How to make a bird in the mirror of a fish, how to make a cat in a mirror of a bird, how to make a man in the mirror of a cat ... How to let a soulless soul in the mirror become a handsome handsome man in the mirror ...

Zac spent a night looking at himself in the mirror. "I think this is me." Zac was sitting in front of Louise's dressing table.

Louise was lying on the bed, covering her face silently. Louise didn't care about Zac's troubles, she just ... not so concerned.

What should I say about this? Recall that when we were students, when we learned addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, would we be very active to figure out what the limits and quadrants are?

Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division seem to be able to solve everything in this world, no more advanced knowledge is needed. So far in life, what I know is enough for me to use.

Louise behind the palm, "Why do you care so much about this thing, are you really going to use this ability to rule the world?" Louise shook her head and shook her hand to get up and dress.

Zac looked at Louise in the mirror and dressed, "No, but he walked away, my own image dropped me away. What did I let him walk away? He walked away? What did he do?" ? What did he want to do? "Zac stared at Louise in the mirror with a serious face." You think about it, don't you feel fear? "

Louise also glanced at Zac from the mirror and continued to be speechless. "I thought, and then I do n’t need to fear, as long as she stays there honestly every time I look at the mirror. For me, it ’s enough. "Louise put on her clothes, sorted her hair in the mirror, simply grabbed it, and then smiled at the mirror faithfully reflecting all her movements-this is a smile for herself," Look, That ’s enough. ”Turn around and leave the bedroom.

Zac watched Louise's back disappear from the mirror after the closed door, looked back at himself in the mirror, and asked, "Will you stay there honestly?"

Zac in the mirror is asking Zac the same question.

Zac was probably crazy, and his mouth twitched, "Are you asking me? You are my image, and I have you, so you don't deserve to ask me questions!"

It's amazing ~ Zach in the mirror is also saying the same thing to Zach ~

"If your brain is broken, it's best to tell me in advance." The bedroom door was pushed open, and James stood beside the door, staring at Zac with contempt. Uh, Zac in the mirror is mainly because Zac's body is facing away from the door. James doesn't want to see Zac's head talking.

"Who are you talking to?" Zac turned to look at James. "Me? The one in the mirror."

"Crazy." James exited the door and left.

Zac pulled a corner of his mouth again, turned around and looked back at himself in the mirror, holding his arm and letting go of the attack.

I have just said that this gaze has been going on all night. What Zac wanted to see was that the guy in the mirror walked away again.

What happened yesterday in front of Sissi was so sudden that no one responded. Zach could find that his image abandoned him, relying on the overwhelming Alice, who almost fell into the small mirror in his hand.

But to make the situation even more weird, when Zack took Alice ’s hand and asked, ‘What about my image? At that time, Zac in the mirror came back.

What happened afterwards was not a little nutritious. In short, Zac and Frank continued to ask Sissi what this ability is, Sissi, not to answer.

Why should she answer? Oh, this is the vampire's victory in the colonial war. Did the war win?

Yes, that's right, the rewards are indeed now in the hands of vampires, Toledo and Gangaro. But obviously, Zac doesn't know the correct use of this ability. Er, don't mention Gangaro.

So Sissi kindly told Zack that this ability is not an image, is it really good? She deliberately tried to rectify her, she succeeded.

For Zac, the bad thing is that he knew that Sissi was n’t trying to make him false. Sissi was telling the truth-what was in the mirror was not the simple image that Zac had thought, this thing in the mirror Can go away.

Zac didn't know what caused him to think that it was his image that was gone. Therefore, it is impossible to know whether the thing in the mirror is still controlled by oneself. Therefore, it is the fear that Zack just said. Is the thing in the mirror independent conscious? Is it the waitress who poses every time he looks at the mirror? Will he resign? Or complain about his work ... Does Zach need to pay him anything?

This is a bottomless abyss. Zac in the abyss is a bit lonely, because Louise doesn't accompany him.

Zac would like to admit that Louise made sense, staring at the mirror all night, and the 'waiter' in the mirror did not strike. What do you think, what happened in front of Sissi yesterday is an accidental exception-it happened on When Zack shakes his understanding of his ability, he accidentally touches on the correct use of this ability.

Let's take an extreme example for everyone to understand:

You found a brick on the road. You see it is of moderate weight and size. You pick it up and make a door stop. Then one day, unfortunately, a bad guy broke into your home. When your life was shaken, you picked up the perfect door stop and shot it towards the bad guy.

At that moment, you know that the brick you picked up from the road is a weapon, and the correct way to use it is to slap it in your hand and slap it to the bad guy who threatens your life.

Then when this little life ends unexpectedly, tell me, will you continue to use it correctly, or throw it next to the door and let it continue to be the door stop?

Louise is the guy who also picked up a brick at home, but fortunately did not meet the bad guys, the door stop is good.

Zac, it's you. But Zac is not exactly you. He sucked blood for four centuries, so when you represent the true, kind and beautiful of human beings and continue to use the brick as the door stop, Zac is enchanting and hesitating.

Rescue ... No, at this moment, what saves Zac temporarily is-

"Phone." Louise returned to the bedroom door, hesitating a little, "Logan."

Reason for hesitation: James's footsteps hurried up, and he went directly to the office when he heard the voice.

James just put the earpiece to his mouth, "Logan ..."

The earpiece was in Zac's hand. Zac stretched his body slightly, sitting stiffly behind the desk, ignoring James's, "Early, Logan."

"Well, early." Logan's voice seemed to be deeper than normal, and Zac could hear it because of excessive fatigue.

"You sound tired." Zac opened James' face.

"I'm very tired." Logan admitted, and, "I haven't slept in two days and two nights."

Zac's face was dark, just to scare James who came together again-Zac's face is really stinky now. This is the result of the superposition of bad conditions, "Two days, that is, you haven't taken a rest after meeting Lily."

There was a stunned look on the receiver, "How do you know I saw Lily?"

‘Madison wrote. "Answer so? Then Zac wants to explain the future, the present, the archangel, the Lord, Madison, Ms. West? Forget it, Zac is really in a bad mood right now, "I just knew it." Unreasonable, "I also know that you and Lily discovered the evil cult called" Tianqi ". You are on the phone to say This matter? "

"Uh ... yes, yes." Affirmative response, then, it seems a little irritable, "Who told you this? We thought we did not leak information to anyone!"

Zac still did not explain, but the odor of his face continued to superimpose, and a warning was directly shot into James's eyes. Why? —— "What do you mean by not leaking the news? Did you not call the police?"

Zacto had a foresight, and if it weren't for the almost evil-looking warning, James might have rushed.

"No." Logan was still impatient. "We didn't notify the police! Lily refused! I knew it was a bad idea!"

"You relax." Zac's eyes kept warning of James, saying, "What happened." At the same time, Zac's hand fumbled today's work report on his desk. Not touched.

James' body shook like an electric shock, abandoned Zac, rushed out of the office, and went straight downstairs. He was going out of Grande – Cyrus, who had obtained a work report from Madison, had not yet come to work.

Zac pouted and listened to Logan ’s earpiece: “Lily wants private revenge. She wants to solve the two previous murders, let her daughter keep asking about death, and then let his daughter ’s teacher report for this reason. She is not suitable for being the two parents who eventually made her lose her daughter. "Uh, this is a sentence that advances layer by layer, you know. This is the official reason why Lily lost her daughter, as we witnessed. It's hard for Rogan to sum up so directly.

Zac thought for a while, "So don't contact the police? Lily wants to avenge herself before the police?"

"Yes! She said she didn't believe in the Vega Police Department. If the murderers were sent to the judicial system, she might never be able to take revenge. The worst case may be that only the criminals who participated in the murder of human beings were punished. Those who hurt The person who murdered the alien may not be touched at all. "

Zac pursed his lips, Zac understood. Can't you understand? In the hijacked story, Lily said she wanted to show Logan the life after becoming an alien. This is an unreserved display.

Logan didn't hear Zac's response there for the first time, "Zac, Zac?"

"I'm here." Zack responded, shaking his head, a little unfocused, and rectified, "What's the progress of Lily now?"

"We stole the accounts we entrusted our customers ..." Logan paused, thinking that Zack could not understand, "We know that 'Apocalypse' is because of this customer's commission ..."

"I know what you entrusted." Zac adjusted his emotions again to suppress the rising irritability. "I know that your client's partner is funding the" Apocalypse "and continue."

Logan was quiet for a while, and obeyed, "From the accounting, we found a supplier that provided weapons to 'Tianqi'. It's a central company. Lily thinks it's just an empty shell. Today I'm going to the mayor's office to call Find resources to find out the company's personnel information. "Added a sentence," I can sleep when I have time. "

Zac nodded, "What about the person who joined your client's partner the first night?"

Logan was stunned again, probably surprised by the details Zac knew, and responded after stunned, "Dead Road, we tried to track, but obviously that person really entered their teaching-will-center and would use alien-oriented Anti-tracking means. Lily has no way to follow up. "

"So the people who sponsor 'Apocalypse' are only very peripheral members?"

"Well, it looks like this, and the kind that can be discarded. After all, it is responsible for the supply of weapons." Logan's voice was somber again, "Lily said that this would save the crime of illegal arms trading after being exposed. "The next words are a bit cold," killing aliens is not a human crime, but can be used to convict the arms trade and be cast aside. Most members of the "Apocalypse" can go away without a crime. "

Zac frowned, "Does Vega like a society where people live openly, but there is no law for aliens?" Isn't Zack asking this kind of core question now, but when Zack was in Vega, it wasn't Didn't this happen to touch the core?

"No." Logan replied. "At least Lily said she hasn't seen it yet. The top vampires don't need legal protection, and those who have power are themselves guaranteed. The following aliens rely solely on human social systems And sell labor to live in such an open life. In essence, aliens do not have their own rights in Vega ... "

In tone, Zach could hear that Logan hadn't finished speaking, but there was really no sound in the receiver. Zac understood that it was not Logan who told Zac what he experienced in Vega, but what Logan felt.

We know Zac's, no matter how serious the problem he is facing, someone needs him, he will be intimate ~

Zach: "Are you rethinking your decision to become an alien? Logan."

"Not yet." Logan's speech began to slow down. "I know that the aliens here in the west live this kind of life. I also know what kind of life the aliens around you live. I still remember me The reason I want to come to the west is that I want to see more interracial lives. Now I see them. "

Zac nodded, believing in Logan's understanding, "No matter what, you know what you need to compare."

"Well, the contrast is my human life. Former criminals working in the funeral industry." A familiar life summary, isn't it. Logan paused for a while, "Zac, I know I'm not suitable to be Toledo, so you suggest me to see other aliens ..." He stopped himself, "Forget it, I have time, I can continue watching. "

Zac did not respond, because this is a fact. Remember the first time Logan expressed to Zac that he did not want to continue to be a human when he responded. Zach gave Logan the possibility to choose, he should not fail.

"Have a good rest." Zac is ready to hang up.

"Well." Hanged up.

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