In the Grande's office, Zac and Sedir sat face to face. Benjamin stood behind Sedir, holding his shoulders, as if Sedir's personal bodyguard was guarding. However, Benjamin was not guarding Sedir.

Saidir did it. He knew that Benjamin ’s behavior had nothing to do with protection—Grand ’s office had two doors from east to west. The muscular Grande brother (Benjamin) probably just did n’t want to lose sight of it. , Holding one door but missing another, so simply stood behind him. Yes, Seidir knew from the moment he reached Grande that he could not leave Grande without giving them the answers they wanted.

"What do you want." The Ming people wouldn't tell secret words, and Saidir looked at Zac, "I know you can't possibly need any special security services, so let's just say, you come to me for what."

Grande doesn't need security, and Sadie can draw this conclusion from two facts.

First of all, Grande is the first gray professional of Barton, older than his friend Nori Repet. Sadie was unlucky and missed the opportunity to face up with senior gray professional Hank. Of course, this is not the focus now.

Second, Sedir knows how close Grande is to the police. See it for yourself, and remember, Sadiere was probably the first few of Barton's Zac who knew Grand was helping Barton's star police detective James Lance (when there was an accident at Bishop's Manor).

Basically, these two points are also the reasons why Cedir will come to Grande. He does not want to offend Grande. In various senses.

"I want to talk to you about Nuo's safe house."

"*." Although it was a dirty word, Saidil said calmly, as if the dirty word used for intense emotions just slipped out of his mouth accidentally, "Nuo told you?"

"Not really." Zac turned his head and gestured to Benjamin.

Benjamin took over the process planned by Zac before Saidir had come, "But this matter does not need to be discussed." One of Zac's strategies for this "communication" is that once Saidel touch When he didn't want to touch Zac, Benjamin took the topic and used the tough guy's way to straighten the other party's attention. Benjamin looked at Cedier's turned head coldly, "This is about Aix security under the Falcon family."

Sadie frowned and looked at Benjamin. He closed his eyes, not for any special reason, but only a short-term expression of emotions. After opening his eyes, "Benjamin Grande, you gangster wicked It does n’t scare me. I ’m not the gray professionals around you and Nuo. ”Looking back at Zac,“ It ’s easy to be like you ... ”Raising his hand and pointing at Zac and Benjamin,“ Classic muscles and mind Was scared. "

This is not over. "The simple Falken family is enough for me to cooperate." Uh ...

Zac waved at Benjamin, watching Cedir's helpless look, and suddenly felt a little funny. There was a smile on his face, "So you know what trouble you are in now?"

"Of course I know." Saidir shook his head-not contradicting his own words, but lamenting himself, "I shouldn't have helped build the safe house."

Zac didn't speak. After knowing that Sedir adjusted his emotions, he would say where his perspective was in the incident.

Oh yeah, it ’s worth mentioning what Benjamin said just now-Zac and Benjamin would n’t entrust the aliens of Zumen ’s office to Saidil, a human being. That ’s in line with the situation, that is, people in the West Side are in trouble. Commissioned by Grand. So the work troubles of the four generations of Toledo became the family industry problem of Falken, a Westerner.

Cedir adjusted his breath several times, "Now there are more than a dozen households in the southeast outside our company's door every day, let our company meet their security needs, and each of them takes Nuo's safe house as a template." Saidir The restless look, "I don't even know where they got the information about the safe house. It's impossible for Nuo to tell them, uh." A glance at Zac, "Safe house, you know, safe house!"

"I understand." Zac nodded. "Like I said, I know the safe house, and it's not what Nuo told me."

Sadie turned his head down, still looking irritable. "I also believe that Nuo will not talk about this kind of thing everywhere. Thinking about it, that is, the Axe security that the Republicans used to make them uncomfortable." Speaking, the following paragraph seems to be an objective comment made by him as a person in the security industry on Aix Security, a peer competitor, "I do n’t know whether Aix Security regards Republicans as fools, The security regulations they used in the southeast violated at least seven or eight basic human rights laws. "

Zac raised an eyebrow and agreed. "There are indeed a lot of surveillance in the southeast."

"Too much." Saidir made the conclusion directly. "Even if we have to consider the environmental relationship in the southeast, there are too many. Living under that so-called" security ", there is no privacy at all, I can be sure, Ike The security record of SDB has all the details of each day of the trip of each of his customers. "Saidir continued to shake his head." This is not security, but surveillance. "Saidir sighed," And those Republicans , Spending money for Aix Security to monitor them. That's ... wrong. "

Zac smiled. Agree with some of Saidir's words-the Republicans are a bit stupid when they spend money asking people to monitor themselves, because humans are monitored by vampires, they don't have to spend money ~ Wait until the Revro clan slowly expands ~

Of course, Zac ’s thoughts do n’t need to be spoken out to let Sadir listen. Zac ’s words are, “In your opinion, the dozen or so Republicans realized that they were being blackmailed by the security company in the southeast and turned to you. Is smart, right? "

"Isn't it." Continue to be irritable, "Because Connaught, he is my friend. If it wasn't for his request, I wouldn't touch the southeast at all. As a result, such a small project for friends became the target of those Republicans. sample room!"

Zac looked at Benjamin. Benjamin held his arm and lost his cold look. He also thought about the logic of Cedir and looked at Zac, shrugging his shoulders.

Saidir's position is already very clear--

Axe Security did not have the support of the Falken family and did not like to compete with Sadieer before he was commissioned by Benjamin. Here, this is a commercial competition event. It's the kind of passive competition. The two sides are clearly guarding their own customers, and suddenly the other's customers are out of luck. Aix Security felt troublesome, but Sadie Security was even more troublesome.

While Ike Security used silence to cover up the lack of backing behind him, the door of Cedir Security was blocked by a group of Republicans!

This situation gave Zac an advantage.

It can be seen that Benjamin pushed the matter to the Falken family from the beginning, because Zac was originally planning to 'remind' Saidir that the Falken family must be considered when doing business in the southeast.

Now Zach does not ‘remind’, Cedir knows for himself.

Then the next step. It ’s up to Grande to work for the Falcon family ’s commission, Zack, “I ca n’t understand that you, Saidil Security, have no intention of accepting the business that the Republicans send to your door, let Aix Security The interests of the company are impaired. "Zack is asking the other party to make a statement.

Cedir lowered his head and considered for a while, "Yes." It was neat. Then he looked up, "I know that Aix Security must have thought that what security technology, procedures, etc. we had with Saidil wanted you to get information from me." He was right, and Zac asked him The reason is not to "customize some special security measures", which is what Zack waited for. First of all, after listening to Saidir, "but since you also know that it is Nuo's safe house." Emphasized, "he Yes, a safe house. If you need any information, you might as well go to Connaught and ask. "

There is an important intermediate conclusion here-that is, Zack concludes that Saidel Security Company does not know the aliens, nor the significance of the safety of Nuo ’s safe house.

There is such a conclusion that Zac believes in Nuo, Nuo can't talk to unrelated people with aliens. Uh, it's like your friend told you a secret, and you won't talk nonsense, unless, you are not friends. Not to mention that Nuo is still afraid of aliens during the period of time influenced by the Eye of Enchantment.

"Axe Security's information says that the safe house was made by your guys at Cedir. You are telling me now that you don't know what your company is doing for your friends. Do you need me? Go ask Connaught? "

"I'll be honest, Nuo's safe house, I am an agent. Nuo needed construction and needed channels to get what he wanted, uh," customized "things, and I just had a company to help He does this. "

This is all in Zac ’s judgment. As Nuo once told Zac, the security of Nuo ’s home in Nuoertan was installed by Sadie. As a gray professional, Nuo is very good at using his personal relationships. Achieved the goal, but Saidir is a person in human society that supplements the functions of the order maintainer (law enforcer). It is impossible to know what the gray professional is trying to prevent with this security.

One piece of evidence is that Nuo used to be a maid. Do you still remember that after being involved in alien incidents in Nuo ’s home with sound security measures, Nuo did not ask Cedir to upgrade his security level as Nuo ’s security provider, Instead, the maid was sent away.

The conclusion is that Nuo's use of this relationship with Saidir is very appropriate, and will not ask the other party to do more than it does, and it will not be wasted.

At this time, the news confirmed from Sadie ’s mouth made Zack more certain that Benjamin ’s commission could be resolved satisfactorily-"So, can this agent be transferred to Aix Security, the Falken family, willing to pay? buy."

Zac thought for one night, the way to solve the entrustment of the Republican God involved in the southeast is to still let Aixian maintain the security business of the Republican, and everything in the southeast is still under the control of the vampire. To secure their prayers to God. Zac wants to let those Republicans know that even though many of the Federation ’s aliens are strange, the vampires, at least the Torredo vampires in Aix Security, are on the human side.

Saidir frowned, looking at Zac, "Buy?" It seemed a little confused, "If you ask Nuo to ask him, he probably tells you directly, why do you want to buy from me?"

Gee. Zac was a little anxious, and he was really not sure what the "agent" was in Saidil's mouth, so he rushed to advance his purpose.

"Why are you so crap, you don't want to give away your money in vain." Benjamin said behind Seidir.

"Uh." Saidir looked back at Benjamin, didn't speak, and turned back to Zac before opening. "Is this Axe Security wanting to compensate the company's business that I robbed before?"

Um ... this logic seems to be plausible. Zac went down this path. "Yes, now that the business of Cedir and Aix in Barton are stable with each other, it is best to be friendly and coexist. Friendly business cooperation is better than working behind, isn't it. "

Saidir thought for a while, "Well, it's sincere." He waved his hands and began to **** on his body, his mouth didn't stop. "It's always because you actively negotiated things. Things that can be discussed are better than positive "He took out a business card," This person was found by Nuo, who is engaged in security customization. All the things Nuo requested were obtained by him. I heard that he recently inspected in Barton ... "

Zac took the business card, glanced at it, and twitched his lips, "Thank you." Then, got up and delivered the customer, "Aix Security's check will be sent to you tomorrow."

The ending seemed too hasty. Not only did Cedir froze for a moment, but Benjamin didn't react. Zac glared before frowning and opened the door. "Mr. Cedir, stop by Grande's cemetery Under the working status of your employees. "

"No need." Saidir shook his head. "I read security records every day." Benjamin was sent out.

Not for half a minute, Benjamin came back and looked at Zac, "What's your situation?"

Zac handed Benjamin the business card he had just received. "This is the person who saved your son on Liszt Street that day."

Benjamin ... took the business card and looked at the name on the card, Martin. Yes, this is the person Zac decided to remember the name, and thanked him when he saw goodbye.

"Then I have to say thank you." Benjamin put away his business card. "You want to go with me."

Zac knew that he couldn't escape, maybe he shouldn't memorize this name in the first place!

This logic is obviously problematic, but do n’t talk to Zac ’s theory, which is what Zac really feels now.

"Sem, Martin's address will be reported again."

"Yuri Hotel xxxxx ..."

Before going out again.

"I'm done painting!" Mokawi entered the office holding a picture. "Just hang here ~~" Not only did he make a decision without permission, but he took action.

"Please don't ..." Zac just opened his mouth closed, because this picture named "Torido holding my son" is a normal picture, the center of the picture is naturally baby Adam, quiet and comfortable Falling asleep, there are no feces or disgusting insect eggs around him, only those who stably support the baby's comfortable environment ... People, exactly the same as Zacary Toledo.

"Your picture is so fast." Benjamin, who helped Mocavi set the picture straight, said that he seemed to have no opinion on the content of the painting, only questioning Mocavi's extremely unstable speed of painting.

"Because I am an artist ~~" Mocavi said so, "I let the feeling control my strokes ~~ When I got back to God, I had already painted it ~~ So perfect ~~"

The painting was set, Benjamin glanced at Zach, "She said perfect is painting, not you."

Necessary, if your wife also drew a picture of ‘perfect other man’, you would say the same, reminding the ‘perfect’ man of his own weight ...

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