Zac watched the movements of several researchers, and consciously did not disturb the noise, waiting for the result.

At this time, do you know what the core component of 'aggression' is? It ’s the blood of a vampire.

Zac has a special feeling-he heard that humans are studying the blood of vampires, and there is a little expectation in his heart. Although the other party told Zack that the study had failed, that little expectation remained.

Quite funny to say, Zac was intensively disturbed by a question during this year-what is the essence of vampires.

The proud eternal life is given by the vampire himself. The failed creation was given by the Lord. The restraint of the alien soul is given by other aliens. The blood-sucking insects of human society are given by some humans ...

There doesn't seem to be an objective definition to describe vampires.

Solin's words gave Zac a great feeling, not only the secret of Rymer's ability, but also Rymer's interpretation of the vampire. The magicians used to be researchers. They explored the essence of things in the form of things, so they came to the conclusion that the blood of a vampire is all the essence of a vampire.

The former researchers used vampires as tools for eternal life because of magic. what about now? The science of modern society will give the essence of vampires, what definition of this eternal blood?

Isn't this worth looking forward to?

Smith's attempt to understand the formula of 'Valmina' and 0711 failed. But this is also the first step, as long as Rimmer is still using vampire blood to make drugs, Zac believes that humans will eventually pay more and more attention to this unknown ‘core ingredient’.

By the time the technology is reached, Zac's expectations can be met.

"Did you find anything interesting." Zack looked at the reports of the researchers and got to the leader before asking.

"Uh ..." The leader glanced at Zach. "The result of the comparison is out. We found that what was extracted from the body had nothing to do with 'Valmina' and 0711."

In response to this result, Zach, "Are you embarrassing how to reply to Smith."

These researchers have a bad complexion, except for the leading ones, they all bow their heads and start to pack up their instruments.

Zac took the lead and sighed, "Mr. Grande is right."

Zac nodded, "Lydia does not share the core formula of the drug first, and now it has been proven to lie to Smith. As Smith's men, you are worried that the conflict between brother and sister will affect you, right."

These words are the result of Zac's observation just now-when the leader talked about Lydia in the conversation with Zac just now, his attitude was not much respected, was he? It can be clearly seen that this group of people is not very 'precious' as a researcher status acquired for 0711.

But the truth is so helpless, because 0711 is the icing on the cake, it is a fact that their group of people has transformed from illegal drug producers to current researchers. Although they were still loyal to Smith, they inevitably had a relationship with Lydia.

It is not without examples that the family fights Barton-the earliest Quinn grandson, later the Bishop family died, and the most recent Falken family Aix security company.

Aix Security is the most fortunate. It was taken over by the ‘General’ and the tree of Toledo was taken. Otherwise, if you look at the previous republican security business transfer, Ax would be uncomfortable.

The group in front of them all foresaw their not so good future after drawing the conclusion that Lydia was lying. They all know that Smith is really not a gentle boss, and the cruelty of his opponent never hesitates.

"I can help you reply to Smith." Zach proposed, only in the "little expectation" that he said before-a pioneer who studied the blood of vampires, Zach wanted to protect. It does n’t have any special meaning. Zac wants to do this. “I ’m still waiting for the police report. I can reply to Smith together. You might as well stay and wait for the police report to come and verify.”

The leader exchanged glances with his companion and nodded. After suspending packing, it is okay to do nothing. Repeat the previous comparative experiment again.

Zac didn't watch it, went back to the ground and sat on the back porch bench, waiting for James.

"Lily." Zach called the woman who was playing with Nana. "If Rute discovered a drug that would kill federal humans on a large scale, what would he do?"

Lily glanced at Zach and replied as follows, "Destroy the spot. Then find the manufacturer and all related people and kill them."

"Does Ruth love humans so much?" Zac asked.

"This is not love." Lily glanced at Zach again. "Human captive pigs are sick. Humans will find the source of the disease and eliminate it. Rute will just do the same thing."

Zack nodded in full understanding, not disturbing Lily.

James is here. According to Zach's request, he brought the police's inspection report on the bodies. Zac didn't look at the professionals directly sent to the basement.

James wanted to go to the basement and was stopped by Zac. What was said was very interesting: "Drake refused to tell me what you and Kate were doing in the hospital."

James's face went dark in an instant, trying to ignore Zac.

Ignored and does not exist in Zachary Toledo ’s life, "I will not embarrass my Grand Brothers, but I am very good at embarrassing you. So, do you want to save me trouble and tell me, or let us Take the routine. I keep stepping on your tolerance limits until you explode and yell out what I want in pain. "

Lily on the side glanced at Zac and James, and pulled Nana, "Let's go upstairs to watch TV ..." How conscious.

James glanced at Zac for a while, and said, "Neither Kate nor I am sure whether to leave this child! So we went to the hospital today to consult relevant information!" After a while, "You are satisfied ?! "

Zac shook his head, "I have nothing to be satisfied with." Seriously, "This is the most sad thing I have heard in my life."

Do n’t be surprised. Vampires who take eternal life as their pride need an audience to enjoy pride, do n’t they? And what James is saying now is that ... the vampire immortal audience may not be born.

James definitely didn't want to hear comments from Zac's mouth, so he left Zac directly, as if he was about to leave Grande.

Zac stopped people again, "I must ask why?"

James has tried to break through Zac's interception. But ... it is obviously impossible to succeed, only then, "Because neither Kate nor I think this is a safe place in the world !!! We do n’t want our children to live in such a dangerous world !!"

Uh, what a stupid reason—

"You mean that neither you nor Kate feel that you are incapable of protecting your children. It has nothing to do with the world. This world has never been safe." Zack shook his head. "You have counseled, don't dump the pot."

"Dump pan? !!!" James is still fried. "You actually said I dumped the pan? !!!"

Zuck took it for granted, "Are you sure you want me to carry a pot? Or a vampire? Interracial?" Zack asked sincerely, "James, I have lived for four centuries, how many of these four centuries Human parents are here with me, vampires, and children born under the alien race. How many children have grown up safely, do you know? "

Looking at James without disdain, "You are so bad." James was not given a chance to fight back. "Come on, I will call you to tell you."

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