The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 23 Chapter 17: Passerby and Max

The shopping tour of two magic banquet vampires was the only business district in Liszt where Barton could be watched by vampires, but Nick Giovanni did not mean to enter the Kozil store throughout the journey.

In Nick's words, apart from Lesenbra, few vampires like to be read by heart readers. Kozil is not short of business and does not need special care.

Then, Zac's taste for clothes is not helpful to Nick, because Nick's style is more ... hippy than Zac's formal dress style.

A shirt with a suspicious plant print, and colorful shorts that doubt the orientation of Nick, plus a colorful bracelet and a pendant that can't tell what material ...

This kind of dress is actually quite in line with the current season-summer, and it also fits into the city of Barton by the sea.

However, Zac still reminded Nick carefully that with his skull-like posture, too much display of his body would not increase his attractiveness, no matter how much bells and whistles he carried on his body.

Nick's answer is, "I can't see my appearance myself. I care about the attractiveness of my appearance to others? Torredo, you have your own advantages, don't show off."

So Zac ’s main job with Nick is actually to make the store clerk serving Nick forget that there is no image of his guests in the mirror ...

Although Nick didn't show it, Zac felt it, this is probably the most exciting street that Nick has visited in the past few centuries ~~

At the Demon Banquet, there is no personal assistance from Toledo. The Magic Banquet has the blood power of Lesenbull to achieve the same effect, but huh, look back at the rank of the Magic Banquet. Nick is afraid that he can't find Lesenbull who is willing to go shopping with him.

Nick was so happy that Zac couldn't get away anyway, so he had to help him next to him. It would be better to try a different style of clothing.

Not to jump into Nick's hippie style immediately, Zac starts with a more basic casual style.

Rest assured, we won't waste too long on vampire shopping.

At some point, Zac came out of the fitting room and greeted the waiter's career but quite sincere praise, "It's so handsome! Look at the shoulder of the gentleman. This shirt completely complements the figure of the gentleman. If it's not me There are already fiances, and I will definitely ask my husband's contact information! "

Uh, the tune-up of the matter is the key to impacting sales performance, isn't it ~ and Zac's skin is certified by the standard of the descendants of Toledo, why not ~

Zac took over the compliment and showed Nick by the way what was the real attractiveness.

At this moment, Zach heard the riot outside.

It started with the sound of broken glass, and then the call for help from a strange passerby, "Quick emergency call !!"

Nick didn't respond, and he continued to choose his clothes, but Zac already frowned, watching a passer-by rush into the store, and went straight to the cash register. "Is there a phone ?! Hurry! Call the emergency call !!" "

Some guests have been infected by the sudden situation, unknown situation but anxiously leaned to the door to see the situation outside.

Zac just wanted to observe it until a guest exclaimed, "God! It's a baby!"

Zac disappeared.

When he rushed to the street, Zach had found that his car parked on the street was completely surrounded by a crowd of people shouting nervously, "Don't squeeze! Give him breathing space !!!"

Zac pushed away the crowd and rushed directly into the inner circle—

Zac's car window has shattered, the baby seat installed on the back seat has been torn, and the baby who should have been on the seat has been placed on the roadside bench by a strange passerby.

The passerby lying beside the baby seemed to be performing some first aid, but looking at the baby's red face, this method should have no effect ...

Zac had already stood by the bench, and lifted his hand to pull away the passerby. There was no extra action to pick up the baby. Sam, who had returned to Zac's body, began to act. While Zac was protecting the baby's already weak heart, the blood of the vampire and the wizard's spell simultaneously penetrated the baby Adam's body.

The blood of the vampire is naturally to save Adam ’s life, and the witchcraft spell is to obtain the soul mark and let Sam know what happened!

"It's safe ..." Sam's voice in Zack's ears also seemed to be relieved. "Your blood has healed the body and Adam is fine."

Zac guarded the baby in front of his face, feeling the heat from the baby's red skin subsides, and his heart frequency returned to normal.

Sam did n’t finish, “It ’s because he got bored in a sealed car and got a heat stroke. When a passerby discovered it, he rescued him in time.”

Zac's face was somber in an instant, how could he make such a low-level mistake! !

Self-blame is not Zac's most important issue now.

"Who are you! Are you the father of this child ?! Do you know what you did? !!!"

The crusade of passers-by began.

But the passer-by who first performed first aid next to the baby was just quietly checking the baby's status beside Zac. The passer-by showed a strange look on his face after confirming that the baby had returned to normal, but he didn't say anything, just looked at Zac's eyes, and then, "Go, go, it's okay, It ’s all gone! "

Most passers-by began to disperse, but several passers-by continued to attack Zac.

"It's better that you leave quickly." The rescued passerby said to Zac, "After a while, the rescuers will come, and you have to explain, but I guess you can't explain it, right. "

This directly led Zach to stare at this person and leave, disappearing on the street, Zach commanded to Sam, "Follow for a while."

Sam's order disappeared. Nick also came out in ink and glanced at Zac's broken car window, and the baby in Zac's arms, and he didn't care what happened, "I haven't bought it yet."

"Next time."

Without giving Nick the chance to procrastinate, he got into the car, the baby seat in the back seat was broken, and Zac sat on the co-pilot. "You drive and go back to Grand."

Returning to Grande, Zack's mood continued to deteriorate.

It wasn't the morning that Grand Lily and Logan combined, it was Benjamin. Apparently Benjamin ended a commissioned job and came to see his son.

Benjamin watched Zac's broken window drive into Grand and saw the broken baby seat in the back seat, so he asked, "What did you do?"

Nick slipped. It's useless anyway, huh.

"I made a mistake." Zack's face was a bit gloomy, because this mistake made it impossible for me to explain myself! In the face of Benjamin, saying "Your son is fine anyway", Zack couldn't say it.

"what happened?!"

"I left him in the car, and then opened a window. He got a heat stroke and almost died of suffocation." Besides telling the truth, what else can I say?

Benjamin froze for a moment, useless, "How can you make such a low-level mistake? !!!"

If no one knows why he made mistakes, it doesn't matter whether he is inferior or not.

So Zac didn't speak, and he left Benjamin at his disposal.

But ... Benjamin glared at Zac for a long time, only holding out a sentence, "Give me!"

Zac handed the baby out.

This time Benjay was obviously prepared, imitating Zac's dress, silky soft cloth front, giving the baby a silky touch ...

Baby Adam no longer resisted his father's arms, wriggled in Benjamin's arms and continued his sleep.

Zac stayed there for a while, knowing that he would give his father and son time alone, and walked away consciously. He casually called an employee in the living area, sent the car to repair, and returned to the second floor of Grande.

Not talking to Lily or Logan, simply resting in her bedroom ... actually in a daze.

Zac did not plan to return to Grande so early. One reason for Nick to go shopping was because of the words of Maxey in takeaway. Zac planned to go directly to Max after playing Nick.

Now being interrupted midway, the sudden vacant time combined with some self-blame, made Zac not want to do anything.

"That man is a Westerner." Sam is back, looking like he can fill Zac's free time.

Zac raised an eyebrow. "I didn't hear the accent in the west."

"He deliberately adapted to the eastern accent in public. I followed him around Liszt Street. Then he went back to his room at the Yuri Hotel and used his original accent when calling room service. He was alone all the way. "

Zach continued to raise his eyebrows, "Yuri Hotel, alone? Business work?"

The Yuri Hotel is the most expensive hotel in Barton, and Zac ’s doubts are easy to understand. Because Sam emphasizes that the other person is a person, that foreigner chooses the most expensive hotel to stay, either have money or spend his own money. Zac is only reasoning about the stranger's background.

"I don't think so. He didn't see any signs of business work. His luggage is more like a person's travel."

There is no doubt about Sam ’s non-physical exploration capabilities.

Zac summed it up roughly, "A tourist from the west who has some understanding of aliens, I should thank him."

There seems to be no problem. Zac waved his hand, ready to give up the topic.

A business card appeared in front of Zac out of thin air. Zac caught it when the business card was about to fall following gravity. Made by Sam.

After talking with Sam about some common sense of republican cultivation practice, Zac still reminded him, "Save the power of creation in the future."

Sam didn't say anything, and then went on the topic of business cards, "Well, his business card. I don't know if it's useful, I wrote it down anyway."

Zac nodded and glanced. This passerby is called Martin. The only reason Zach remembered the name, as he had just said, expressed his gratitude. As for whether there is this opportunity, it depends on fate.

Continuing in a daze, Benjamin went upstairs halfway, informing Zac that he would have lunch at Grande and let Zac prepare.

Zac refused, "I'm going out at noon."

Benjamin didn't ask what he was doing, but left Zac alone and continued in a daze.

noon. Zac went out on time, and didn't drive this time. He went directly to the location of Mesio, a small commodity street linked to Da Q Supermarket, south of Paising, at the junction of North and South Districts.

The only time this street is prosperous is when the Autumn Big Q is engaged in a farmer's trade show. Many farmers in the Southern District will come here to sell their own farm produce, sauces, dairy products and the like.

Now this season, it is very desolate. Once the range of Q is too large, no one can be seen.

When Zac arrived, Max had already waited at the intersection. He beckoned to Zac, and he took the lead in sitting in a ... er, ice cream shop.

Zac entered the shop and sat across from Max, watching double ice cream with unknown composition in front of him, and picked a little bit and put it in his mouth. There is nothing special except ice.

"Is Sam on you?" Max was very direct.

Uh, it's not straightforward. He didn't tell Zac what he did with Zac.

"Yes." Zac didn't respond. "Are you all right?"

Max ’s eyes flicked to the sides, and there was no one else here except a person who was bored watching TV behind the counter.

Max still lowered his voice a little, "Do you know what Spella is doing recently?"

"do not know."

"Do you know what Bumi and Dora are doing recently?"

"do not know."

Zac looked at Max, not knowing what this guy was thinking. He Max is a member of the Sibella camp. The movement of Sibella and Nofil in their camp. Does Zac know that he needs to ask Zac? Should n’t it be more appropriate to ask the intelligence personnel of their camp, if they have ...

"Do you know what Spella recently negotiated with the" General "?"

Zac last time, "I don't know." Looking at Max, a little helpless, "Do you want to tell me?"

"I, I ..." Max twitched inexplicably. "I'm a little afraid ..." One glance at Zac and retracted his gaze, one glance at Zac and retracted his gaze, so repeated.

Zac didn't want to speak.

Max knew that there would be no progress if he kept saying this, as if he had gathered courage, "If you know something, you can guess something, and then I do n’t count on telling Spella ’s plan. You are, you, uh, you guessed it ... "

Uh, what is this guy talking about?

Zalke tilted his mouth and looked at Max. Zac already knew what this guy meant. This guy just doesn't want to be responsible. He wanted to tell Zac something, but he was worried about Spira's dissatisfaction, so he used this tweak to let Zac guess.

OK, that's it. Zac pursed his lips, "I met Bumi who was going to talk to 'General' on behalf of Spira and Nofil when I was in the southeast." Zac looked at Max's expression-as expected, There was rejoicing on this guy ’s face, and Zach continued, “Although Bumi refused to say the reason for looking for a“ general ”, but since I have encountered this kind of thing, I will naturally not ignore it, so I have my own Little guess. "

Just like coaxing a child, after all, Zack knows that what Max wants now is Zack's behavior. "Let me talk about my guess. See if I am right, correct me at any time." Come, it is not Max telling Zack something, but Zack is involved in the affairs of others in this story as usual.

"Okay, you said you said ~~"

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