Zac opened his mouth several times, and much of what he could say came to his lips, pressing down.

The last time you opened your mouth, the words were, "Torido is very strong, I am very strong. But you are too weak, Bruch is too weak, you will only drag me down, tortoir clan. I don't want you. "

Bumi in the shadow ... walked out of the shadow once, but immediately backed away. The meaning of this behavior is temporarily unknown.

After a brief silence, Sald's head drew back, and he lifted it up again, "Fan Zhuo, the strongest, I know." The head drew back again, and the voice was powerless in this powerless physiological state, "Can you let us go now? I have told you my plan. We will not have any impact on Button. I don't care about anything in the Federation. When I wake up my father, we will leave Button and go back. Republic, continue to protect Fan Zhuo by Fan Zhuo. Please ... "Hey," let us go. "

"No!" Is Bumi in the shadow. "Now that you are back to your loyalty to Fanzhuo now! Then our hatred that Nofeller has fallen here! You are responsible !!! I should be right now ..." The shadow in the corner moved By the way, Bumi's body didn't show up at all and leaned towards Salder. Bumi, it is time to end Salder's eternal life.

Zac. Zac raised his hand and reached into the moving shadow, "Bumi, don't."

The shadow collapsed at the moment Zac touched, and Bumi's pointed fingers were facing Sald's heart. But, just facing, Zac's hand grabbed Bumi's wrist. Therefore, Bumi's face was grim-the unidentified movement just now, there is now an explanation, "Zacree Torredo, if you take Bruch for your own use, I can still see us For four centuries of friendship, let go of your former hatred! But now you do n’t want Bruch! You have no reason to stop me from killing Bruch ’s messenger at this moment! "

That's right, if Bumi can accept which clan has the power of Bruch, it's Zach's Toledo. But Zac said, ‘I do n’t want you’.

Then use hatred as a reason to remove this power now!

Bumi, this is not a stupid person——

"Kill the messenger! Let the republic's Mokawi and Bruch consume each other! Only the relegated gang of relegated Vandals will face the angel, Papa midnight and the republican aliens!" Bumi stared The target he wants to attack! "The Hidden Alliance is the past of you and me! Let you and I hate the past! Just let the hidden alliance disappear!"

Zac opened his mouth slightly, still holding Bumi's wrist, "I created the hidden alliance, even if you want to make the hidden alliance disappear, don't you think it is reasonable for me to do it." Slowly said this.

No need to be smart, you know this is a lie! Zac just tried his best to delay the time Bumi started!

But Bumi did n’t mean to look sideways at Zac. “This is not a movie, nor a story! I do n’t need this kind of drama! I only know that it ’s an opportunity now!

The deadlock happened.

And the reason for this deadlock ... a little has been mentioned just now-the relegation of Fan Zhuo.

At this time, we do not need to pay attention to what is sentimental, what clan tutor, what friendship, what creator ... the past is the past! It's not worth continuing to waste the time now!

What should be watched is the future! The future of vampires!

Fan Zhuo abandoned the downgrade of the full body vampire and protected the future of the vampire! !

Fan Zhuo's strong is not Zac's tough break here to reject Bruch, strong, is the fact! Zac can't let the vampire's future just disappear in the Mokawi riots! Bruch must keep Fanjo! Save the future of vampires!

"Bumi, be more rational!" Zach found helplessly that his power bottleneck had appeared, and Bumi's hand was being embedded into Salder's chest a little bit! "Sam!" The dark red spell followed Zac's arm and climbed into Bumi's palm! And gradually become brighter! The burning smell began to spread in the basement!

Bumi, who began to show signs of burning in his palm, glanced at Zac's arm, which was also burning! "Are you crazy!" Because Zac's injury seemed more serious! All the spells that produce the burning effect are from Zac!

Sam was inexplicably not using this witchcraft after leaving Zac!

Zac is not crazy, and Sam is not doing this kind of thing inexplicably, "Bumi! If you continue to insist, I will be burned to death first!"

Use his own death to coerce Bumi to stop the attack? ?

Yes, no whitewashing, this is Zac's desperate move. Because Bumi refused to look at Zac's eyes! Worthy of being Zac's true friend, he will not make the mistake of Craig's fake! Torrido has no advantage in such a confrontation!

All Zach can do is attack, "Bumi, do you want me to die?"

"*!" Bumi still didn't look at Zac. "*****!" It was already inserted into the third of Salder's chest and was pulled out of the finger, and when Zac's hand was released, he retreated into the corner. 'S shadow, "I hate you! Zac! I hate you !!!"

The dark red spell disappeared, and the ragged clothes and the burned skin recovered under the fire-don't be too strange, republican ghosts, with the ability to create, remember. It was Sam who knew that Zac wouldn't ... dare to leave here (leave Bumi and Salder alone in the basement) to help Zac repair the clothes.

Zac quietly sorted out the recovered clothes, "Bumi, listen to me, Fan Zhuo's downgrade is very important for vampires."

Zac waited a while and did not hear Bumi's response-Zac needs Bumi to listen carefully, Zac needs feedback, and needs to know that Bumi is willing to understand the reason he provided!

"Bumi, let me know you are listening."



Zac adjusted his emotions, "Last night's battle, I saw Dora and Spella cooperate, and in the second half, some wizards from Paisin came to cooperate with other Nofellers. John did not show up , Bumi, what is the process of your team agreement with John? "

"*!" Probably not the same as before. What we know about this is that the status of Bumi and John's team is a little awkward now. There is no intersection between the two. The combination of the vampire and the wizard's double partner is alive and well.

The reason for Zakti is, "So, Bumi, you know, although I found a way to solve the vicious ghost faced with the maliciousness of the Lord ’s faith creature after becoming a complete body, but you know the best, is n’t it? Difficult, there are various obstacles. "


"I can even foresee that under the circumstances where the Demon Banquet and the wizarding family in the middle tear each other's faces, the difficulty of promoting this method will only increase." Zac looked at the shadow, "I Let the magic feast control the circulation of vampire blood, and the wizard family has long begun to control the outflow of their own wizard soul. The worst case? The state of the werewolf's life is the future of our vampire, do we let the vampire like the werewolf to plunder the wizard's Soul, do you use the kidnapping model to assist your life? "

Hey. Yeah, there are some things that Zach is willing to say now. Otherwise, what do people think that Zac was hesitant when he was about to start an era? Is it easy for people standing on the tip of the wave to die? ——The Toledo clan stood on the waves of the slave liberation and died. Now Zac is standing on the cusp of creating an alien pattern again. I don't know if he is dead.

Huh, this is just the reason Zac can say at the time. Zac's vision is so short. What Zac sees is the future.

Why did the werewolves kidnap the wizard? For the survival of wolves.

In the future, do vampires do better than werewolves for the survival of the race? ?

Although Zac used ‘worst case’ to whitewash it a bit. But look at the reality, the magic feast and the wizard family are already opposite! Vampires are now starting to pillage robbers with talents of witchcraft and put them in captivity. Do they need any more reasonable reasons? !

Bumi didn't have time to respond, but Salder ... Suddenly he laughed, "hehehehehehehe ..."

"*! What are you laughing !!!" Bumi in the shadow almost rushed out again.

Sald replied weakly, "Zac said that, it must be right. I remembered when Zac had just separated the werewolf and the wizard, do you remember? Bumi, we were in the secret alliance meeting When discussing the future of werewolves and wizards, Zach said that the werewolves would revenge the wizards in the worst way. Before that, the wizards captive the werewolves. In the future, the werewolves will captive the wizards. Ke will continue to be right, your vampire federation will live like a werewolf in the future, ha ha ha ha ha ha ... "Laughing angrily again.

Zac blocked the shadow in the corner, "Pay attention to Bumi, he said the federal vampire, did you hear that Bruch no longer regarded himself as a federal vampire. As you wish, the secret alliance is no longer the secret alliance , A republic vampire. "

The shadow of restlessness calmed down, and Bumi finally didn't have to respond to Zac with a rude word. "Are you trying to say that Fanjoo's downgrade is the better way ?!" Bumi didn't give up the emotion of 'I hate you' Under the control of this emotion, Bumi still said something useful, "Did you forget that 'Xiao Bai' caused a social problem!"

Yeah, Fan Jian ’s degraded Guan Jian props, and the information passed by Louise-the soul of the living corpse made by Xiaobai, is why Fan Zhuo holds the soul again!

Bumi in the shadow: "The infamy of plundering the wizard on his back, and the death that confuses human cognition! Sorry Zach! I don't think which is better!" To be honest.

We have also discussed a lot of human social problems brought about by Xiaobai. And it ’s worth noting that hum, the little white made by Fanzhuo, the living corpse that Fanzhuo is about to demote. There is a reason! According to Bumi's logic at this time, the reason is most likely that Xiaobai's image of human society is too bad, and Fan Zhuo does not want to continue to increase the burden in the unstable situation of the Republic!

Zac glanced back at Salder. "The current situation is that we know the status of our method, and we are also aware of our obstacles and an uncomfortable future. However, we still lack information on the situation of the downgrading of Van Zhuo. "Look back at the shadow," Bumi, do you really have to make such a hasty conclusion? Don't want to get more information, do you have another choice? "

Bumi in the shadows stopped talking.

The effect of Zach's persuasion should have been achieved. Zac turned around and looked back at Sarder, "Do you want to go back to the Republic and save Fanzhuo?"

Salder answered. Before answering, he spent half a day raising his head and looking at Zac, "I don't want to, but you just told me that this is the only thing I can do, isn't it."

Zac opened his mouth slightly and couldn't continue to look at Sarder's face ... Sentimental things, after all, had some influence on Zac. After all, he was a 'hypocritical' guy. "Then you heard, the information about Fan Zhuo's relegation, give me."

Salder's head lowered back, "I don't know."

Zach felt that in the shadow behind him, someone was suppressing the attack that was about to be controlled.

"You are the closest person to Fanzhuo, how could you not know?"

"Fan Zhuo didn't have the habit of discussing things with me, he only gave me orders." Sald, with his head down, paused. "And I only execute orders, as you taught me to do."

Actually ... Zac would really like to go out and get some fresh air if circumstances permit. Zac knew that Sald didn't say these words intentionally, and his IQ was limited, but every sentence was ...

Never mind.

"Tell me any order related to Xiaobai, or a living body, or a demotion."

The silence lasted for a long time.

"The last group of living corpses that should be transported to the Republic suffered an accident in Barton and was destroyed." Salder said, talking about the incident we knew, the incident of a cargo ship in the port of Massa crashing into the port. There is one less live corpse used to complete the downgrade of the whole family, and then Fan Zhuo gave me an order to choose which Fan Zhuo can use the live corpse to be demoted, and which Fan Zhuo was executed because there is no downgrade item ...

Zac frowned, executed? ?

Salder continued, "I chose, I chose those who had insulted Toredo behind him, and Fandro who had ordered the suppression of Toredo. I executed them personally." After a while, "No more." "

Zac was a little confused. On the one hand, it is emotional ... on the one hand, it is impossible to understand ‘execution’!

In the shadow behind him, Bumi came out suddenly, not avoiding Zac's eyes, and leaned over Zac, "Why am I wasting my time here! You can't let me kill them!" ! "


Bumi's fist waved in the air ventingly, "Tell me the result of disposing them later!" Then, he left.

Zac is still in chaos ...

"I'm still wondering if you forgot to take care of your people. It turns out that Grandry is so lively."

Golden, separating Grande's basement, Saint Cici walked up to Zac in the air, and let go, and the scattered corpses fell in front of Zac—Harrison. Creeping and regrouping ...

Sisie glanced at Zach and then at Bruch on the wall again, "Huh. It looks like trouble." Walking back in the golden air, "Take care of you, don't let him come Sao-hara-Camille. "Grande's basement closed, and Cici left.

? ? ?

What Zac thought of for the first time was the trick of separating the space. Cici used it when she first played, but she did n’t use it after being educated. Why is the girl arrogant now? Is it because Alice and their high school group have gone to republic? ?

The second time I thought, "Uh, Harrison, are you okay?"

Harrison replied irritably, "No! Not at all!" Then Harrison replied calmly, "barely within the tolerance range."

That's okay.

For the third time ... Zac covered his head. pain. The following is Zac's thinking process-

It was Harrison who was thrown back now. It was two days ago that he went to the Saints to find Camille. It was Harrison ’s suggestion that Madison should go down and ask the angel how to safely leave the Republic!

The emergence of Madison in his mind reminded Zach that before Bruch suddenly disrupted his daily life, Zac was ending the phone call with Madison, thinking about how to prevent Rout from making another himself! !


Zac has forgotten his story!

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