In the gloomy environment, Arthur heard the doorbell and got up from the sofa, pulled away the snack garbage bag on the coffee table, and held the gun in his hand. The movement slowly approached the door, maintaining a posture that could attack at any time, "Who."

"Me." Connaught's voice.

Arthur's body relaxed and he was ready to open the door. But as soon as I touched the doorknob, my hand withdrew, "I didn't ask you to come!"

"You hired me to keep you safe." Nuo was outside the door, and his voice seemed impatient. "I'm just doing my job."

Arthur frowned, quickly left the door, and walked through the living room. Behind the heavy curtains, he lifted a trace of the curtain, and the light entered the safe house through the small gap.

This is in line with the pattern of apartments in the southeast unit, narrow and cramped. Arthur glanced downstairs after the gap, and Nuo ’s car was parked downstairs, barely confirming from this angle that Nuo ’s car was empty-unlike yesterday, there was a vampire with a baby in the car Sitting ...

Arthur left the curtain and returned to the door, still not opening the door. "Is there something happening outside?"

"Are you sure you want me to talk to you outside the door?" Nuo's voice seemed to ridicule something. "Although part of the reason I bought this house as a safe house is that this building is occupied by Republicans, they listen I do n’t quite understand the federal language, but Arthur, do you want to test the learning ability of the Republicans? I ’m talking with you in the corridors about crime, aliens, drugs -...-see if there will be "enthusiasm" Of the republic ’s neighbors started calling the police ... "

"Stop! Don't talk, don't talk !!" Arthur held the gun restlessly behind him. The other hand opened the door and glanced at the promise. "Come in! Hurry!"

Nuo pouted, stepped into the door, "It seems like it was your property." Nuo noticed Arthur's hand behind him, knowing that the other party was on guard and shook his head, "If you don't trust me , You should not be entrusted to me. "

"I didn't! You came to me by yourself, remember?" Arthur glared at Nuo and closed the door, but still listened to the outside movement for a while behind the door, and confirmed that Nuo was coming by himself before relaxing. The hand holding the gun.

"This is a fact." Nuo entered the safe house and glanced at the space inside. There were food and beverage garbage everywhere, which was a little uncomfortable. "You are either found by me or by vampires. So, I am helping After you, you still have to thank me. "

"I'm not so sure you are worthy of my thanks!" Arthur's gun was not put down. Instead, unlike the one hidden behind him, he now put the gun in the most prominent position-in front of him, To Connaught, "After yesterday, I confirmed that you and the vampires are right! That Zachary Grande, has nothing to do with you!"

Of course, Nuo saw his muzzle, "It's not shallow, but also depends on the situation." There was no sense of crisis turned his back to Arthur, cleared a place on the sofa that could be done, and sat down. Then he looked at Arthur, "but you really don't know anything."

"What do you mean!" This is probably a kind of psychology after the other person has suspiciously said something to him. Arthur's tone was not good.

"Okay." Nuo waved his hand. "Let's start from the beginning." Nuo pulled out of his pocket and drew out a piece of paper, a copy of what was obviously, "You are from the 'General's rest station'" I bought equipment to rob the 0711 pharmacy. "The paper was handed to Arthur." This is the transaction details. "

Arthur froze for a moment, grabbed the copy and glanced, "How do you have this ?! Do you have the habit of investigating your employer?"

Nuo Yi pouted, "'General' is a descendant of Zachary Grande. They all have the blood of Toledo."

Arthur's eyes widened. "What ?!"

"Hey, Arthur, you are also a Barton native. The locals told the locals, we will just say that. You really think that" General "becomes the only remaining gang force in the southeast, just because of" lucky general ". "

"Isn't it because 'General' is the only gang among the original southeastern gangs that trades weapons ?!" Arthur's eyes widened.

"If there is an illegal arms trade in Barton, huh, you local Barton really think that such a good business, turn to the southeastern gangsters, rather than those families in the West?

Arthur closed his mouth and stared at Nuo.

Nuo pulled out another piece of paper, "This is the transfer details of the 0711 pharmacy monitoring and maintenance records you bought from Aix Security Company ..."

Without waiting for the promise, Arthur had already snatched it over, glanced at the same, and then rubbed it into a ball.

Connaught has no opinion on this behavior, "Half of Aix Amber is a 'general'."

Arthur's face twitched, but there was no question.

Connaught seemed a bit disappointed. Probably Connaught prepared the answer. Now he can't say it.

As for us, there is no need to answer Nobel ’s answer. The things about General and Aix ’s security are clear to us.

Nuo did not continue to take things out, "Do you understand, your small project-the robbery of 0711 drugstore, from the beginning, under the watch of other people's vampires." Nuo shrugged, "wonderful thing , Finally came out and appeared in front of you. The trouble is not tortoir vampires who looked at you from the beginning, but to Rimmel and Gangaro. "

Nuo smiled, "This is quite funny. It is also the tortoise vampire who has been in your cognitive blind spot. After you escaped from the middle of Gangro and Rimer, you ran back to the southeast. The Ministry avoids the limelight of the police. In the southeast, you ca n’t find Aix Security who you think is a Westerner (Falken family). What you are looking for is the only gang you are familiar with, which is' General ', and then,' General ’s son, Zachary Grande, heard that you ran out of Zack ’s hand and naturally did n’t want to control you, so I appeared. ”

Arthur raised his gun and pointed at Noah, "What do you want from me?"

"You should have asked this question early." Nuo smiled at Arthur. "After you said a bunch of words about inhuman vampires like a lunatic, I accepted your words very calmly and told you me When you are very experienced with this kind of thing, when I am the only one who can help you, you should ask. "

Arthur's brain tied a knot, and it took a little while before he realized what Nuo said, "You really are with a vampire!"

Nuo shook his head, but the words were, "So I said you didn't know anything." Nuo leaned on the sofa for a while, and there was too much garbage, and couldn't find a comfortable posture, gave up and sighed, "I let You entrust me, you do n’t have to doubt this matter. If I want to harm you, I wo n’t let you go through the entrusted process. ”Nuo glanced at Arthur,“ I ’m in this profession, and I care about my entrusted success rate. Yes, so you can rest assured that I will protect your safety as my job, and I will protect your safety. "

The gun in Arthur's hand did not drop, repeating, "What do you want from me ?!"

Nuo was quiet for a while, and seemed to be sorting out emotions, "As I said, your question is late." Looking at Arthur, "I can't get anything from you now."

"What do you mean!"

"Barton's five Gangaros are all dead." Nuo looked at Arthur and said so.

Arthur's mouth moved, and he could clearly feel the stress response of this person's body—

It should be so. In Arthur's cognition, Gangaro was a vampire who saved him from Rimer. Although he did not understand the significance of Gangaro as a descendant, the fact is that Arthur can at least count on his offense. After Rimer, Gangro could support himself.

"Zacree Grande." Nuo waved his hand, "Zac." Changed Nuo's more comfortable title, "I just went to 'General', and let 'General' go to Nofil on his behalf." Nuo After a pause, he looked at Arthur, "another vampire clan entrenched in the Barton Paisin district. Let the 'general' represent Torrido and inform the news of the death of Nophire Gangaro."

Nuo pouted, "You don't need to know the reason for this. The relationship between these vampires is very complicated. I told you that you probably don't understand."

"I don't care !!!" This was a bit too hard. The reason was just said. This sentence forcefully convinced yourself.

Noel continued with little reaction. "Gangro of Barton is dead. You, the descendant of Gungaro, are useless." Noir is shaking his head. "It's no use to me." Say, "Well, I thought Zac ’s most clandestine clan of the original secret alliance was Gangaro. After all, he was beside the saints and the vampires who worked under Benjamin. Rimmel and Nophire were better than none. Go on ... "Nuo kept shaking his head." I didn't expect Gangaro to die in Grandry. "

Arthur closed the gun and turned to run away.

The second half of Connaught's words were considered to himself. But for Arthur, this statement is very ambiguous-Gangro died on the Grand, Torrido vampire's territory, can it be understood that Torrido and Rimer are together? Does Arthur continue to stay with this gray human professional who claims to be a friend of Toledo? ?

Ignore Arthur's misunderstanding first.

What Nuo really means, we have to understand--

In several of the old clan of the secret alliance in Barton, Rimer was bound to Smith in the West End, and Norfil was bound to the wizard of Paisin. This is a very impressive fact. Smith is a Westerner who Zac admits to admire, and Paisin's wizard Sibera is also Zac's friend. Zack has done many things for both sides in Button.

Then look at Gangaro.

Gangro is bound to Saint Cici, a relationship that was completed before coming to Barton. Then, Gangaro became an employee of the ancestral firm, working directly under Zac's brother Benjamin. Be objective.

Under this objective, Nuo's conclusion is not wrong. Torredo, our Zac, the most cared for is the Gangaro clan! The saint who believes in the origin of vampires, and the younger brother of his own family, how can he have a stronger relationship than his friends in the West End and Paisin! In several of the old clan of the secret alliance in Barton, Rimer was bound to Smith in the West End, and Norfil was bound to the wizard of Paisin. This is a very impressive fact. Smith is a Westerner who Zac admits to admire, and Paisin's wizard Sibera is also Zac's friend. Zack has done many things for both sides in Button.

Then look at Gangaro.

Gangro is bound to Saint Cici, a relationship that was completed before coming to Barton. Then, Gangaro became an employee of the ancestral firm, working directly under Zac's brother Benjamin. Be objective.

Under this objective, Nuo's conclusion is not wrong. Torredo, our Zac, the most cared for is the Gangaro clan! The saint who believes in the origin of vampires, and the younger brother of his own family, how can he have a stronger relationship than his friends in the West End and Paisin!

The backer of the old part of the hidden alliance in Barton, Gangaro is the highest specification!

This is what Nuo really meant-he misjudged Gangaro's position in Zac's heart.

And this misjudgment has revealed the true intention of Nuo-he wants to keep Arthur, but he is implementing his candid principle with Zac: please the vampire.

Is it clear, what Nuo said just now, Arthur ca n’t give Nuo anything anymore, what he said is that the fact that Gangaro is now dead makes Nuo realize that he ca n’t please anyone!

Return to the moment when Arthur turned to escape.

Nuo looked sideways at Arthur, turning to watch Arthur rush to the door and open the door.

After the sound of the forced opening of the door, Arthur glanced back at Nuo, "Why can't it be opened!"

Gee. This guy actually asks such an idiot. The idiot is not a question, but a target. Obviously, Nuo didn't want him to run away before he did it. After all, this is Nuo's safe house.

"What are you in a hurry, you are useless to me, I will naturally let you go." Nuo looked at Arthur, "but before you leave, do you have to settle the commission with me."

Now Nuo is just kidding.

If all he wanted was commissioned remuneration, he would not tell Arthur that much.

Arthur didn't uselessly waste time on the door, rushed to the window, halfway down, and grabbed a chair to see that look, just to break the window.

Connaught has no tone, "This is my safe house. If you go out of the window easily, I'll be paying for the decoration."

Arthur didn't listen, raised his arm, and the chair in his hand hit the window.

Nothing happened except that the curtains were shaken by a bump.

Arthur picked up the gun again, opened the insurance, and aimed at Nuo, "Let, I, go out, go !!"

"Did you not watch the news lately?" Nuo still didn't respond, but pointed to the TV opposite the sofa. Very old TV, but it should be usable. "It should be watched. At least care about your companions that you robbed before. Do you know that your companions have been caught by the police."

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