Well, I can't keep you calling me under the table. Your new colleagues will suspect that you will have problems ... … "

Zac didn't say anything, and the sound of the telephone line pulling over the receiver rang again. Sure enough, this argument would make Wes listen. Wes, probably not saved.

"I can't go back now! Another Republican is dead! The same thing! James and I are going to the scene!"

Zac thought for a moment, as if things couldn't continue any longer, "Well, tell me the address, I'll see it myself, but don't expect me to show up. When you have time, go to Grand to find me."

"Yes!" Reported the address.

Zac is about to move again.

Take advantage of this time to see something interesting.

Reipt. A small group got together again during the lunch break.

Everyone feels the atmosphere-

"Who! Who betrayed what we decided together! Who saved Teacher Su!"

"What are you talking about, Maya? We all saw an ambulance coming this morning, and Teacher Su was taken away!"

"Yes! We have all seen it! But, death, disappeared! Uh, Alice, don't be happy! This is not a happy thing! We have reached a consensus! Now someone secretly betrayed what we decided! Who, save He! "

Look, it's fun.

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