The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 23 Chapter 13: Ghosts and Western visitors

The old sun appeared in the east of the new day.

Zac dropped the overly dazzling ring from West-Sam has returned to Zac's body.

"You mean that those republican medicines can allow all creatures that rely on the concept of" birth "in republican culture to go back to their pre-birth state?"

"Well, that's what it means." Sam spent the night explaining to Zac what he had learned from West. "For humans, it means" returning to old age "."

Zac blinked.

"For aliens, it's" returning to its original form. ""

Zac continued to blink his eyes.

"I was actually forcibly retreated to the state of being bound to the earth." Sam tried to make Zac understand. "The reason why I am so easily affected is that I haven't cultivated myself since I became a ghost. I Because it is a wizard, and has its own special power, witchcraft. Becoming a ghost is just to have the characteristics of the life form of ghosts-free movement, not being restrained by vampires. So I have never treated my "ghost body" What I did not grow up, that is, the "ghost baby", has no resistance to anything. So, I was directly beaten back to the original form, and returned to the life form of the bound earth. "

"How do ghosts cultivate?"

"Like the previous ink, either be enshrined, or feel everything." Sam is a little uncomfortable, for unknown reasons. "Either like any other creature, it can strengthen itself by plundering the lives of other creatures, which is simply eating. "

Zac tilted his mouth, "No one at Mogrande enshrined her."

"But she knows that she's in the Grande every night to" moon-watch "." Sam continues his unexplained irritability. "You can remember the power of ink creation, she can make things out of thin air, you think Where did that power come from? "

"Can the" moon appreciation "give the power of ghost creation?" Zac, simply felt incredible.

"Uh, no, 'moon-watching' is just a ..." Sam probably doesn't know what to describe this separated biological barrier. "Ritual! What 'gaze' is everything in this world? What is it? Things and time shine on everything in this world forever? "

The wording is already obvious.

Zac blinked, "Light? Sunshine? Sun?" This seems to understand something. The creative power of ink that once surprised Zac was originally from the "eyes" of the sun, the giant celestial body of "watching" all the world! However, there are still doubts, "But what is the relationship with the moon?"

"The sun is too powerful. As the 'existence' that gave birth to all life in this world, its power cannot be received by a little ghost born by the human soul. It will devour the ghost. The moon reflecting the sun will be much gentler. And One reason is that the night is quiet enough and suitable for meditation. So most self-cultivating ghosts will choose to 'exercise' their 'body' at night. "

Uh, how to understand these ‘knowledges’ — treat everything in the world as the creation of the sun, and the sun is just a huge ‘ghost’. The little ghost learns the big ghost, but he is also afraid of staring at the big ghost to be eaten, so he finds a mirror and learns the big ghost from the mirror secretly.

Zac understood, "Okay, you can do whatever you want in the evening, er, go to practice."

"I don't mean that." Sam's irritability escalated. "How old are you looking at Mexico? Do you think she is a powerful ghost?"

Zac tilted his mouth, "I can't evaluate this." It is really impossible to evaluate. Zak Tongtong has seen several republican aliens. How can there be a strong and weak concept. Zac can only say, "But the ghost itself is not restrained by vampires like other souls and aliens, and its original attributes are very powerful."

Sam: "Even if you don't know anything about this baby (Adam), but turning over can crush a spider, what's the point of such a powerful? As you said, this is the original attribute that comes with him, he (Human babies) are heavier than spiders! "Pause," You should turn him over, he really crushed a spider. "

This is not just an analogy. Zac rolled his lips over Adam in the crib and threw the poor spider out of the window.

Sam continued, "I mean the cultivation of ghosts is very slow. You should go to see the myth or legend of the Republic. I used to think that the life stage of vampires has been amazing in centuries-a decade for humans. In one stage. But in the legend of the Republic, millennia, ten thousand years ... are the basic units! "

Zac pursed his lips. Although he probably understood that Sam might be complaining about being too arbitrarily determined to be a ghost. After all, he used to be a personal wizard, and suddenly entered a life form that was too large to cross the scale.

However, some of Sam's claims, when heard from the vampire Zach, are ... not suitable.

Human babies and spiders, republican aliens and vampires. The gap caused by the original attributes of the life race, isn't it?


Forget it, Sam is unintentional. "But you can't stop practicing, if you don't cultivate, if you don't grow as a ghost, you can easily be, er, 'beat back to the original form'." Zach said, "The time scale is long, we don't lack time . Unless, you consider another method of self-cultivation. "Zac was silent for a while," Eating. "

Mo had eaten his soul when he was in Grande, remember?

Sam lost his voice, "I don't want to cause trouble!"

In the environment of the Republic, maybe now, ghosts eat a few souls, probably nothing ... But in the Federation, eat souls? You do n’t need to ask if the Lord ’s faith agrees. As a wizard-ghost bound to Zac, should Sam have his own purpose of not making Zac more difficult to survive, oh, how to do such a thing that will cause trouble!

Ok. Self-cultivation is too slow to eat souls in the Federation, and the rest is that there is no possibility even in the Republic now-offering.

Zac actually understands that Sam's irritability is that he has learned more about the life of ghosts. Ants have ant's troubles, people have troubles, vampires have vampire troubles, ghosts, ghosts' troubles ... This is life, and it can't be escaped.

So, "There are many Republicans in the southeast. Under the care of the" General ", how about looking for any Republicans who are willing to worship ghosts?" Zac's intention was of course to help his partner worry, but, As soon as this word came out, our vampire tilted his head—

Yesterday Bumi was going to talk to the 'general' on behalf of Nofil and the wizard ...

Sorcerer-ghost trouble can't be the only one in Sam! Don't forget Spella!

"I don't want to leave you too far!" Sam directly refused. The attitude is firm.

"But it's impossible for someone in Grande to consecrate you. The fact that Riemer got this republican drug from the Republic is that I am now in Barton, in the position of the Demon Feast, I must be entangled with them. Such a thing as returning to the original form will continue to happen with a high probability. "

Zac is not complaining that Sam is not strong. Sam ’s irritability is that he found himself too weak as a ghost, right. Nazak was just following this, telling Sam a reason why he needed to become stronger when Sam was too weak and irritable.

"I know! That's why I'm upset! I felt that I shouldn't have caught the convenience of being a" ghost "in my head!"

Zac thought for a while, and the conjectures of Bumi and ‘General’ also need to look at the results. “You ’re practicing first, we are waiting for the situation in the southeast.”

Sam agreed, there was no more voice.

Zac cleaned up and walked out of the bedroom, ready to go out—today, Logan will return to Grande.

If Logan came back alone, Zach would not go out to greet him, but Logan was not alone, remember, Logan also brought a person back, Rut Rosembra ’s secretary. Lily.

"Going out?" The two vampires were beside Zac.

Since Roy has given up makeup that fits into Ina's appearance, he has more free time before going out, and now he can follow as soon as he sees Nick approach Zach. These two guys are secretly working hard ~

Zack ignored Nick and Roy, and left the two to get in the car, waited for Hank to get in, and then drove out Grand.

Hank went out because he had to go through some formalities. Revro, who has nothing to do, has set up a monitoring network in the city government to unblock the relationship. The mayor and Ethela who know that Grande is doing things are unable to do anything. .

Hank was quite quiet along the way, but the moment he entered the North District, "go to an insurance company."

"What?" Zack puzzled.

"I want Jason to accompany me."

This is too vague. What to accompany?

But Zac won't ask, the relationship between Jason and Hank ... not to mention. Zac began to realize that all human beings who were pulled into this story by Madison would not be good ...

Never mind. As Benjamin said, ‘Are you all blaming Madison? ’. No, Zac is no stranger, this is the reality of Zac's life.

Zac put down Hank and asked if he would wait for him. Hank refused.

Zac didn't say much and went to Becky station alone.

Arrived. Zac looked at the timetable at the exit. Logan was very lily and would arrive at Barton as scheduled.

As the country of the Federation, a station on the east side, coupled with the relationship with the Republic, a large number of stations flooded during the outbound time. Zac had no intention of being pushed in the flow of people, and retreated to the outermost periphery, and his eyes were observed in the flow of people.


Before anyone saw it, Zac heard a child's voice first, the girl's voice, "Lily! I'm going home !!"

Zac looked in that direction, saw Logan, saw Lily, saw ... the girl who stood firm at the exit and stopped moving, "You lied to me! This is not a playground! I want to go back to my new home I want to find my new parents! "

Logan had already seen Zac, with a tangled expression on his face, not knowing what to do.

As for Lily, she turned around and walked to the girl, "Okay, do you have something to eat before you go home? You know how hard it is when you are hungry. You want your new parents to feel like you Not easy to take care of, and then send you back to the orphanage? "

"Don't!" The girl tilted her head, "I like new parents, I don't want them to think I'm difficult to support!"

"That's right." Lily nodded in satisfaction, held out her hand, and let the girl pull, "Come on, let's find something to eat ~"

The girl took Lily's hand. Lily finally saw Zach here, "Look, someone has already come to pick us up, I bet he will invite us to eat good things ~"

Zac stood there, his gaze moved to Logan.

Logan's body shook and accelerated in an instant. He ran to Zac and lowered his voice, "Sorry!"

Sorry useful? Zac waved his hand, "Don't waste time." This is a reminder that Logan still has half a minute to make up for the situation at the moment.

"Lily deceived the girl from her foster family! Then she used all kinds of food and playground to cheat the child across the entire confederation to Patton!"

Ah. Ha ha ha.

It seems that without Logan, Zack can see the situation. Sure enough, Logan was a bad talker, half a minute, wasted.

Lily and the girl came to Zac. Zac hasn't spoken yet, Lily, the secretary of the former Mayor of Rout, Ms. Lily spoke, relying on her high heels, looking down on Zac, "You promised me to return my daughter." Fact, Zac Promised, but has not been implemented, "You are too slow, so I solved it myself." Lily finished her words by looking down. Then, the girl at her hand walked towards Zac's car, "Get in the car ~ Let's do it in front ~ Vampire drives, let us be the driver ~ This kind of scene can't be seen in Vega ~"

Logan's side action was quick, ready to replace Zac to the driving position.

Zac stopped and let Logan sit in the back seat honestly. He entered the driving position himself, glanced at Lily, who had taught the girl how to fasten the seatbelt, and her eyes fell on the girl. "Torido invites, wants to eat what?"


Girls are girls in the magic feast society. So, do n’t bring anything ... expectation.

"What is Torrido?" The girl looked at Lily, "Is Bielesenbula better?"

Lily also glanced at Zac, not knowing what she was thinking, her lips curled. "Torido, of course, it's amazing. Your Uncle Rout, even if it was killed by Torri."

Uncle Ruth. This name is probably what is called taking children to work or something, Lily taught the girl how to call it.

"Oh." The girl looked at Zac without paying attention to social etiquette, don't care, children, don't understand these adult things. Haha, but she understands things that many adults don't understand-"Are you the vampire who made us Vega without the mayor? Why do you want to be a driver here."

This question is supplemented by, "Where is this? Are the drivers here more powerful than our mayor of Vega? That place is so dangerous, Lily, take me home after eating! I don't like this place! "Little hands fastened the seat belt.

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