The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 23 Chapter 27: Pleasant tone

At the Yuri Hotel, Zac and Benjamin's unexpected vanity is that when they enter the lobby, someone will come to serve them. The exchange of two sentences was actually arranged by boss Yuri. In this world, note that it is the world. If three people appear in the Yuri Hotel, all requirements will be met unconditionally-Zachary Grande, Benjamin Grande, and Pucci.

Ah, Pucci, the republican **** next to Papa at midnight. It should be the request of Maitreya with the privilege of the VIP of the Yuri family.

But it ’s not what Zac cares about now.

Given his privileges, Zac would not refuse, and went directly into the room where Martin lived with Benjamin and told the hotel people that no matter what happened inside, do n’t bother.

Then, Benjamin and Zac began to add bricks to Martin's bill ~

Because Martin was not there, Zac let Sam go to find someone, but he couldn't find it. He could only get along with him. Bored Benjamin began to enjoy the service of Yuri Hotel and treated it like his home.

Waiting for Martin to come back in the afternoon, it seems that he just came back to avoid the heat and rest outside, and entered the door with a tired look and walked directly to the bathroom.

Walking, Martin's footsteps stopped, looking at the two 'strangers' sitting on the couch, "Uh, hello."

"Hello." It was Benjamin who spoke out first, treating people with kindness, "Thank you for saving my son on Liszt Street the day before yesterday."

"Oh." Martin responded, still looking at the two with some confusion for a while, and there was no more sound.

Zac said, "I am a vampire, he is Alpha."

"Oh." Martin responded again, then continued silently.

Benjamin interjected again, "But my son is human, so if you don't save him, he will die." As he said, he glared at Zac.

Zac waved his hands, not wanting to argue, but even more concerned about Martin's reaction.

But Martin ... nothing happened, and he still said, "Oh."

It ’s reasonable to think about it, look at Lily and the girl Nana. Human children have a heterogeneous parent, which is not unreasonable to Westerners.

Zac is not necessary to explain that the baby is Benjamin's birth, so, as soon as possible, "We came to you this time not only to thank you, but also to have a serious matter about Barton's alien living environment ..." Zac thought about it The phrase, "Consult." There is no end. "Can I ask you why you have been in Barton for so long. I have consulted the hotel's front desk. You have been here for half a month."

The problem is that it is thrown out, and all Martin's answers now will enter Zac's judgment of him.

"Oh." This may be Martin's communication habit. First, use a tone word to express that you have heard the other party's words, and then-"I'm here to investigate, work inspection." In accordance with Zac's earliest judgment, at the Yuri Hotel Alone lives here, either money is more, or not spent their own money. Martin here should be the latter, "I probably need to introduce myself, maybe you already know? You said about the living environment of the alien ..." Martin's tone was uncertain.

Zac nodded, beckoning Benjamin to take out the business card given by Sadie, "This was given to us by Sadie Security, Barton's security company."

Martin's face has a clear look, and it is still habitual, "Oh." Then, "I **** (a city in the west) **** security company's business manager." Very mechanical self-introduction, "We security company The accepted business is very special. Unlike the general security companies on the market, we do not provide solutions to defend against man-made dangers. Our company only provides security services to prevent aliens. "A brief pause, looking at Zac," I was sent to investigate Business needs in the east, because of a very accidental cooperation. "Pointing to the business card displayed by Benjamin," In this city (Barton), a person named No. Repeter contacted us and asked our company to be here for him. Build an absolutely defensive safe house. However, there is no human resources for our company, and the company has never conducted business outside the west. However, the Noe Repett has the resources and he contacted a security company, namely Sai Dear Security has completed the docking with us and became an agent-like middleman to complete this unexpected market expansion. "

No matter what Martin said, Zac already has a basic half of this person-this guy is extremely cooperative, isn't he? Zac's question is quite broad, but his answer is very detailed.

A person with such a loose mouth, working in a security company? Zac had to resolve this question first, so I interrupted, "Do you know who we are?"

"Well, I know." Martin nodded. "You are Toledo of Barton, real Toledo, Zachary Grande, your photo in Barton's newspaper. And this Alpha, should be the ancestors The owner of the firm, Lord Barton Benjamin Grande, Barton ’s aliens often mention you. "

That can be confirmed, Martin is not loose mouth, it does not matter.

Zac and Benjamin glanced at each other, and didn't exchange any glances. Zac continued to ask, "You heard that it was Nuo's unexpected safe house project, so your company has the idea of ​​expanding its business outside the west, right."


"But as far as I know, Nuo's safe house has been around for a long time, and your cooperation should be completed at the beginning of this year, even last year." Nuo was still under the influence of the pupil of enchantment, "Why do you come to Patton to investigate now?" market?"

Martin was silent for a while, and said an answer that made Zac cry a little, "Because our company is rich." He himself was a little speechless about this answer, shaking his head, "The kind of rich man. We provide this in the west. All the companies with special security services are instantly rich, and everyone has more money. Like any industry, with more money, they can only expand according to the basic principles of business. "He began to lip," but the entire special security industry It used to be only in the west. "Take a look at Zac." You should understand, after all, are you a vampire at the Demon Banquet? "

The tone of this question made Zac laugh out loud, "Oh, I understand. You continue."

Zack not only understands why this security business is only in the west-because only the humans in the west know the fact that the aliens are by their side, the people in the central and eastern regions do not know the aliens, you let them spend money to buy security against aliens Measures?

Zac also understands why security companies like the West have suddenly become rich recently-the anti-alien movement in the west ~

Martin: "This industry is going to expand, and there is no way out, and then my boss ..." Rolled his eyes naturally, "I just thought of this last year." Looking at Zac, it was the answer to the time when the Nou House was established, "Suddenly do a safe house project in the eastern city of Barton, and then." Motioned to himself, "I'm coming."

To sum up, current events have created a prosperity in a niche market, and then this prosperity has created the desire of the entire industry, so this Martin has lived in the Yuri Hotel for more than half a month, and has now obediently confessed in front of Zac and Benjamin .

"Can I ask another question? As a worker who provides security services only for interracial people, do you hate interracial people?"

Martin lowered his head and thought for a while, and the answer was, "I won't answer this question." Good answer-"Do people in the general security industry hate humans?" Looking at Zach, "This is a trap problem. I reserve my right to be silent. "

"I like this guy." Benjamin photographed Zac and set a pleasant tone for the other party who happened in this hotel room ~

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