When Zac walked out of the basement with his head covered, he went upstairs directly into the office and happened to encounter Benjamin and Nick Giovanni who were staring at each other.

The so-called fierce peer-to-peer is to see each other's eyes collide in the air.

The ghost knew what the two guys talked about.

Zac only glanced at it, turned directly, and prepared to change places. Now Zac has no mood to take care of these things. Zac has his own story to write!

"Zac?" Benjamin dropped his eyes first and looked at Zac's back after turning around. "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing." Zack replied and went straight into his bedroom, looking at himself in the gloomy mirror.

After a while, Nick pushed the door and came in. "Benjamin said you weren't normal." As he looked at Zac, "I'm not good at observing and observing, nor good at guessing your mind." Fact, remember Nick four centuries ago Giovanni did not wait for Zac to invite him into the Secret Alliance, and somehow became the fact that he was a Vampire at the Feast. "What's wrong with you."

Benjamin also came in, but didn't come as close as Nick, leaning on the door frame with his shoulders, and asked directly, "Did Sissi just come over and say something."

Zac glanced at the two of them, and his eyes fell on Nick. "Rut Lesenbra bought Madison's manuscript and wanted to create another one for me. Do you know this?"

Nick raised his eyebrows, and this expression was already answering the question, "When did it happen?"

It was Benjamin who answered Nick, "The most recent thing." There was a sudden expression on his face, and his mouth was ripped off. "Before Bruch suddenly showed up, Zack was worrying about it. It seems to be remembering now."

Nick didn't know it clearly, but, "Ah! Was the Cappadocia ancestor (Little Card) suddenly calling the Lesenbula ancestor (Frank) to investigate the cause of Rute?" Then Nick frowned. , Self-explanatory in general, "If it weren't for me that I suddenly realized that I didn't have a little restraint on these ancestors, I would not suddenly decide to come to you."

Zac hasn't really cared about why Nick came to Grande to see himself. "Rute made Zagar before, and now he has Madison's manuscript. He will make an 'me' more suitable for me. All the things I am doing now can be done by the created 'I'. Then, I believe that Rut made mistakes in Zagar and will not make them again, that 'I' will become Rut's private slave . "

Listen. What Zach and Nick said was different from what Roy said. In front of Roy, Zac said straightly that he might cause the vampire's position in the feast to shift. In front of Nick, Zack can't say it so directly-Nick is a vampire who may change his position! Because Nick Giovanni, the magic feast of home in the west!

Unlike the family of Roy, who is already ruined and has no living space at the magic feast, Nick Giovanni, there is a huge family to lead in the magic feast!

Then please recall the conversation between Zach and Roy. After another Zac was created, would Nick Giovanni follow Zach's side for the benefit of his clan, or Zach in Barton?

The answer is obvious.

So Zac used a more personal wording-‘Lute is going to make a Zac slave! ’

Benjamin noticed Zach's statement, leaning against the door frame without saying anything, just staring at Zach as if thinking about something.

And Nick, after listening to Zach ’s words, frowned — Zac ’s deliberately changed wording developed an unexpected effect: “I really ca n’t imagine you becoming someone ’s slave, but for Ruth. For Rosenblad, it ’s probably not impossible. ”The thin fist clenched.“ Disgusting. ”He commented,“ When he made that Zagger, it made me sick. Is he going to do another now?

On the one hand, I can rest assured that Nick will not change his tendency towards Zac because of another Zac. On the other hand: I can imagine Nick Giovanni's attitude towards Zagger. Based on the origins of Nick and Zac, and Zagger just copied the fact that Zac acted during the period of the secret alliance-Zagger's design, there is no relationship between Zac and Nick, so Nick should be very I hate the existence of the inferior goods such as Zagel.

Speaking of that, we have n’t said before that Zagar used to be a collection of Rout Lesenbull, but in the end it was reduced to becoming a mind reader Kozil ’s toy. Probably Nick played an important role in it.

Zac watched Nick's reaction, "Can you stop him?"

Nick looked ugly and looked at Zac. "How can I stop him? Can I stare at him around the clock?"

It is impossible to mean, Nick Giovanni is not a idler at the magic feast! Not to mention his slow ability to move.

Zac closed his eyes, just a little hope, gave up, Nick could not help himself.

Benjamin suddenly said in the back, "The Cappadocia clan and the Lesenbra clan, they found out what Rute wanted to do, and they should stop it."

Zac's face was a bit gloomy, "Rute has been vigilant against the ancestors since he knew they were on my side ..."

Was interrupted, "I knew!" When Nick first came, didn't he guess that Little Card had been to Grande, the reason for that speculation was very clear-after Zac joined the magic feast, he helped the Cappadocia clan Rise. But do n’t take that speculation as Nick guessing the relationship between Zach and all the ancestors, "I think the Lesenbula clan has a weird tone every time it talks about you!" Nick is now confirmed. The relationship between Zach and Frank, "The Census of Lassenbra was here with you before, it was acting, right? You have already reached a cooperation agreement!"

Nick seemed happy because he found something— “Hah! I ’ve heard that some people in the Lesenbula clan are trying to replace Rute in silent activity. One of them is to secretly collect this new one in your Grande. Information from the second generation of Lesenbull (Hank). ”Nick was not only happy, but also thought a little too much,“ Is the situation you deliberately created right? Zac! You and the Lesenbull clan are deliberately disturbing Le The situation of the Sembra clan! And I think I know why! Because the Lesembla clan does not want to go back to sleep! He wants to lead him by himself! And he is not good to force Rut to abdicate directly, ha ha ha, rut It's impossible to abdicate on their own, so I made such a big circle! "

For a tale of "Zero" who has never seen Zac's story, but has been inclined to Zac's position for a long time, it is rare to guess these things. But after all, as Nick said, he was really not good at speculating on Zac's mind. This speculates that it is right at the beginning, followed by excessive brain supplements, and non-positive brain supplements. Hey, look at the image of Frank's apparently passive and helpless old father in his brain filling ...

However, this brain supplement does not need to be corrected. After all, the facts have developed naturally. Zac gave Nick a non-denial and uncertain look, and then said in his own words, "Xiao Ka and Frank both need to maintain their image at the Demon Banquet, and ca n’t tear their faces completely from Rout. So do n’t talk about the investigation, from Rout, who was planning to act in secret from the beginning, could not have let Xiaoka and Frank know. "

Zac shook his head, "The fact is that no matter how no matter what, Rute is still the leader of the Demon Banquet. When the conflict between the Devil Banquet and the Wizard may appear at any time, and there are human anti-alien movements in the west, now Rute has a There are hundreds of ways to distract the attention of the two ancestors with legitimate reasons and hinder their progress. After all, everyone is a magic banquet vampire. No matter what we do, we ca n’t break away from the basics for the benefit of the banquet. I ca n’t count on the small card And Frank. "

When Nick heard Zach's name for his ancestors, "Little Card and Frank", he originally showed a proud expression-he felt that his brain was correct. But after listening to what Zach said, he looked dignified and added a sentence, "And the only Zmitshi ancestor and messenger Craig, who seemed to be able to escape the baggage of the Vampire from the Feast of the Feast, was sent by Rout to Patton to deal with the blue. Fantastic. "Nick sullenly." Huh, Rout's plan was already done! "

This should not be too much brain supplement. But Zac corrected it, helpless, "Bob and Craig will not help us deal with Bruch, they will return to the Northland."

"What?" Nick didn't participate in the conversation between Zach and Bob, and didn't know the progress of the incident. He looked back in confusion, only to see a pair of indifferent expressions of Benjamin, which only reacted now. What about His Clan and Courier? Why ca n’t I perceive them? ”

It ’s too late to perceive now.

Zac waved his hand, "You have experienced Bob's speed, and you should be in the Northland now."

Feeling that Zmihi left without saying goodbye, is it a pity?

Farewell, farewell already, and Zac, and the Federation ’s vampire representatives ~

As for Bob ’s farewell to his son, Roy ’s farewell. Maybe Bob, who made a choice between his sons, deliberately lost it ... No one said that his father was easy to do.

"Then we deal with Bruch?" Nick suddenly looked back, staring at Zach, "I'm not afraid of Bruch, but the reason I'm not afraid of Bruch is that I know Bruch can't break my defense. But you "Looking at Zach and telling the truth," he probably slaps you and hangs up. "

The reason Nick said this was because Zac had let Nick come before, so he stayed and helped himself deal with Bruch's situation. Moreover, Nick has not yet correctly understood the strength of Benjamin, thinking that Bruch is now trapped in the relationship between Grande and Novielle (Bumi).

Nick's meaning is nothing more than that when things go to the worst situation, he can only protect himself, not Zac.

"Bruch will not hurt me." Zach lowered his head and went back to Bruch's affairs. When Zac could not continue to "write" his story, Zack returned to Bruch's question. Got on. "Bruch will also hurt any vampire in the Federation." This conclusion can tell Nick, "Even if Salder wakes up the ancestors, he will leave immediately, return to the Republic, and return to Fanzhuo."

This is to tell Nick the progress of the incident in the basement just now, and also to tell Benjamin-you do n’t have to fight with your pregnant wife, please.

Benjamin just shrugged. It ’s Nick ’s expression. It ’s very special. "You let Bruch re-execute your teaching? Sald, how much do you listen to your teacher? I ca n’t believe that in front of you, I was the same as Bruch. "Standard role." After that, he shook his head and glanced at Zach. "Forget it, you are a good teacher. At this angle, I don't mind Bruch ..."

Zac ... Zac froze for a moment. Staring at Nick, staring at Nick began to hair, "You see what I do."

Zac started, hugged Nick, and then went directly out of the bedroom, quickly downstairs, back to the basement.

Benjamin and Nick glanced at each other and followed.

Zac stood before Sald again, "Sald, I decided to let you go. You go to wake your father, then leave the Federation, go back to the Republic, and go back to Fanzhuo." Zac said as he started Get rid of the stakes that bound Sarder.

Because of this movement, the hair of Benjamin that followed him started to grow, and Nick also moved to stand beside Zac.

However, these actions were ignored by Zach. "Salde, this may be the last thing I can teach you."

? ?

Thald, who fell off the wall like a fall, stiffly adjusted the body like a corpse, looked up at Zac, "Why?"

"Federal West, Rut Lesenbull is making another me, Zager has joined the hidden alliance, you know."

"I hate Zager." Salder said this.

Was it a surprise, Ha, in front of Zach, and Bruch are the same level of characters-Nick, also hate Zagger. Therefore, it is not a surprise!

"Whether you hate it or not, Zager has replaced me who was in the hidden alliance, isn't it." Zac started to liberate the other three Bruges, "now in the federal feast, you can replace my People are already in the making. "Zack's face was a smile, the kind of smile that gave up hope to life," So, the vampire of the Republic no longer needs me, the vampire of the Federation, hehe, will no longer need me. I should also consciously leave this world, huh, quit. Like a century ago, go to a place no one can find ... "

Nick has not continued to follow Zac, and Benjamin's Alpha skin has faded.


"No! You are the only Zachary Torredo! It is not a substitute that can be made! I need you here! Where we can find it!" For Bruch, this is very realistic-one In the century, without Zachary Toledo, Fanzhuo brought the hidden alliance down.

Responding to Salder's sudden anger, Zac still smiled, "I don't care." Ha ha, "It's just that Zager doesn't know my relationship with you and Nick, and I don't remember I will teach you how to live eternal life, this new Zac, probably wo n’t remember. "

Not probably, but absolutely, because the story revealing the relationship between Zach and Salder, oh, in this volume, and Madison, did not write!

"From now on, I don't need to exist anymore. Let the new Zac continue to do what I want to do, you guys, come on." Zac liberated all Bruch, "Go."

"Who is making another you ?!"

Zac said nothing.

Nick and Benjamin replied together, "Rute Lembera, he lives in Vega."

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