The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 23 Chapter 7: End of the meeting

The next process of the Magic Banquet meeting, hey, there is nothing to say.

A group of people, a group of creatures that are immortalized in this world, actually none of them have the responsibility and courage to give their attitudes to the aliens in another culture and region.

"Since no one can give practical advice, then ~" Zac concluded, "I will do whatever I want."

"You are free."

"You don't think you should be wrong."

"I believe your judgment."


A bunch of unassuming guys!

Never mind.

Zac explained the follow-up work arrangement-let the most populated Giovanni organizer to inquire about the whereabouts of other soul daggers, and then the meeting of the feast was disbanded.

When he left, Roy Schmidt stayed a bit, but now he doesn't say that Curden is still bored waiting for him in the Grand backyard.

"Hunter can also inquire about the news of the soul dagger!"

Needless to say, this is the counterattack made by Roy Zmysh after realizing some of Nick's actions-he, with Zmysh's resurgent owner of Zmysh, is not going to let Giovanni in Continue to accumulate advantages in front of yourself!

Fight, Zac has looked away. Harmonious coexistence is Zac's own gentleness to the world, but not everyone is as gentle as Zac. What Zac can do now, uh, what he is doing now is to look at the fighting below from a height. When Zac is high to a certain level, he can probably treat this kind of thing like watching two ants fighting. No fluctuation ~

"Do you want to add more content to Corden's work." Corden is strictly Emilia's assistant, and Emilia, as everyone knows, accepted this descendant candidate when Zack's selfishness broke out. So now Roy probably hasn't realized that all the things he did with Corden will eventually become Torrido's wedding dress.

As long as Zac can be made 'higher' ~

"Anyway, he will have to contact those hunters. If he loses the" Colt ", the hunters will inevitably find new powerful weapons! It won't take much to inquire!" Roy insisted.

"Yes." Zac agreed.

As soon as Roy waved his hand away, Nick Giovanni returned and said, "I told you not to intervene and continue to provide opportunities for the Zmish clan!"

Zac understands?

Take the baby Adam to the kitchen. Being hungry during the ‘participation’ of the feast meeting, this may be the first thing in history to complete this achievement ~

Nick followed Zac, but Zac ignored him anyway, and he couldn't do anything. Instead, he was bored for too long and Mocavi was relocated. Soon, Nick became overwhelmed and threw signals to Zach for help.

Zac couldn't save it-because he saw why Mocavi suddenly started harassing-harassing-Nick now. Mocavi felt that the full body vampire was about to add a new member-Nick was almost a distance away from the full body ~

Of course, Mokawi did not talk in Grande's place full of vampires, but, "Are you feeling tired now? Occasional amnesia? Sometimes you want to eat suddenly, but suddenly have no appetite?"

Listen, is a person like Mocavi who has experience with pregnant women teaching some experience?

Like ~

But is Nick a possible sex? No.

So in the eyes of others, this may just be the stage where Mocavi is still immersed in imitating human pregnant women. But in the eyes of Zac, who knows everything, Mocavi asked for signs of complete vampires!

Huh, it's no surprise that Nick spends a lot of time meditating every day to meditate!

Feeding Adam, Zac sat on the back porch for a while.

Nenad did not return to Allen ’s funeral immediately after the meeting, but chatted with Ceres in the Grand Showroom for a long time.

Zac listened, and some were anxious for Nainad—

Nainard is nothing more than suggesting Cyrus: if Allen is leaving the Federation, there will be no one around him. He needs Cyrus to go to Allen ’s funeral as his deputy to maintain his magic. The identity of the leader of the Banquet Office ...

It's also very pitiful.

Realizing the embarrassing identity of Nenad, you can guess this kind of words. Nanad didn't dare to speak in the place where Grande was filled with second-generation vampires. Nor will he wait for Serris to leave work, and say at Serris's house-Sirius's home is Benjamin's ancestors' office, and Sirius is carrying a function to deliver messages in these two places! What is the difference between saying in Zumen and saying in Grand? ?

So Nainad can only keep suggesting Serris, "I heard that the employees of Grand ’s old halfway house (Logan) are returning, and now Grand ’s staff establishment seems to be under the arrangement of the Central City Government. It ’s full. They ’re former criminals, and it ’s not easy to arrange when you come back. Would you like to come to Alan ’s funeral work to make room for Grande ’s people so as not to trouble Zac and think of another way? The honest farmer can understand.

Sirius understands it, so honestly-"No, Logan, I know, the former criminal, he also knows the situation of Grande, and the city government will not treat such a former criminal who wants to be an alien. If we get in the society, our mayor of Barton pays close attention to this kind of thing. Logan will have a place in Grande and will not trouble Zac. "

You don't need to look at Nenad to know how bad his face is ...

Zac listened for a while and decided to help Nenad. After all, suddenly taking Allen away was a surprise to Ninad, and he should pay back.

"Nenad." Zac took the baby and shook it to the showroom. Instead of looking for Serris, he looked for Nainad. "How is the mill recently."

Nainard might have given up suggesting Cyrus, and answered Zach, "Almost deserted, Madison ..." The wording is very special, "After it disappeared, that Blaine almost did n’t matter. Allen sent every day. People used to wipe him fart-share-. "

"Huh." Zac pouted, "Don't get it, the media revealed that Grande sold the mill to Alan's funeral and retaliated against Alan's funeral, and threw a pile of rotten meat to his colleagues."

Nainard's eyes lit up and rekindled hope. Naturally, he cooperated with Zac's acting. "Yeah, now Alan is going to study abroad with Hank. It is obviously a good thing. I am afraid that it will be written by some unscrupulous reporters. What a bad thing! "

Ceres was still unaware, "No, Detective Lance's wife, reporter Kate, has reconciled with Grande ..."

Zac and Naina ignored the farmer's speech. Zac: "After Alan leaves, are there people on both sides of your side?"

"It's gone, do you want to go without Revro? Allen's funeral is completely empty!"

"Hey." Zack shook his head, his face tangled. "Shall I, how many people will I give you here? Hey, but you know, Grande's establishment is controlled by the municipal government's community transformation, I can't help anyone. "

"Yeah! Ceres is still talking about things! Said Grande's employees are rarely changed!" Nenad looked at Ceres with Zac after sighing.

Cyrus blinked, "Oh!" Suddenly, "I can go to the funeral of Alan! I am not a former criminal, I also have funeral work experience. I am a descendant of Cappadocia, go to Ai The funeral of Lun is reasonable for human society, for vampires, and for the common sense of Barton! "

The way the farmer thinks about the problem is actually very good ~ that is, the required reflection time is a bit long.

Nenad glanced at Zac and thanked him with all eyes-of course most of this thanks to Zac helping him to save his face, did not dismantle any of his inner small nine nines, only used some clear circumstances to solve his nai Nader's vanity issue.

"Then, let's go through the process and I will write you a letter of recommendation." Zac smiled at Ceres, and then to Nenad, "Since Sirius went there as a jumper from Grande Side, the treatment can't be worse. "


Zac left and went back to the office to write a recommendation letter. When Nainard left, he was called out by Hank, took Winston, and went to the Allen funeral with Nainard. It should be to find Alan to talk about going abroad.

All parties are following Zac's arrangement, and Zac is quite satisfied. As he said to Mayor Anthony, these pieces were already on Zac ’s board, and they looked at Zac in their own right. Zac was just beginning to play chess.

The recommendation letter was given to Cyrus, and Zac chatted with Cyrus for a while in an atmosphere.

In a mess ...

Actually it ’s inexplicable, this is not a separation, but when Cyrus got the recommendation letter, he suddenly made a feeling of feeling, "I still remember when the rain fell last year and the prison was flooded. When someone escaped from prison, you Drive by Benjamin and drive past my house, reminding me to pay attention to precautions. ”I ’m not sure what this farmer expects to hear from Zac ’s mouth.“ I did n’t actually like you at all. After all, we are not the same person. Although now I It ’s also a vampire, I still think so. "

Zac can only say something that is marginal, "There is no" one person "in this world."

"Hehe, too." There is a very peculiar attribute of the marginal words. When the obedient person accepts such words, he will find a place to pull the words back to the ground. "But sometimes I often think, What mentality did you use to remind me that ordinary humans pay attention to safety? In this world, there are too many threats to guard against. Everyone is actually overwhelmed and few people are willing to stop and remind others.

"It may be that the vampire has more time, it's not worth it." Zack smiled, "I'm free ~"

Serris also smiled, "Well, I strive to become such a free vampire."

Zac laughed with him for a while, and Cyrus began his last job at Grand.

Zac shook out Grande to bask in the sun. Well, immortal vampires ca n’t live idle, what other biological energy?

Not much time.

Cyrus, who did a full-scale job in Grandry last time, ran out of the basement in panic-

Remember that Cyrus' work in Grande is not just sitting in the showroom, he is also storing food for Grande's sheepfold and basement.

When Cyrus contributed his labor to Grande ’s food reserves for the last time, he discovered something that scared him—

"Zac! Madison, Madison is bleeding !!!"

Zac held baby Adam and glanced at Serris, "What?"

"Madison !!! Madison is bleeding! He is all over ..."

Zac has gone down the basement.

Ceres didn't lie, Madison was bleeding. Madison, who was lying in the corner, was dying, his front chest and back were a rotten bright red.

Madison glanced at Zac in a trance, extremely weak: "... in the end ... what ... what ... like ... beast ... will be on ... other ... body ... lettering ... "Biubiu ~~ The sound of blood flowing from Madison's front and back.

Zac turned around and handed the baby over to see the lively Mocavi, then glanced at the lively Nick as well, entered the basement himself, closed the door, stepped on the blood flowing from Madison's body, and walked towards Madison.

Save Madison?

Um ... Um ... Um ...

Madison's lower body was still in the garbage bag. It seemed that he was just struggling to get out of the garbage bag half of his body, and he was unable to move and waited in the corner to die.

For the time being, Zack seems to be unwilling to change this process. He squats down next to Madison, squatting on his feet, Madison's blood is a little sticky, and Zack doesn't want to be contaminated too much ...

"You're broken." Zac glanced at Madison. Madison seemed to have nothing unusual except for the **** wounds on his chest and back.

"I ... know ..." Although Madison was extremely weak, he still had the perseverance to express, trying to lift his tired eyelids and looking at Zac, "You ... fell ..."

"Sorry." Without sincerity, Zac pursed his lips. "How are you ..." Shaking his hand, beckoning Madison's current state and demanding an answer.

The blood flow of biubiu continued.

Madison didn't seem to expect Zac to save himself. Perhaps this is also his clear 'future' and he didn't plan to change.

"I ... after all ... I believe in the Lord ... Archangel ..."

Zac looked at Madison for a moment, but didn't figure out why, tilting his head, "You have the ability to turn from stone to living?" Which angel has this ability? ?

"I ..." Madison's eyes closed, "I have ... absorbed ... the faith of the Lord ... the power of desire ..."


"Soul ... accepted ... ideas ... thoughts ... lost thoughts ... turned into stone ... soul ... restored ... biological ... power ..."

"Oh." Although Zack responded with "Oh", he didn't understand what Madison was saying. I hope we understand, after all ... Look, Madison closed his eyes, this is Madison ’s in this world ... the last words ... even if we are as sympathetic as the dying person, pretend to understand what he is talking about— —

"But ... the body ... there is no way ..." Madison's breath became weaker and weaker, "Forget it ... the soul ... survived ... already ... very ..."

Madison was silent.

After a while.

Madison floated in the basement, facing the air, "Go away! Hellhound! I am an angel !!!"

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