The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 23 Chapter 16: Nick and Shield

Zac and Lily had been talking in the office for half an hour.

At the end, Zac temporarily assigned Maya's room to Lily, and returned to the master bedroom to look after baby Adam.

After breakfast, Logan didn't go back to the living area that was quite strange to him now. After bringing the girl Nana to Lily, she went to Zac.

"This is the note found under the packing box." Zac was handed a wrinkled note. It seems to be the kind of order paper commonly used in restaurants, and it also has the order content of other guests.

Zac glanced at it, and it was actually the request that Max wanted to meet Zac alone. Max left a time and address.

Zac didn't know what Max wanted to do, but he passed a note in this way and there was no possibility of Zac's rejection. Take note of the time and place and let Logan process the note.

Logan agreed, and then twitched for a while, "Is my room still in the living area?"

"Yes." Zac nodded. "If you're working, ask Bain to see where there are any vacancies, or directly pick up the space vacated by Cyrus and stand in the showroom."

Logan chose the latter by accident, "What about Lily?"

"Let's stay here (in the main Grand building) for a while." Zach said frankly, "I have to observe her ..." Crooked mouth, "style." Looking at Logan, there was no expression Knowing that it is a tune-play-or a serious expression, "Do you want to live with Lily?"

No matter what kind of mentality Zach asked, Logan answered very heartily, "She is now focusing on the role of mother, I don't think she has time to take care of me."

Zac nodded. "Alice's room is now empty. If you feel that the living area is not used to it, live in Alice's room."

"Thank you."

Understand it, obviously Logan wanted to be with Lily, but there was a small light bulb there, which was inconvenient. Zac can only provide his employees as much as possible.

"Is this the son of Benjamin and Mokawi?" Logan should be worried and noticed the baby.

"Adam. Human." Zac said all at once.

Logan looked at it for a while, and seemed to have nothing to say. Hearing the voices of Lily and Nana outside the corridor, he went out to help.

Zac listened in the bedroom for a while, took the baby out of the bedroom, went downstairs to bask in the sun—

The girl Nana, after seeing Lily tidying up the room, should have felt as if her answering process had been put on hold again and began to express her dissatisfaction. Lily naturally found another reason to 'deceive' this girl. But Nana did n’t seem to be so easy to be fooled: "I saw it on the way, there is no playground at all, there are farmland on both sides! I do n’t like farmland! I want to go home!"

Logan went to help Lily lie to the child.

Zac naturally doesn't want to stay upstairs, so as not to be involved in this peculiar "trio".

Just sitting on the bench in the back porch, Nick floated over.

Yes, floating.

Don't know what this guy thinks, he put Roy Zmithi's clothes on himself. Roy's size, as we know, under normal circumstances and Nick like a skeleton-like guy are two extremes!

The result is that Nick's hands and feet are completely covered by the clothes under such clothes, and all body movements are blocked by extremely unsuitable clothes. Let him move like a cloth bag floating in the air.

Floating to Zac, "Is it good-looking."

Zach satisfies Nick's examination of Nick's dress, "Ugly."

"I feel the same way." Nick dressed like this, and he deliberately deliberately, "I realized that I didn't add any trades for myself when I came to Barton." This is an excuse, "Go shopping with me, Zack. "

"Do you need my taste of Torredo?" Zac cooperated and asked Nick as he watched.

"Yes, I need your taste."

Zac, who had just sat down, got up, "Go."

The two vampires got into the car, and the baby was placed in the baby seat that Bain had purposely installed. Leaving Grande, he went directly onto Highway 27 and went to the North District.

Shopping? Need Torrido's taste?

No, Nick just found a reason to travel alone with Zac—

"Lute's secretary, how do you want to arrange this person?" Nick went straight to the subject.

"Do you have any suggestions?" Zac controlled the steering wheel.

"Suggest I don't dare to say it in front of you." Nick waved his hand. "I've seen some possibilities." It means that he has a self-knowledge that Nick Giovanni will not show off in front of Zac.

Zac's mouth curled up, "Tell me about the possibilities you see." It was encouragement.

Nick glanced at Zach, and after a brief silence, "Lily, there is no doubt that he is from Rut Lesenbla."

Zac nodded.

Don't be confused, let me first explain that Lily, as Rute's secretary-is probably the best person in the world who knows Rute Lesenbla, she must have many Rute secrets in her hands. That is to say, all the superior intelligence that Rute obtained for so long as he seized the highest point of the power of the feast, these things are valuable, and the value is still very high.

This makes Lili exist, in terms of the current Census of Lassenbra, very popular. Is the logic right, but it is not. What is it that Lily will fall into and cannot survive in the west?

On the phone telling Zack that he was coming back, Logan's answer to Zack was that Rut Lesenbula's previous dictatorship had rebounded, making Lily's life situation deteriorated dramatically.

Don't just look at such superficial things, Lily's life situation has definitely deteriorated, but is it really just the bossy rebound of her boss? No, she is too popular.

A potato is roasted as fragrant as it is hot. Old-fashioned drama contradiction.

Perhaps the worst is the opposing branch within the Lesenbra clan, and together decided to maintain fair competition with each other, so that this fragrant but extremely hot potato will disappear forever-no one can control this resource. Let it not exist.

Nick continued, "She can't get rid of this identity, even if she wants to re-enter the new owner, the current Census of Lassenbra will not allow her to do this. The feast should be a deadly cliff everywhere for her, She took the wrong step and will be destroyed. "

Nick really didn't mean to whitewash, and when he came up, he completely defined Lili as the "legacy" of Rut Lesenbla!

Nick bowed his head with a little thought, "Once the Demon Banquet was definitely an iron bucket, everyone who agreed upon it would get everyone's action! It is said that Lily like this is a mortal situation at the Demon Banquet. But she , Came out, she came here. "Look at Zac," You poke a hole in the former magic feast, so that everyone seems to think that if anything will flow to you, there is a new possibility! "

This remark is derogatory and derogatory: "Lily herself should have come with this idea, and those who watched her running in the magic feast probably had this idea too!"

Nick is also true. He said that he would not make a suggestion in front of Zac. Existing commentary on the current situation ...

This comment ... wrong.

But Zac did n’t intervene. After listening to Nick ’s words, he maintained a smile, “Listening to what you mean, it seems that if I Toredo accepted Rut Lesenbra ’s former men, the Lesenbra clan also There will be no opinions because I have new possibilities. "

Zac's entry point is special.

Nick's comment, the expression is more inclined to elaborate the fact that the magic banquet has become uncertain due to the existence of Zach, and can even be said to no longer have absolute cohesion.

But Zac distorted Nick's words and turned them into pure gold on Toledo's face-everyone trusted Toledo.

The interpretation is slightly different, but the meaning is very different. Zac successfully got Nick's glance.

But it was just a blind eye. Nick could n’t refute Zac, and his eloquence was not enough ... After a while, “You can think of me as short-sighted, but the possibilities I see are not good.”

Nick initially said the possibility is not to add to Zach's vanity, but also tends to warn.

Zac smiled and motioned Nick to continue.

Nick shook his head, speaking slowly. "You destroyed Zmithi and contained Roy to give him a chance. You killed Rut and accepted Lily. You left Rut. Department of Hamilton, but you have accepted that the secretary around Mayor Barton inherited Hamilton's blood. "

Nick is expressing Zac's contradictions in all matters of the feast. In Madison's story, the Demon Banquet has been speculating about Zac's motives! Nick didn't get rid of it.

Nick straightened his head, but still leaned over Zac, "Your actions, as always, are confusing. I think if you go on like this, someone will lose patience sooner or later, don't want to watch you play this slowly Games. Those who do n’t know what you ’re thinking will be in front of you and will be forced to ask who you are helping, or whoever hurts to be satisfied! ”Nick ’s slanted eyes also retracted,“ and by that time Hmm, it ’s not just one person who asks you questions, everyone will swarm. Because in your contradictory actions, you are confused by everyone, everyone ’s interests are held by you! You have too many chips! Terrible! "

Nick paused and added a sentence that deliberately stimulated Zac, "I believe this was also the case when the secret alliance raided Toredo, right. You Toredo created too many contradictions in himself. In the end, Everyone is standing opposite you! "

Nick ... is right!

This is why Torredo collapsed in the hidden league.

If it used to be ... It does n’t have to be too old. A few days ago, when Zac ’s mentality had not stabilized, Zac heard all this misinterpretation of his motives and related topics related to the once hidden alliance. Close, or avoid. but now.

"Oh, Nick, you are right ~" Zac smiled. This smile seems to be more than a continuation of the previous smile, it is a sincere smile. "But you can rest assured that I will not let Torredo encounter the previous The situation ~ "

This promise seems more meaningful if it is said to another Toledo. Nick here just returned his eyes, "I just hope you have a plan in your heart, not fluttering, let everyone guess."

Zac nodded. "Okay. Since you care so much about Lily, let me talk about it."

Zac adjusted his sitting posture, because Zac hadn't planned to say this, "I didn't think too much when I promised Logan to bring Lily back." This is the truth. At that time, Zac didn't think about anything other than himself. "Now that you have said so much, I still feel that I don't need to think too much. I can just treat her as an alien who has escaped from the Feast Society to Patton." Looking at Nick, "You know what I'm saying What? "

Nick didn't understand and looked at the road in front of the car without talking.

Zac waved his hand, "Hanke, what is the job of the second generation of Lesenbull?"

Nick frowned, and he didn't understand Zac's meaning-"You mean Lily is an alien from the Devil's Feast. Grande must intervene because of Hank?"

Zac did n’t feel disappointed, and then continued, “Nick, think about it, it ’s a fact that the Devil ’s aliens are migrating, right? The human anti-alien movement and Barton ’s accumulated reputation for the year. The Demon ’s aliens are leaving The Magic Banquet, looking for a new place to live, and the obvious choice is the area of ​​Barton in the east. This is a megatrend and no one can stop it. Am I right? "

"Yes." Nick responded to Zach without showing any objection to this unilaterally guided situation.

"Then Lily is not only an alien who has run away from the Feast, but also the value left by Wairot-the resources owned by the top floor of the Feast, right? Please put aside the Lesenbra battle and only consider one from the Feast Out of the aliens, may I ask Toredo, who is a feast, can I allow Lily to run around with the value of her? "

Nick suddenly realized that he looked at Zac, and his mouth twitched. Sure enough, as soon as he touched the benefits of the magic feast, the guy's emotions mobilized, and he stood up from the co-pilot. "*!" He burst out a sloppy sentence-because he realized that the benefits of the magic feast are following these aliens And run away.

Nick frowned, leaning back, "Well, Lily, you have to take it, whether it's for Hank's authority, or you're the identity of Demon Torrido. There's nothing to say about it. But still No one thinks that Lily's identity is just a runaway alien! Her most obvious identity is the secretary of the former Mayor of Vega! In this way, the Grande you represent is biased in the power struggle in Las Vegas The fact that Hank is gone! Passively, you helped Hank get the resources to fight for power. Based on this, you still offended a bunch of people! "

Zac raised a hand. "I didn't offend anyone. Hank will leave the Union immediately to clear Torindo's impersonation line, but Lily will stay in Grand." Zac smiled at Nick. , "Lily's two identities doomed Grande to contain her. Then these two identities, one of them was in my favor to Toledo, one was useless to me, and instead offended me a bunch of magic feasts. Bra. What do you say I choose? "

Nick wants to mock Zac, "It has nothing to do with what you choose, others won't think so!"

Zac continued to laugh, "Nick, I want to remind you that when Lily left the west and went to Barton, I hadn't arranged Hank to go abroad."

Nick's body ... Sitting upright, he reacted, "Someone has the same idea as me! When I didn't know that you would suddenly give Hank a mission abroad, I deliberately let Lily come to Patton!"

This is right—

"Yes, someone thinks the same way as you think, and if Lily is sent out, Grande will inevitably take it, whether it is Hank's authority or my duty as a magic feast vampire. Then someone will take my The behavior is interpreted to be in their favor. Anyway, the contradiction of Toledo is a fact, and my motives can be distorted casually by them. "

Nick looked at Zac. "And you didn't give them a chance to send Hank away!" Nick looked puzzled-when did Zac notice this kind of thing? ?

"Yes, Lily's significance in Grande has nothing to do with Lesenbla's power struggle. There are only three second-generation vampires in Grande, I Toredo, you Giovanni, Roy Zmir Hope. And the three of us Vampires have only one absolute motive to do anything, we are working for the benefit of the Demon Feast, and exhausting the benefits of the Demon Feast. To seize this 'big right', no one can have Other comments. "

doubt? Forget it, Nick is now a little bit uncomfortable, "You pushed me and Roy to the front as shields ?!"

"The name of this shield is" Magic Feast ", are you not happy? And, our relationship is one step closer ~"

Uh. Nick ... is happy.

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