Still purgatory.

In the labyrinth filled with various colors, there is the sound of 锵 茨 锵 茨 锵 茨. The sound of something hard rubbing against each other.

This is Leo's voice carved on the stone statue Madison. What is he engraving? Engrave what he said to Zac in this world.

This voice could not provide Cici with guidance to move forward, because Cici could not tell where the voice came from.

Sissy didn't dare to move, she didn't know if she would fall into another infinite plane. When Leo took her away from Madison's plane, he said that the infinitely expanding space, even Leo could not enter or exit, did he?

The sound of friction disappeared. Sissi stood somberly ...

The lettering did not end, the sound disappeared, but Leo entered the new 'rabbit hole' with the statue of Madison.

The body covered with gray stripes turned around stiffly. Thomas Gangelo traced the sound of '锵 茨 锵 茨 锵 茨', saw Leo gradually approaching and six arms held up, constantly striking the sliding stone statue .

"Do you know where you are!" Leo approached Thomas, not in a good tone, because of his mood.

Thomas did not understand his situation. "Anyway, it was no longer Grand's basement ..." he answered the question confusedly.

"You are in purgatory!"

Madison, who was lifted by six arms, was put down. Leo glanced at Madison's back, which had been inscribed, and the corner of his mouth ripped, and he began to write on Madison's front.

"*!" Thomas snarled. "I knew it was a bad idea to accept Mokawi's blood!" Thomas began to examine his body. There is nothing to check, this is a dead vampire body-no living vampire blood flows in Thomas, only the blood of the deceased who proves death, blocking every blood vessel in Thomas ... Thomas should be transformed into A pile of fly ash is just right ... Oh, yes, he is already an ashes spread in the basement of Grande. He has been poisoned by vampires and poisoned in the absence of help. Thomas Gangaro, in this world, is dead.

Thomas here? Thomas who can speak, move, drag out afterimages, but has a weird complexion?

I think purgatory has already wasted so much space on this story, and everyone can already realize one thing. How to define alive?

In the present world, the physical rules that continue to be observed, the chemical reactions that continue to occur, and the active and passive energy exchange ...-In short, you interact with everything in this world, and you are alive. When this interaction stops, you are dead.

In purgatory, use the interaction with creatures to maintain 'alive'? Do not. Tell me, if there is no troublesome gatekeeper, Leo, who runs around with the creatures in the 'rabbit hole', who interacts with the living creatures in the infinite plane?

What defines the "living" of purgatory creatures. thought.

Thomas Gangaro, there are still some ... thoughts left in the body of this vampire covered in corpses.

Thomas stopped checking his body, "What about my descendants?"

"They are in other spaces of purgatory." Leo continued to inscribe.

"Oh ... no ..." Thomas Gangaro crouched on the ground with nothing, covering his head. A gloomy emotion erupted, "We are all dead !! My Gungrow lineage! All are dead !!! Zachary Toledo !!! You killed me !!!"

Leo's carving stopped, and he glanced at Thomas, "Zac is not here."

Thomas looked up and stared at Leo. "He killed me !!!" Changed his name.

"Did you just say it was Mokawi's blood." Leo's emotions calmed down.

"That's what I said! But Zachary Toledo had a chance to save me! Not only did he not save me! He also cut off the possibility of my own life!"

In the basement of Grande, it ’s true that Zacpa ’s blood transfusion is.

Leo chuckled a little, "You guys are interesting." The carving doesn't stop. "You are dead, don't blame someone who actually killed you, but blame someone who failed to save you?" Ou glanced at Thomas, "It's like people with lung cancer don't blame themselves for decades of smoking, but blame the doctor? Huh."

Thomas stood up, approaching Leo, "What do you know!"

"I don't need to know anything." Leo did not evade. This is purgatory. He is the only eternal life. Leo does n’t have anything to fear here, “I know that the one thing you guys like to do the most in the world is Zack, which is enough. I wo n’t let those who kindly helped me get this kind of treatment! "

Leo ’s carving was over. He looked at the stone statue Madison in front of Thomas Gangro and seemed to nod his head with satisfaction. He turned to face Gangro, “I do n’t know what happened, but you hold back from leaving purgatory The ability of this world. "Leo stared at Thomas and ordered," Send Madison back to this world! "


"Don't pretend to be me." Leo looked at Thomas. "Madison and Sissi think so, one is the archangel who sees the future of this world, and the other is a saint who believes in the Lord. I have nothing about these two people. I like it, but the past, present, and future are undeniably the realm of the faith of the Lord. I will not be bored to resist. Then since they all said that you have this ability, use it! "Leo pushed the stone statue Madison into Thomas Huai in.

Thomas seems to be only starting to look at the stone figure that appeared with Leo now, and after looking at it for a while, his face is shocked, "What is this? !!!"

Leo's face was crumpled. "Are you all blind, can't you recognize this is Madison!"

"Madison ?!" Thomas circled around the stone statue. "What's wrong with him? Why is he like a stone ..." Thomas stared at Leo. "Am I going to be like this? !!!"

Leo suddenly felt something, "No wonder your things in this world have become so distorted. It turns out that this is the essence of all living things in this world. Selfishness and selfishness make me sick! I think of myself at all times, only myself! So All of you are forcing the only person who loves life and that world to become selfish! Your present world makes me want to be sick! "

It may be extreme. After all, Thomas just expressed his reasonable concerns about himself.

Thomas glanced at Leo, "You just said Cici, Cici is here? Cici is also dead? Come to purgatory ??"

Leo didn't answer, looking at Thomas. Leo didn't think he had said much, and he didn't respond or deny it.

"Where is Sissi ?! Take me to see her!"

Leo remained silent.

"Take me to see Sissi, I will return Madison to this world!"

"You'll regret cheating on me." Leo looked at Thomas.

"You are going to turn me into a rock? Anyway! Take me to see Sissi!"

"Follow me." Leo reminded when he began to lead the way, "Bring Madison."

"Maze" filled with colors.

Sissi watched the swaying colors fluctuate and stood still where she dared not move.

The saints who believe in the holy Lord finally have a little consciousness. The same old saying "don't mess with me" now seems to be just the nonsense of childish girls.

"Thomas Gangaro." Sissi's face smiled, and at the same time he saw the Madison stone figure dragged by Thomas, and Leo, who led the way, in the color of the "mist", "In the gatekeeper of purgatory O, thank you for your cooperation. "

"I don't want to cooperate with you, I just need to send something to Zac!"

"Anyway ~" Sissi waved her hand and walked to Madison. She glanced at the words on Madison's body. The length was too large. Sissy didn't know what to see at a glance, but Sissi didn't say anything anyway. The last thing he looked at was Thomas, "Thomas, Thomas ~ things finally came to this point ~ unfortunately ~ your illusion of rebuilding the Gangaro clan is broken ~"

What are Sissi and Thomas talking about? Not Leo can understand it.

But we need to remind everyone that after Sissi announced the secrets of purgatory and complete vampire blood at Madison ’s funeral, Zac went to Sissi ’s house to wait for Sissi. At that time, Zack did not wait for Sissi, but Camille. Camille said something to Zac, including the desire to stop talking, and ultimately failed to tell Zac about Gangro—

Camille revealed that Gangro's sudden decision to change the clan and develop descendants may be related to Sissi's plan for Gangro: Sissi did not seem to plan to shelter Gangro.

Do you remember? At that time, Zack wondered how Ganggro and Benjamin and Mocavi were under the ancestors' office, and also under the saint Cici, how could they have doubts about their safety.

Now the timeline of the world has proved that Benjamin and Mokawi did not protect Gangro, the employee of their ancestor firm.

That Sissi side ...

"I don't need your fake sympathy !!" Thomas Gangaro stared at Sissi, "You don't have to get everything you want, and still sell well here!"

Leo was next to him, and it seemed that he was barely asking what the two men were talking about. But after all, it was almost, Leo did not interrupt.

"I get everything I want? Huh." Sissy laughed and shook her head. "Don't forget Thomas Gangaro. We are all the few who are groping for survival in this world. We just grab what we can. Seize the things and work hard. "

Can be extended.

We all know how Sissi and Gangaro came to Patton. Embarrassed, isolated, destructive ... We once sighed that this saint and a group of Gangro can also come together, it is also 'destiny' ... and this destiny is probably what Sissi said now. Okay.

"Don't chat," Sissi clapped. "Thomas, you know what to do." Sissi stood in front of Thomas. "Now, send me to heaven!"

Is Thomas's gray face reluctant? Emotions are not important, "You have to promise me something, Sissi!"

"You said." Sissy had closed her eyes, as if she had made some preparations.

"In the basement of our sea-view villa, there is a jar of my blood! This is the only lineage I have left in this world! I want Arthur to inherit my blood!"

"Then keep the bloodline holding the key to heaven's door alive?" Cici smiled with her eyes closed. "Oh, didn't we discuss this thing, no, I won't help you."


Thomas grabbed Sissy, "You don't agree, just stay with me forever in this purgatory and be turned into stone by Leo !!"

"You seem to have to keep my promises after I leave here." Sissi opened her eyes, and there was undisguised mockery in her eyes. "Thomas Gangro, we can come together and experience so much. , Is sentimentality, I do n’t want to violate this sentiment and deceive you ... "

‘锵 茨 锵 茨 锵 茨’

Both Sissi and Thomas turned their heads to look at Leo who had begun to write on Madison again.

"Huh." Leo felt his eyes, "What do I think it was, the key to the gate of heaven is your plan." Leo glanced at the two of them, "You haven't returned directly after a long time In this life, it is to go to heaven. "

Yes. When Maddison first came to purgatory, he asked Leo if his "thought" was the key to the Heaven's Gate that could break the time limit. Leo's reaction was very ... wonderful.

"Thomas Gangro." Leo continued. "It's better to ask your own kin to do this instead of asking this saint to retain your special lineage from Gangro."

Thomas let go of Sissi and looked at Leo who was writing.

Leo ’s engraved words in Madison are, “Sissi ’s home, basement, has Thomas Gangaro ’s blood. This is the only blood in the world that still has the key to heaven after Thomas came to purgatory. Zac, Get this thing. No matter what you do with this thing, get it yourself first! "

Sissy's face was gloomy, and she reached for Leo.

Leo didn't understand the movements of his body, and the sudden extra arm on his shoulder pressed Sissy's head. The purgatory creature has no expression, "Here is purgatory, don't do stupid things." Then, looking at Thomas, "If I remember correctly, there are people in heaven who think of Zac as a friend, the demon policeman Chapman, Right?"

Thomas frowned, but nodded.

Leo continued to inscribe Madison, "The question is how to get those demons in heaven to send Madison back to the present world." Leo looked at Sissy and smiled, "You can do destruction. But Miss Saint. Unless you want to destroy and destroy everything of your Lord ’s faith, cooperate a little ~ "

Leo ’s threat seemed a little ... inexplicable.

However, Sissy's face went dark.

Speaking of what, the key to heaven ’s gate, purgatory, and the Lord ’s belief in splitting the world into the relationship between the future and the past ...

Nowadays, only these two people know this secret. Leo in purgatory, and Cici who gave the keys to the gates of heaven in Torredo and Gangoro!

This threat is probably only effective between these two people!

"Fixed." Leo finished his engraving and glanced at Thomas. "Send them to heaven." Smiled. "Then you and I ~ have to think of something to pass on life in purgatory ~"

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