The ice cream in front of Zach is melting. The milky white viscous substance slid slowly along the edge of the cup.

Zac pushed the cup to Max, and the other party accepted it happily.

"Sam and I talked about the growth of republican aliens." Didn't Maisi expect Zac's guess? This is what Zac's guessed. Actually, we already know it. Now let's focus on Maes, who belongs to the Sibella camp. Just react, "Being a republican alien wizard, because he is a wizard and has power, will ignore the growth of the republican alien."

Max's way of consuming ice cream kind of made Zach ... speechless. Max ’s tongue appeared repeatedly in Zac ’s field of vision, fitting, squeezing, dragging with the ice cream container ...

To be honest, it's a bit disgusting.

Zac ignored as much as possible, "but the wizard is only the life form of the past, and the republican alien is the life attribute now. It is life that must meet the needs of life growth. So I think it is not only Sam, Paisin's Spella I'm also looking to balance the lives of wizards and republican aliens, and explore ways to grow myself. "

Max licked a glass of ice cream and started to deal with the one Zach pushed over.

The speechless way of eating has become worse-because Zac's cup melted a little, ice cream is not a complete solid, and when Max's tongue constantly pollutes Zac's vision, the hearing is also invaded.

"Suck and suck, **** and **** ..."

"Stop." Zach reached out and took the ice cream licked halfway to Max's mouth.

"Why ..." Max blinked at Zac, seeming unconscious.

"You look so ugly," Zack replied.

There seemed to be an inhalation sound from Max ’s throat, and his eyes widened, looking at Zac, "This is so hurtful!"

"It's hurting me to let you continue to eat." Zac waved his hand and asked the only waiter to take it off.

Max muttered, "I paid."

Zac ignored. Zac is actually implementing a new policy of doing things-if the previous Zac will not care about the other party's indecent behavior, Zac believes that his own gentleman's interest is a manifestation of his own cultivation, there is no need to force others.

But now, Zac has passed the stage of being gentle and considerate to everyone. ‘I ’ve already satisfied your little abacus, and I ’m guessing to save you from being blamed by Silka, then I do n’t have to tolerate your ugly eating. ’

This is Zac's idea. Let the idea become an action, and the situation is now.

"The republican alien grew up, and Sam explained it to me." Zach continued. "I was enshrined, cultivated, and eaten. I don't think there is anything to say about cultivation. Eat." Zack looked at Max and called the waiter again. Something, only frowned, did not happen for the time being, "It ’s not worth saying that the wizard became a republican ghost and vampire. It was originally to avoid the contradiction between the vampire and the holy Lord ’s belief about the soul. Find trouble yourself to create this contradiction. Then there is only worship. "

All the food offered in this shop is pre-prepared, so Max ordered something again soon. It ’s not ice cream, it ’s ice.

Zac watched Max squeeze a spoon, and pulled out a large spoonful of stuff with ice residue in his mouth.

‘Click click, click click ...’

"Are you afraid to talk to me." Zack asked suddenly.

Max's movement was stagnant, and his true psychology was exposed. Max put the spoon in his mouth again and dared not look at Zac. "I'm sorry, if I look for something to do, just look at your eyes and talk to you, I'm scared." Kacha Kacha. "You are Barton's most fearful person, and we, strictly speaking, all the wizards under Spira are asylum seekers who come to Barton. Although you have been very good to us, you still ...

This can explain the reason why Max insists on eating.

Zac sighed, forget it, and once again modify his own policy-for the absolutely weak, don't care about fairness, just be as gentle as you can.

No longer preventing Max from balancing his own mind eating, Zack continued, "There are many republican immigrants in the southeast of Barton. We do n’t know why they left the republic, but because the republican government rejected foreign beliefs and left their hometown. There should be human beings. "

Zucker paused to see Max ’s apparently quicker eating speed, knowing that his guess was in the right direction, "I guess Bumi was looking for the" general "to talk about, this is it. The "Republic of God" also maintains a republican humanity with a belief. But the main activity space of the "General" is in the southeast, and Paisin has since labeled the "Indian" label, which has deliberately triggered a society of hatred in the Barton culture After the question, Paisin is somewhat independent of the entire social environment of Barton. If Spella wants to do things in the southeast, she must discuss their conditions with the "General" to maintain harmony. "

Sure enough, the gap between Max ’s eating, “Not only the independence of the In’an culture in the Barton society, but also Norfil.” Max was doing what he should do, and implicitly guided Zac to continue in the right direction .

Zach ’s light green eyes deflected slightly, and after a moment of thinking, he returned to Max. "The" general "represents Torredo, a vampire of the magic feast. And Nophire is allied with the wizard. All peace in Patton ’s relationship is peaceful. It is because of my maintenance. "This is not a boast, but a fact." Nofel has been bound to the wizard under my arrangement since he came to Barton. The significance of the original hidden alliance of Nofil has been weakened to the greatest extent. "Looking at Max," Is Siberia wanting to readjust the focus of Paisin's forces through the negotiations between Nofil and the "General", and push Nofil to the front? "

Zack's meaning is very subtle. As an example, everyone will understand-as long as we mention Paisin, the first thing that comes to mind is the wizard represented by Spira, right? Because Spella has been operating in Paisin for a longer period of time, and because Nophire is used to acting 'underground'. The sense is that the wizard is in the main position, and Nophire is only auxiliary.

At the moment, according to the progress of the dialogue, that Siberia wants to talk to the "General" about the Republicans in the southeast. The direct benefit is naturally to become republican alien wizards, and wizard ghosts can grow stronger. And the beneficiaries in the long run are still the vampires of Nofil. After all, the combination of the wizard ghost and the vampire is to fill the needs of the vampire after the complete body.

So when both the wizard and Nophire are the beneficiaries, Spella can completely negotiate with the 'general', right? Anyway, at this stage, everyone recognizes that the wizard is the dominant player in Paisin.

But Spira asked Bumi Nofil to negotiate.

The beneficiary may be shifted because of the different negotiators. Negotiations may also be transferred.

Paisin's wizarding throne will negotiate with two of the vampires and become the current magic feast of Toledo and the former secret alliance of the former Ministry of Nofil.

The two factors of the In’an culture and the beliefs of the republican aliens were weakened at the same time at the moment of dialogue between the two vampires that Zak maintained a harmonious relationship. A negotiation that may cause social problems becomes a clan affairs within the vampire group.

Max quickly glanced at Zac, "Yeah." Continue to click and click.

Zac nodded and smiled. It is no wonder that Bumi emphasized the equality of negotiations so much-saying that Zac is too strong, and he does not talk to Zak's insistence on telling the news.

Right ~ If Bumi really talked to Zac, Zac might be able to remove the center of gravity of Spira's Paisin in the first sentence.

So, the question also came. After Zac made a little order, he looked at a piece of ice that had bottomed out, and raised his hand to order a new ice food for him-gentle, "Push Nofeller to the front, I do n’t have an opinion, but why? ”Zach felt that this kind of thing had to be done by himself. The friendship between Toledo and Nofeller would not be ignored because of Zac ’s presence in the feast. Zac would surely keep Nofi. For the Le clan, Zac is curious at the moment why Sibella has come to himself. "I've been waiting for the opportunity to let the Nofile clan completely reassure the existence of the way. It's just that I haven't seen this opportunity yet. Siberia did so, did I see what I didn't see?"

Max had another new food, and the movement continued to eat, but his face was a little helpless, "You have to guess ..."

Uh. Speaking of the fact, Max is indeed a disadvantaged group, but this disadvantage should be caused by most of his own. It's too scary! No wonder your lover is involved in the incident and can't sacrifice it for nothing ... forget it, not to mention, after all, everyone is the beneficiary in the end.

Instead, is this the reason why Max is now sitting opposite Zac and leaking Spira ’s plan to Zac? He is too insecure, trying to grasp any strong presence he can touch as much as possible to provide a little sense of security.

"You eat slowly." Zac reminded someone who was sympathetic, and then returned to the topic, "Then I will continue to guess."

Zach's light green eyes turned to the ice shop's window, not focusing on anything, but simply thinking.

Looking away, "It's Rimmer." Zac sorted out his thoughts. "The Barton Wizard represented by Siberia has been in the research cooperation with Rimmer in the Tongtian Tower after the Central Wizards' conspiracy was exposed. Has become a disadvantage. "

Remember, in order to re-enjoy Rimmer, Sibella leaked the magic-witchcraft joint research in the Sky Tower in the middle of the wizard family, and took away all the wizard souls from the sanitarium and gave Rimmer the research.

The advantage method does not need to show sincerity to the disadvantage. The height is already obvious.

Zach continued gently, "Rimmel got the drugs that restrained the republican aliens through Smith. This matter, you Paisin should not be completely unaware of it. No matter what Eve does, it is for research needs, I am afraid that in the current Tongtian Tower, what is being studied is how to make vampires restrain the republican aliens. "Zac frowned," Rimmel may have taken the low profile of Paisin and forcibly occupied the absolute between the two. High position, unabashedly showing off the repressive power of the Wizards of Barton. ”Zach concluded that“ this is the Remer and Paisin Wizards who have cooperated because of research, and now Siberia has to balance this unequal Relationship, can only push out the vampire corresponding to Rymer, Norfil. At least in the southeast is to complete the negotiations, Norfler, Rymer is blocked by Nofler, you can not interfere with the wizards such as Sibella Grow and become stronger. "

Max nodded eagerly.

"In this case, the whole thing simply becomes a matter between the three vampire clans of Rimmer, Nofeller, and Toledo." Zac tilted his head, "Nofelle became stronger for his partner wizard ghost Go to Torredo ('General') to gain the republic's belief, and the reason why the wizard ghost needs to be stronger is that Rimmer is conducting research on republican alien restraint in order to maintain his repression in the research field. "

Max seemed relieved.

Zac glanced at Max, and continued to sum up, "The three are all old clan of the secret alliance. The attributes of the magic feast were removed in this event. This is pure secret alliance affairs."

Max added a sentence, "It is still what you are used to-coordination between the clan and other aliens in the hidden alliance."

Zac raised his eyebrows again. "Just like I provoked the relationship between the werewolf and the wizard, I used the blood of the vampire to let other aliens compete for living space. In the end, all the benefit of the vampire of the hidden alliance?" "The Hidden Alliance does not claim an absolute high position like the Demon Banquet, but guarantees that the vampire is the biggest beneficiary with various affairs."

Max nodded again, and finally put down his spoon, facing Zac, "Siberia thinks this way. As long as Nofeller is pushed out, with the habits of the secret alliance, eventually the rights of vampires will be guaranteed. Also It ’s the future of Norfil. If it ’s just for the growth of wizard ghosts, you may be suppressed as a vampire to prevent the possibility of growth of republics in the Federation, just like you did in the hidden alliance. But once this It ’s for the future of the Nofile clan, you will support it. In the end, you will definitely keep the rights of the vampire. That is, the future of Nofil. If it is just for the growth of the wizard ghost, you may be suppressed because of the vampire ’s identity. The possibility of republican aliens growing up in the Confederacy is just like what you once did in the secret alliance. But once this is for the future of the Nofile clan, you will support it. "

Zac began to nod, "Smart, the secret alliance except for Vanjo, who is deliberately placed at the highest position, all other clans are placed in an equal position. In this mode, I will not make Rimmer ugly, I will make 'General' Toledo will find a position between Rimer and Nofeller that will satisfy both parties, not only meeting the needs of both parties, but also not letting Siberia become a victim. "

"Finally, in the end, if this thing was forced to intervene by the magic feast."

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