
Why did Zac bring people to eat here? Does the vampire know anything about the food in Button? No, Zac knows where Barton's delicious food is. Zac spends most of his life in Barton, raising creatures that need to eat, humans, werewolves, and some inexplicable things, right?

But Zac they are now in Paisin, the place where the Baton Indians gather.

Because Lily: "Nana." It should be the girl's name, probably just a nickname or something like, "Have you ever eaten Indian snacks?"

"No, didn't you say don't eat anything in the slums? Dirty."

"That's in Vega. The In’an people can only live in the slums. This is Barton. It is said that they are completely different from Vega. The In’an people have big houses and delicious food. Some time ago, the In’an Carnival was on TV. Did you see?"


"Then let's watch now ~"

the above.

Zac took people to the Indian restaurant where he had an acquaintance. Max, do you still remember this parallel wizard? Coming to Barton with Benjamin was the earliest wizard who came to Barton by Spielah.

This is also a poor man, and Zac hasn't seen this man since his wife was involved in a wizard to study the leak and became a victim.

Maes brought Inan-style breakfast to the human guests. For Zac, he can't see the difference from ordinary breakfast. Probably the traditional Indian decoration on the tableware is the only performance of Indian characteristics? ?

Zac did not get breakfast and was given a red drink.

Zac picked up the drink and glanced at Max.

"Dora's reserve. She shouldn't mind."

Nazak wouldn't mind it either. Every time the blood bank of Nofil's blood reserve is launched, every time a community blood donation activity is initiated, Nofil's food reserve will be richer. Zac will not hypocritically refuse to let living creatures live longer.

The girl, Nana, was quickly attracted to the features of Inan that she had n’t seen before. Not only food, but also the arrangement of tables, the decoration of restaurants ... The interest in food seemed to be general, and she began to run around in the restaurant. .

Lily seemed to understand the girl very well, and when Logan followed Nana, who meant she did n’t want to come over to eat, to look after her, “this means she felt safe.” She glanced at Zach, “One felt dangerous. The child will not be curious. The primitive biological instinct of human beings. "Waiting for Zack to respond, looking up for the waiter," Waiter! "The voice is very loud," I can't eat this, this leaf is still alive, I am Ghoul, give me something dead. "

There is more than Zach in the restaurant.

The legs of Max who were already serving other tables softened, causing the plate in his hand to slip and a pile of food spilled on the guests.

"Ah! I'm sorry! I'm sorry !!!" Max looked at Zac in a panic, and then continued to use a very loud "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry !!!" to attract all the guests. Hey, he didn't do anything else.

Zac tilted his mouth and knocked on the table to attract Lily's attention.

Lily looked at Max's side with a critical look for a while, then returned her gaze to Zac without speaking.

Zac knew that Lily was intentional.

The former Vega Mayor Secretary deliberately created such a situation. Seeing her critical look, she is testing.

On the topic of not adapting to the social environment, we only discussed vampires.

For example, when Frank first came to Barton, the strange environment for him was not only the city of Barton, but also the times. For example, Roy, Nick, Revro ... All the vampires from the magic banquet have been worried for a while to judge where the city is safe (because the Indians have real estate). None of these vampires followed Zac's footsteps, slowly adapting to Barton's environment.

The results of the vampires are also different. Roy is probably overkill, and has established a wonderful relationship with Corden directly. Nick hasn't made much of Grande yet, and it's not progressing. As for Revelo, there is no sense of Revlon in Barton. We do know Newtown ’s Revelo. At Zac ’s prompt, he carefully penetrated Newton ’s entire city ’s monitoring network.

However, the current federal situation is not just that the vampires of the Demon Banquet have gone out of the west, right?

What is the authority that hangs on Hank, the second generation of Lesenbull? What kind of work does Emilia do away from the healing of Boque Quinn?

Finally, what is the continuous human movement in the west in recent times?

The alien population in the west is moving east.

But Zac will not regard Lily as ‘a certain alien from the Western Demon Society is carefully testing Barton ’s social environment’

Lily, it ’s not ‘something’. She has an identity, she was given a name by Madison in this story, although the name is a joke ...

Zach asked first, "Are you publishing your own ethnic attributes directly in the restaurant in the West?"

"I don't announce how to get the food I need." Lily glanced at Zach and said that she was deliberate, so she had no apologies for the riots caused by her in the restaurant now, "A person who is allergic to peanuts is in Should n’t you tell someone that you ca n’t eat peanuts when ordering? ”

This seems to be true.

However, just as Lily's gaze had just been criticized-as to what she was criticizing, Zac would ask him sooner or later. Zac is also not prepared to get used to the arrogance of this outsider, "You can tell the restaurant what you don't eat, you don't have to tell them why you don't eat."

"Humph, I'm not ashamed of my identity, what am I." Lily looked at the red drink in Zac's hand and knew that it was a cup of blood, but he didn't know it. Added 'Recommended Today-Thick Tomato Juice', "What I am, what I want to eat, I don't hide it, this is my life, I don't have any shame."

There seems to be nothing wrong with this attitude towards life.

Zac sipped ‘Recommended Today’ and smiled and nodded, “I understand.” Zac understood what Lily was criticizing:

Barton, no, it should have been to Barton after leaving the west. Everything Lily saw on this road is telling the female ghoul one thing-any alien outside the magic feast is living in the shadows.


Sure enough, it is the woman who has identity in this story.

What she represents is probably a kind of ‘person’ that Zac had not been in contact with before.

The interracial out of the magic feast, the interracial non-vampire, before Lily, we have only seen three, and all are inheritors. Linda, who married experimentally with Cliff, Darcy, the North District Commissioner, and Detective Bell, who came to disguise her identity.

The first Linda was an abandoned captive creature. Not much to say.

The second Darcy is the magic feast assigned to the task ... slave. The high position among human beings is nothing to Darcy's own life. Today, it is nothing more than a puppet controlled by James with a bottle of Giovanni blood.

Third, Detective Bell is an inheritor who has successfully concealed his identity in the feast. The attributes of the aliens seem to him meaningless. What he cares about is whether he can live this cycle of human life.

Strictly speaking, none of these three examples can represent a real Demon Banquet. The identity of the inheritor is a factor that is too distracting.

The real Demon Banquet can only look at Lily at this time. This ghoul who once worked under Rut Lesenbla. For reasons of identity, she should be a true example of the Demon Feast. She has enough height to see enough things, she has the right place to make the right speech ...

Strangely, the character setting of this female ghoul was not done by Madison alone. The real reality shaper-Lord West also added a heavy sum to this ghoul:

This Lily played an absolute role in understanding the living conditions of aliens in the Magic Banquet in Logan Vega. Is not it.

For Zac now, this is what Zac will use to suppress Lily's arrogance. There is a contradiction in Lily's body-in the attributes shaped by Saint Lord West, although Lily enjoys her 'shameless life' among humans in the West, she is also disgusted that Western humans are not equivalent 'S transaction squeezes the value of alien labor in western society!

"You are not ashamed." Zac put down his cup. "After all, what you are used to is that you are not ashamed of yourself" built on the value exchange of a burger. "

Lily was instinctive, "I'm worth more than a burger ..."

Almost the dialogue that Lord West had written. Lily is more expensive than a hamburger, isn't it ~ it's a family bucket to exchange her workforce rewards ~

Lily said halfway, shut up.

Zac shrugged slightly, "You still have something shameful."

Lily ’s contradiction can be summarized as follows: she is not ashamed of her identity as an alien, but she is ashamed of the value of her alien identity to society, just a junk food of fast food! !

The distortion of the Magic Banquet society may be more serious than we thought.

The atmosphere on the table became more dignified, but fortunately, no one turned his attention back to the turmoil on Max's side.

Logan finished the chase with the girl Nana and grabbed the girl to eat honestly ... Holding the girl just near the table and seeing the dignified atmosphere on the table, Logan turned around, "Nana, Let's go over there again and see ... "Quite consciously. Logan has always been conscious, he just can't speak.

The silence lasted for a while, until Max handled the guests and gave Lily a bowl of mud that could not be seen.

Lily seemed to be ready to question what this kind of raw food can't see, but when Zac had already put on a disgusted look, she stopped asking and started her breakfast.

The things that make vampires hate, only the ones that can't die. It is safe for ghouls.

Because Logan and Nana have been shaking everywhere, on this table, a vampire's food-'recommended today', a ghoul's food-'recommended today's second bomb-mashed potatoes' ... that is definitely not the case Mashed potatoes, believe me. Two servings of alien food are consumed at a rate visible to the naked eye. The two uniquely packed human foods were left there unmoved, quite lonely.

Hesitant to be silent, Zac felt he was talking about something. After all, he didn't feel bad about this Lily. For Logan, this Lily was a guide, at least let Logan see some truths of the alien life. For Russell, this Lily's role is greater. Russell, who has almost created it, now feeds the blood business of the central vampire orphans in the west.

Finally, there is a very important reason, Lily helped Charlie. Zac's only active descendant in the west.

"You don't have to change your lifestyle too much." Zac said, telling the other person not to worry about different social environments. "In Barton, there are many places where you can express your racial self-esteem at will." The meaning is There are many people who know about the existence of aliens, "from the Patton government to the police. There are people in the city who know the aliens." Zack ’s position is different now, and his speech is more comprehensive. "Their requirements for aliens and Just like ordinary people. If your goal is just to become an ordinary citizen of a city, you do n’t have to worry about anything, as long as you do n’t do things that ordinary citizens cannot do, or, do n’t be discovered. ”The reason is simple and easy to understand, harmonious society Well, "there are also enough people in civilians who understand aliens. If you show alien behaviors, there are people who understand you. Your lifestyle shouldn't have any effect."

Lily glanced at Zach and didn't speak. She just glanced over to the guest who had been soiled by Max's clothes. This means that there are not enough people who know about aliens.

Zac is understandable. In places like the West where little attention should be paid to the concealment of alien identities, the slightest concealment in the field may be sensitive. Lily's intentionally loud test should not be a sudden move, but a cumulative emotional explosion along the way.

"I guess you can only focus on those" good "things, no one will disturb your life with cheap rewards."

Of course, Lily also knows what Zack means-leaving the west, there is no price level set by the feast for society, and naturally there will be no value for humans to insult alien existence with burgers. However, "My life." She glanced at Zac. "My life is ruined." A glance at the girl with Logan decorating the corner of the restaurant with Logan, "I'm probably Vega now. Was wanted. I kidnapped a girl ... "The ghoul's face straddled, as if the emotions finally relaxed, which caused her mouth to begin to deform ...

Zac pouted and passed a napkin.

Lily instinctively didn't want to hide her true form, but she looked around her and began to pick up the paper Zach had handed over, blocking her mouth. Click, click, when I put down the tissue, my face returned to normal.

Zac thought for a while, "I know a detective of Vega who can help you deal with this matter." Detective Bell chanted, "Originally, to find your daughter is what I should do, and now I compensate you."

Lily looked at Zach for a while, and was puzzled. Apparently the detective who had hidden her identity was not in Lily's perception. Lily nodded. "I need a place to live. Do you have a place?"

"I have got."

Zac greeted Max, "Pack, thank you."

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