Nick's confrontation with Zac has not developed for the time being. There is a big reason that Mrs. Quinn has no reason to stay in Grande. When she realized that Nick's grievances were transferred to Zac, she consciously withdrew. Nodded to Zac, and left the dirt road.

Nick and Zac returned to Grand together quietly. Zac knew that Nick had not let go of his emotions, and proposed, "For a person who meditates every day, you seem to value certain things very seriously." Just as a stereotype, you would not put a fat man It is connected with sports athletes; it will not connect a scientist with indulging in black magic ... but after removing the influence of stereotypes, the connection is still connected-

"I don't want to care about some things!" In the backyard of Grande, Nick stared at Zac. "But you, hum." The cheek twitched. "I now almost understand what it's like to live by your side, not just I will, I believe Roy will not be better than me when I first came to you! "

Boring, Nick is really 'predictable'. This kind of topic has to bring Roy to step on the foot, this guy really does not want to let Roy Zmich turn over here in Zac.

Zac smiled and didn't answer, but, "Do you want to know why I don't care much about the vampire's low rank?"

Nick glanced at Zach and said nothing. Of course I want to know! I just don't know how credible the words from Zac's mouth are! I'm afraid it's not a "toredo-style interpretation" that rationalizes and distorts the facts.

"Because I am the victim of the vampire's low rank." Zac looked at Nick and asked, "Why did the Thirteen Clan lose the colonial war? Why did the Thirteen Clan split into two completely different alliances?"

"Oh, look at the secret that was thrown out by Sissi now, that is the Lord ..."

"It has nothing to do with the faith of the Lord." Zac shook his head, and he didn't run away, it was "Torido's interpretation". Zachary Toledo grabbed an angle of the incident, drilled a hole, and brought everyone in! "Because Rute Lesenbull disagrees with me" Toddler Baby "." Zac was when Nick's face became ugly, "and you‘ adult ’vampires followed him."

Nick stared somberly at the ground. He can actually refute. After all, we also know that strictly speaking, Nick Giovanni is not a supporter of Rut Lesimbra, he is from Zac ’s side, but he did nothing, at least During the colonial war, he, who entered the thirteen clan 'family' by the recommendation of Toledo, did not take the initiative to stand by Zacary Toledo, who changed his destiny.

"It's too naive." Zach continued. "The vampire's old class system is rejecting the talents of the real 'seers.'" Zack looked at Nick, who was not speaking. "Vampires can use age and blood to represent absolute power. Just like the sixth grade children can use their fists to crush the first grade children. But in any thing that no longer uses physical fitness to determine everything, this ability level is also placed in an absolute position. The physical fitness is stupid. "

Zac paused for a while, "The same second-generation vampire, Rut Lesenbula ca n’t directly drive me out of the colonial war conference room, he used the ability of the vampire to suppress me. Lesenbula ’s blood, won My eyes. "Zac was talking about the past." Then, this is why the thirteen clan did not listen to me on the battlefield. "Zac shook his head." The world of vampires is the world of adults. . Do n’t hold your child ’s rules. ”

Nick was smart for a moment, "What can I do?" He looked up at Zac and also argued for himself. "If you are blaming me for not doing anything for you four centuries ago, I want to tell you, because The vampire world is an adult world. I am indifferent! Because except for my physical qualities accumulated by time, I did not have any resources in that colonial war conference! As a person who has no foundation and joined the thirteen clans, I kept I ca n’t help anyone except watching in silence! "

"So you understand." Zach did not regard Nick's rebuttal as the weapon of the other party's "attack". Instead, this was one of Zack's arguments. "You are the beneficiary of the traditional ethical rules of vampires." Looking at Nick , "No one can perceive how long you have lived, but you can feel from the blood that your physical figures brought by the characteristics of this race of vampires are very strong. So even if you have no foundation to enter the thirteen clan, the body In a war meeting where a bunch of second-generation vampires are located, all second-generation vampires give you enough 'respect'. "

Zac smiled: "You are the oldest one, and I am the youngest one." Two hands are high and low, "Nothing to say, nothing to do, almost only you of the thirteen clans. Respect. And I, who was really thinking about the thirteen clan, for the war, for the race, for the future, was vilified and rejected. "Put down his hands, and after Nick's gloomy face again," Tell me, I have any reason to force Do you maintain this old ethic that doesn't bring me any benefit at all? "

Nick stopped talking.

Zac felt that he explained it to himself, and patted Nick, "I used to be the victim, and now I naturally will not use this naive reason to persecute others. Of course." The hand retracted, "I did not criticize The reason you are doing this, after all, you have always been a beneficiary. You do n’t need to agree with me. "

At the beginning of this conversation, Zach did n’t say to Nick, ‘I ’m going to convince you’, go back and see, Zack is just explaining himself—

Zac had an unformed idea that he would explain himself frequently in the future, because there would never be an author named ‘Madison’ explaining it for him. Oh, and I can't count on Madison to see what Madison used to shape Zac before ... Zac can only rely on himself.

"I can only remind you that when I was in Vega City in the west, I easily integrated into the magic feast class society you are accustomed to. This is basic self-cultivation, and it is customary to enter the country. But now you are in Grande, in Barton, you All the atmosphere around me is made by me. You can vomit or feel uncomfortable, but try to change the things I make. "Zac ’s conclusion," That ’s too much. "As in the previous example, Nick also Only the physical quality that has grown over time is higher than that of Zac. It ’s a real whims to change Barton ’s atmosphere.

Nick no longer talked nonsense, went straight to meditation.

Zac also returned to Grande to accompany baby Adam. By the way, I exchanged the experience of taking care of babies with Bain's wife ... Said it was an exchange, in fact, Zack asked, and others answered.

Calm lasted for about half a day in Grandry, Zac also took a job-funeral work, a certain Barton citizen died.

It is not an event that deserves attention, natural human death. The deceased and their relatives were obsessed with traditional funerals, so they came to Grande.

Zac took it according to standard procedures, went to the living area to arrange work, and basked in the back porch.

In the sun, a shadow blocked Zac's contact with the sun. West is here.

A metal ring wobbled in the sun and handed it to Zac, "Your Sam."

I do n’t know if it ’s West fun. This ring is too 'gorgeous' compared with the thimble once used by Zach, and it is filled with stones of unknown texture, reflecting the dazzling light in the sun. Light.

Zac didn't bring it, looking at the ring a little confused-Sam no longer needs to attach things after becoming a republican, what a ghost.

"It's just a temporary" residence "." West explained. "Sem is ready and can be thrown away."

Zac looked at the ring and shouted, "Sam."

"I am here."

Zac was relieved when he responded. Look at West, "Thank you." According to Zac's understanding, West can go.

But West didn't go, and glanced over at the warehouse. Meditating Nick didn't know when the meditation ended, and looked at West on the second floor of the warehouse.

"Soul dagger." West looked at Nick and sat down directly beside Zac.

Zac didn't stop, knowing that this would certainly happen-people with no ideas were hiding in the distance, and Zac faced the republican God alone.

As for the topic of Soul Dagger, West took the initiative to take it out, obviously West got some news. As for how to get it ...

West's expression was relaxed, "I have asked Father Constantine to send the dagger over."

Zac didn't have a look, "Don't you keep trading with the saints yourself?"

Oh yeah, this should n’t actually be watching Nick ’s gaze. After all, at the Feast of the Feast, Zack did not show any attitude to use this situation to control the faith of the Lord and the Republican God. The things that are about to be completed.

"That's too obvious, isn't it ~" West smiled and looked at Zac. "Now the vampire has nothing to do with our Republic of Heaven to obtain the secret of the Lord's faith to make the world ..."

Pay attention to what West means. The purpose of this republic of God has always been very clear. I want to find a way to hold the belief of the Holy Lord and break through the limitations of this world to create the world!

Before things get to this point, I still remember this republican **** who now has the identity of West, ‘Jian’, what do I want-the key to the gate of heaven.

But now, the key to Heaven ’s Gate has nothing to do with vampires, does it? Hush—Thomas Gangro ’s blood still exists, it ’s the secret of Zac and Sissi, and the initiative is completely In the hands of Zack!

West: "... I'm not stupid. I can guess that the saint took the vampire to find a soul dagger for her in this world. I wanted to continue. The vampire pulled himself around, and the vampire." Looking at Zac, "probably thought Get rid of this origin relationship that should not continue as soon as possible ~ "Then," If you do n’t cooperate with Sissi from me to ask your known soul dagger from the beginning, the scattered attitudes of these three parties are too obvious ~ "

Zac laughed a little and understood one thing, "Isn't it Sissi telling you that she invited a vampire to help her find a soul dagger." Zac thought that the reason was that Mason held the soul dagger and it was Patton's public Zac knew, and Sissy knew.

Sissi, this girl's behavior is a little bit interesting ~ It's everywhere, monkey-like ~ aren't you tired?

West shrugged, "It's not who she can have ~" The tone is frivolous, "She was afraid that I didn't understand and kept stressing that the vampire who was looking for the soul dagger, although the request was for her saint, But the execution is a vampire, so I have a problem directly to find a vampire. "

It is indeed obvious that Sissi deliberately to some extent deliberately entangled the problem between the faith of the Lord and the God of the Republic into the third party, the vampire. But now, the key to Heaven ’s Gate has nothing to do with vampires, does it? Hush—Thomas Gangro ’s blood still exists, it ’s the secret of Zac and Sissi, and the initiative is completely In the hands of Zack!

West: "... I'm not stupid. I can guess that the saint took the vampire to find a soul dagger for her in this world. I wanted to continue. The vampire pulled himself around, and the vampire." Looking at Zac, "probably thought Get rid of this origin relationship that should not continue as soon as possible ~ "Then," If you do n’t cooperate with Sissi from me to ask your known soul dagger from the beginning, the scattered attitudes of these three parties are too obvious ~ "

Zac laughed a little and understood one thing, "Isn't it Sissi telling you that she invited a vampire to help her find a soul dagger." Zac thought that the reason was that Mason held the soul dagger and it was Patton's public Zac knew, and Sissy knew.

Sissi, this girl's behavior is a little bit interesting ~ It's everywhere, monkey-like ~ aren't you tired?

West shrugged, "It's not who she can have ~" The tone is frivolous, "She was afraid that I didn't understand and kept stressing that the vampire who was looking for the soul dagger, although the request was for her saint, But the execution is a vampire, so I have a problem directly to find a vampire. "

It is indeed obvious that Sissi deliberately to some extent deliberately entangled the problem between the faith of the Lord and the God of the Republic into the third party, the vampire.

Zac bowed his head and thought for a while, "Sissi wanted to put a vampire in the middle and delay her time to face the Republican God?" This question was a self-ask, and he didn't expect to answer it.

West, who was sitting next to him, replied, "I can't think of anything else for this reason. Unless there is anything that Sissi has deliberately so obvious about, she still has an abacus."

Zac shook his head, "If she covers up any conspiracy in such a simple way, then this IQ does not need anyone to worry about."

But Sissi's IQ is not low. The only explanation is the intention to pull the vampire in the middle of the card deliberately-or the card that is so afraid that others will not see it.

We know what Sissi asked Zac to help him find the soul dagger. It's not a convincing persuasion, but there are indeed reasons why Zac can't refuse.

Zac frowned.

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