The police report did not give anything useful. The leader of Smith's men explained Zac specifically, "These people are addicts, and there are traces of other drugs in the body. The police did not investigate the cause of death What kind of substance is only checked for routine toxic reactions. We have just verified it, which is the common toxic-product-component. "

"But you confirm that there is no" core component "of Valmina and 0711 in these people's bodies."


Zac nodded, "Can you find anything special on this corpse."

The leader replied, "In theory, it is possible, but we need equipment. You can't find a few portable instruments with you."

Let Smith send someone to make sure Lydia is lying, then Zac should satisfy his demands. "Okay, go back and prepare first. Let me talk to Smith."

Sending the gang away, Zach called Mr. Smith. Zak exaggerated the people because of the ideas of the researchers. "I like the attitude of these people."

"What's your attitude?" Smith estimated the fog.

"Focus." Zack replied, "If they didn't work for you, they might be scientists."

"Hehehe." Smith probably didn't know whether Zac was mocking or thinking so seriously, ending this unimportant topic with a laugh, "What is the result."

Zac left a copy of the researcher's report and read it to Smith. By the way, he also read the police report again. After reading it, "These common poisons-in the police test report-, you now, the Smith family has not made these things."

Smith's answer, a dark voice, "Don't do it."

Nazac continued, "There are no core components of 'Valmina' and 0711 in the body. This means that no matter what these people die from, there is absolutely nothing to do with your Smith family."

Mr. Smith had only one choice in front of him, "Lydia smuggled the Republican killer vaccine, *!"

Zac nodded to the air over the phone. "I like your men. I want to ask them to help me figure out what the killer vaccine is. For you, just ask Lydia Why she wanted to smuggle this vaccine, probably would n’t ask. ”Zucker paused, giving time to think about Smith,“ What do you think? Your people say they need equipment, and if you agree, I can send the body to them Go there. "

After being quiet for half a minute, Smith agreed, and, "This can't be done in containment. There are people from Lydia. I will give you the contact information. You contact him directly." Smith smiled bitterly. "Old rules, when I gave you a new commission." The meaning of this was to tell Zac that Zac would be on his side. Finally, "People who contact me after waiting for half an hour, I will arrange it here."

"it is good."

Taking note of the contact details, Zac waited for half an hour and called the leader.

"Thank you!"

Zac's opening surprised Zac, "Thank me?"

"Mr. Smith transferred us back from the shelter, huh, huh, this means that our position has been very clear and no longer has anything to do with Miss Smith's industry ~"

That's right, the embarrassing situation that was caught in the middle is gone. He wants Xie Zake.

Zac accepted the other person's thanks and said that the business was right, "Where are you, where will I send the body?"

The other party reported an address. Uh. It is a very familiar address for Zac, the warehouse in the Massa Port warehouse area that was taken over by the devil.

Remember here, the place where the natural demon was punished by the laws of the world after the ghost tape incident in the Smith industry.

It seems that although Smith no longer does the previous business, the resources and facilities have not been lost. It's just that Smith probably didn't know that the people who were still watching the warehouse were demons.

This does not matter, after all, Jessica also showed interest in this republican killing vaccine when he helped Zac investigate the souls of these corpses, and transferred directly to the devil ’s site research, which saved Zac more phone calls to inform Progress has been made.

Zach asked a little more, "Do you need more corpses for examination. Can I dig a few more for you without any hassle."


After hanging up the phone, Zach sent a task to Logan.

As Zac expected, Logan counted the time when the security guard in the graveyard changed shifts. When he grabbed a shovel and went to the graveyard, Lily rolled his eyes at Zac and followed.

Taking advantage of the preparation time, Zac went with the baby Adam for a while.

Accompanying the baby is a very boring thing, because ... baby, you can't expect the other party to give you anything back-the only thing the baby can give you is that I am hungry, I am peeing, I am pulling.

But it's also inexplicable. Such a boring thing can give Zac a strange ... feeling. It's different every time.

For example, now, Zack ’s feeling is, ‘I ca n’t imagine Mokawi and Benjamin at a certain moment, just like you are now, a baby. ’

"You used to be a baby."

Zac turned his head, a white cat sitting on the window sill opened for breathing and licking his hair, still using Madison's voice, "Relax, I don't have the ability to read the mind, just I tell you, I At every point in time, I know a lot of things, and what you are thinking about now speaks for yourself in a minute ... "

A touch of white was thrown back into the air, accompanied by a "meow !!!"

Zac closed the window and drew the curtains. Sam said, "I think he is telling the truth. I can't perceive him appearing or disappearing. I think Madison really becomes something we don't understand ..."

"I don't care, and I don't want to care." Zac stopped Sam's words and frowned at the time.

The white cat said that in a minute, Zac would say his inexplicable feelings. This is the typical saying no, but the body is very honest-Zac wants to know whether the white cat's 'prophecy' will come true.

Half a minute.

Blue passed through the walls of Grande, and the same baby mentality appeared in Shane, "Hi ~" in a good mood.

"Hi." Zac returned, watching Shane float around Yada for a while and fell into the crib. The blue body seemed to be materialized, squeezing Adam to give himself a lying position.

Zac didn't understand the reason for this behavior of Shane, "Do you not have a cot in your own home?" Want to come and grab a position with Adam?

"I'm not at home. I'm in a nursery school at Parker Elementary School." It's not over, "I'm 100% sure that my dear mother (Ms. Cuisha) has forgotten that I'm still in the nursery school and went home from work by myself."


It's not over yet, "I pretended to be 'abandoned helpless baby cry' for half an hour and moved myself to ~ so, I need a little warmth ~" said, rubbing against Adam, two babies 'S four little hands started to dial each other in the air, I don't know whether it was fighting to grab the ground or playing around ...

Zac pouted, silently.

"My mother is just a person, but I have become a collection of Barton interracial. Papa believes that it is the most powerful interracial in the world at midnight ~ You have two of the world ’s most powerful single interracial parents, why do you It's just a weak human baby who is nothing? Are you abnormal? "Adam suddenly opened his mouth and turned over to suppress Adam. With a baby's face, he actually put on a provocative expression.

Adam's small hand pushed Shane a few times, and of course it was impossible to push Shane down.

At this time, only the guardian is out. Zac just opened his mouth and paused, glancing at the corner of his eyes for exactly one minute.


Zac still spoke out because he wanted to save Adam: "Adam's parents, Mokawi and Benjamin also started with babies, and Adam also started with a weak baby." On the other side of the crib, "Don't be arrogant, you are just a baby. The baby who was forgotten by his mother in the nursery, don't want to continue crying for the miserable cry of the helpless baby, just be honest and don't move."

"Wow ~ I'm worthy of the vampire who made me come down smoothly ~ Your words are really philosophical ~ It must be the conclusion drawn from the wisdom of four centuries!" Shane has a kind of kindness to Zac, born, this is the point Do n’t forget it.

Forget it, there is nothing to fight, let Madison's prediction come true: "No, I thought about it a minute ago." He turned and was ready to go out. With Lily's help, Logan was very efficient at completing the task ...

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