When he returned to Grand, Zac felt like he was missing something. It seems that just before the process of helping Connaught deal with the commission, I missed something ...


Zac stood on the back porch of Grande, looking at Brian sitting on the bench, a little surprised, "Brian? Why are you here?"

"The thing you feel you missed is Mason the Hunter." Brian didn't look at Zac. The vampire-stricken human held his backpack and lowered his head, continuing his inexplicable words without a tone.


"The demon of the Skull and Skull was sent to heaven by the key to heaven's liberated Torino, but the demon hunter Mason did not. What you missed was the follow-up of Mason."

Zac opened his mouth, "Okay." The strange feeling that the missing things were filled in made Zac not know what to say, "Are you here to tell me about Mason's dynamics."

"No." Brian still didn't look at Zac and started rummaging through his backpack. "But Madison said he can tell you this." A book was drawn to Zac.

Zac took it.

After looking at Brian for a while, he looked at the manuscript. The content on it was messy, and he wrote all kinds of unrelated sentences with no format at all.

Zac looked at it for a while, until he really saw something about Mason--

The protests of human beings in the west have intensified. Constantine, who used human souls for experiments, was exposed and attacked. Constantine and his demon companion Seth began to run. Mason, who was once a container of Devil Seth When it came to the information for help, when Barton had nothing he could do, he chose to go to the west, and Constantine and Seth would meet, and New West provided help.

Zac opened his mouth again, "What is this?"

"Madison's draft." Brian answered.


"Well, not everything in this world will have anything to do with you. This is Madison ’s draft. He lists the things and then sees what your protagonist will do. He will write in the story about you. It's just thrown away like this. "Brian held the bag, the zipper had been opened, and Zack saw a bag full of manuscripts.

Back to the original question.

Zac looked at Brian, "What are you doing here?"

"Look at the story."


"Madison's story only wrote that Louise didn't answer your call. I asked Madison what was going on. He didn't tell me or write, so I could only read it myself."

Zac's mouth twitched, "What?"

Bryan finally looked at Zac, with a sincere look, "Are you green by Zagger? Tell me, I want to know."

Zac's eyes flickered for a moment, ignoring Bryan's entry into Grande, closed the door, and returned to the office.

Write the "Shanghai Communist News" very heavily! Then finally have to break through the moral constraints of these days, and began to write detailed steps for the republican news ...

"I hope you are happy." Benjamin stood at the door of the office and stared at Zac. "Mokawi ran to get a training course for parturient care and went to face yoga."

Zac turned his head and looked at Benjamin. "What?" Zac seemed to only say this.

"You showed her the physiological knowledge of human reproduction, isn't she? Now she regards herself as those fragile human women, and she wants to keep herself and the children in her stomach healthy!"

"Uh." Zac didn't want to bother, and he raised the ratio again, preparing to list the steps of the Republican news.

Benjamin approached and took away the paper Zac was about to write. "I haven't asked why I went out and made a commission. My wife's belly is eight months old!"

Zac took the new paper and wrote again, "Ask? Why should I ask? Isn't that what we discussed. Huh, if you want to ask, just ask your wife why you suddenly want to feel Bruch's feeling better." . "

Zac has just written the title of "Shanghai Communist News".

The paper was taken away by Benjamin again, "Then you should let him find the feeling of Eli Torredo! Stop the growth of the fetus with blood control! Instead of scaring her with any human physiological knowledge!"

"I scared her?" Zac took another piece of new paper. "Did you know me the first day or your dear wife?"

Benjamin continued to smoke Zac's paper. Benjamin ’s strategy was nothing but to advance the topic, “Where did you go! You should watch her in Grande!”

Zac was speechless, and when he and Nuo went out, wasn't nobody seen, and no one in Grandry was willing to speak for himself? Hey, forget it, maybe no one is willing to help Zac speak, but Benjamin refused to listen to Zac's movements from others.

"Nuo needs help." As soon as Zac put new paper in his hand, Benjamin took the whole stack away. Zac withdrew his hand and put down his pen, calmly, "Yoga, what, do you want me to destroy that yoga class?"

It means, ‘Benjamin, just say it, what do you want me to do? ’

Benjamin was quiet for a while. With a grunt, he sat down opposite Zac.

"What about you guys going downstairs. Do you remember that he used to be the same neuropathy who sent fan letters to Grande." It was Brian.

Zac sat quietly for a while, then suddenly picked up the phone and began dialing the mill.

The phone is on.

"It's me, Zack. Call your staff back, thank you."

"Okay." Madison agreed, "Is he right now?"

"You wait."

Zac went downstairs and glanced at Brian, who was still sitting on the bench. "Your boss told you to go up and answer the phone."

Brian did not resist and followed Zach.

Under the watchful eyes of Zac and Benjamin, he picked up the receiver and said, "Hey."

Madison over the receiver, "Come back to work."

"Do you have any follow-up stories of vampires." Brian asked, not caring about Zac.

"No ~" Madison replied.

"Then I won't go back."

Zac frowned.

Madison over the receiver, "I will deduct your salary if you don't work ~"

"It doesn't matter, my house in the southeast can still be rented. I don't lack money."

"Okay, please call Zac."

The phone returned to Zac. Zac's face was already terrible. "Madison, what do you mean."

"It's not interesting, you heard me, you told me to call him, I called. But my boss seems to have no prestige, I'm sorry. Is there anything else? I need to tell you, I lack staff, very busy."

Zac glanced at Brian and then at Benjamin, "Go out."

Brian moved quickly, Benjamin paused and saw Zack's confirmed eyes before going out, closing the office door.

"Madison." Zac sat back at his desk, "Who is buying my story." He asked directly.

"Roy's judgment is correct ~" Madison also answered. Also, this whole thing Madison had no intention of concealing from the beginning, otherwise it would not deliberately show off in front of Harrison.

Zac adjusted his emotions, and the following conversation was not suitable for the irritability before the substitution. "Will Rut Lesenbull succeed?"

"I will not answer your question beyond this point of time ~"

"Give me a reason."

"Hehehe, I want to live ~"

Zac's vision was briefly out of focus, and when he gathered again, "Are you safe now?"

"Nothing ~"

Zac was silent again for a while, frowning, and exhausted his questions, "Can I take the situation as it is-when you react, will something start to happen in the future? Now you , Looking for room to turn around as much as possible? "

The receiver was silent for a while, and finally withdrew that grinning tone, stating, "When I" see "this time, when you talk to me on the phone, I probably used it repeatedly. There are dozens of ways to answer your question. The progress of the events afterwards ... "Madison said nothing.

Zac was already fully thinking, and responded quickly, "Your dangerous future does not intersect my story." Said this conclusion-

The book that Brian had shown on the back porch, right? Just when we thought that Zach and the world had an important influence in everything that happened, Madison showed us a draft of a school bag. Zac, after all, is just an individual, not too much. The "divine" individual.

Not every thing Zac will participate in. In other words, Zac ’s protagonist aura can only be played in Zac ’s story.

"Well, yes, and you can get this conclusion every time." Madison in the earpiece responded. "You are really a smart and annoying guy."

Zac didn't care about Madison's evaluation, "But the beginning of this matter was that Lut Lesenbula bought my story, right?"

"Yes." Madison replied.

Zac was quiet again, thinking. The conclusion of the thinking, "Are I going to focus on another thing I was made in the future, and ignore the fact that your ability is abused by the magic banquet because of this matter. When you are going to danger , I'm dealing with my own problems, which ultimately led to your ... "Zac actually did not confirm what Madison said was the danger, is it death? So I haven't finished.

"I said, I will not answer things beyond this point in time. But as a protagonist who is written, you have such reasoning, hehe, I am very pleased with the author."

Zac heard Madison's indifference, which was even more confusing. Zac asked directly, "Madison, what are you going to do?"

"What are you going to do?"

"Your goal? Except for wanting to live."

"No, I just want to live for the time being."

"But you just said that you are not safe now."

"I didn't say that my situation has gotten worse, have I, am I still alive right now?" Madison was slightly impatient.

Zac raised his eyebrows, and the other party's mood changed, proving that Zac had ordered something, "Are you saying that what you are doing is continuing your temporary safety?"

This call is getting more and more around, there is no way to do it. Madison is obviously strictly following certain principles that cannot be said to Zac ... No, Zac has just parsed it, it is not that Madison does not want to say, it is Zac who has no time to take care of Madison ’s safety even if he knows-- Another event of Zac may appear in the magic feast. This is Zac's own story. Zac is powerless to manage everything in this world! And this powerless incident includes the problems facing Madison now!

Madison sighed over there, "Can I say that, you can get this conclusion every time, and then, hehe, you are at ease. You will think-ah, Madison can handle this problem himself." Yeah, Madison is also quite strong, do n’t worry about me. "

Zac frowned, and Zac didn't mean it.

But Madison did n’t give Zach the opportunity to continue, but, “Anyway, you need the peace of mind you have in your own story, do n’t you. Do n’t argue, I ca n’t say you, but I just want you to A little bit conscious, vampire, can you say, I can see, I can see all stories, yours, everyone. I am the one who can comment on all stories, not you, vampire, do n’t be too arrogant . "

Inexplicably, the call seemed to become the content of Madison's personal attack.

But Zac didn't refute anymore, he understood what Madison meant. Madison is probably right. Now that he has obtained the fact that Madison is turning back to Madison ’s own future, Zack himself has to admit that he will really give up Madison does not care-

I haven't really cared about it before, why should I start now? Madison is not an important role in his own story, is he?

After Zac was quiet for a long time, "probably what I am talking about, you have seen it many times in the future, right."

"Finally, you get it ~" Madison regained his original grinning tone.

"Do I need to say goodbye and hang up the phone?"

"I don't care if you feel comfortable with yourself," an author said to his protagonist, hey. This is giving up.

"That." Zac hung up the phone without any courtesy, and suddenly hung up without courtesy. Although this situation should have been hidden in Madison's future, Zac did not care. At this moment, Zac felt happy to do so.

hang up the phone. Zac sat at the table for a while. "That." Zac hung up the phone without any courtesy, and suddenly hung up without courtesy. Although this situation should have been hidden in Madison's future, Zac did not care. At this moment, Zac felt happy to do so.

Benjamin ’s voice came in, “You said a bunch of things, I did n’t understand them at all.”

"No need to understand." Zach opened the door and glanced at Benjamin. "You only need to know that he is reminding me that the question of the Demon Banquet is important to me?"

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