Benjamin and Mokawi were disturbed by Adam's crying. When entering the bedroom, Zac was holding the hard ‘Madison’ to prepare to leave the bedroom.

Benjamin pulled Mokawi and watched Zac hugging madly behind the door frame.

Bang bang

It was the sound of the stone carving Madison colliding with the door frame.

"What is this!" Benjamin stared at Zac at the door.

Zac straightened Madison holding it horizontally and finally pulled out the door frame of the bedroom. "Can't you recognize it, this is Madison."

Benjamin leaned closer and wanted to take a closer look at the stone sculpture Madison, not wanting to shake Zac's hand. Madison tilted over and was caught by Zac's waist.

Benjamin didn't intend to stoop down to identify the appearance of the stone carving, and lipped his lips, "So the golden color that flew out just now?"

"Sissi." Zack replied, not feeling well. All Grande saw that Sissi's soul suddenly appeared and left, and now it was Benjamin who was asking in front of himself, and then two more steps, Roy and Nick waiting at the stairs.

Life has never given Zac a breathing time, and now, there is no reason to give it.

Holding Madison, let Madison's body bump forward in Grand's corridor.

Benjamin and Mokawi saw Zac's expression and didn't continue to say anything. They probably cared more about Zac's arms than their son. Zac had just walked by, and the parents entered Zac's bedroom, "Baba is numb, no cry, no cry ..."

"what is this?"

Without any development beyond expectations, Nick stopped Zach's process of going downstairs. "How did this thing get to your bedroom?" Refers to, of course, the stone sculpture Madison.

"Madison." Zack replied, then, "let it go."

"This is Madison, and the body of the soul that flew out just now is Sissi. Two things we are sure to be in purgatory now appear from your bedroom, Zac, you want to explain to us, your Feast Brothers What happened? "Nick didn't make way.

Roy was even more uncooperative and leaned his head closer to Madison's body. "What is this? Handwriting?" He asked suspiciously.

Since the two didn't give way, Zac went directly to Madison ... pushed down the guardrail on the second floor.


Madison broke into countless pieces.

Roy and Nick were surprised by Zac's move, and froze for a moment, looking at Zac.

Zac looked at the two expressionlessly, looking at them without speaking.

Roy and Nick's complexions began to fade, and at last the two glanced at each other, silently making way together.

Zac said, "Thank you." Then he walked between the two and went downstairs.

Roy and Nick watched upstairs, and soon, Benjamin and Mocavi holding Adam also joined this top-down observation.

Zac on the first floor entered the dining room, took garbage bags and cleaning tools from the kitchen, and put the broken stones into garbage bags. Look up, look at the four pairs of eyes above, and then drag the garbage bag down to the basement without paying any attention.

"Who do you think Zach has something wrong recently?" Mocavi asked this, so, "I feel something is wrong and raise your hands ~" Then, "Shake ~~ Punch ~~"

Roy's hand just had a tendency to lift and was forced down by Nick.

Roy gloomed and stared at Nick, who suppressed himself, "This is the ancestor of the vampire asking!"

"That's also Mocavi's ancestor! It has nothing to do with our demon feast!" Nick stared back unrelentingly, and then his gaze was in line with Benjamin's gloomy glance, "I now accept Mocavi's identity only Alpha Benjamin's wife! A business partner for blood supply! "Both sides are staring hard.

Leaving it all together, the four of them stayed together, and when Zac entered the basement, they separated.

Closing the basement door, Zach stood in a daze for a while dragging the garbage bag with Madison.

Maddison had finished reading the words on Madison.

Therefore, Zac's mood can be said to be quite chaotic.

Those words are for Zac.

"If you feel that you are stuck in selfish suffering now, don't be hindered by this kind of expectation of your life! This is the ridiculous author of Madison, because of his narrow creative motivation, the dilemma created for you! "

What do you mean?

Seeing such a beginning, Zack ca n’t ignore the dense text. While he has heard the sound of Benjamin and Mokawi going upstairs, he has used his fastest reading speed and finished reading all the above. Text.

The text content will not be repeated. Only highlights.

One, in the contradiction between the belief of the Holy Lord and the future of vampires, because when the appearance of the complete vampire appeared, Madison deliberately guided his protagonist in the so-called "story" to be involved in concerns about the future of the vampire race-most It was Zac who first realized that the vampire would completely lose the soul of the living creature of the Lord ’s faith.

Second, all the affairs that the protagonist wrestled for the future of the vampire race were deliberately portrayed by Madison, and the vampire organization, the magic banquet was absolutely bound-after the Tiantian Tower exposed the wizard family, all actions of Zac It was in Barton, which was completed by remote control of all clans in the West's Demon Banquet. However, there is a gap between Van Zak and the Demon Banquet, and this process will not proceed smoothly.

Third, Madison ’s death is a planned conspiracy, just to plant a odious seed in the protagonist ’s heart-the Republic ’s hidden alliance. The reason for Bruch ’s killing Madison is that the Demon Banquet ca n’t have another G's replica! Madison used his own "death" to make Zac passively admit to his meaning to the organization of the Demon Feast!

Fourth, the saint ’s secret of distributing the protagonist was already planned, and the protagonist was gentle to the world ’s gentleman and twisted into a selfish action-at the moment when Zac was already capable of remotely controlling the magic feast, the magic feast also grasped the All the secrets of Ke will hold this man Zac forever in the hands of the demon.

Fifth, the person who carved these words is a dragon suit that really understands the protagonist-Leo.

Sixth, in Sissi's villa, there is the only remaining key seed of heaven's door in this world!

One to five.

Zac took half a second to understand, so when holding Madison out, he deliberately hugged sideways, can hit as many times as possible ...

Is this the way Madison repaid me to pick him up in Barton, give him life, give him work, give him hobbies, give him holy Lord ...? Target me in my own story?

Madison was not broken in the corridor on the second floor, it was already Zac's kindness.

But, the sixth point.

It was decided that Zac would not want Benjamin or Nick or Roy to see the news. Therefore, Zack is a gentleman and will not interfere with what others want to see with unreasonable behavior. Then, break the news itself.

Zac used a lot of energy to push Madison downstairs ~

As Zac wished, Madison was broken.

At this moment, Zac began to be dazed.

and then?

Even if I knew all my worries about my life now, it was because this Madison deliberately 'made it'. But then?

Zach opened the garbage bag, looked at the gravel inside, frowned, "You don't have such a powerful ability, Madison." Zack started to shake his head and touched a stone out of his hand, hey, it was a Madison Eyes, half open, as if Madison was expressing emotions when he turned into a stone ... Zac looked at this eye, "You just chose one of the many futures that you wrote that best suits what you want to express The story line. "Zach started shaking his head." Uh, I remember, you said, let me review what I did in a year, and then let me admit that this is the epitome of my entire immortality. "

I do n’t know if anyone still remembers. This passage that Zac recalls now happened in a frank 'communication' between Madison and Zac. At that time, Madison made it clear that he did not like Zac. The reason why Madison wrote Zac is just Zac ... there are many things to write. Heterogeneous, normal, distorted, smooth ...

"You have chosen the line that can best abuse my role in the countless futures and wrote it. Right." Zac pinched Madison's eyes.

If these eyes could answer Zac, hell.

Zac threw the stones back into the garbage bag. "Forget it." Zac patted his body-to clean up the dust that was contaminated when he cleaned the stones. Zac smiled. "I forgive you. ~ "

Zac's mood ... began to turn positively.

the reason?

There is no logic.

It seems that Zac now believes that there is no one-no one is choosing the future for him ...

Don't delve into it, this is a sense of no logic.

If Zac can start life again in this sense of no logic, throw away the haze of these days ... what can we complain about, at least the world will not be killed by this Toledo!

Zac threw the garbage bag in the corner, his mouth raised, full of positive energy, ready to leave the basement ...

Can't leave for now.

The mess in the basement--

Mokawi did not clean up Gangaro's ... endgame.

The red and the ash mixed in the ground became a muddy dirt that was guessed.

Speaking of that, Zac didn't know how Thomas Gangaro came to Grande.

But these are not important anymore. Now Zac's brain is back to normal operation, and Toledo's vision ability for the event begins to play a role.

Zac knew that Rimmer would be happy to receive the messy things now in Grand's basement.

Zac started to clean up the basement.

The windless underground space retains all the remains of Gangaro. Zac cleaned all the ashes together, and the five wreckage left by Gangro was just a can.

This is a funeral home. Although Grand does not operate cremation, it is still very easy to find an ashes canister.

After leaving the basement, Zac handed the ashes in his hand ... Zac considered it and handed it to Benjamin.

"What's this ?!" Benjamin, holding Adam, refused to take over the ashes from Zac.

"Your employee's body." Benjamin didn't answer, and Zac handed it to Mocavi, who was imitating Benjamin's hug. I have to say, just right, "Come on, use this, practice first."

"Thank you ~~"

Don't comment.

"Wait a minute, where are you going again?" Noting that Zac was leaving Grande again, there was panic on Benjamin's face ... the panic had a clear target--

Adam in Benjamin ’s arms did n’t stop crying ~~


Before Benjamin had the tendency to hand over babies to Zac, Zac had taken a step back, "I am the godfather, not the nanny. You must at least make your own son familiar with the smell of your father."

Benjamin's complexion is not good, "Why do I feel insulted when I listen to this?"

"Probably that's what I mean ~" Zac smiled and blinked at Benjamin.


"Hush ~~" Zac did not move loudly, but also looked at Roy and Nick who noticed that Zac would go out again, but also came over to ask, "You don't want to know why Madison and Sissi Oh, these two guys who should be in purgatory suddenly appeared in my bedroom. "

Do you need to nod your head? No, all four eyes looked at Zac.

Zac smiled brilliantly, "I don't know ~ it's just that you asked the question first ~" Zac's smile, like a flower, full of kind, "Who is willing to replace everyone, Looking for the answer to this question? "Zac raised his hand," willing to raise his hand. "Hua'er-like smile swept in front of each pair of eyes," sway ~~ "

Only Zac raised his hand in Grande's air.

"Then go early and return early!" Benjamin held the child in his arms with one hand, the other hand? Suppressing Mokawi's ready to raise his hand shaking with Zac, "Not your previous proposal!"

This strange atmosphere lasted quietly for a while.

Zac just posed for a while, and was shocked, "Oh, only me ~" The smile on the face was like a withered flower, and the withered grievance put on his face, "Then ..." Look again To the four pairs of eyes, "I will go ~"

Turn around and look back, "I went alone ~ Are you all here waiting for me to bring you the answer back to you ~~" Two steps forward.

Roy stepped up.

Nick stopped in front and looked at Zac. "Like Alpha said, go early and go back!"

Roy didn't cross Nick, but watched Zac ... walk away and disappeared.

Zac walked very fast, the kind of cheerful fast, with a little moody jump between the steps ~

Because ah, our vampires see through ‘human’ life ~

Forget it, we do n’t put the proposition into the ‘human’ life so big, huh, it ’s still the ‘human’ life of a vampire, an eternal life creature. We can't discuss, we say small.

The small consciousness that happened at the same time in this big consciousness of life——

Any idea why Nick wants to stop Roy from going out with Zac?

Zac knew. Because Nick is going to trample Roy's Zmish clan, Nick will do everything in his power to prevent Roy from getting Toledo's direct 'guide' next to Zac.

This is the future without Madison ‘choosing’ Zac ’s future, and Zac restarts the starting point of his ‘human’ life — the struggle of the Vampire Clan of the Demon Banquet.

The starting point of Zac's "human" life is infinitely high ~ Look, everyone expects Zac to give them answers, everyone is waiting to listen to Zac's teaching gesture ~ This Zac's life, from Start being looked up.

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