Relatively speaking, the vampire's understanding of the human body is probably not as good as that of a contemporary high school student. Zac personally understands the muscles and skin from the period of the military doctor, and the internal organs and bone structure come from Grande ’s work. What remains is that the vampire species has an instinctive understanding of humans-alive or dead.

So Zac was n’t sure what he could find after entering the basement. The protection was to be done. He also reminded Sam that if he felt any discomfort, he would get away from Zac and hide first. Whether the medicine described by West now as being able to bring the Republicans back to their original form remains on these bodies.

Zac does n’t know much about the death of an addict, but he has to say that in his several years of working in the funeral of Grande, Zac has seen a variety of corpses, incomplete, intact, and intact. Actually it is already tattered, it looks tattered ... Actually it is really a tattered body.

The body now placed on the stone platform is quite complete.

Zac squeezed the knife and slashed the skin of the corpse, trying to observe the internal organs.

James did n’t report the police identification to Zac. Zac could only see it for himself. It seemed that ... the death process was started by ... an intense allergic reaction ...

Zac has a system of paying attention to the corpse's consumption-the intestine, twisted strangely, and the surface is also covered with red spots as if burned ...

Zac found that Sam was gone.

"There are still drug residues?" Zack asked.

"Uh, no ... it looks too disgusting, and I'm not as used to corpses as you think ..."


No one is used to it.

We let Zac do his research in the basement alone and went out with Sam.

Sam did not shape the human body, fluttering, and swaying on the back porch for a while, a little bored, went to the second floor and glanced at Adam.

It is said that children have the ability to see some unnatural phenomena, which may be true. Bain ’s wife, who at least took care of Adam, was completely unaware of the existence of Sam, but Adam ’s thinness had been trying to fumble into the air, as if trying to touch Sam floating in the air.

Sam teased Adam for a while, and didn't get more feedback from the baby. He left the room and saw Lily, who was pulling Nana to get some sun, and followed.

In the grand backyard, the girl Nana began to explore. There are four Grand buildings, the main building where Zac is resident, a warehouse inhabited by werewolves and vampires, a real debris warehouse, and a staff living area.

Lily set the rules for Nana from the beginning. In the living area, except for the Bain family, Nana is not allowed to disturb other Grand employees-Lily knows that Grand employees have no loyalty now, after all Once was Rute's secretary.

So Nana's exploration, there are only two warehouses. It is now the warehouse where Roy lives. Nana has figured it out a few days ago. Yesterday I found the art creation tools left by Mocavi. I played for a day. Today I seem to be tired. I went to the debris warehouse to find something to play with. Too.

"You shouldn't let her turn around, there are many dangerous things in the warehouse, weapons and the like." Sam reminded Lily.

Lily glanced at Sam, "Will you die?"

"It shouldn't matter."

"Then there is nothing to worry about."

Sam instinctively felt that something was wrong, but Lily didn't mean to communicate with him and went to Logan to chat with Logan.

Sam listened for a while, and some could not hear it—because Logan and Lily's topic was Sam. Lily asked Logan if he had considered becoming an alien of the new breed now, such as the wizard ghost around Zac, Sam. The new theory of republican alien theory plus federal technology creates new varieties.

Sam felt a sense of insult, but he couldn't say how. Just stopped listening. After a round of shaking, from running to Grand's neighbor, Pooch's house observed Andrew.

There is no particular reason that Sam is performing actions to protect Zac's security-Andrew, a talented wizard, may be the most unstable factor around Zac.

"Is there a girl of my age in your family?"

Sam didn't hide himself, and Andrew didn't pretend that he wasn't looking at him.

"People are bigger than you."

"I accept any opposite-sex humans who do not need me to look up at 45 degrees ~~"

"Your pursuit is too small."

"Don't be too big, I'm still a kid ~ Can I go and play with her?"

"She has a ghoul mother." Sam just put the facts before Andrew.

"It's just a ghoul ~" The dark red spell was floating beside Andrew's hand.

"She has lived in an environment that despised the Indians since she was a child. West."

Andrew lowered his head for a moment, raised his head, and smiled, "Then I am a proud Ingan, I should correct my misunderstanding, right ~"

The side effect of Zac's enchanting pupil, Andrew's self-confidence in his own origin, appeared.

Sam knew that he was wrong and drifted away. He returned to the basement and Zac was stitching his body.

"How's it going outside?" Zac just asked Sam when he came back.

"Adam is still a personal baby. Lily is not a good mother. Logan is still considering being an alien. Andrew may come to Nana to play."

Zac opened his mouth, not knowing how to respond to Sam's daily summary of Grande, "Oh." Continue the sewing work in hand.

Sam is still curious, "Is there anything special about this corpse."

"What seems to be an allergic reaction, starting from the digestive system and spreading all over the body, the body organs are affected, and there is a performance of stagnation. Specific to this person, because the tracheal atrophy is more serious, it seems that the allergic reaction has not yet Spread to the surface of the body, the trachea is closed first, and people can't breathe and die. "

Zac said his lips and said, "Lili should be left with a few more bodies." Because according to Zac's idea, these people's death methods should be various, depending on which organ is deadly first. The threshold brings death.

"I need to take a shower." Zac ended the stitching work and took off the protection. Unlike the usual grooming work, this time the work was more meticulous, and Zac had the smell of a dead person. It's very uncomfortable for vampires.

Sam is silent, and is silent in Zac's eyes.

Ten minutes later, Grande arrived. I drove the car directly into the Grande's backyard. At first glance, I knew that I was very familiar with the Grande.

Mr. Smith got off the car. The first thing I saw was Nana rushing out of Grand Grand ’s warehouse holding a shotgun, and yelling excitedly while running, "Lily! Lily! See what I found. !!! "

Mr. Smith's face twitched twice, carefully bypassing Nana, and went upstairs. When Zac was not seen in the office, he was hesitant to enter the living area.

"Wait a moment." Zach shouted at the end of the corridor. "I just dissected a corpse you wanted, washing away the smell."

Mr. Smith's face ... calmed down, sitting in the office, waiting for Zac to come out empty.

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