In Grand's bedroom, Zach looked at the stone sculpture exactly like Madison, "Mc, Madison ..."

No no no!

Before returning to the present world, there is one more thing to say.

I know that the relationship between the three worlds of purgatory, this world, and the world of the Lord ’s faith is becoming more and more confusing. This is the last chapter about this kind of thing! I promise!

And this chapter begins with the ‘world’ where these three worlds are confused—this is a dream world, abstracted from the real, illusory dream world.

A baby's dream.

"Why are you just going to do it ~"

Dreamer Philip reached out and nodded the baby's small nose.

"Yeah ... yeah ..."

Remember the dream demon? Soul alien with the ability to break illusion and reality. Oh, maybe everyone remembers Mr. Green ’s suicidal son, Philip. Similarly, there is such a dream demon in this story.

This Philip, now has no ability to break through illusion and enter reality. Remember, he was ‘dead’, and after copying ‘Cort’ indefinitely, he was hardly executed by his friend Soul Walker, and he was sent to purgatory in order to prevent the world from being destroyed by this dream demon.

But the dream demon is still a dream demon, he still walks in the dream, he even ... appeared once, and recall that Walter saw the dream demon Philip after entering the world of time forks. The scene is Grande, Grande that is overlapped by the afterimage layers.

There are creatures in purgatory dreaming, and the dream is still Grande. Who is not worth paying attention to. Anyway, the dream devil Philip, here, in the dream of someone in Grandry.

Regarding the dream world, what have we analyzed, are there any impressions?

Dream is a strange thing. It has no logic and no rules.

The space in the dream is always changing strangely. Often you are still in your hometown in your childhood memories. Turning your head is already a city that squeezes your existing value. The time in the dream is always jumping in disorder. Often you raise your hand and knock on the door of the lover's room. When the door is opened, your predecessor is holding the face, "Loved!"


Dream is such an unreasonable place.

And Philip is alive by this unreasonable place ... Maybe, he is dead and has become a floor of the ‘maze’ of purgatory. It doesn't matter what the reality is, in the illusion that only the dream demons can touch—the unreasonable and trouble-making dream, the dream demons Philip amuse a baby in the space and time of continuous chaos.

And this baby is Adam Grande.

"Can you dream of something else?" Philip teased the baby floating in the air, demanding, "I knew I shouldn't have run over to see this new 'Grande'." Philip sighed, "Here Nothing, I can't get out. Unless ~ "Philip shakes his fingers, murmurs only the babies," You dream about anything else ~ everything will do ~ let me out ~ "

The dream has changed.

In a dark world, the dream demons feel like they are surrounded by something like liquid.

Philip floated for a while, "Please tell me this is not Mocavi's womb ..."

"Yeah ... ahh ..."

"Uh, what I'm counting on." Philip rolled his eyes. "You're such a baby, I'm afraid there is not much material for dreaming." Ask again, "Let's go back to Grande."

The world has not changed.

"Please ~~" The dream demon whispered the floating baby again.

"Yeah ... ahh ..."

The dark world started to change a bit, but ... it didn't seem to be the change Philip expected.

"Don't!" Dreamer Philip became nervous. "Please don't dream about the process of being created! I can't accept it !!"

"Yeah ... ahh ..."

Dreamer Philip felt pushed by the liquid wrapped around him, and moved back and forth in a certain direction uncontrollably.

"Please stop please stop please stop ..." Philip closed his eyes.

Some kind of squeezing made Philip's eyes open, and at one glance, Philip closed his eyes again, "God, let me die!"

White fills this space. Thousands and thousands ... No, billions of white strips rushed into this dark space. Philip and the baby are at the very center of this shock.

"Yeah ~~"

"Who said the baby is the purest creature in the world? I will kill him first and commit suicide!"

Relax, Philip can't kill anyone.

"Is it over?" Philip felt the touch around his body stabilize and opened his eyes again.

Philip saw the egg suspended in the center of the space ... egg? Uh, everyone understands.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah ..." The baby Adam, who had no mobility, stretched out his hand and seemed to want to touch that ... ‘egg’.

"Please don't touch that thing." Philip reached out helplessly to pull the baby. "You'll be hurt for a lifetime, believe me."

Baby, "Yeah, yeah, yeah ..."

Hey. Don't beg, this is a baby, dreaming baby.

Baby Adam, touched the ‘egg’.

In Philip ’s field of vision, a film appeared-Philip ’s only perception of this film was that the light and shadow in vision appeared refraction ...

No, this is not refraction, this is ... reflection!

Another baby, another dream demon Philip, another ‘egg’, pulling a short afterimage, appeared at the other end of the membrane ...

No, this is not reflection, this is ...

At the other end of the dream, Philip looked back and looked at Philip, the dreamer on the film side.

The two Philips looked at each other and blinked.

The two Philips looked at it, turned their eyes together again, and looked around. New refraction, no, reflection, no ... The third and fourth Philip appeared after the new film.

The four Philips looked at each other.

"Ready." Four Philips reminded themselves at the same time, the fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth Philip, ‘egg’, the baby joined this pair of eyes behind the newly appeared film ...

"Yeah yeah ~~~"

"Whose idea was to let this baby dream of something other than Grand?" The eighth? No, sixteenth? The thirty-second? Sixty-fourth? 120th ... Uh, who's good at math, just junior high school biology. This X-th Philip glanced at many of himself gloomyly, "Now we are trapped in this dream with no hope of going out!"

Countless fingers pointed to the first Philip, "He."

The first Philip's face was wrinkled, "Me? Is it funny to blame me? We are all me!"

"No." No ... Uh, I don't know anyway, it was a Philip who appeared in the four-digit number lying in front of the membrane where he was, "This human cell has begun to divide and life has been formed! Time has begun to advance! And You, the first one, we are all advancing on the timeline. You are the guy who let us walk into this timeline! Our existence in this timeline is for you at the beginning of this timeline Things are responsible! "

"Oh." The first Philip looked at the distant Philip, who had been pushed by countless membranes to a farther place. "Timeline? Are we arguing about the timeline now? Everyone, a little bit of the demon's self-esteem, OK? , We have never followed any laws. "

Some Philip in the fortieth digit, "As long as this dream doesn't stop, it doesn't make sense to talk about self-esteem. Look, we don't even have organs formed, just a bunch of cells. The ghost knows that this baby will stay in this dream. how long."

Some Philip in the fourth hundredth digit, "Yeah, as long as we are still in this timeline, everything we bear now is the impact of what we did in the past." This Philip is too far away, He no longer knew who they were blaming, pointing to the left, "You are the past me, you are responsible for my present situation."

"Go away." Philip on the left looked somber. "I came out from behind you. I am your future. I still have to take responsibility for your past!"

"Sorry." Philip, who changed his mistakes, pointed to the right. "Then I'm looking for you. You're always my past."

"Huh, I am." Pointed Philip glanced at the happy baby holding "egg", "but it was not my fault, it was my past." Pointed to another Philip. .

"Not me!" The pointed Philip pointed to his past.

"What do I do! It's him!"

"It's him!"




In the end, the first Philip swayed. Pointing at the infinite self, this feeling is ‘wonderful’ unspeakable.

"Why ?! Just because I am the first? I am the past of all of you? I will be blamed by you as a sinner!" The first Philip defended himself.

Countless Philip looked at each other.

"The rules of the world controlled by time are like this, aren't they?" I don't know which Philip started, looking at Philip who was closest to him, "In the past." Thoughtful, "Isn't it hell? Is it sin World? "

I do n’t know which Philip should get along, "Is the future beautiful?" And then "Hey! The‘ me ’that came out later, is anyone in the future?”

"Are you stupid? No one can go to the future." Some Philip said, "We are all present when it is now, and then become the past, er, strictly speaking, we are all in hell." Mumbled One sentence, "literally hell." Looking back at the baby, "hey." Sigh.

"Hey, hey! Look! See what the original sinner is doing ?!"

Countless times Philip looked at the first Philip.

The first Philip felt his sight, and after a bit of cold, he continued his hand movements-he, tearing the film, "Aren't you saying this is hell! Huh, that film, this layer keeps us Appear, let ’s accumulate the hell, is n’t it time! "

"Hey, what he said makes sense ~"

Some Philips joined the action of tearing the film, "open this film, we may be able to see Walter ~ and then we can get out of this dream ~"

But some, there is no action, "Come on, let ’s stay here, wait for this dream to end, and return to Grande. We all feel it. Recently, I dreamed that Grande ’s creatures are getting less and less If we left Grand this time, we might never be able to return to Grand, and we will always be lost in a messy dream. "

"Our differences here are meaningless, everything depends on the current" I "." A voice that was already quite distant said. This discussion went to a distant place.

The first Philip was tearing at the film persistently. Of course, he is the original sin.

Instead, new discussions began to emerge, and the Philips in the past began to create new ‘sin’—

"You are not curious why this thing can start life and create a timeline?"

"What's curious? The body of the vampire, the soul of the werewolf, they are destined to combine ~"

"Physique plus soul equals time? This is the most stupid conclusion I have ever heard."

"It's all stupid and stupid, see." "Egg", "Perfect flesh, plus perfect soul, and then this thing began to split. Time was born, we, hey, if we were still in purgatory , The guy from Leo will yell and run to merge our remnants together. But look at us now, separated by these films here, each exists independently. Uh, I feel like I am going to be schizophrenic . "

"We were originally schizophrenic, did we forget? We are Philip Green, we are almost ViP patients in our father's nursing home!"

"Speaking of nursing homes, it ’s Boque Quinn right now. Hey, I think Sloan."

"I don't know how he is now ..."

This discussion has gone further, literally and literally, everyone understands ... and the first Philip--

But even the inexplicable original sin that gave the first Philip the motivation did not allow him to fulfill his expectations.

This membrane is unbreakable.

The first Philip gave up. Looking at the film with twisted light and shadow ...

The dazzling colors stained these films, flowing in the gap between the film and the film, everything vibrated in this sudden color.

"What happened?" Philip, countless fine points, questioned.

"I think we will ... differentiate into organs ..."

"God, I don't want to be an excretory organ !!"

"No choice, my elaborate 'brother', remember the textbook we read, the first organ to be formed is the intestine, one end is the mouth, the other end is ...

"Wait! Isn't this purgatory ?! Those thoughts that Leo said are the remains of all purgatory creatures ?!"

"Hey! It really looks like it! Ha! So are those thoughts planning our cells as organs? Ha, these thoughts are dead and they are thinking of driving life actions ~ Turning our pile of cells into‘ human ’~”

"Don't be so optimistic, I think they just want to break through these membranes and occupy the perfect body and soul in this membrane. After all," thought "needs material to" move "!"

"Uh, you make sense."

"Not what I said, it was him."

"Neither am I ..."

"Hush! Look! What is that ?! Is that Leo? Who is next to him ?!"

"It's Saint Cici and, and ... Madison? Also, and Thomas Gangro!"

"What are they doing ?!"

"Thomas! What opened !!"

"That gold is the color of heaven! It is the future !!!"


The world shook violently. Baby, baby Adam finally let go of the ‘egg’ in his arms.

"Yeah ... ahh ... wow--" cried.

The dream woke up, this is a nightmare. About an eternal body and an eternal soul, they meet and combine under the guise of 'fate', and then they are differentiated and shaped under the drive of a bunch of deadly thoughts, and finally they are forced to move towards a future full of unknowns. Nightmare!

Probably the first dream of every baby!

Grandry, Zac's eyes were taken back from the stone carving.

"Uh, don't cry, don't cry, are you hungry? Or do you need to change diapers? Er ... Is Uncle Madison too scary, good Adam, don't cry, I will throw him to the basement ..."

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