Zac watched Madison ’s soul while yelling ‘Go away! Get away and fight some unseen things in the air, and finally Mediz calmed down, glanced at Zac, and disappeared.

Zac couldn't judge what was happening in his eyes, but he couldn't stay in the basement—Madison's body was completely a corpse, and the vampire couldn't stay any longer.

When he was out of the office, Nick was jammed outside. "How did Madison ..." Cover his nose and mouth, and after Zac closed the scene in the basement where the decay of the corpse began to spread behind the door, "What the hell!"

"Are you asking me again?" Zac ignored directly, "I don't know where to go to find your answer this time."

Back on the ground, Zac stood thinking for a while and walked towards the living area.

Madison's body was a little trouble that made people speechless-the vampires in Grande wouldn't go to clean up Madison's body, only Grand employees. Because of Madison's identity, even if Zac used the enchanting pupil to control the employees' memories, Zac was not sure what to do with Madison's body.

Buried? Did you dig out Madison's tomb in North Park before putting the body in?

Burned? Where to send to burn? The mill? Or Allen funeral? No matter where it is sent, I'm afraid I can't pass Brian. Could it be sent to Ford? Oh, Ford will never help Grande burn Madison!

Zac called Bain and thought for a while, "First ... Freeze." Zac was not sure himself.

"Frozen? Will Madison come back?" Bain asked.

And Zac's little selfishness-Zac's consciousness today is based on not having Madison write himself, right? There is no longer a creature that can spy on the future and control the trajectory of Zac's real life ...

This is why Zack did not save Madison in the basement. Zac still doesn't want Madison to reappear in his life. This little selfishness may be a bit murky, but ... it's a fact, and it doesn't need to be decorated.

"I don't know." Zac didn't think about it. "Frozen first and then talk."

Bain ordered several employees to work in the basement.

When Grande calmed down again, it was time for the Southern District to rest. Nick, who has been ignoring Zac, also gave up and continued to trouble Zac, honestly for one night.

a new day. Started with Madison's reappearance. He is not bound to earth spirits, nor is he like the souls of heaven or hell. Floating in front of Zac who had just woken up from the bed.

"Your body is frozen in the basement."

"I know." Madison didn't seem to be entangled with the hellhound.

"So what exactly are you thinking." Zac didn't want to think about Madison's fate, which should not be Zac's responsibility.

"If you return to Madison's life, killing my Republican Bruch will not let me go." Madison said ... he was in the basement, and there was no reason to ask Zac to save. You can listen to it, "I made my death and entered purgatory. You already understood that it was used in order to be used by the Demon Banquet. It was very successful. Bruch killed Rout and killed me. I want to" resurrect "again, neither side Will let me go. "

Zac suddenly understood what was happening, "So the way you are really safe is to cut the vampire relationship and hide in the Lord's faith."

"The plan is like this." Madison did not conceal. "Even if the secret of the Feast or the Republic wants to do anything to me, we must consider the fragile relationship between the vampire and the faith of the Lord." Vulnerability means that in the vampire and the holy After the main belief cut off the problems left over by history, the only relationship between the two parties is two completely different ways of dealing with human souls in this world.

The holy Lord believes in ‘nurturing’ the soul, and the vampire wants to ‘extin’ the soul.

"Then I'll find a place to burn your body."

"Sissi's future is not that ... beautiful." Madison rejected Zac's decision. "I can see. She is too greedy, and you are not on a level at all."

Zac has heard the vampire ‘overhearing’ at the door of his bedroom. So Zac ’s words, “Your words sound like it ’s telling me that vampires and the Lord ’s faith will soon be opposed under the leadership of Sissi.”

"There is a prophet telling you something next to your vampire, isn't it good?" Madison replied.

"But the problem is that you are not a reliable prophet. You have proved that when it comes to your own safety, you will only act for yourself." Zach showed himself, "Look at where you pushed me."

"I said, your more than a year of life is the summary of your life of Zachary Torrido! With or without me, you will live like this! This is a problem that exists for you, not me who writes stories The problem!"

The protagonist and the author no longer have a good impression on each other, perfect.

"Forget it." Zac waved his hand. "What do you want."

"Jessica, please send me to hell." Madison asked, "Since we don't want each other to appear in our lives, we will stagger us into the present and the past."

"Does it make sense." Zack doubted Madison's motives. "I don't care where you go. I just want to know what to do with your body. I won't save it for you for free."

"The first fallen angel, Satan, because he was hit by 'Cort', became a creature that traverses the present, the past, and the future indefinitely. But in your opinion, he is a black cat in this world, right." Madison looked at Zac, "I am also a creature of the Holy Lord who is attacked and killed by the vampire of this purgatory. I have also existed in this world, the future, and even went to purgatory. Now I just have not been to hell. See my soul , Even if I call myself an archangel, do you think I want an angel? I ca n’t even count the earth. "

This is a fact. Madison ’s life attributes have undergone some unknowable changes because of his experience.

Madison continued, "I believe that if I can finish where I go, and go to **** for a lap, I will become some kind of ..." He did not know himself, "It will not be worse than a black cat anyway. "

"Look." Zach was impatient. "You are planning for yourself and using me. Let me ask you, if you write this as a story, how would you explain my motivation to help you go to hell?" , "After all, this is the only thing you author cares about, isn't it, my motivation ~" Zach felt that this was Madison's last conversation with himself, no need to talk about emotions, "You can't understand it with that narrow heart If you want to do something, you need to install a narrow selfishness on me. Then I tell you, the real selfish me will not care where you want to go. "

Vampires eavesdropping outside the door are probably completely lost.

Madison was quiet for a while, "Yesterday in the basement, did you see me fighting the **** dog?"

Zac shook his head. Who did this guy learn from? If you can't say it, you can change the subject.

"The facts are reversed. Hell dogs did appear, but they failed when they bit me and prepared to pull him to hell. For what reason, the **** given the definition of the past did not accept my existence."

So this is what Zac saw at the time. Uh.

"This made me very curious and thought of the black cat. So, I need help, and I'm going to hell." Looking at Zach, "Aren't you curious, what will happen to me when I go to hell?"

"Not at all."

"You already know a lot of secrets in this world, Zac, and now a new secret is in front of you, you turn around and leave?"

"Madison." Zach sighed anthropomorphically. "Did you write this story, are you still unclear. All the secrets that came to me, no matter the vampire, the holy Lord, sorry, all It was n’t me who asked me actively, it was told to me by various people. My setting was not a “secret digger” from the beginning, you wrote me like this. ”

Madison floated quietly in the air for a while, "Yes, it's all my fault." Suddenly surrendered, "I made you like you are now, OK! Then look at me, I can't live it myself How is it! I remember when I first came to Barton, I thought this city could accommodate my low-level aliens, I just wanted a stable life! Look at me now! I ’m sure what I am It was picked up by you and thrown by you to the funeral home branch of your mill to maintain the balance of income and expenditure, not I wrote it! It is you! I blame me for writing you like this, I want to ask you who it is. Let me start writing? Isn't it you ?! You said 'Hey, Madison, go find a hobby' and I listened! Everything after that, I recognized! But the fact of the beginning? You don't recognize? You owe mine!"

Mocavi's voice came from outside the door, "What a complicated relationship ~~~"


Zac pouted and looked at the mirror beside the bed. I just wanted to see what my expression looked like—as Zac predicted himself, a speechless rag.

"Okay." Zac waved his hand. "I'm only responsible for telling Jessica about this. It doesn't matter if I can succeed!"

"Remember! You owe me this!" Madison probably felt that his vent had worked just now and he couldn't hold it. The right choice.

But Zac was not satisfied. "Your body, I will just say it. I don't want to save your body for you. As long as I still realize your existence, I will ..." Zac frowned, thinking for a long time What word should I use, and in the end I didn't think of anything suitable, only, "angry!"

"Then bury it! Anyway, there is already my tomb in Beiyuan, that represents the tomb when you still have an interesting conscience, and my body stayed there very well!"

Madison is also right, remember, the attitude carried by the tomb was that Zach blamed himself for neglect, which caused Madison to be killed by Bruch.

Zac glanced at Madison, stopped talking, got out of bed, opened the bedroom door, and looked at the crowd at the door.

Adam was handed to Zac's arms by Benjamin and took the initiative, "I'll go with you."

Zac couldn't adjust why Benjamin took the initiative, but when he saw Nick being stuck on by Mocavi again, he decided not to bother and took Adam down the stairs.

Before getting in the car, Zac prepared food for the baby and brought Hank to deal with Madison's body-Zac didn't want to do this himself!

Madison disappeared by himself when he got in Zach's car, probably waiting for Mary Church in advance.

Grande's two brothers returned to the same car. Benjamin held the driving position and did not turn on the radio used to pass the time, but instead: "When I rested yesterday, you handed Cyrus to Alan for funeral? Why didn't you discuss it with me?"

Hey, is the reason for taking the initiative to walk with Zac a question?

"Do you care where Cyrus is?" Zack asked back.

"What I care about is that after the break, the news channel between the ancestors' office and Grande is gone!" Benjamin glared at Zac. "What did you get in return? It's your admirer-Naina." De's face in Button? "

Zac really did n’t want to talk, because, “Are n’t you going to do everything, do n’t you call. Or are you not going to go back to Grande after this maternity break?” Zac ’s mood was maddened by Madison It ’s not very good, so there ’s no whitewash in the words. “Did you talk to me when you communicate with me?”

"That's how it looks." Benjamin wasn't very implicit. "There are more and more vampires in Grande. I've always wondered if this is the kind of naive rebound." Benjamin didn't know what he thought. , Also mentioned Madison, "In Madison's story, in the previous Grande, only you were a vampire, and then there were two werewolves with me and Matthew. Now? Both me and Matthew are squeezed away by you, and then Vampires one by one ... "

Zac doesn't like to listen to such words, "What does it mean that I squeezed you and Matthew away?"

"Isn't it? Your actions are getting bigger and bigger, and the influence is getting wider and wider. What room do we have for you?" Benjamin glanced at Zac. "Don't Louise use this reason to republic? Is it? You are so kind to ask. "

Zac shook his head silently, "You also know that the people who go out of Grand are not just you werewolves, so don't use such a boring statement to sum up. The fact is that things in Grand are indeed 'large', Grand Everyone in the group has their own place to contribute. Everyone has found a place where they can play and extended it. "Zac ’s mentality is really different. Benjamin ’s complaint is already very much here at Zac. Something positive, "You found the ancestors office. Matthew found Lola, and in the future there must be something to do in the West End. Louise found the republic. Each has developed a new world. Instead it is I myself, trapped in Grande, couldn't find a better development. "Looking at Benjamin," You think about it, I'm right. "

Benjamin thought seriously and pouted, "How much do you hate Madison? Is this also blaming him?"

"It's not that I blame him, this is the truth." Zach looked out the window. "The fact that everyone can see, only I finally understand, recognize, and say it."

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