The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 3 Chapter 18: Who killed the republican

The southeast is now like a sliced ​​pizza. "August 1 Chinese Language" W? W? W ?. (8) 1? ZW. COM

Here, the civilians who suddenly like the police who come here very much can be treated with indifference and impatience; there is the same indifference and impatience who don't know why they suddenly came here. Okay, just be fair. There is nothing sudden. The civilian is unhappy that there is never a shortage of dead in the southeast. Then the police decided to care about the security of this place because of a group of Republicans? Ha ha, the same is true for the police. They never care about the life and death of the people in this place. Now, do you care about a bunch of foreigners?

We haven't finished the topic of pizza yet, without pizza it will only be cut in half.

There, there are creatures that do not belong to this world, demons, Skull and Skull, and the only special advanced devil, Briz (Brier ’s brother, Zac had just become Mocavi ’s before to appease Brill, let him and Mason stay at the bar of Scoll) and lead a group of black mist hovering over the scene of a case; here, there are living creatures, vampires, 'generals' and , Er, Bumi led, occupying every dark corner around the scene.

Four? Still a little bit less, let's cut another knife on this piece of pizza in the southeast.

Here, there are staff of Aix Security Company, accompanied by lawyers of the Falcon Group, who are questioned by the police; over there, there are Seidel Security staff who seize the opportunity regardless of all opportunities and become themselves 'S publicity work: posting flyers and plugging business cards.

Zac, standing at the center of this pizza-on the top of a unit building, facing the sun, finally took a look at the miserable image behind a window in the opposite building. Start thinking about which slice of pizza entrance you picked up first.

On the terrace near the water, the moon first, without Zac, the pizza flew over. There was a trace of black mist floating in the air and drifted towards Zac.

"Hey ~ Isn't this Mr. Vampire I respect ~" It's Sgal, don't care about his tone and words. The only reason he said these is that he is now a demon and is alien. Remember when he was human, and he was a gray-black professional colleague with Grande, he was a killer, and Grande was a cleanup person, right? He can make Zac show two teeth with a joke, because there is no fear, now, everyone is an alien, and vampires ca n’t joke about the restraint of the soul alien, the most important thing is, "I ’m so surprised how are you here Didn't they be with your 'General'? "Sgal did not want to communicate with Zac alone. Explain the reason slowly.

Zach stepped back a little, because Weiss always looked out the window of the opposite building, and Zac knew that the detective was looking for himself. Then he looked at Sgal, "You look completely adapted to the devil's lifestyle."

Black Mist twisted the shape, barely having the appearance of Sgal, "Ha, okay."

Zac was not prepared to do any ‘amazing’ moves, walked the fire escape, and signaled Sgal to keep up, “Is Jessica asking you to stare here? Found the soul of the dead?”

"Yes ~" Sgal followed, "But I failed, I failed in succession." There was no sad tone. "I started to feel that the Republicans have no soul, otherwise they can't explain it. Where is it? "

Zac laughed, for reasons that are not worth laughing at— “Oh, Republicans have souls. You may not know where these souls are, but you must know where these souls are.”

Try to keep up, Zac's words have taken a big step forward, almost to the point of conclusion. The vacancy in the middle should be filled by Sgal. No, it was handed over to the southeast for this complete pizza.

Scohl may have had a fluke, and decided to still be stupid, "Oh, you mean that the victim must still be in their bodies while the victim is still alive. Oh, such a thing as murder, that's it, unless you It ’s already dead. You never know why you were killed. Now that people ’s hearts are so surreptitious, who does n’t want to kill a few people ~ "

Zac kept this level downstairs, "So Jessica has ordered you to get information from the living Republicans." Zac has already seen Bumi waiting to be below and showing his head from the sewer mouth, continue Sgoll, "If you traverse the souls of every Republican in the southeast, even the smallest contact can at least reveal the clues of murdering these Republicans."

Scoal was pretending to be surprised, "Wow! How do you know that the fallen angel has ordered us to traverse the souls of the Republicans? Ha ha, but sorry, we didn't find any contact, and we are still alive in the southeast, and ..." He pulled the black mist and waved his hand toward the scene of the case. "The only thing that is dead is the food that is not used to the Federation ~ unless this can also be a reason for murder."

Zac felt it was unnecessary to waste time with Sgal and waved his hand. "Say good to Mason and Britz for me." Leaping down the stairs, he signaled Bumi to come up, "I don't want to go down."

Bumi put on his hood and climbed to the ground. "What did Sgal say?"

"Nonsense." Zac was very direct, glanced at Bumi, and first solved the partial curiosity. "Where did you hide when I was not in Grand? There was really no news. I came back." , You came back quickly. "

"Ha! Boat! Do you know how many boats will be in and out of the port of Massa every day ~" Bumi is complacent. "We went from one boat to another ~ We didn't step into Barton, nor did we leave Barton. All the news was in one The ship was received by us ~ "

Zac raised an eyebrow. "Good, Dora's idea."

"I'm hurt." So fragile guy, "But I'm so happy!" So impermanent guy, "Hah! You're wrong, your wizard's idea! Sam's idea!" And, the unresponsive guy, "Wait, why did you ask me this? Sam didn't tell you?"

Zac frowned. "No." Frowning is frowned on himself. "I didn't ask him."

Then Zach was educated, "Hey! You do n’t care too much about your own wizard! Do n’t forget that you are the first one, good example!"

Zac waved his hand and was too lazy to continue the topic, "How did you get mixed up with the" General ". Are you interested in the murder of the Republicans?"

"That's right." Bumi pouted, "I don't care about me because the wizard I like, and Dora surrounds Spira every day, I'm bored."

Zac was a little speechless, "Is the wizard you fancy, John? Do you know he is harassing-harassing-Alice now?"

"I know." Bumi shrugged. "But he's trying to protect Alice, right, so I don't think I should bother him." Looking at Zac, "but, what he said is true Well, you were assassinated? Yesterday's bus incident in the North and South District? Humans exploded? "

Zac was speechless, "It's good, he not only talked to Alice, but also to you." Shaking his head helplessly, "Isn't everyone aware that I've been." Continue to shake his head as an attitude, "Assassinated Alright? "

"Yeah ~ right." Bumi shouted. "He told Sibella, and Sibella told the wizards and the Indians. The purpose of the alert ~ and the necessary ~ Baton aliens. Now everyone is here. When Madison ’s new story is released, I ca n’t wait to see how you are being assassinated.

Zac looked at Bumi, too much information to want to comment, shook his head, "follow." He began to bypass the building and walked on the road.

It may be a habit. Bumi walked against the shadow of the wall without video communication. "So, how do you think about this murder?"

Leaving the alleyway between the buildings, the first thing that caught sight was the civilians in the southeast. Bypassing the police cordon indifferently, focusing on his own walk, Zack began to 'eat' pizza. "It's sad." A summary, "This is something that can be avoided completely."

"Well, why?"

"Look at these people in the southeast, they don't care about someone dying." Zack shook his head after he said, "No, it should be said that they care too much, and they decided to leave the southeast and go to send Siying to live." "Concerned that the police have finally come here, they have completely abandoned this place at the same time. Have you seen anyone actively help the police?"

"You want to say the indifference of the people in the southeast and let the Republicans be killed?"

"That's what it means."

Kill two pieces.

Zac and Bumi walked into the shadow together, sticking to the wall, Zac walked carefully, so do n’t care about the clothes on the clean wall, but it ’s inevitable that the leaflets that are posted are not flat and rubbing a few times —— Flyer of CCID Security.

Zac uncovered a copy, took it in his hand, and said what he said was temporarily not Saidil, "I just saw the police talking with the lawyers of Falcon (Aix Security). Any information? "

"I have!" Bumi will naturally be happy to show his usefulness in front of Zac. "It sounds like the victim had already taken the initiative to contact Axe Security before they were killed and wanted to install security measures. The contract has been signed. The service of Aix Security has been implemented, and then, babble— "I don't know what Bumi is imitating," Man is still dead. "

After listening to it, Zac put back the leaflet of the Sadir security company in his hand again. Do you need to talk about this? Take two more pieces.

Zac once again summed up, "So the environment in which the Republicans live cannot protect them, and the professional institutions they personally seek cannot protect them." Looking back at Bumi, "Tell me, you got mixed up with the" General "and got it Something useful. "

The last two pieces. Zac should be lucky, Bumi is here, he doesn't really have to run the six sliced ​​pizzas again.

It was probably Bumi who was needed by Zac, so he had to be arrogant, "You just talked to Sgal, did you ask anything?"

"He is acting silly, what can I do to make him disappear." Zac shook his head, "Speak."

"Okay ~" Bumi posted on Zac's back. "'General' and Sgal are now working together for a while ~ you know that 'General' was the prison who persuaded Sgal to come out. "

Zac nodded. He knew that he also knew that it was because he let the "General" take the time to put down his revenge on Falken. This led the "General" to decide to go to prison to visit the only surviving gang in the southeast except him. Element.

"Then do you know that" General "already has his own person in Aix Security? Your grandson ~"

Zac frowned, everyone may be surprised, but Zac knew-Bi Sharp's wedding, remember, when Eve and Hamilton were talking, Nenad was rejected, he went to his mouth at the time 'Torido's descendants' too. I knew there was no explanation at the time, the big reason was that Zack didn't care.

‘General’ is already the son of Zac who does n’t want to discipline. Then, the grandson born by this son, do you think Zac will care? The grandfather you saw in some movies will be a soft-hearted bridge when you see a newborn baby. It does not exist in the world of vampires. The newborn vampire is very far from being cute.

Zac can only respond now, "He is infiltrating Aix, which is good, as long as it does not just kill people. Is this related to the present?"

"You will understand ~" Bumi continued, "The devil has been trying to help Wes investigate this case, at least the angel fell, I guess Jessica really wants to change his image in the Madison story, right This city does something good. "

"Square just said that he had received Jessica's order and had a reason to be killed in these living republicans." Zac interjected, but the tone was not good, and it was ridiculous.

"No, it's not Jessica's order. Jessica's order is, person to person. The demons in the southeast must follow every Republican here at any time."

Zac's sarcasm is more serious, but it is not rare for Jessica, now it is rare, Zac fully approves of the demon moment. Then, Zac sarcastically said-"I think so." Shaking his head, "No one can find the soul after the murder, but the soul of the person who is still alive is definitely in the body. Traversing can't find the killed. The reason, but staying with the Republicans will surely be able to contact the murderer. "Zac looked at the sky, shook his head, and turned to the direction of the" General "bar." So, what is Schol's excuse. "

"There are not enough manpower. Special advanced high-level demons, Britz is with him, and everyone knows the contradiction between them. Sgal can only become a mid-level demons, because of the obstacles of Briz. Sgal said He wants to send a lot of people to watch Briz, so as not to be retaliated by Briz. "

Zac pursed his lips, "Yes, use my arrangement as an excuse." It's not a relief or a displeasure, "and the 'general' did nothing."

"Ha ~ 'General' didn't do anything! He was the one who got a republican from Aix and started asking for security companies, and then, with Sgall. Sgall withdrew because he was understaffed and republican. The human demon, the 'general' obstructs Aix's security procedures. Two surviving Barton gangs together ~ the southeast, and another murder by the Republicans that the police can't solve ~ "

Oh, Zac ’s summary can be updated, and the Republicans were killed in the southeast.

But it doesn't matter if this metaphysical conclusion is drawn, what matters is. Did you understand that Sgoll carefully asked Zac why he was not with the "general" at the beginning? He did n’t pretend to be stupid, he just thought there was something Zach needed to hear from the ‘general’.

It's almost the same now.

Zac looked back at Bumi, "you have nothing to do anyway, go back to the" General "side. Ask him, to what extent does he want Aix to be unlucky?"

I hope everyone understands what Zach said.

Bumi went fast and returned quickly, "He said he was n’t sure. He wanted to see the results of the negotiations between the lawyer and the police of Erken, and he wanted me to tell you, do n’t get me wrong, he is still the one you think is not worthy of becoming. Torrido ’s guy, he could n’t think of such a clever thing, this is Fiona ’s idea. So, do n’t blame him, blame yourself, you told Fiona everything, and then let him wait. It ’s Fior. Na took the initiative to find him. "

"Staring at 'General'." Zac finally gave the order and it was time for Grande.

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