The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 23 Chapter 3: Sacred faith

After leaving the city government square, Zac decided to go to find Sissi's soul without selling anything. Zac knew that Sissi must be in Mary's Church ...

Explain slowly.

Sissi, who had returned from purgatory, dropped Madison at Grandry. Looking at her condition and expression, she went to find her body.

About Sissi's body ... remains. Probably in the Ford funeral home.

Did n’t Zac want to control Sissi ’s body and let Camille take it to a place where he could be cremated. How many places can Barton perform cremation? Three, Allen Funeral, Mill, and Ford Funeral.

Allen and the mill are from the feast. The work that Grand launched, how could the people of the feast pick up. Then only Ford was buried.

Whether Sissi ’s body was burned, Zac did n’t know, after all, it was yesterday, but when Zac went to Sissi ’s house to take Gangro ’s blood, no one was home, that is, both Sissi and Camille come back.

Whether Saint Cici still has his body in this world, put a question mark here first.

So, can Zac find Sissi at Ford funeral? This is not necessarily true.

But one thing is certain—Cici who committed suicide must go to hell.

She may have been injured by Mocavi and was sent to purgatory after death. But since she has come out of purgatory and returned to this world, as a saint who believes in the Lord, she must abide by the rules of the faith of the Lord-the soul who decides to end her life on her own and belongs to hell!

With or without a body, Sissy is the soul of hell.

Who is in charge of hell? The fallen angel Jessica at Mary ’s Church.

So Zac sat in the confession room of Mary ’s Church.

After the wood-grained partition window, the priest on duty noticed Zac ’s movements when he entered the church from Zac. After discovering that Zac had come to the confession room, he left in a panic. “You wait, I ’ll go Called Jessica ... "

Zac also had no opinion, and took the position of pastor himself.

After not sitting for a while, a passerby entered the confession room, "The Lord forgive me, I am guilty."

At the beginning of the standardization, Zac looked at the passers-by behind the wood-grained window, fluttering, "The Lord has mercy on everyone."

It is because of this environment, but all the people who confess are not apologetic and bow their heads all the time to dare not see who they are talking to. Zach behind the window ca n’t pretend to be a spokesperson for faith.

"I am not a good father, nor a good husband, nor a good son!" The confession began.

"Father, husband, son." Zach's voice, slowly and softly, "I heard you evaluate the three 'roles' you played, but I didn't hear you evaluate yourself. Are you a good person? "" Zac raised his eyebrows. He may be very good at this 'work' ~ "Child?"

The confessed passerby shook his body, and his head was down as if he was brewing some emotions, "I am! I am a good person!"

"The Lord will give you guidance." Zac slowly, gently.

The confession was elevated at the start and fell back to the ground.

Ordinary people's troubles began to be narrated, a little bit of blood, everyone is ready-

"My teenage son bumped into me and derailed his mother! Then he asked me for a new car college gift in exchange for his silence!"

Zac opened his mouth and glanced at the man with his head lowered behind the window. This man just said that he is a ‘good guy’. Never mind.

Zac continued slowly, gently, "I heard the husband, I heard the father. I did not hear the son."

"My son's behavior reminds me of how I treat my parents!" The man was a little excited. "When I was young, I was my son! I asked my parents for everything they could and could not give. I want it all, and then I never looked back, just looking forward in my life! "

Zac did hear some keywords, ‘university’. Slowly and gently, "Now your son has done the same to you."

"Yes! He doesn't care about my relationship with his mother, he just wants a new car!"

Slowly and gently, Zac: "Do you want your son not to have a new car, but to have a pair of anti-god parents, a broken family?" Zac asked with no expression.

The confessed passerby was stunned again, bowing his head without simmering emotions, but ... confused and confused.

"Don't you want your son to remain silent about your derailment?" Zac gently and slowly resolved the problem.

"I ..." The confessed passerby, nothing came out of me.

"Or, you want your son to say it, just don't tell his mother, just say it in front of you-give you a chance to change, or, simply help you hide his mother?"

"Me, I don't mean that ..."

Softly, slowly, this is just the way of speaking, and does not affect the pace of Zac ’s belt, "You said that your son's behavior reminds you of your request to your parents. I can ask you about the car when you were a teenager Is it also because you saw your father getting cheated from your mother? "

"No, no! My parents love each other very much!"

Softly, slowly, "Are you sure? I thought you never looked back and just walked forward in your own life. How do you know your parents love each other?"

"I ..." Ibid, the confessed passerby, nothing came out of me.

"Do you love your wife? Your son's mother?" Gently, slowly.

"Of course I love her!"

"Past tense? Present tense? Or future tense?" Lightly and slowly, "Which one is all or none? Only when asked this question," love her "is habitually released Behind 'Of course'? "

The confessed passerby, trembling slightly behind the window ... The body that had been bent and tightened contracted more and more in the dark space, feeling ... falling into the endless abyss ...

The confessed passer-by finally raised his head, "The Lord will never forgive me ..." He finally saw Zac talking to him after the window.

However, this guy whose eyes have been filled with something can no longer see that the person behind the window is not a priest in this dark environment.

Zac also looked at each other and gave a smile without speaking.

The confessed passer-by pushed open the door of the confession room and walked vainly.

Zac raised his eyebrows in place, sorted his appearance, and came out—Jessica was waiting outside.

Jessica had been here for a while, and the whole process of confession was heard.

"Fun, ruin a soul?" Jessica watched Zac come out with a residual smile.

Zac shrugged, "His soul is broken, I just let him realize how bad he is ~"

Jessica lowered her mouth and waved her hand to signal that the pastor in the confession room had quickly returned to her 'post' and led Zac to the back of the church. How to cultivate the soul of this world is now a matter of belief in our new holy Lord. Vampires should not be surmised. "

Do n’t forget the New Lord ’s Faith, Jessica and Angel Harrison, the Holy Lord ’s Faith Pattern in the Wandering Shelter in Newton.

"What does it matter?" Zac waved his hand. "Anyway, what you are training is also the devil of hell. It doesn't matter if you let these humans realize the nature of their future ~" Lightly and slowly, "Which one is still all or none? Just when asked this question," love her "is habitually placed behind" Of course "?"

The confessed passerby, trembling slightly behind the window ... The body that had been bent and tightened contracted more and more in the dark space, feeling ... falling into the endless abyss ...

The confessed passer-by finally raised his head, "The Lord will never forgive me ..." He finally saw Zac talking to him after the window.

However, this guy whose eyes have been filled with something can no longer see that the person behind the window is not a priest in this dark environment.

Zac also looked at each other and gave a smile without speaking.

The confessed passer-by pushed open the door of the confession room and walked vainly.

Zac raised his eyebrows in place, sorted his appearance, and came out—Jessica was waiting outside.

Jessica had been here for a while, and the whole process of confession was heard.

"Fun, ruin a soul?" Jessica watched Zac come out with a residual smile.

Zac shrugged, "His soul is broken, I just let him realize how bad he is ~"

Jessica lowered her mouth and waved her hand to signal that the pastor in the confession room had quickly returned to her 'post' and led Zac to the back of the church. "But I still want to remind you, vampire, you are out of bounds. How to cultivate the soul of this world is now a matter of belief in our new holy Lord. Vampires should not be surmised. "

Do n’t forget the New Lord ’s Faith, Jessica and Angel Harrison, the Holy Lord ’s Faith Pattern in the Wandering Shelter in Newton.

"What's the matter ~" Zac waved his hand. "Anyway, what you want to cultivate is also the devil of hell. Now it doesn't matter that these human beings realize the nature of their future ~"

Jessica frowned at Zac. "What's wrong with you?"

"What?" Zack asked, raising his eyebrows.

"You're not Torrie, how about Zacary Torrie who likes to beautify human beings from all angles." Jessica looked at Zac, "Now you have begun to define the future nature of humanity as a demon. ? "

Zac shook his head and smiled, "I have never beautified human nature." He said, and raised his finger to the confessor who left the church just now, "Just like that person, do you have a better way to" guide "? . Do you have any claim to whiten that kind of soul? "" How are you not Torre? How about Zacary Torre who likes to beautify human beings from various angles. "Jessica looked at Zha Krishnamurti, "Now you have begun to define the essence of human future as a demon?"

Zac shook his head and smiled, "I have never beautified human nature." He said, and raised his finger to the confessor who had just left the church. . Do you have any claim to whiten that kind of soul? "

Jessica tilted her mouth. "No." Look at Zac again. "Do you know why you haven't interrupted you?"

Zac shrugged and made a gesture of please.

"I can't do better than you said." Jessica shook her head. "You are right, I want to cultivate demons. Let this kind of person understand in advance that their essence is nothing bad for me . I just wonder if you have a consensus with me here, I thought you would rescue that soul. "

Zac waved his hand, "Why should I salvage ~ The soul is obviously believed by your holy Lord, and there is no possible relationship with my vampire race, let alone my Toledo clan. I will not be troublesome to" salvage " This human. "

After listening to Zach's words, Jessica stared at Zach for a while. In the end, he said nothing, and led the way "here." He took Zac to her office and opened the door. "You came for her, right."

Sissi, in Jessica's office.

Two Qianxi.

One floated in the air, the other was lying on Jessica's desk, as pale as a corpse-oh no, it was a corpse.

How did Sissi die? Don't forget it. The most visually striking is to wipe a knife on the neck. Created the state of Sissi's present body.

Zac frowned first.

It's a little different from my own prediction-

Sissi should have belonged to the soul of hell, but after the soul body Sissi withdrew the gold she had always diverged, the color of the soul body was actually white. It seems to be the color of the soul of heaven.

Sissy of the soul body glanced at Zac, "I'll count on you after burning my body's account!"

Zac ignored it.

Then Sissy looked at Jessica, "I'm ready."

Jessica nodded. Zac didn't understand what was prepared, anyway, he stood next to him and waited for something to happen.

And what happened is-Jessica opened the door to hell.

Zac did not look directly at hell, lest he be punished by the laws of the world. Yu Guangzhong looked at the soul body of Sissy into hell.

The gate of **** is closed-now the gate of **** in Barton can be opened casually, the time is too rich, and Zac has not spoken. It was also watching Jessica who knew what he was talking about, too lazy to ask.

When the soul of Cici left, the office began to be filled with the smell of the body, which came from the body of Cici lying on the desk.

Zac won't be close.

Time is passing by.

Jessica reminded Zac and opened the door to **** again.

Zac's eyes also avoided again, and Yu Guangzhong, the soul of Cici, came back.

The gate of Hell is closed, and Sissi ’s soul stretches in the office ...

The dark red witchcraft spell splits the whiteness of heaven and the dark body of hell.

"Now I don't need to punish the world ~" Sissi's voice seemed to be cheerful. "Yes ~ now, I am an angel and a demon." Zac looked at Sissi, watching this soul body approach the corpse on the table, Then I lay down ... No, I went in.

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