"How much does Eve want these corpses?" Since the question had already appeared, Zac asked directly.

"If we Rimmel doesn't master the way to restrain the ghosts of the present wizard, what we bury is our future. So, I really want it."

Zac nodded into the air and agreed only with this conclusion. "Yes. But for this reason alone, I will not give you the body." Zac looked at Sorin. "You should represent Rymer. Come talk to me right. "

"I am. I seem to be the only Rimmer in the clan who can calmly and communicate with you."

"Then I guess I'll wait for Mr. Smith to come." Zach waved at Sorin.

Some things were revealed by James last night. Grande was commissioned to intercept the corpses, interrupting not only the process of Rimer, but also Smith's. Although I do n’t know what the internal communication of the Smith family looks like, Smith and Remmel acted together to recover the corpse. Sorin's position was clear in the words just now. He came for Rimer.

Zach last night may have accepted Thorin's honest attitude and talked to him, but now Zach will not.

Thanks to Lili for reminding, the incident at the Waterfront Park was not simply a move by Rymer to suppress the ghost of the Barton Wizard, but the fact that the vaccine medicine popularized by the Republican people will be killed in the federal soil and water!

Sorin just said so much, is there a bit about humans? No, it's a magician, it's Rimmer's past, and Rimmer's future. Humanity? They don't care.

This matter Zac needs someone who cares about the human part to talk to himself. Then Zach knew that Mr. Smith cared about humans because he was human.

Note that Zach did not choose an eccentric object between humans and Rimer. Rimer, Zac will take care of it. Rimmel now began to care about the significance of their clan existence, to be honest, four centuries late.

As long as Zac does not release the secrets of the Rymer clan, no one will know the meaning of Rymer to the vampire race and the world. How did the original Remel mix up? In the future, Remel can continue to mix like this, as long as Toledo is keeping them ...

So the appeal brought by Sorin, no matter how urgent they are, Zac will not feel moved, and human beings are really dying. This is more urgent.

Solin didn't understand Zac's intent, "Did Detective James Lance threaten Grand? Why did you intervene?"

Answer ... the fact that James paid for it?

Zac doesn't think Sorin or Eve can accept this answer.

Shaking hands without answering, Zac and other calls came.

Let Solin feel free: you can continue to ask Zac in Grande, or you can go back and report Eve ’s own defeat. Zac does n’t matter.

The phone was picked up, it was Jessica's voice, "Do you want to speak on the phone, or do we have a place to talk?"

Zac didn't want to go out, "on the phone."

"Okay ~" Jessica sounded brisk. "According to your list, we found the souls of those who died in the waterfront park in hell. There is an interesting thing in the process. I don't know if you want to listen ~"

"You said." When Zach said that, Sorin had shook his head, broke his body, turned into a red aunt, and left Grand.

"Madison is not unable to be dragged into **** by **** dogs, so would you please let me use the gate of **** to send him to hell?"

Zac said nothing.

Jessica over the receiver thought Zach had n’t heard, "Madison, do you remember this man?"

"I remember him you continue." Zach said quickly.

"Oh ~ when I sent him to hell, he disappeared." Jessica over the receiver also said an onomatopoeia, "Eh ~~ disappeared."

Zac hasn't heard the interesting part.

Jessica probably also realized that she could n’t get Zac ’s feedback and lost interest, and quickly finished this boring 'story', "But when I searched the souls of these waterfront parks according to your requirements, Madison Appeared. He basically guided where each of our souls are. "Suddenly," Can you understand what I am expressing? "

Zac understands, "The geography of **** is not the geographical structure of the world, the geography of **** is the timeline. Where we express our daily expression is to find people, in the modern world is the location coordinates, in hell, is the time coordinates."

"Not bad ~~" Jessica is very happy that Zac understands the composition of hell, because this is what Jessica tells Zac what **** looks like. Of course, all of Zac ’s understandings are her "good teaching" You should understand what I mean ~ Although the time of death of the seaside park is about the same, there are still some differences in seconds. To be honest, now the soul entering hell, if it is not an important person in Barton, we have not How can I understand it, as you can understand, now the **** that I control has too much time (this is to show off) ~~ there are a lot of souls at any time, from all over the country to my time jurisdiction ~~ I am stuffy People can't stare one by one ~ When you gave me these lists before, I still have some troubles how to find these souls for you in **** ~~ "

"So the interesting part of this matter is that Maddison knows exactly when each soul is in hell?"

"It's dripping ~~"

Zac held the earpiece for a while and met Jessica, "Ha ha ha. I laughed, it's funny." Zac didn't laugh, "Now talk about business."

Jessica did n’t force her, and she talked about Madison ’s situation with all her heart. It ’s enough. It ’s enough. “These souls are nothing special to our demons, just like any soul who experienced sudden death, Souls ca n’t understand what their bodies have experienced. And they are all addicts, you should imagine that they are basically floating in the cloud the last moment, and really floating in the next moment. Sorry, the soul mark in these souls It does not provide any information you need. So, I think I can give you this conclusion-no matter what caused the republican vaccine to kill the federals, at least the soul can be ruled out. "

"So the death of drugs is the physiological effect?" Zack asked.

"The conclusion can only be like this." Jessica's tone was also a little more serious, "This thing is getting stranger." She said not only this thing, but, "First of all, the Republican's unfettered The fact of the spirit stage makes us not understand the speciality of the Republican soul. Now, the body of another Republican may be different from the Federal. I have to admit that I am also curious. "

"Then I will inform you of the result by phone."

"Good drops ~"

Before hanging up, "You are in a good mood, why?"

"Oh ~ I was promoted ~"

"The position of Mary Church?"

"No ~ the position of **** ~ I was recognized by Sissi as a great demon ~ is the true leader of hell, commonly known as Satan ~"

"You inherited the name of the black cat?"

"Satan is not a name, but a title ~ The black cat has his own name ~" Do you think Jessica would say Satan's own halo name in the scriptures--Lucifer Morningstar? No, Jessica said: "Cookies, don't call it wrong, I don't respect him too much ~~"

Oh! It turns out that this is the successor's respect for taking office! learnt.

No matter "Congratulations." Zac hung up the phone. Ready to get up ...

The white cat appeared on the desk all the time-there was no time for abrupt causal appearance, and, speaking, in Madison's voice, "I haven't disappeared, I just ... everywhere ..." licked My own claws, "I am in the future, in the present, in the past, at every point in the world I have experienced. Like a cookie, but I am still stronger, he is passive and constantly shuttles in time, I choose for myself "The white cat lowered his paw and looked at Zac." Thank you for your help. "

Zac blinked and confirmed that the white cat in front of him was not an illusion.

"But after all, Jessica shouldn't show off her new position so much." The white cat changed his paws and continued to lick. "No matter how ridiculous the name of the cookie is, it is also given to him by Lord West. God's name. . And Jessica ’s position is only Sissi ’s fate. Huh. ”The white cat ’s paw stopped in the air, his mouth widened and yawned,“ Sissi, just a saint. ”

Zac confirmed that it was not an illusion, picked up the white cat, and opened the window.

"Meow !!!" A touch of white crossed the clear sky.

Closing the window, Zac sorted his appearance, stood in the office for a while, and remembered what he was doing, nodded, and went to the basement. In the basement, there is a corpse that Zach requested and was not buried in North Park by Lily and Logan.

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