As far as the answer to the needs is concerned, it is enough to conclude that he must be friends with Sissi, who is now in triple identity.

Zac is going back to Grand.

Jessica did n’t stay with Zac, but when Zac walked out of Mary ’s church, Cici caught up, "Are you still not asking me anything else?"

"No ~"

"Uh." Sissi kept herself and Zac at the same speed. "You don't want to know how I got back from purgatory."

"I don't want to know ~" Zac glanced at Sissi, "But if you insist on sharing this important experience ..." Zac spread his hands, "Please feel free, but, I want to remind you that the vampire is not yours audience."

Some obscure things are slowly emerging.

Sissi: "Is it so anxious to cut the vampire and the faith of the Lord?" Sissi did not shy away. "Vampires thousands of years ago were shaped by the saints at that time as missionary tools for the faith of the Lord." "Hidden", haven't you forgotten, "Are you resisting the last reincarnation, did the same fate fall back on the current vampire."

May need an explanation.

The reincarnation in Sissi's mouth is about the period when the "Cain of God's Punishment" was made up. It is the real ancestor of the vampire. Cain, and Cain's direct 'sons', have entered the era of complete vampires. , The time when the Holy Lord discovered the ultimate use of vampires.

What happened to the vampires thousands of years ago has been known to everyone in the vampire secrets that Sissi spread out-the vampires thousands of years ago were cleansed by the faith of the Lord.

The vampires today are all vampires who grew up in missionary lies fabricated by the faith of the Lord. The Holy Lord experimented and reformed on the vampire after washing ... Created the clan differentiation of the vampire today, and turned the vampire's "culture, tradition" into what it is now.

Finally, the same time has come to the point where vampires now have full body vampires.

This is the 'reincarnation' in Sissi's mouth.

If everything is as planned by the Lord ’s faith, the current vampire has become a tool for the Lord ’s faith to “colonize” to purgatory.

But is this the case? Isn't it.

So, what will happen to the vampires in this cycle now? Was it cleaned by the faith of the Lord like last time, leaving the seeds of eternal life, and cultivating new vampires ...

Zac replied to Sissi, "Your proposition is too big, the fate of a vampire? I'm a four-century Toledo. I can't reach the zenith or touch the ground. If I care about any destiny, I care. It ’s just my own ~ "

Sissi remained on Zac ’s side. “It seems that the soothing words written by the purgatory gatekeeper have n’t worked. You ’re going to be selfish.”

"Leo." Zac smiled, "You are wrong, I am grateful that Leo brought me those words. These explanations about my recent situation are very important to me, and let me confirm me The future path is just that. "

"Is it." Sissy glanced at Zac. "Now that you have fully realized that I have been spreading vampire secrets everywhere, that is, pushing you to the center of the contradiction of the magic feast." Keeping with Zac side by side, But a little further away, "Are you vengeful."

It is not a good thing to be vengeful by Zachary Torredo. It has nothing to do with absolute strength. It ’s just Zack ... it ’s worth being scorned.

"Remember your hatred?" Zac also glanced at Cici and smiled. "No, I know you are just looking for a way to live." Zac's smile is for a reason. After all, the God you speak for has disappeared from this world, and the status of your saint in the faith of the Lord must be readjusted. "

Sissi stopped suddenly, speeding up when she moved again, and chased back to Zac. At the same time, the distance that I just deliberately pulled away is gone. "I know I can count on Torrido to see the comprehensiveness of things." Sissi's tone was very gentle. "I have a secret conspiracy, but I also have a glorious grandeur Reason. I ca n’t control from what angle others understand my behavior, but as long as someone who understands me appears, I still want to express my sincere thanks. "

This topic is not new.

This discussion about Sissi ’s adjustment of her significance as a saint had already happened in Grandry-this is Sissi ’s “glorious reason” for a series of acts starting from the summer vacation. As for the "conspiracy in the dark", in the purgatory, two dragons discussed it.

At this moment, Zac: "I took your gratitude. And if your conspiracy refers to making the feast think that he can hold the vampire's secret and bind me, I must say that you succeeded." Now it is Zha's turn Ke took the initiative to distance himself from Sissi, "Sissi Yeshir, at this point, all the historical problems of the vampire and the faith of the Lord are over."

Sissi looked at Zach, who was far away from herself. "Looking at you like this, are you not ready to work together to build a new era?"

"A new era has begun." Zack smiled. "But it's not a joint effort. You know it best, isn't it, Sissi."

This is a bit confusing. Not urgent.

Sissi kept the speed in parallel, "Thomas Gangro left his blood, I guess you have got it now. Just in your pocket, I have heard the sound of bottle and jar collision, do n’t follow me Say you brought two bottles of snacks out. "

"Yes, here with me." Zack nodded with a smile.

"Then do you still say you can't join hands?" Sissi began to draw closer to Zac ... but post it? "Do you think a vampire can draw a line from the faith of the Lord?"

"Of course, as long as this blood is in my hands, there is no second ... No, the third person knows." Zach smiled, watching Sissy approach, and continued to pull away, the road was wide, and Zack would not have no space. , "The current universal knowledge is that there is no longer any connection between the faith of the Lord and the vampire."

"That's why you don't have a long lesson." Sisie was persistent and continued to draw closer to Zac. "I think that spreading the secrets of others everywhere can become my 'girl saint' person. I tell you With the secret of the Lord, I also told your secret to the world. Throwing the secret away casually has become my hobby. ”It ’s quite appropriate.“ I ’ll do what I did before, when I have any conspiracy At that time, I do n’t hesitate to throw this secret out. And it will be you who will stand in the middle of the storm-Toredo dominates the only key to heaven in this world. "

"Oh." Zach smiled again. "Then you are going to be disappointed. You seem to have ignored the secret you told me, the secret you told the world, and the important difference between Gangaro's blood." Vaguely, he reached out and touched the bottle of Thomas' blood, swaying in Sissi's eyes, "All the secrets you threw out before are an unchangeable history. It's a past that everyone can't change." Zac intentionally Poetic 'a little bit, "It's the **** of sin ~" holding Thomas' blood bottle, "This is the present, the present with infinite future possibilities ~" Zac opened the bottle cap, "And what kind of paradise to make Right, in the hands of my holder ~ "The bottle was crooked, and the bright red had flowed to the mouth of the bottle, and it was about to flow out.

"Enough!" Sissy didn't continue to forcibly approach Zac, and her face was not very happy. "I didn't say that I'm going to spread this secret everywhere now!"

Zac closed the cap and the blood bottle was retracted.

Sissi spoke again, "But I still warn you that the key to the gate of heaven exists, better than disappearing from this world completely." Looking at Zach, "You know, there is no saint in this world now. A **** like the Lord can create such a prop that breaks through time and the world. "Sissy smirked," This is only one! "

"You can rest assured that this one-off prop is in the safest place in the world." Zac patted his pocket.

Sissi rolled her eyes. "Huh, I doubt it. But I don't mind if you hold this thing. If anyone else in this world can play the role of this thing, probably only you."

Don't get me wrong, Sissi's function here is not meant to be used. Zac has already stated that the historical problems of the vampire and the faith of the Lord are all over. Vampires, especially Zac himself, cannot use the key to heaven's door.

Well, the role of Thomas's blood in Zac's hands is all possible except its own function.

For example, Barton ’s Gangaro is just a small family of three generations of Gangaro, is n’t it? There are five in total. There is no place in this world that is covered by civilization, and God knows how many Gangaro ‘enjoy’ the wild life in the wilderness. Among them, the culmination of Gangaro.

In addition, Sissi should sincerely think that Zac is equipped with Thomas ’s blood-she had the opportunity to get this blood before Zac, did n’t she, as long as she risked her body a little longer, Grande, Maybe the risk of burning in an incinerator, just go home first ...

Zac didn't need to respond to Sissi's positive comments, keeping his pace forward. It has now crossed the border of the North District and entered the range of the Exton community where Sissi Seaview Villa is located.

This conversation is coming to an end.

If Sissi has no other plans, you can say goodbye ...

"I still need to get those weapons that kill souls." Sissi said, "Now 'Colt' has lost its function. The only powerful weapon in the world, only these soul daggers." Qian Qian Qian pouted, "This is the faith of the Lord, I want to recover the weapons flowing out of heaven."

"Do what you should do, Sissi." Zach gave words of encouragement.

But this was obviously not what Sissi wanted.

"The soul dagger in heaven and hell, I don't need to trouble you. With the attributes of my present soul, the symbiotic state of angels and demons, I can do it myself. But living in this world ..."

"You still have your saint's body, your action in this world is no different from mine ~" Zac squinted, saying that before in Jessica, test whether the blood of a vampire could restrain one death. Sissi. What Zuck said was that he refused assistance.

"But I have only one person." On the horizontal straight line, I have reached the location of Sissi's house, but Sissi did not stop in parallel with Zac-this means that Sissi will not accept her request. Satisfied. "And the most important thing for me now is to find a place where I can intervene in the planning process of the Jessica and Newton angels on the Lord ’s faith in creatures." The face was slightly darker, "You think I I ignored Camille ’s activities a while ago, did you really let the angels around me develop at will? ”

Zac raised his eyebrows. Oh, it turned out to be like this. "Camille is gathering information for you. Our asylum in Newton said that he discussed the new pattern of the Lord's faith. He was told to you by him." Head, "Think about it now, telling me what plans you might have for Gangaro when you hide from me, did you give it deliberately?"

"Yes." Sissi admitted, "I need to plant a Gangro in your heart. No one will protect their seeds. So you can walk the future that Madison sees-in Gangro When faced with a crisis, you, immersed in selfish motives, directly choose to dump the pot to Rimer, let Gangelo die and enter purgatory. "

Hey, this conversation while walking and talking, at the beginning, Zack clearly said that he had no intention of knowing how Sissi returned to the present world. I still know.

So big a "conspiracy", Zac is caught in it ~

It does n’t matter, it ’s all a thing of the past, it ’s the ‘unchangable sin’ fixed by hell, who does n’t have it ~

Zac smiled and shook his head. "Okay, I almost understood. After the Lord left, you know that you need to reposition yourself as a saint. You also know that Jessica and Newton are now the angel devil. You also have your own plan for the faith of the Lord, you are a saint in human life, and the position is too awkward. After expediency, you have planned to gather all the attributes of the faith of the Lord-heaven, hell, and this world All in one plan. "Zac looked at Sissi," Good plan ~ "

"Thank you." Sissi waved her hand. "But as I said, I don't need you to praise my conspiracy. You can understand my reason, and I'm very grateful." Sisie once again drew closer to Zac. "And this time, I will not use the identity of Saint Cici to ask you to do anything. I will use your sister Alice's friend. Please, please, now in this reality, Torri who has the greatest influence The multi-clan ancestor, you, help me complete the task of recovering the soul dagger. "

Zac was quiet for a while, "Alice?"

"Yes, Alice, do you know what I learned in the process of being friends with mourning banshees of witchcraft faith and human girls?"


"I need to change, this is the changed me, I am the new Sissi."

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