Zach, who was fragrant, came out and sat in the office to watch Smith.

Smith might have some space left. Zac came and was still in front of the window, looking at Grande's backyard-the girl who used the shotgun as a toy and her mother.

"Friends of the West brought their children to Grand Play." Zac introduced Nana and Lily in a rather vague way.

"Friend." Smith didn't look at Zac and continued to look at the mother and daughter in the backyard. "You mean the secretary of the former mayor of Vega, west, and her former adopted daughter who was kidnapped."

Huh? How did Smith know this? Listening to this, the understanding is quite comprehensive.

Smith himself explained, "The news that you used the Barton Orphanage to go through the formalities for them has spread to us in the West Side."

This way.

Zach had nothing to hide, "Well, when I went to Vega in the west to investigate the funeral industry, I made friends. Grande ’s employees in Vega have always been taken care of by her, and now it is still human. . "

This statement, no problem. Charlie, Logan, and Russell were all taken care of by Lily under the authority of the mayor ’s secretary. Now that Lily has no power, Grande should help. Reasonable.

Although I know that Lily's help to Grand employees is all interracial, Smith doesn't know. He knows that Grand employees' Vega is for the purpose of privatization of the funeral industry. Grande employees engaged in industrial reforms in Vega City smoothly and smoothly, saying that without the support of Vega government figures, who believes. The public opinion of Barton once thought that Mayor Barton preferred Grand!

There were obvious thoughts on Smith's face, but he nodded his head and should agree with Zach's statement. Since no loopholes could be found, in addition to lamenting Zac's ability to make friends, what else can he say.

"A piece of news has recently spread in the West End." Smith withdrew his eyes from the backyard, bypassed the desk, and sat across from Zach. "Said you would go west to take over the privatized funeral industry."

The topic is very strange, after all, we all know that Smith is not here to discuss career planning with Zac. But since Smith is going to start this topic, then chat.

"Oh, take over the funeral industry?" Zac smiled and waved his hand. "You're talking about what the funeral industry is like."

Zac's words are fine. Someone can take over a company, yes; take over a project, yes; take over a career, yes. But you have to say that one person takes over ... an industry? This is not true.

Smith also waved his hand, "It's just the news circulating." It seems that he didn't take this kind of words seriously, "But I did feel some ..." I didn't look at Zac, looked at Zac's desktop, "sense of isolation." Look at Zac, "Why is the news circulating in Button, I am the one I heard, not the originator."

Zac, looked at Mr. Smith. This man is so keen, he has begun to realize that as the master of the Smith family, his ability to understand and control Barton is weakening.

This is the case. In the past of Barton, everything was turned around the West Side. The West Side people can proudly claim that they are Barton. But now, it won't work. There are too many things in Barton that did not happen based on the West Side people. The West Side ’s representation in this city is getting weaker and weaker.

What is the reason for this change? Mr. Smith, I don't know. The reason he didn't know was that he was too close to these secrets-right in front of him, there was a high wall by Reimer that deliberately blocked his sight.

Under such cover, Mr. Smith still noticed some things, only discovered from a rumored originator, not his West Side. This man is quite powerful.

"Do you hate this feeling?" Zach asked tentatively.

"It can't be said." Smith answered, shaking his head, changing his emotions, and asking Zach, "You didn't deny this rumor, so except for the question in the message itself, what does the content mean?"

Zac was a little hesitant, because he was n’t sure what direction Mr. Smith was going to take on this topic. “Grand employees have been working in the funeral homes in Vega City to promote the privatization of the funeral industry in the west, so ...” Ke nodded. "It's true that I will go to Vega." Zac wouldn't say such a thing when he took over an industry. Not only was this argument unreasonable, but there was also a reason-this is Zacree · What Torrido can only say, Zachary Grande, cannot say. Zac will no longer make the mistake of confusing his identity.

Mr. Smith nodded and accepted, naturally, "Then why do you intervene in Barton's business again since you are leaving?"

There are probably two meanings in this statement. One is naturally the topic of his coming to Grande for Zach today. The other is to echo the above. Smith noticed that many things of Patton were out of control of the West Side people-and Smith's attitude was already very clear. He thought that the reason for the events in Patton from the West Side was Zac. This is an accusation.

It should be the typical power transfer routine-in the early days, powerful people felt that it was great to have an extra helper, and all the work was thrown to this sudden helper. In the mid-term, these powerful people became more and more aware of this helper, and some were even willing to make friends with this helper. Of course, the most fundamental reason is that this helper knows how to give those powerful manufacturing benefits. Then in the later period, powerful people finally discovered that this helper is no longer a ‘helper’.

Zac adjusted his sitting posture. It was unexpected that Mr. Smith, who had always appreciated each other, would have this attitude towards himself. Zac thought about it. There must be a reason for this change in attitude. "Did you hear what someone said?"

Smith shook his head and denied, "I didn't listen to what anyone said, I just saw you intercept the body of my Smith family halfway."

Zac nodded, the reason for nodding was not to agree with anything, but the clues in Smith ’s words had been made very clear-Mr. Smith was speaking on behalf of the Smith family It's the one in the Smith family. Haha, that's Rimer.

In fact, there is an idea that has been in Zac's brain for a long time-open the door to Mr. Smith's understanding of the world.

In the West Side, almost every family has people who know about aliens. The Smith family is a special case, because of the existence of Rimer. Zac always felt that this was a matter of balance for Rimmer, and he was not good at breaking the union between the human family and the vampire clan.

But now, Zach feels that it seems to continue to allow Rymer's independent control and Smith's relationship, it seems to him ... no benefit at all.

Smith looked at Zac and nodded, misunderstanding, "I believe you have your reason. After all, your relationship with Detective James Lance is an undisclosed secret (this is a misunderstanding that Zac has intentionally made, let People think he is the official chess piece arranged by the Lance family for James), if it is what he asked you to do, I don't expect you to refuse. "He thought Zack nodded, expressing recognition.

Zac did not defend, but let go of the idea that had emerged-if Mr. Smith was to open the door to the correct understanding of the world, Zac should not do it himself. Zac thought of two bad examples: Mr. Novo and Ford.

Smith may be more similar to Ford's situation. With Remer, who is a family of Smith, beside him, Smith is too easy to distort. Zac ultimately appreciates Smith and does not want to distort it.

So, "James' commission is one aspect, and I have some considerations of my own." Zach followed Smith's words. "The last time you came to Grande, you were still unclear about the cause of addicts in the waterfront park. What is the cause of the death, complaining that the Smith family was accidentally regarded as the person responsible is unhappy. Or I remind you to check the inside of the Smith family, right. "

Mr. Smith pursed his lips and gave Zac feedback-"Yes."

"What did you find out?"

Smith frowned, "You say what you know first."

"I know this is your sister hiding behind Smith." Zach said straight away, "using your 0711 pharmacy as a cover, taking advantage of your blind spots and your trust, did not know your secret business from beginning to end. "

Smith sighed, "Okay." What was said was very interesting, "I already knew that my attitude towards others was useless to you." He shook his head, "So. I have to admit, with your As a reminder, I found out that my sister was carrying this kind of deal with me. "Looking at Zac," But I am also really curious, why I don't know something, but you know? Lydia is my sister, not Yours. Do you have any personal relationships that I do n’t know? Why are you getting more first-hand information about everything you know? "

Smith means, ‘Okay, you ’re great, I now fully understand that you are stronger than me, so please be puzzled. ’

Zach felt a little bit wrong, but he replied, "I do n’t know from your sister Lydia. I have my sources of information. Like ..." Zach looked back and looked out the window. "A former mayor Secretary. "Since Smith already has an amazing feeling of Zach's personal relationship network, it is better to use this feeling. Some things needless to say are innocent, feel free to make up for Smith, and I ’m not right anyway, "But I believe I told you the news, and I can prove that I treat you as a friend from beginning to end. Some things It has n’t changed. I wo n’t hurt you in the West Side. I ’m your help provider. "

At this time, to review the original heart, Oh, yes, Zac is using people's hearts. This method is quite unsolvable.

Sure enough, Smith looked at Zac's face for a while and said, "I know." Turning his eyes away, "I won't tell you much, tell me why you stopped for Detective James Lance Those corpses. "

"Your sister told you that those drugs are republican, are they universal vaccine drugs."

Smith's first reaction was, "Vaccine? A murderous vaccine ..." Then, the whole face wrinkled and looked at Zac, "Are you sure?" Smith responded, unless the republican government was crazy, thinking Kill all your own citizens, otherwise what Zac is saying now is a bad joke!

The news came from Louise, of course Zac wouldn't doubt it, but he didn't need to say to Smith, "How did Lydia tell you?"

Next, Zack saw Rimmel's Sao operation——

"She said that this was what was once 'Walmina', and she got news that the federal medicines are in republican circulation with the trade between the two countries. Based on the fact that our Smith family has not conducted these illegal businesses, and Valmina was originally It ’s not the responsibility of the Smith family, it ’s something she made during her travels abroad. So she wants to solve the matter herself, so that the Smith family is not affected. "

Awesome, the one who secretly engages in things and arranges them to consider the family.

"So she intercepted the goods that flowed to the Federation and used the 0711 pharmacy connected to the city government as a cover to destroy the Valmina distribution channel-with the support of the city government, no one would doubt that the pharmacy's goods came in and out. The Silent's Bishop family has a good relationship and is always prepared for the worst-borrowing Bishop's legal team to eliminate the negative factors for the Smith family. Even if things go wrong, she is fully prepared. "

Yes, the Bishop family who was involved in Zac's selfishness was explained.

"At this point, the police investigation into the waterfront park case has been delayed. What Lydia is doing is to recover the body and destroy it, so that Valmina will not adversely affect Smith in Patton."

Good layout, all aspects give a very convenient explanation for Rimer.

Smith finished speaking and blinked, "Lydia ... these are all lying to me?"

Zac ’s purpose-"The legal vaccine of the Republic will still affect the illegal Valmina of the Smith family, why do n’t you judge for yourself." Zac pointed to the Grand Cemetery, "No matter what, this thing is in Murder, now we have n’t heard that some of the Republicans have died, but the Federation, the death of our citizens of Barton is a fact. You want to know why James let me intercept these bodies? This is the reason. Neither James nor I thought that It is a good thing to return these bodies to your sister, do you agree? "

For a long time, Mr. Smith nodded, "Keep these corpses, and I will arrange people to come over to you." Before leaving, "If Detective James Lance really cares about the safety of the lives of Patton ’s citizens, I hope he can provide The police ’s test report on these bodies. ”To Zach,“ I do n’t think the detective will give me this kind of thing. ”

Zac nodded, "I'll take it."

Smith had nothing more to say and left.

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