The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 22 Chapter 25: Zachary Grande and Zachary Toledo

Zac ’s words seem to be ‘normal’, in line with the attitude expressed by any living creature to the world.

But Nuo knew Zac, so Nuo knew what Zac said, ‘not normal’.

"Wait a minute." Even though Nuo is already a human being with beyond the ability of ordinary people to accept, when Nuo "handles" things that are too complicated, Nuo can't do both. The speed of the car slowed down. The energy put on traveling is taken away, all put on the brain, "When you say to live in this world, you mean, in fact, live in this world all the time, is eternal life, right?"

Zac, Zac is a happy face. "I knew I was right when I came to you." After that, he raised his hand and pressed it against Nuo's shoulder, the kind of forceful expression of his heart.

The speed of the car had to be slowed down again. The physical contact of the vampire's passing heart is slightly heavier and affects driving.

Nuo felt Zac's 'heart' for a while, "Hey." Nuo still raised his hand and removed Zac's hand, "When you save the 'General', I thought of one thing. Vampires are for you , What is a human being. "

Although Zac came to Nuo for advice, Zac does n’t mind getting Nuo ’s ‘feedback’ here. What both parties get from the exchange is the best result of the exchange.

"When the 'general' is injured and I need help, I think that vampires are things that can save humanity." Nuo glanced at Zac and then looked away, "If a person is injured, vampires can be cured. That's it Simple. "Nuo's mouth was stretched." I don't think I am materializing vampires, but this convenient idea should be the perception that I appeared in my mind the moment I knew you were a vampire. "

"I don't mind." Zac looked at the street scene with a very slow speed. "There should also be no vampires who would mind this idea. Huh, the feast used this human knowledge to establish the social foundation of the west."

Connaught really helped Zac, "Don't talk about the magic feast first, disturbing your thinking. Let's talk about the feelings between us."

Zac gave a thankful expression and nodded.

Connaught continued, "But when you can't heal the" general "'s wounds, you can only change the" general "into a vampire, I feel another thing. You don't mind using your own blood to save a human , But you would mind using your own blood to turn a human into a vampire. "Soon added," And this mind, is not the kind of boring reason that "General" is not suitable for Toledo. "Nuo looked at Zac , "You also know that my relationship with the" General "has been restored recently, and we occasionally talk about these things. He often hangs such words on his mouth, saying that this is why you don't care much about him." Pause, "But I know, it's not."

Zac didn't speak, only closed his eyes and nodded once.

Nuo saw Zack ’s attitude and knew that he was right, “What you really mind is that you ca n’t get rid of someone because you turned that person into eternal life just like you. It ’s not that the“ general ”does n’t conform to Torre. The standard of many descendants makes you do not want to control him, but you simply do n’t want to imagine a person like 'general', who will still be around you after a few hundred to thousands of years. "

After all, Nuo is a bystander talking about his feelings, which may not be clear. No hurry, Zac explained it himself.

"You're right." Zac held the baby in his arms, and he no longer wobbled, and only provided Adam with a stable sleeping environment. "I don't recommend sitting in Zachary Grande's life stage. Meet someone like 'General', become a colleague (gray occupation), become a friend ... but. "Zack has no expression," I don't need this life relationship that belongs to Zachary Grande, it becomes me Zack Rui Torredo ’s life relationship. "Look at Connaught," You can feel it, I am treating you as a true friend and actively showing the true identity of the vampire in front of you. But "General", I am passive, I There is no intention at all to let the 'General' know more about any attributes beyond Zachary Grande. "Zac frowned," If I want to bring in Zachary Grande's life stage Whoever lives with me, Zachary Toledo, forever, I will choose you, and I will not choose 'General'. "Zach said this, and he began to shake his head, because it was not very appropriate, and it was easy to hurt people.

"Uh, thank you." Nuo waved his hand. "I think we can gather the contradiction in 'who do you want to live with in this world forever'." The speed of Nuo's control has rebounded a bit, it should be the idea. "Humans look like vampires just like me. I think vampires are creatures that can provide a universal cure for" medicine ". And vampires look at humans, that is, creatures that I can choose to live with me forever. Is it like this."

Zac nodded. "Yes. The standard of the descendants of the vampire clan is there. It's an important principle. That's right, but hum." He hummed with a smile. "There is no need to pretend, everyone has their own preferences." When I heard this, I recalled that Bob ’s ancestors had biased his descendants in his Zmish clan (Bob prefers Roy), "Every vampire has his own descendants, he does n’t like it. Descendants. It ’s one thing to meet the criteria of the clan, regardless of who can say anything. ”Even including Zac ’s own relationship with the Toledo ancestors,“ Vampires make a lot of descendants, and it ’s often the case that only one descendant is cultivated. Yes, the most undesirable descendants of vampires, that is, the vampires who have been transformed and have never been taken care of by their fathers, are derogated from the vampire aliens. Then the better than the vampire aliens is the transparency of the clan People, there, not there, it does not matter. "Here is an example, Hamilton, who has run away from Barton," The better thing is that the descendants who are given a little care and bear a responsibility. "There are also examples, such as Ci Craig of Mish, at least bears the responsibility of a ancestor messenger, filled with a sense of belonging as a member of the Zmish clan, "I am good to the" General ", I did not completely ignore him, I should teach him Taught him, and then did not force him to live for Toledo, giving him freedom. "

Zac used such a big paragraph to say that the reason for "general" is, "He should be grateful, I can use the" he does not meet the criteria of Torrido "to push him out of Torrido's world. At least some time in the future, He doesn't have to wake up to realize that I didn't want him to live forever from the beginning, and then he was sad. "

I need to think about this.

As human beings, those people who live happily enough may ask the world at some point, "Why should I be born? Experience the misery of this world?"

Zac meant that. Vampires are immortal creatures, taking immortality as a dominant creature. When a creature that takes eternal life as an advantage suddenly realizes that its own eternal life is meaningless and passively hits itself. Asking questions at that time is really desperate.

Zac ’s attitude towards ‘general’ at least has helped ‘general’ save this despair.

Connaught understands, "Just like people, who have more or less plans for the future of their lives, vampires also have their own plans for eternal life. You did not expect a son you do n’t like in your eternal life, but this son Since it appears, you should try to keep your distance as far as possible, without affecting him, and keeping mutual meaning and self-esteem. "

Zac continued to nod. There is still helplessness on the face, this topic is considered to be biased. The example of "General" is not suitable for the advancement of Zac's topic.

Nuo was really rare. He glanced at Zach, "I guess, you said you can't just look at yourself, you're not talking about" General "."

"Happiness" appeared again on Zac's face, and he nodded, "Not a" General "."

"Not even your descendants." Notizak pushed forward.

Zac pouted, "Yes."

"It's your Zachary Grande's life stage, the relationship you have built." Nuo is still helping Zack to advance.

Zac continued to nod.

"Your Zachary Grande has already lived as Zachary Toledo. The selfishness you want to become, lives only for yourself, but suddenly you realize that no matter what identity you hide in, Ca n’t get rid of the relationship of another identity, right. "

Zac looked at Nuo, instead of putting on a happy expression this time, but pursed his lips, his lips moved slightly, and the ink was on for a long time, "I want to fall in love with you, Nuo."

"Please don't ~" Nuo smiled and turned his head. "I don't think this is actually a conclusion that I can understand you enough. It's just something you can discover if you have seen your life. Oh, said Well, I think that Madison who wrote you should be the one who knows you best. "

"Uh, don't mention people who don't exist." Zac quickly interrupted the conversation. Then I began to self-analyze, "You really talked about the point. All my life experiences have made me proficient in the way that life stages change." Zac frowned, "I joined Torrido at the beginning of my life. At that time, I had only one identity, the vampire, and I was enough to work for the tortoise, the vampire clan that occupied the noble status in the human class. Then during the thirteenth clan period, I represented the tortoise clan The clan does things. Then, during the period of the secret alliance, in this newly established country, the rotation of human identity began, but fundamentally, it was for the secret alliance. The human identity and social status I obtained were all for the benefit of the secret alliance. . "

Zac was quiet for a while, "Then is the free time of the Northland. I am myself. The change of human identity has no meaning for me. Who I want to be is who I am. Full freedom can be in one place. Humans who live for a short period of time can also be bored and look at a vampire who lives throughout his life. "

Zach personified with a sigh, "Finally, now, Zachary Grand, Zachary Grand, Zachary Grand ..."

Zac repeated his name many times. Knowing that Nuodu is a little impatient, "Okay, I understand. You are already very good at switching between your identities and doing the right things. After all, it is natural development at every stage of your life. But now Your trouble is that Zachary Grande ’s identity is too complicated. In Zachary Grande ’s identity, there are things that you represent vampires and things you represent humans. And this identity seems to You can't get away. "

The speed of the car has picked up again, and Zac can also look at the street scene outside the window to find a little bit of the feeling of passing the horse. "In Grand's identity, with Hanske of Lesenbra, with Benjamin of Alpha, there is Alice, the black witch. Well, even outside of Grand, there is also my descendant Mrs. Quinn, there is Lesenbra Esra beside Anthony ... Zacree Grande, is not A simple vampire who lives freely in a funeral home lives at the human stage. I lived like this. "

Zach shook his head slowly. "It's my fault. I didn't completely switch from the phase of the Northland to what I was in the country of the Federation. My experience in the Northland let me get used to it freely. Grand as a destined to play the identity of the past freely. Then, the result of this too free play is that I lived myself as Zackri Grande. "

Zach looked at Noah, "I used Zachary Grand to do too many things that Zachary Toledo could do. Then, I used Zachary Toledo again to do What Kerry Grande can do. "Zac said the baby Adam in his arms! The relationship between Granddrie ’s uncle and nephew is going to continue to be the godfather and son of a vampire, is n’t it! .

"In the two days when I tried to be selfish and didn't do things for other groups." Zack's face was not good. "I found that I was hurting me when I was selfish for Zachary Grande. · Torredo's identity. When I was selfish for Zacary Torredo, what hurt me was my Zacary Grande's identity! "Zac's bad face is because this topic must be touched At the core-Zac came to Nuo for the most fundamental reason.

"I seem to ruin everything around me." Zac looked at Noah.

"Uh, can you be more specific, what did you ruin ..." Nuo was a little nervous, and the speed slowed down again. But this time it was not because of any psychological factors that Nuo arrived home.

Zac opened his mouth, "I probably deliberately provoked the conflict of the Feast (Roy and Nick), the secret conflict (Rimmel and Gangaro), the conflict of the Barton West (Smith and Bi Sharp), the vampire Conflicts with the entire federal alien race (Zac did not return the baby to Benjamin and Mokawi in front of Roy and Nick. Perhaps ignoring Sissi ’s suicide ...). "

Let's respond to Zac's behavior these days.

Nuo stopped the car, did not get off, looked at Zac, "Two days?"

"Two days." Zac also looked at Noah. "If the world is destroyed, it's a good thing I did in these two days."

"Oh, my friend."

"Oh, my friend." Zach repeated Noah's words, "Help me."

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