The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 12 Chapter 5: Reward of the Lord

It was a little late when I went back to Grande because of Chris. When Zac was leaving, the young man asked Zac if he could take him for a ride.

Zac thought that this guy had any family problems to consult. Like before, he was worried that his father was a vampire. Zac thought it was okay to answer everything, so he agreed. As a result, Zac took Chris around the Southern District a few times, and this guy didn't ask Zac any questions.

Zac didn't say anything, Grande who sent Chris back to Allen before returning.

Dinner time has passed, but there are still voices in the Grand restaurant. Zac swayed to the restaurant, first looked at Alice and Maya on the table, said "Come back." Then looked at Sissi, "I just took your boyfriend to shake a few times in the Southern District. "Zac didn't want to provoke, but just told the truth.

Sissi gave Zac an eye, and said nothing.

Zac did not continue to ask for fun, and was ready to go upstairs.

"Mrs. Button agrees that Mrs. Quinn has become a vampire." Alice suddenly said, looking at Zac, turning back. "After I went back from Grand, I promised. Did you say something to her?"

Zac raised his eyebrows and shook his head. "No, she herself ..." I don't know how to explain, "I figured it out."

This statement offended someone. Someone is Sissi.

Sissie patted the dining table, "What does it mean to figure it out, give up your soul and become a vampire, can you describe it as" characterized! ""

Zac decided to ignore Sissy. She smiled at Alice, "Mrs. Nathan should accept Lola and make friends with you ~" So that's why they can come back to Grande.

"Yeah." Alice smiled, but then pouted, "but when Mrs. Barton said to Mrs. Quinn, it was up to her, so when did Mrs. Barton become a vampire ..."

Before Alice finished, someone forced it in. Someone is Sissi.

Sissi shook the cutlery in her hand, "Huh. Does it make any sense, because there is no future soul anyway, and it is useless to stay for long."

Zac glanced at Sissi. Forget it, there was no need to argue. The fact is this. People with different positions just say different things.

But Zac was happy to tell Sissi, "Yeah, I want to ask how you are thinking about meeting with the Census of Lassenbra."

"Still thinking!" The answer was quite simple.

"Oh." Zac looked sideways. "Then you may need to finish your dinner home quickly. Frank has been in the habit of coming to Grande for dinner these days."

Sissi's body was obviously stiff, and then it seemed to instinctively speed up the meal.

Zac bent the corner of his mouth and did not show anything intentionally, preparing to leave again.

"Come here." Cici probably saw Zac's mouth, "I don't care. There is nothing to consider anyway."

Zac didn't turn around, keeping the corner of his mouth as a girl's disapproval, no need to say anything. However, Zac had just taken a step and watched Frank approaching with a smile ...

Raised his hand and patted Zac's shoulder first, then stepped directly into the restaurant, "I heard the saints say that, I also relaxed ~ Ha ha, I have been waiting outside for a long time, I have been worried that coming in will disturb everyone's meal ~ "

Zac still didn't turn around and went to the basement to get food for the guests.

When she came up, Sissy's face was black, Frank? Naturally white, staring at the wine bottle in Zac ’s hand with anticipation, “I ’m so embarrassed ~ I ’ve tried wild animals in the woods on the southern border, but it turned out that there was no pure blood from livestock. ~ "

Zach is a good host. When he heard a topic that could warm up, he knew he was going to pick it up, so, while filling the guests with food, he was curious, "Oh? I always thought that the blood of the wildlife is more, eh , Higher. At least this is what Gangaro claimed so much ~ "Warm field ~" Right, Miss Saint? "

Sissy's face was twitching, "I never talk to my men about their food!"

"I'm willing to communicate with the saints ~" Frank still smiled. "I agree that the blood of wild animals is more special ~ but noble? I don't think ~" Look at Zac, "The desire for survival of wild things And the desire to reproduce is too strong. "The helpless eyes," Almost the same as the complex life state of human beings, makes me uncomfortable. "

This is a topic of warm-up, and someone unexpectedly has an attitude of serious discussion. It ’s Alice, "This is probably in line with reality. After all, the progress of human civilization is always accompanied by the compression of the living space of other creatures. Now how complicated is the state of human life, and now the desire for survival and inheritance of wild animals, just How strong it will be. "

Alice realized that all her eyes were on her. Blushing, he lowered his head. "This is one of the thesis arguments applied by Kyle University. I helped him organize the information."

Kyle's university application. Forget it, now is not the time to care about this.

Zac looked back at Frank and smiled understandingly, "and the livestock raised by humans have no desire in this respect."

Frank nodded with a smile. "Yes." Satiated red in the cup, glanced at Sissi, still black-faced. The topic of warming up was over, and it didn't seem to play a role. But probably no warm-up topics will work, Frank knows this, so, "Yehir, right, your last name."

"Yes, is there any problem." Cici didn't look at Frank.

"I remember your ancestor, the one from four centuries ago." Frank didn't look at Sissy anymore, he looked at Zac. "He is a soldier, in a colonial army."

Zac gave a sorry look, "Sorry, I don't remember."

"Oh, it's okay. It was a low-level soldier who should not be remembered by anyone." Looking at his own food, "There are ten such low-level soldiers in the colonial army ... No, it should be said that we were thirteen Ten ancestors discovered that there were ten. "There was no tone." They were assigned to different troops on the battlefield. "

Probably Frank's tone disappeared suddenly. Although everyone at the table didn't know what Frank was talking about, they were all in a state of serious listening.

"Last time, Zach, I told you the real purpose of the colonial war." Frank raised his glass and made a toasting gesture to the air. "Now I want to tell you the reward that the vampire will get if the war is won. "

Zac was confused, "I already know that it is to release the identity of the vampire as a prisoner of this world and let the vampire rule the world."

Frank shook his head. "My conversation with Black Cat Biscuit is not complete. After all, we were only talking about things we were all interested in." Frank looked at Sissi. "The Lord's reward for vampires has been released. On the human comrades who fought the colonial war with our vampires. These ten soldiers discovered by our ancestors each carry the same reward that the Lord will give the vampires. If the war is won, these low-level soldiers can live Down, the vampire will get all the reward of the Lord. "Looking back at Zac," With your cleverness, you should be able to guess the reason why the Lord did this kind of thing. "

Zac naturally guessed, "What kind of incentive is this? Let the vampire win the war?"

Frank was about to speak and was preempted by someone who was Sissy.

Sissi has thrown away her tableware. "It's the incentive." He glanced at Frank. "And you didn't find all, not ten, or thirteen low-level soldiers. Also, not thirteen soldiers. Together, it is all the rewards given to you by the Lord. There is only one reward. The 13 soldiers carry the same thing. "

Frank first looked surprised, and soon turned into a smile, "I knew that the Lord deceived us again."

"The Lord didn't lie to you." Cici stared at Frank. "Why don't you tell me how you found out how the Lord put the reward in the human army?" He asked.

Frank raised his hand and made a confession. "I was a little bit unsatisfied. When I first came to this continent belonging to the Indians." He smiled at Zac and seemed to be asking Zac for his understanding. "I eat us Human comrade. "

Zac ... got it. Zac glanced at Sissi, "So it sounds like the Holy Lord did not directly tell the thirteen clan that it has placed the reward in the human army, it is the ancestor ..." Zac pouted, a little more specific, " Frank occasionally ate a low-level soldier, which happened to be one of thirteen soldiers. He found it. Then he began to look for it and found ten. "

Zac looked at Frank, and Frank admitted, "Yes." Then he continued, "But let us all be sincere. Our thirteen clan team went to the battlefield with humans, and the blood flew around the battlefield. We It is inevitable to find this information. This is the intentional incentive of the Lord. The only place where there is a discrepancy with the Lord ’s plan, probably before I went to the battlefield, this secret was discovered by me ~ "

Uh, this logic is correct, Frank continues, "And even my blood analysis ability, I can't know what the reward is, only that he is not the only one. When the war is won, he will give the vampire his surname and complete the reward Is given to the thirteen clan from the thirteen (fourteen, Gasset) surnames of the Holy Lord ’s ability house. "

The atmosphere on the dining table froze for a moment, and Zac moved first. Stand up and look at Sissi, "Your surname is the reward of the vampire after victory?"

Sissy didn't answer, Frank said, "At that time, our thirteen ancestors thought that each soldier's surname possessed an ability, which may be similar to the Japanese line. In short, it is the ability to help vampires stand on top of this world creature. Get all the hidden low-level soldiers, and the vampire will become extremely powerful. "

Frank smiled at Zac, "You now know why I was curious about your images before ~ ​​Ha ha, because ..." Her eyes turned to Sissi, "This should be to give the vampire the ability to rule the world One of them. "This is not finished," but now, since I know that there are thirteen soldiers, and the ability is only one kind. "Frank looked at Sissi." Don't let us guess, let's solve it directly, Miss Saint. " . "

"Thirteen surnames can only be given to one clan of vampires." Cici ... actually answered honestly.

"Wait." Zach had to interrupt, "Gangaro and I ..."

Zac was also interrupted. Sissi-"My surname is Yesher, not just a father who inherits from me, I also have a mother." A glance at Zac and Frank, who doesn't know what is proud, "I am human, my parents It ’s 'double', my surname, the merged product of the two surnames, hum, unlike some species. "

Frank is a ‘oh’ expression, Zac, with his lips curled, “Do we need to ask your grandparents’ generation, or even above? ”

Frank was reminded and echoed, "Yes, Miss Saint, you have run out of the number of surnames your parents gave you, how much more you ..." Frank's reason to see the Saint is already obvious.

Without asking, "No!" Cici stared at Frank. "I knew you were thinking about this! That's why I didn't want to see you!"

Frank's interrupted open mouth turned into a smile, turned to Zac, and shrugged gently, seemingly corresponding to Sissi's words, "And the reason I want to see Miss Saints seems to be gone ~" To be honest.

But there are still some things that need to be explained in the already opened topic. Zach asked, first of all, "Does Thomas (Gangaro) know?"

"Of course I don't know! Do you think if he knows this ability is the ultimate reward of the Lord, will he still show off in front of you ?! Give you the opportunity to ask me to ask for it ?!" Siqi really despised her men. ... Forget it, it was Gangaro anyway.

Zac felt amazing, and almost laughed silently, "And I asked you to give it to you?"

"You can use me to finally settle down in Barton and change with me. Shouldn't I give it?" Sissi was quite straightforward. It should be, this is her favor to Zac, and it is worthy to be straightforward with the beneficiaries.

"Okay." Zac waved his hand. "You just said that each of the thirteen soldiers' surnames can only be sent once, so the Holy Lord was never prepared to reward the entire thirteen clan?"

This is a very real problem. Frank just said that fourteen centuries ago, their thirteen ancestors only found ten soldiers with rewards. Shouldn't we despise the ancestors' abilities? So, it's not that they missed it. It was with the progress of the war. When the ancestors went to look for it, there were already three ... hanged.

"Of course not the entire thirteen clan!" Cici stared at Zac. "You have fourteen surnames! There is one more surname than the Lord wanted!" What?

Zac frowned, "Are you saying that the surname of Azumat's ancestors wanted, Seth?" Is the Lord so careful?

Thank Heaven and Earth, it ’s not, “This is not the point! Is the point is that each of the thirteen clans is worthy to rule this world!” Cici continued to be straightforward, “Do you want Mokawi ’s neuropathy to rule the world? The civilized fugitives of Gangaro rule the world? Do you want the world-weary men like Giovanni to rule the world? Do you want the Norfolk gang of freaks to rule the world? Do you want the fandom to rule the world alone? ... "

This is a personal attack. But ... makes sense.

Zac frowned, thinking deeply, "It's not a question we want, it's the Holy Lord doesn't want it, right. After all, this is a world that provides it with a continuous soul, and the ruler can't be a mess." Zah Ke glanced at Frank. "The worst thing is that the Lord didn't want to designate the ruler he wanted." The reason for seeing Frank-"It has only one purpose in this way, let us, grab it. It Want us to fight. "

Frank looked at Zac, his expression changed from giving up on continuing the conversation with Sissi. Shaking his head and raising the cup, he didn't speak again.

Zac ’s last question, “How do images help vampires rule the world?” Zac needs this answer, especially now when Zac starts to wonder how this ability balances his own pros and cons—having images naturally makes life easier. For example, Zach can go shopping ~ But the disadvantages are also obvious. For example, Zac's appearance is easily exposed by the media ~

Sissi took a deep breath and closed her eyes when she opened her mouth. "I never said that my surname gives vampires only to let vampires look in the mirror!" Eyes open, "Vampire images are always your definition-- Dirty, rotten, unworthy souls who go to the world of the Lord ’s faith! "

Zach seemed to notice something, "What is that in my mirror?"

Frank joined, "If I have your surname, now I (the soul has completely disappeared) look in the mirror, what is my image?"

A slightly dazzling reflection is Alice who has been listening to the whole process. A mirror is set up on the side of Zac, the kind that the girl will carry with her, a pink makeup mirror ...

Zac pouted slightly towards Alice in the mirror, then looked back at Sissi, waiting for an answer.

Wait, wait, wait.

Zac and others in the mirror were impatient and walked away.

Yes, go, go away.

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