Back at Grande, Benjamin was naked and rubbing his clothes in the bathroom on the second floor of Grande—

Benjamin apparently did not grasp the physiological habits of his human son. He rarely imitated Zac's clothes stained with saliva, vomit, and excrement ... a variety of dirt that a human baby would create.

Zac expressed his sympathy mentally and was not prepared to help Benjamin wash his clothes. "Mind if I ask you about your life status in the wolf pack."

The topic started suddenly.

Benjamin glanced back at Zac, "Mind."

Suddenly opened topics closed. Zac no longer disturbs Benjamin and goes to Lily.

Grande didn't know who made it for lunch, but it should be very satisfying to see how the girl Nana was sleeping in the back porch.

Lily was doing it next to her. I don't know if she caressed the girl's back intentionally or unintentionally. It seems that this kind of behavior can make the girl's dream better.

Zac gestured next to him, Lily glanced at Zac, "You can talk, Nana's only advantage is probably that she won't wake up after falling asleep."

Zac was relieved, "What are you looking at?" The reason for asking is that Lily's hand was stroking her daughter who was "kidnapped", but her eyes kept following Hank, who was catching coffins in the backyard--

Hank ’s formalities are progressing very quickly. This time Grande ’s funeral was when Hank left the Union and went abroad to be ‘gilded’, so now Hank ’s last chance to complete his coffin maker ’s job.

Hank is not just rushing to work, but also training people. After Hank left, Grandry had no one to customize the coffin. Of the current Grand employees, the only one who can entrust is Logan who has been back and Grand Bain who has been there. Hank is teaching these two humans how to make a coffin.

This work is not going well. Hank has reprimanded two clumsy humans more than once. "You don't even have half of Matthew's talent !!"

Matthew used to be an apprentice to Hank in Grande, do n’t forget.

"Look at how a second-generation Lesenbra (Hanke) compares humans to werewolves." Lily replied, glancing at Zac, "I don't know if you guys jumped out of Grande at Grandry and glanced at yourself The situation of life, the interpersonal relationship under the roof of the Grande, is confusing. "

Yes. This is indeed something that needs to be jumped out of Grande to be aware of-you think that Alpha's human son is Toredo's godson, and it is even stranger that Alpha's werewolf descendant is an apprentice of Lesenbra.

Zac tilted his head and sat down next to it, "I have to explain that when Matthew was an Hank apprentice, Hank was not Lesenbull."

"It doesn't matter. Someone will use this to make a fuss, and it won't matter the time." Lily pointed to Hank. "The fact is, if it's not Matthew and his human girlfriend, the princess Lola of the Barton family, Republic, after Hank left Grand and went abroad, the only apprentice admitted was Matthew alone. "

Zac raised an eyebrow and raised the corner of his mouth slightly. "You know all the relationships around Grande."

Matthew and Lola both know the relationship, yes, this Lily.

"I'm Rut's secretary, what do you say?" Lily glanced at Zach, and the question was answered, "Rut has read countless times every day about you."

Zac smiled-another noteworthy fact: no one who is addicted to Zac has a good ending, and Rut Lesenbra is a representative.

After being quiet for a while, Zach seemed to ask casually, "Nana now knows she can't 'go home'?"

The sleeping girl seemed to sense something and turned over.

Lily's hand also changed direction and continued to caress the girl's body. "She already knew that this child is very smart. If she didn't want to go with me, she would be fooled by me from the new foster family. "

What's this, Zac waved his hand and gave up his daily gossip, "I want to discuss something with you. You who worked at the top of the magic banquet should be able to give me some advice."

Lily turned her head and looked at Zach's light green eyes for a while, "discussing what."

"The vampire's way of ruling other aliens." Zack smiled. "The benefits of the vampires used in the secret alliance will always be the first. Without ever expressing their position of power, they use various conspiracies to create other alien disadvantages. "

Lily's face wrinkled, and she looked at Zac again. This time she looked at it. "You mean what did you do when you were in the Secret Alliance?"

"Yes." Zach admitted, "Everything should be determined by the nature of the secret alliance." Zac seems to be evaluating something objectively. "The secret alliance imitates the parliamentary system of human civilization and initially advocated the peaceful end of colonization. During the war, the tone of the secret alliance was set. The secret alliance represented the interests of most people. Most of them refer to vampires. "

Lily actually understood the meaning of Zac, "Because the secret alliance uses various means to make the living conditions of other aliens worse, it will always be the minority in the society. The principle of the secret alliance to maintain most interests is built on the secret alliance is the majority on."

"Exactly. As I said, the secret alliance replicates the model of human civilization." That is the capital model, I want to represent, and I have to maintain my own representative position. Others, no matter how fierce you are, "This is not the case with the magic feast." "Zac looked at Lily." I think the pattern of the Demon Banquet is more like ... "

"Centralization." Lily said for Zack, "absolute obedience from top to bottom."

Zac nodded his head, which was more appropriate for Lily. Zac was only responsible for saying his own opinion, "The magic feast is not like secrets. Vampires have their own interests. The dictatorship of Lesenbra solves the vampire clan. The contradiction between them is something that the Secret Alliance has not been able to resolve in four centuries. "

Lily also seemed to have sentiments, but she did n’t know whether the “feelings” really belonged to her, or whether she heard from Rute, “Toledo ’s destruction was due to the conflict of interest among various clans. Lost balance in the middle. Become the minority in the majority. "Lily shrugged," deserved. Such a thing can not happen at the magic feast. "

"Really." Zac nodded, and said, Zac's mentality has changed, and no longer cares about the history of Toledo, because-in the future Toledo, Zac is making.

I hope you can find out that what Zac is doing now is to formulate a new path for the future of Toledo. Button is just the beginning.

"El Torredo from the Magic Banquet has the ability, or his lineage attribute, with the ability to destroy the vampire. But after he entered the Banquet, he was also aggrieved and restricted to the social class made by Rute. In the magic feast with clear status grading, Eli Torredo ca n’t act even if he wants to overthrow the dictator. Not to mention the clans in the original magic feast, I am afraid there is no idea to shake the status of Lesenbra If the internal harmony is concerned, the hidden alliance is probably just an alliance that looks good, and the magic banquet is the real iron bucket. "

Nick said the iron bucket analogy.

By the way, Nick is now looking at the side of the warehouse window.

Lily opened her mouth suddenly, but immediately closed her mouth, not knowing what she was thinking.

Zac knew what Lily ’s reaction was, “In the middle of the control of the hidden alliance, all aliens have their own living spaces, but they do n’t need to be whitewashed. Everyone has no vampires. This is not good, which directly led to the withdrawal of the hidden alliance. , The alien bounce created the alien chaos in the middle. "Zac looked at Lily with a smile." I think you assume that if the feast suddenly disappears from the west, you think the aliens of the western society will become how is it like?"

Lily has seriously considered this issue, and after thinking for a long time, "chaos is impossible. Every alien in the west has its own life. The previous successive murders against the relationship between aliens and humans in the west have proved the humans in the west. The relationship with the aliens is already inseparable. Unless the disappearance of the vampire makes the human chaos, there is no reason for the aliens in the west to chaos. "

Zac knew that Lily would say, "Do you think the anti-interracial movement of humans in the west is chaotic?"

Lily shook her head, "Not counted." Looking at Zach, "Have you seen any news about the anti-interracial movement outside the West? No." Lily began to wave her hand. "You may think that the vampires occupying the upper class of the Western society are blocking it. I can tell you that the news in the media is not. It is humans who block the news. Those who know how important aliens are in western society, some people are unhappy with aliens, and some people know how rare the cheap labor of the aliens is, and things are always relative. In the face of interests, the high level of humankind will only do things that are more in the interests of society. This anti-alien movement is like any anti-institutional protest that humans like. It is something within social accommodation, except for a long duration. Not worth paying attention at all. "

Zac nodded, "I guess so."

Lily still asked, frowning and stroking the girl's movements a little slower. She didn't know what answer this question would lead to, "Why are you asking these? What are you thinking?" The better question, "What do you think?" What are you doing? "

"I'm sorting out all the information I know, my experience." Experience refers to the history in the secret alliance, "and the experience of the magic feast." Lily just asked, "Accept everyone's suggestions, consider how to build The interracial lifestyle in Button. "

Lily kept frowning and didn't understand.

"I took over Barton." Zach said, of course, "I should take care of the citizens of my city, don't I." Then regardless of the change in Lily's complexion, "I'm not going to repeat the secret experience, because now I don't want to make it Any conspiracy framed any alien in Patton. "Zac tilted his head." Unlike the secret alliance, the secret alliance was established on this continent. In this country, the secret alliance is an alien and the alien is a native aborigine. The secret The Alliance must squeeze other people ’s living space for its own living space. ”Zac ’s head is coming over,“ Barton is different, the concept is different, and Benjamin and I have solved the problem of living space in Barton long ago, and are still staying at or in front. The interracial people who come to Barton are seeking asylum. "

Lily consciously, "like me."

"Yes, like you. I can provide a living space, why do you want to do things to make you sad." The reason seems very simple, compared with the experience of the hidden alliance. But immediately, Zac shook his head again, "As far as social stability is concerned, the experience of the power ban on the magic banquet seems to be used. But I can't agree with the value of the magic banquet. The absolute power hierarchy creates stability, but ... … "Look at Lily again.

Lily is really self-conscious, "people under power will always be wronged."

Zac nodded. This grievance is what Zac and Lily talked about before, about the price on the head of the aliens in the magic feast, "I do n’t think that Barton ’s original aliens will accept the magic banquet this way. If the Barton is just a copy of the Demon Feast, they might as well not come. "

If Patton is made into a secret alliance and the social basics are established with capital interests, then the interests of aliens must be exploited in the interests of vampires. The hidden alliance is not desirable.

But if Barton becomes the Demon Feast Alliance and builds social basics with social power, then the aliens will not be able to climb to the top and continue to be exploited. The magic feast is not desirable.

Zac is expressing that neither of these experiences can satisfy himself now.

Lily's face was still wrinkled. "So you want to ask my opinion how to make Patton develop a society that can make all interracial people happy and satisfied? You ..." Zac looked at it for a while, "Are you sick?"

Zac was amused, "Do you think this is an ideal idea?"

"No, I just think you are nervous." Lily said, but she still pouted. "You should probably be grateful for your heart, but I'm sorry, your expectations are boring. The vampire's racial attributes are great. Most of the aliens are different. You are originally aliens based on human races. As long as humans still lead the civilization process of this world, vampires will follow. Is the secret and the feast imitating the human political system? Is it not enough to explain the problem? Lily shook her head. "There are a lot of interracial people who have been left behind by the times. I remember that Ruth had received a report before that Grande had received a Ripken, right, was n’t he still dead?" Are you in Grand? "

Lily shook her head, this was her real sigh, "Do you want my advice? Yes, I will say my true thoughts, interracial do not need the sympathy of vampires, build a so-called beautiful place. Vampires will follow humanity It ’s your vampire ’s desire to coexist with human beings all the time. Interracial will not, so if you really want to do something for interracial, only consider the staged things. When interracial need to live in human society, give interracial Is enough. "

Zac thought quietly and nodded, "Learned ~"

Tell me about the reason why Zac "learns"-Zac is going to intervene in the internal affairs of the old Ministry of Secret Alliance leaked by Max, and the point where Zac intervenes is the wizard ghost and the non-vampire alien.

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