The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 23 Chapter 25: Mocavi's paintings

Returning to Grande, Mocavi is painting a 'masterpiece' titled "Giovanni Holding My Son".

With the name of this masterpiece ‘kidnapping’, Nick holding baby Adam gave Zac a hard look of ‘save me’. Zac ignored it and looked at Mocavi's paintings for a while, "I saw your son." In the center of the canvas is a portrait of Adam that can almost be regarded as a photo. It turns out that Mocavi can paint well if he wants Painted, but, "But where is Giovanni?"

Except for the baby in the center of the canvas, the entire canvas is painted with dull tones. If you look closely, you can see the agitated in the dull background ... Insect eggs, densely arranged and stacked, as if the baby in the canvas was born. In this nest of intensive fears.

"Here!" Mocavi replied to Zac, pointing to the eggs on the canvas.

Zac glanced at Nick, then at the canvas, and nodded, "It's really good painting." No longer disturbing, he handed Mokawi to Benjamin and went back to think about the commission.

Before completely isolating the voice here, Zac heard the conversation between Benjamin and Mokawi--

Benjamin, "You received a troublesome commission! Implicated with the God of Republic!"

Mocavi, "Oh! If the entrusted solution is good, can the Republican God become our customer ~~"

Unevaluable brain circuit.

Zac lay on the bed, looked at the ceiling, and spent the whole night.

In the early morning, Zack got up, helped Hank complete the final preparations before leaving Barton, and then called Benjamin to the Grand Tomb.

Security at the Grande Cemetery was done by Seidel Security. Zach just asked for a security guard to arrange a meeting. "I want to ask your company boss, Mr. Saidir to talk about something. Can you tell me? . "

"Are you ready to install surveillance in Grand?" The security guard at the cemetery still remembered the business that Zac had refused.

"Not really, but I need to talk to your boss, can you give me a talk?"

Zac knew that if he had arranged for Nuo, this would be a success immediately, but the problem was that Zac did not want to find Nuo.

"If you talk about business, you don't need our boss to come forward. We have a manager in the security business in the Southern District who can come and talk to you."

Zac also has the consciousness that Grande is really not a big customer of Saidir, so, "I heard that you have some special security measures customized by Saidil Security to meet all strange customer requirements. If I want to Talking about these businesses, I ’m going to talk to someone who can make a decision, do n’t scorn me with a regional manager, I do n’t know him. You know who Grande was working with in your company ’s business at the time (no relationship), except you A few security guards working in shifts in the cemetery, I only know your boss. "This attitude is tough," I only talk to him. "

The security guard did n’t feel offended, but his face was a little unnatural. “Okay, you ’ll wait.” I ran to the console on the side of the cemetery guard, and I did n’t know what happened to the security company. Zac said, "The boss came over an hour later."

Zac nodded and returned to Grande with Benjamin to wait.

In the waiting time, Zack and Hank finished their farewell, nothing emotional happened, Hank only lost the sentence "Best when I come back, Grand is still here!" Then he came to Grand De Revro took it.

To clarify, Hank is not going abroad now ... He is going to the east, and after crossing the middle to the west, he will meet with the ‘bodyguard’ arranged by Nick Giovanni.

Then leave the Union in front of the Hanse's never seen Lesenbra brothers and go to the birthplace of vampires to look for 'treasures'.

Everyone understands that Hank ’s going abroad is the political operation of Lesenbrane fighting, of course, to do a full set!

Frank should be very satisfied with Hank's trip abroad.

Then, the waiting time was used by everyone to see Mokawi complete the second masterpiece "Zmish holding my son"-

Roy Zmithi came back last night. I do n’t know if he was out of luck or good luck. Mokawi just finished his first masterpiece. After seeing Roy, he immediately lost Nick, who was almost at the spiritual limit. , Put Roy into the model's position, began the idea of ​​this new work.

According to Benjamin, Mocavi had conceived for most of the night before he started to paint. When Zac went to call Benjamin in the morning, Mocavi had only finished painting the things in the center of the canvas-the baby Adam who could still be used as a photo. The background is still blank.

After Zac and Benjamin came back from the tomb, Mocavi had just painted the background ... a bright yellow background ...

Zac was not in a hurry to speak. After he was released from the work of the model, he had been holding Nick's own paintings.-Yes, Nick stood "Giovanni holding my son" and stood all night. "Why." He asked, because, "Why is my background so dark, so dark, but he is warm?"

Isn't Nick's question why he is represented by bug eggs in the picture? ?

"Are you warm?" Mokawi blinked, holding the palette and tilting his head for a moment, holding the brush, no, the brush's hand began to smear a lot. After that, the bright yellow turned into **** yellow, "Are you still warm?"

Nick seemed satisfied, "Okay." Finally he put down his paintings, joined Benjamin and Zach, and watched Mokawi draw Roy Zmithi together.

"Did you understand your painting?" Zac was really curious.

"Understood, don't you understand." Nick finally became stronger than Zac. In fact, it's ridiculous. It took him one night to understand, and Zac didn't waste this time, thinking about big things!

"Don't understand, please enlighten me." Zac just didn't want to spend energy thinking about Mocavi's logic of seeing the world, it was enough to listen to the conclusion.

"Her son was born in a world eroded by sinister, sinister bugs." Nick continued a look of pride. He didn't know what he was proud of. "Since birth, this is the most suitable picture for me. I like it very much. "

Uh, it turns out that the world-wearers are proud of all the disasters and tragedies they have created for this world. When the intensive fearful was frightened and suppressed by the worm eggs arranged around the baby, Nick was the guy who stood on the top of the mountain and looked at the world and gave out "Ahahahaha!" Laughter.

Zac's expression of "wow" is even more curious about how Mokawi will paint Roy Zmithi. But he didn't want to discuss it directly with Mokawi. He tweaked and asked Benjamin, "Why did Roy think for so long."

Roy's face when he was a model was not very good. First, he was anxious to go out to see Corden. Second, he listened to Nick's interpretation of the first painting. At this moment, it seemed to be ready to speak out of this situation, "I still have something ..."

"It's done ~" Mokawi lost his tools and looked satisfied.

Everyone's eyes are on the canvas, baby, there is nothing to say, the background behind the baby, the feces yellow looks random, but it is really casually smeared on the empty canvas.

Is this done?

Zac really didn't understand. But Nick seemed to understand something after having experience, and an uncomfortable smile appeared on his face, "It's perfect! My brother Roy Tsimixi, you must come and see, this is you!"

Roy came over with a sullen face. Recently, Roy and Nick's struggle in front of Zac did not hide it. Both of them knew that the other was engaging in themselves. This 'brother' was very superficial.

"What is this." Roy glanced at the canvas and stared at Nick. "Is there anything similar to my shit-colored background, Nick, I think you are blind!"

"Eh hey ~ you're right. Isn't Zmysh a **** right now ~ Zmysh's military industry, Zmysh's medical experiment, Zmysh's relationship with his ancestors, Zmysh and Torrido ’s back-and-forth relationship, Zmithi ’s position in the Federation ~ ”Nick replied,“ What can define Zmithi? Ca n’t do anything ~~ You see, it ’s not a whole pot of sloppy **** what!"

Roy Zmithi first calmly handed the baby in his arms to Zac, and then slaps Nick Giovanni into the sky, and chased it up with an agitated face.

Benjamin glanced at Zac and answered the question that Zac asked, "This is why." Mocavi conceived for such a long time. Now there is nothing that can define Zmiche's position in this world. local.

Zac knew it, and no matter who Nick and Roy could kill, he looked at the baby in his arms.

This is probably a series of ‘masterpieces’. The baby in his arms is the real subject. This is the ‘painting’ in Mocavi ’s eyes — what kind of world was her son born in.

"Perfect!" Mocavi has a brush in his hand again, and the new canvas has been put on the easel. To Zac, "Don't move!" Torido holding my son ", painting begins!"

Gee, Zach controls Mocavi? ?

Turned around and left, not forgetting to call Benjamin, "Cediel is coming."

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