How to stop Rut Lesenbula from making another Zac, the only known process now is that Xiaoka investigates the matter at the Magic Banquet.

There is absolutely no way to reassure Zac.

New things must be done, relying on Zac himself, to let Rout's plan collapse.

But ... what's the matter ...

Zac is in Barton and Rute is in the west. Even if Zac has any powerful plans, when Zac crosses the confederation and arrives in Vega City, things may be foregone.

the phone is ringing. Zac answered the phone, "Grand Funeral ..."

"Torido." A dull voice sounded.

Zac froze for a moment, this familiar voice was ...

"We are lost, and we seem to be stared at by Nofile, who is hidden in the dark of this city. The situation is very bad for us, and I now order you to support us ..."

Zac hung up the phone directly and blinked at the desk.

The phone rings again. Zac glanced at the phone, got up straight, and went downstairs ignoring the ringtone. "Brian, you should go back to the mill now."

"No, I still have to see why ..."

"Bain!" Zac yelled directly at the living area.

Bain poked his head from the window of his apartment, "What's the matter?"

"Send this guy back to the mill!" Zach gave the order, then glared at Brian, "Don't show up in Grand again."

Then Zac went directly into the exhibition room, facing Sirius, who was reading the magazine behind the counter, "You are on holiday, go home (Zam's Office) ..." Zac interrupted himself, shaking his head, "No, go to Allen funeral , Inform Nainard and Hamilton of them. "

Zach looked up somberly and glanced upstairs-the phone still ringing. Zac looked back at the surprised Cyrus, "Tell them that the strongest fighting group in the Secret Alliance has arrived in Button."

"Why, what?" Cyrus didn't seem to understand.

"Bruch." Zach can only say more clearly. "Bruch is in Button! Now, run!" Ceres disappeared.

Zac left the showroom and walked to the carpentry shed. Not yet close to Hank.

"Not my problem!"

"You have Lesenbra blood in your body! This is your business!" Zack did not condone Hank's attitude as usual, "Go to Newton, go to Winston! At least wait for me to figure out the cloth. Ruhe's attitude towards the current federal situation! "

Hank is still stubborn ...

Zac even did not give Hank the opportunity to "hum", "Four centuries of hostility, taste it, you will understand!" Then, under the flash of the dark red spell, a blood bead has appeared In Zac's palm, he handed it to Hank.

it is necessary--

Hank once tasted Zac's blood, but we also said that Hank's interpretation of Zac's life experience in Barton in recent years has nothing to do with Zac's true past. In addition, Hank is a descendant of Frank. Oh, Frank did not experience the hostility of the Secret Alliance and the Demon Alliance!

Therefore, Hank didn't feel anything about the two opposing alliances formed by the thirteen clan of the vampire!

Hank's face was rumpled, and he took the blood bead from Zac and swallowed it. Almost immediately, his face changed. And this is just the message that Zac took the initiative to put in his blood as Toledo-the secret alliance and the magic banquet were competing for the territory at the beginning of the Federation!

Huh, Ruth once showed off to Zac how he turned the barren west into a bustling place. No one thinks that it is Rute who likes to play the city development game before taking the Feast to the West to dig gold. The fact is that the Demon Banquet lost in the site competition!

What does hostile mean is that one party must lose before the other can feel the victory!

Uh, what is the purpose of the Magic Banquet to train James in Button? In order not to let the hidden alliance come back! Never forget this!

Hank called Winston. Before he left, he glanced at Zac. "What are you going to do? You are now a magic feast vampire."

"I'm Torrido. I survived a century ago, and it's the same now." Zack's response was more fart, but ... the truth seems to be a little bit.

Finally, Zac returned to the office ...

The ringing of the phone stopped long ago, it was not the caller who gave up the order-was the wording on the phone just now? It wasn't the caller who gave up ordering Zachary Toledo, but Alpha, who was noisy and rested by the bell, answered the phone.

When Zac stood next to the desk, Benjamin held the receiver and looked sideways at Zac, with no expression on his face, facing the receiver, "Who do you think you are." It's neither provocation nor doubt, "I act Lord Barton does not seem to allow you to enter my city. "

Zac did not intervene, standing quietly beside Benjamin.

The sound in the earpiece is also very calm, and the lowness comes with it. "Lord Patton, Alpha, you are too self-controllable. This city, when its birth was not born, its lord has already confirmed. Absolutely not you rely on Ganggro's inferior blood becomes a special lower creature. "

Zac raised his hand and patted Benjamin, and began to compare his lips. ‘Ask him why the lord has confirmed it. ‘Zac will always pick details from others’ words.

Benjamin saw Zac ’s mouth, but did not meet Zac ’s requirements: "Is the term" lower creature "irritating me? I can tell you now that if it succeeds, you will regret it and then it will be broken Cried and ran back to the arms of your master, Fan Zhuo, begging for comfort. "

Zac's clenched teeth!

*! This swearing in my heart is because Zac knows! Before being reminded by Louise that Bruch might appear in the Confederation, Benjamin showed that he wanted to 'activities'! It was under Zac's forced coercion that he followed Zac and gave the preparation to Bruch to the Demon Feast!

Now, in vain! Benjamin went straight up!

The receiver was quiet for a while, "I heard in the Republic that our Toledo lived with an Alpha relationship. It seems the news is true, and you heard a lot of things inside the secret alliance from there ... "

This is now the case, Bruch attacked Alpha with the bloodline created by Alpha-Gangro's bloodline. Benjamin counterattacked the fact that Bruch would only surround Fanzhuo, willing to be Fanzhuo's dogleg.

No one wins, and a new round of attacks is started horizontally. And this attack was still initiated by Bruch on the other side of the earpiece. "Did Torido tell you that he was the one who made you werewolves to forget their original intentions (to defend the home of the Indians), and to compete with other aliens. The point of living space. "

The attack made a circle and pierced Zac. The purpose is also very clear, naturally to disturb the mind of Alpha Benjamin.

It's a pity that Benjamin glanced at Zak on the corner and looked at the receiver, "Uh, I'm starting to be disappointed, you are almost making me feel like you are protecting Zachary Torrido. But it ’s more than that. Werewolves snatching wizards, the Alpha iteration of the wolves, are n’t they all “credits” in the hidden alliance. Oh, not just to make the werewolf ’s living space difficult, Bruch, do n’t because you used to be The companions of the Secret Alliance will whitewash him. "

The receiver is quiet again. It seems to be reassessing the closeness of the relationship between Toledo and Alpha!

Also, pay attention to Benjamin's words, Benjamin has emphasized that there is a key point-the living state of the werewolf today, of course, originated from the tricky vampire Zacary Toledo, but at the root of it, this is the secret alliance!

Since Bruch ’s attack was to shake Alpha ’s mind, Alpha clearly told the other party: Sorry, I am very clear who my enemy is!

The victorious balance is on the way to Benjamin ... but Zac is not happy.

There is no point in conflicting with Bruch!

How confident Benjamin is in his own strength, Zac sincerely ... don't care! No matter how confident you are, igniting your upper body is stupid!

Zac reached out to grab the microphone.

Benjamin did not condone Zac, and raising his hand directly against Zac's body was a push.

Zac's chest was stuffy, and he stepped back and forth a few times, staring at Benjamin sullenly-making Zac express his negative emotions so clearly, Benjamin became more and more proficient at stimulating Zac.

"Salde Bruch." Zac surrendered the name of the speaker over the receiver directly. "My brother is just upset you ..." Benjamin stared at Zac, Zac ignored it directly, and continued to finish. What you have to say, "Your words. You don't deserve to order me anymore, Sald, unless you let me take it and be executed by you. So, take back your" command ", my dear The younger brother will also take back the malice. "

Benjamin stared at Zac and pouted, no more movement.

Zac also rubbed his chest and walked back to Benjamin, taking the receiver. Benjamin did not resist this time, frowning and stood to the side.

When Zac sat down again, there was a talk on the side of the receiver. "A century has passed, and the enchantment of Torrito by the Magic Banquet has long ended."

Zac had no expression. "It's also rare to let Sald say this. You haven't seen it in a hundred years. Have you fallen into fear of Nofil." Zach's meaning is obvious. Sald called Came for help.

"I'm not afraid of Norfil, I'm just afraid of Bumi and Dora. There are two second-generation Norfils snooping in secret, and I can't accomplish my purpose of returning to the Federation. I ordered ..." changed the statement , "Request the support of the former colleague, Toledo."

Zac did n’t expose the information that Louise gave him, so, “Tell me your purpose of returning to the Federation first.”

"Impossible." Salder over the receiver refused to answer directly.

Hum, since the other party still wants to keep the mission secret of awakening the Bruch clan-there is no proper attitude to openly communicate. Nazac, "Then I will refuse your request as the current Demon Toledo. Well, I will also report to the Demon that Bruch has entered the federal territory."

"Zac!" Sald over the receiver, anxiously, did not call Zac Torrido. He called the abbreviation directly, "I heard that you joined the feast, but I didn't expect it to be true! People are disappointed! "

"Why are you disappointed? The secret alliance was built by me. I am tired of the identity of the secret alliance for three centuries. Do you still need your permission to enter the banquet?"

"You ..." Nothing "you" came out.

Zach continued, "Based on the past sentiment, I will tell you that the Federation of Nofeller is now in an alliance with the wizard. You are afraid of Bumi and Dora's attitude, hum, right. But based on you Stupid actually called me and exposed your whereabouts. Now, the Demon Banquet is going to stare at you. Get ready, Sald. "

"Wait a minute ..."

Zac has hung up the phone.

"Do you expect a group of three and four generations of vampires buried by Allen to face the second generation of Bruch." Benjamin stared at Zac gloomyly.

Zac ignored it, grabbed the receiver when he remembered the phone again, hung up when he heard the first note from Sald, and then unplugged the phone line.

The phone in the showroom downstairs rang. There was no one to pick it up for a long time, but it was picked up by Slime Bill. "Zac, Bruch looks for ..."

"Hang up." Zack gave the order.

Slime Bill did just that.

The phone rang again, Slime answered again, hung up ...

Grande's external communications cannot be cut off, after all, it is still business hours.

This meaningless cycle lasted for a while, Zach connected to the office phone line, dialed directly, and Allen was buried. "It's me, have you informed the various clans in the west."

"All the notifications are in place!" Allen Funeral was answering the phone over Harrison. "The Zmish ancestor offered to come back to Patton to stop the awakening mission of Bruch's ancestor. My father allowed it !!"


The ancestors have no sense of the opposition between the hidden alliance and the magic banquet alliance. Oh, why does the Zmish ancestor Bob prevent his old friend from being awakened?

Not only is this funny, but also Lut Lesenbull would allow such a proposal? Lut burned out the data of Zmiche's medical experiment! Is Rute now the Missi clan who completely abandons Ci Mo Yan? So let Bob leave the west, oh, Bob has no reason to return to the magic feast!

Can explain the reason for this kind of **** development-

The former, Bob is going back to Barton for Roy!

The latter, already knowing from the Madison story that he was a complete fool *, Rute, who was played in the drum by Zach and all now sober clan ancestors, oh, deliberately excluded the clan ancestor from the magic feast! Start with the least powerful Zmish ancestor!

Hamilton certainly did n’t know what Zac was thinking, emotionally, “But even if you set off right away, the Zmish ancestors will need at least a few days to reach Barton! Zac! We know why Bruch came to the Federation "There is one thing to be clear, the Federation vampires know that Bruch will come to the Federation to wake up the Bruch ancestors, but no one knows where the Bruch ancestors are, except for Bruch's messenger himself, isn't it?" But since they came from Patton, did they mean that the ancestor of Bruch was here, in Pakistan ... "

Zac interrupted, "Don't scare yourself." Whether it's subjective or objective, it's no good. "Aren't the Zmich's ancestors already here? Now there is Nofeller to pin Bruch, even then. The worst happened, and we also had two clans in Barton. "Mocavi and Bob," we are the advantage! "

Force a wave of comfort.

"*!" Hamilton yelled, and then, "Oh, yes, Nick Giovanni also offered to come to Patton, but he didn't get permission ... Hey, but he still set out to walk with the Zmish ancestor Alright-Revelo ’s intelligence monitoring just confirmed the news ... "

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