Late in the morning, let's go to dawn.

Connaught woke up from sleep, not urgency, but habit. Many jobs of gray professionals need to be carried out at this time when others are asleep. But there is no work today. Nuo just came out of the bedroom in pajamas, went to the kitchen to get something to drink, and was going to go back to sleep again.

Just entered the kitchen, opened the refrigerator, a light appeared in the kitchen.

"*!" Nuo looked at Zac standing in the corner. "What are you doing ?!"

A vampire stood in the shimmering shadow "Adam is hungry." It was Zac, holding a bottle to the baby in his arms.

"Uh." Nuo covered his head and turned to turn on the kitchen lights. The dark vampire stood in the bright light. Zac also raised his side to avoid the sudden light source stimulating the baby's vision. "Why are you still here?" Nuo was speechless.

"I'm here to ask for help." Zach said calmly, "but I didn't get help, so I stayed here."


Things are like this.

Then during the day, when Zac said "help me", the two returned to Nuo's house, and then Zac spoke about his behavior in Grandry in the past two days, and asked Nuo to express his opinions. .

But after Nuo listened, he gave no opinion and only said, "I'm just a human, you are in these ... I can't help you." But as a friend, Nuo did not chase Zac away. You need a quiet place to think, feel free. "Plan your future for Zac.

So Zac stayed here.

Until night, until Nuo said good night ...

Nuo really didn't expect Zac to be still at his house at this time.

Impatient for a while, he still took a drink from the refrigerator that he did n’t know what was made, and when he got a glass, he leaned on the desk and watched Zack feed the baby, “If Zacree Grande and Zacree Torre Many identities can't be separated anymore, just accept your fate. "

"I have recognized it." Zac looked up at Xeno. The baby in his arms proves that this is a Toledo godson with the Grande surname.

"Hey, let's talk about your thoughts. Are you trying to restore the contradictions you messed up in these few days? Gangaro, Rimer; Smith, Bishop; Demon Banquet and Interracial ...?"

Zac shook his head, not saying no, it was "I don't know. I just didn't know what to do before I asked for help." Zac frowned, "I have an uncomfortable feeling of why I have to do these things. This world Am I just living alone? I do n’t want to be so tired. "

"Okay." Nuo took a swig of the drink in his hand and looked at that tight expression, it should not be something that tastes good. "Well, from now on, you don't have to be completely selfish to take everything from yourself Push away to do things for motivation, and only do things that make yourself alive more easily. "

Zac looked at Nuo, "how to say?"

Connaught held the cup, "You know that humans have a saying that after a difficult day, go to sleep, and then you will find that the sun rises as usual, and things are far more difficult than you thought before going to bed."

Combined with Nuo's current state, this is a very appropriate situation, oh wrong, the sun has not yet risen.

"Isn't this the self-consolation that humans evade." The vampire's evaluation of humans ... Uh, forget it, Zac was right.

Connaught shook his head and waved his hand, "No, no, this is not to escape, but to re-plan priorities." Connaught looked at Zac and recovered his impatience. "You should be very clear about this matter. At the moment of the incident, people always It ’s going to get lost and feel something is the same, uh, 'fatal'. "Nuo pouted," but as long as you sleep, as long as you can wake up, people will naturally find that things are not so bad, As long as you do what you should do, everything will pass. "

"Then what is the right thing to do." Zach was a little uncomfortable. He felt that Nuo should have fully understood that he was in such a situation because he had done too many things to do-Zachary Gran What Germany should do, what Zachary Toledo should do ...

Nuo seemed to see Zac ’s emotions, looking at the baby in Zac ’s arms, "If this baby may cause Roy and Nick to disagree, and put the feast into a situation that is not good for the entire federal alien, then , Throw away. "

Zac glanced at Connaught, "can't do it."

"Okay." Connaught was just stating his point of view. "Now it can be confirmed that taking care of this godson is what you, Zachary Grande and Zachary Toledo, should do."

Zac opened his mouth and decided to follow Nuo's thoughts, "You continue."

"Then ... mentioned the competition between Roy and Nick in your Grandry, and the Demon Clan. Do you think about what Zacary Torredo should do?"

Zac thought about it, and answered after thinking, "Toledo's own position in the magic banquet is not fixed."

Connaught nodded, "What about Zachary Grande's idea?"

Zac thought again, and thought of the answer, "I hate the demonic class society. If there is a peaceful and prosperous scene in the magic feast, it is different from my life philosophy. I like a society where everyone talks equally. There is no contradiction in the banquet, and I will be upset. "Yes, it is an egocentric answer, but it is the correct answer.

Connaught nodded, "Look, we have progress ~"

Zac also nodded, "Yes, the competition within the Demon Banquet. I don't have to worry about it." Then to Connaught, "Please, continue."

Connaught emptied the drink from his glass, "What happened between Rimer and Gangaro."

Zach added, "It's also between Smith and Bi Sharp."

"One month after you mentioned, Toledo's privatization of the funeral industry at the Demon Banquet was completed." Nuo was cleaning the cup while reminding Zac.

"A month later, neither Zachary Grande nor Zachary Toledo is a Patton ~" Zach raised an eyebrow.

"That?" Nuo looked back at Zac.

"I like this feeling, let's continue." Zac looked at Nuo's refrigerator. What kind of drink is that? During the day Nuo could not help Zac. Now Nuo is so clear-minded that Zac doesn't think it is the result of a sleep.

Nuo saw Zac's little move near his refrigerator, "Uh, don't think about it, it's just a pile of vegetable juice."

"Oh." Zac retired.

Nuo put the clean cup back in the cupboard and continued leaning against the cupboard, "About Sissi."

"That was originally something I didn't want to control. I just didn't have that selfish mentality and didn't want to ask Sissi's thoughts."

"Oh, I think you saw that the former wizard, Spira, was there a shadow of suicide, right? Do you think Cici ran to you with a purpose to commit suicide."

Zac looked sideways, "Purpose is inevitable, but I won't be willing to be someone else's **** anymore. Grande doesn't allow it, nor does the Feast."

When Grande does not allow Spella to commit suicide, she uses Grande to send a message to the Demon Banquet. Grande has been used as a spokesperson for the eastern social environment.

The banquet is not allowed because of the status quo of vampires and sacred creatures tempting each other. See, is it very similar to the Sinella's In'an ethnic group? They are all positions that may be opposed in the future. Take the Grande where Toledo is located as a place where public opinion is set.

"Look, you don't need me, all you need is a sleep." Connaught is again emphasizing this human way.

Zac's mood has improved, and he also received a sentence, "To be honest, I don't have a lot of common sense in this way." In fact, Zac also often goes to sleep autistically, just after Zac sleeps, "but every time I When you want to avoid something by sleeping, you still have to face it when you wake up. "

"I think this is your vampire's problem." Nuo waved his hand. "Human beings do this, after all, they bring a hint of psychology that they might not wake up, and there is no need to worry about anything that is worrying. Use this When you wake up, you will naturally have a psychology that is more important than staying alive. Then use this psychology to compare the priorities of those troublesome things, and your natural attitude will become open-minded. And vampires do n’t have this mentality. It is impossible to have it, and naturally it cannot be done like a human being. "

Zac raised an eyebrow. "How come I didn't know that you still have such a thorough interpretation of people's hearts?"

"You haven't asked." Nuo shrugged. "How do you maintain the usual sense of the fact that I am facing you as a vampire?" Nuo tilted his head. "I slept many times. Especially yours. While the enchanting pupil is still there. "

"Yeah." Zac also tilted his head, imagining the psychology of Nuo who was still under the influence of the pupil of charm. Some things should have left something in Nuo's life after all. Now Nuo is probably not the original Nuo who accepted Zac as a vampire.

Then ... Zack suddenly didn't want to say himself, of course, there is a big reason that Zack's problem is gradually clear. Zac looked at Noah, "You said that you thought about the meaning of vampires to this world when I was saving the" General ". You said you don't mind the ability to materialize vampires."

Nuo suddenly had a poorly described emotion, and it seemed that he did not expect Zac's topic to suddenly turn to himself, "I said so."

"How do you feel when you look at a vampire now." Zac looked at Nuo, asking for a positive answer.

Zac already felt it. Recalling the whole process of Noah's communication with Zac this time, Noble drew a lot of analogy, including the daytime communication. Put in the context of dialogue, soldiers on the battlefield correspond to the life of Zac's vampires. The confusion of human life corresponds to the source of the vampire's eternal life. Now, it is the use of sleep by humans, which corresponds to the way that vampires think about problems.

In the context of dialogue, it is no problem for Nuo to say so, but it will make Zac the communicator feel that the other party is seriously and responsively giving back what he expressed, and working hard to sympathize and understand Zac.

However, if the situation of the dialogue is removed. Objectively analyze Nuo's communication ...

Between friends, there is not a lot of analogy in expressing emotions. The communication between friends is not so skillful!

Nuo was looked at by Zach for a while, then took a deep breath, and then spit out all the breath in his body, "Do you want me to be honest?"

"To be honest." Zack gave a very sincere response.

"You know the reason why I asked" General "to dispel the enchanting pupil, right."

"I know, you said that. The pupil of charm has had a very negative impact on your life and psychology. You perceive that you can't live like that anymore, and you need to eliminate what is implanted in your brain."

Connaught nodded, "Frankly speaking, it's not that I want to be your friend again, but that I have fully experienced how bad it is for my own life not to treat you as a friend." What. "

Of course I can understand. Isn't this a typical way of expressing something that can be beautiful, not so beautiful. The difference is only that little purposeful.

Zac gave affirmation, "I don't think there is anything wrong with this. One more person in this world who understands is better than a person who deceives himself to continue to be confused."

Nuo's mouth twitched, "I think so." Then, "but undeniably, after the enchanting pupil disappeared, the situation of my life changed dramatically. Ha ha, let me confirm this fact more, and the vampire, and you How much to be friends ... "Raised eyebrows," Okay. "

This Zack can understand, and we have all seen it. As soon as the enchanting pupil was lifted, Nuo caught up with Grand Zhong, Benjamin deliberately mad at Zach, and later discovered the demon's movement in Button during the commission.

During the period when the pupil of enchantment comes into play, these are conditions that will cause Nuo to suffer and lose confidence in the world.

"Are you trying to say, is your purpose more clear?" Zack asked.

"You don't have to whitewash me, either purpose or utilitarian. I now fully understand the benefits of my relationship with vampires, so I will try my best to establish a friendly relationship with vampires." Nuo looked at Zha Krishnamurti, "Originally, I may just recognize the three views of your creature, appreciate your style of doing things, not to mention that you or vampires can bring me the convenience of humanity, and you have the feelings of friends. Me, it's not that simple, I won't treat you from the perspective of pure appreciation. "Nuo looked at Zac, seriously," I will try to understand and try to force myself to understand something you don't understand. Satisfy your friend's identity ... "

Zac frowned subconsciously.

Nuo saw it and smiled, "Do n’t worry, this is not a side effect of the pupil of enchantment, this is my real idea. And I think I can tell you so directly. Because vampires who understand human nature so well will understand One thing-a utilitarian human being who maintains a good relationship with a vampire will not hurt this relationship that brings benefits to himself. I am your best friend. The best, the best. "

Nuo's words have already destroyed this friendship.

Zac stood there, not knowing what to say.

Nuo moved, patting Zac with his hand, "You have to ask." Looking back at the time, it was impossible to make up, "Breakfast?"

Forget it, the sun is so amazing, Zac leaves Noah's house and returns to Grand.

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