The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 24 Chapter 11: True welcome

At night, Becky Street just flourished. Zac squinted in the rearview mirror and began to control Becky, who was controlled by multicolored neon, and drove Grand's van into the warehouse area of ​​Port Massa.

The demons are gathering, and under the dark night, there are constantly ink-colored things across the artificial light source, and Zach invites a question, "What are you doing?"

"Something entered the port with the cargo ship today, crossed the defense line of Nofeller and the Wizard, and is now lurking in the warehouse. Jessica let us help defend."

"Something." Zack had a bad feeling, and the timing was not very convenient.

"We don't know, it may be a smuggling republican alien, or it may be something else, are you willing to help us search?"

Uh, Zach has seen Smith's research team waiting for themselves outside the warehouse controlled by the demon. "If you need Toredo's help, you know where I am."

The demon drifted away.

Zac was accepted by Smith's research team, and the leader who was more familiar with Zac consciously became Zac's guide. "You should be more familiar with this place."

"Yes." It was here that the natural demon who had lived in Grandray for some time died, and he died twice.

Followed by people into the underground research area-used to be Smith's drug-making facilities. The body brought by Zac has been assigned to different groups. Seeing that everyone is working, Zac intends to stay in a position where he can be contacted by the ground demon at any time, standing at the entrance of this underground research area and asking the leader, "How are you going to analyze the composition of these corpses?"

"You said that they took the republican vaccine, right?"

Zac nodded.

"Vaccines are different from ordinary chemicals. They are essentially viruses that are harmful to the human body. By causing the body's own immune response, it can prevent certain diseases."

Zac should have long knowledge.

"Because it is a virus, the vaccine itself has a more specific response than ordinary drugs. The change of the virus as a vaccine to the human body is not to eliminate the foreign body that causes the disease, but to change the physiological function of the human body. The human body eliminates adverse reactions and restores health. The vaccine virus is to add new functions to the original healthy body. We are now looking for traces of these new functions to determine what type of virus this is. "

Zac can barely understand a little, because the virus is no stranger to Zac. In Smith's medical experiment project, the virus appeared in Zac's knowledge contact.

Add new functions to a healthy body ... Hey. Zac didn't know how to react.

Zac completely couldn't understand the specific test process of the research team, and he could only occasionally say a few words with the leader who was willing to chat with himself to pass the time.

A jet of dark stuff floated in front of Zac.

"It looks like you still need a long time." Zach said, "I'm going out to breathe."

"Well." The leader answered.

Zac was taken out of the warehouse by the demon. "Something was found?"

"Well, over there." The dark-black demon constructed a humanoid and pointed in a certain direction.

"What is it?"

"It's a vampire."

Zac raised an eyebrow. "Vampire from the Republic?"

Zach walked in that direction, and the thing in his mind was: Asamat's return to the Federation was stopped by himself. Which other vampire in the Republic would come to the Federation? Moreover, this is a vampire that can break through the defenses of Nofeller and the wizard. Zac can only think of one possibility-Fanzhuo.

As we approached, the dark warehouse was filled with containers marked with the Quest family. I thought it was something that was confusing in Quest's import trade. The demons have expelled working humans, and this area has been surrounded and controlled by non-humans.

"You are also a coincidence, you can meet anything."

Dora came out of the dark place, and Spella floated behind her.

Zac felt something moving in his eyes, and Sam floated out. Although there is no need to compare here, this situation is quite appropriate. It is necessary for Zach to maintain the posture above the demon and Norfil in order to reflect the status of Master Patton.

"Do we know?" Zach glanced at the warehouse surrounded by Nofil and demons.

"I don't know yet." Dora didn't ask more about the affairs that Zack was dealing with here. The person was Nofil, and Smith's underground research facility could only hide the surface creatures. For creatures operating underground, it is not a secret at all.

Zac does n’t have to guess that Norfil is now lurking in Smith ’s research facility, and wants to see what 'vaccine' Rimer has gotten from the Republic. Dora will not despise the ghost's future.

"Is he alone?" Because Zac guessed Fan Zhuo, and Fan Zhuo never appeared alone, and his personal guard Bruch was always around him.

Dora's deformed little hand shook, "No." Then he pointed towards the warehouse.

A handful of radiant blood splashed out of the warehouse door, accompanied by a short female wailing.

Zac raised an eyebrow. "Siren?" When he came to this conclusion, a huge half-tail was thrown out of the warehouse. Slap on the concrete floor to record the absence of movement.

Dora pouted, "We found out when we found something hidden in Qwest's shipments, just because these kraken bodies that were constantly thrown out attracted our attention, we thought it was the sea The demon is in trouble again, let him hide here. "

Zac took a step forward and realized that Dora had not kept up, "Aren't you going to meet my old friend with me?"

Dora glanced at Zac directly, "Fanzhuo has never been our friend."

Zac waved his hand and walked into the dark warehouse. The self-reported identity first glanced, "Zacree Toledo. Which old friend visited my city."

In the dark, a gentle female voice appeared in the moan of the Kraken who learned about it, "Friend?" Please note the tone of the ending, "A century has passed, have we been born into the relationship of" friends "~"

Zac knew who this guy was. Zac's face was also dark.

"Annabelle Fandro." Zac no longer approached the depths of darkness. "You are still alive."

"Do I have any reason to say goodbye to this beautiful world ~~" Another wailing of the Kraken appeared, half of the fish tail was sprinkled with bright red, over Zach, and flew out of the warehouse.

"I heard that the Secret Alliance executed the Fanzhuo that was not assigned to the" Little White "living corpse. I thought you, such a marginal Fanzhuo, should be among the people who were executed."

"I'm sad ~ That's how I look at me in your eyes ~"

Zac pursed his lips, "It doesn't matter how I look at you." The red eyes looked deep into the warehouse. "The important thing is that you are still alive and still here, I guess I can say ..." Ke shook his head, obviously the next sentence was not sincere, "Welcome to Patton."

The man deep in the warehouse was walking towards Zac.

No, it was two people.

One bathed in the blood of the Kraken. The long hair, which is no longer visible, is tangled together under the bond of blood, sticking to the white cheeks, and the bright red blood beads fall on the hair tips as you move. The red eyes squinted under the smile, and the corners of the lips contaminated with red were slightly bent. This face pieced together with red and white patches is getting closer to Zach.

The other is a neatly dressed human female with a calm complexion ... or numbness behind the blood-sucking vampire.

Zac frowned, watching Annabel walk to himself with the human behind him.

Undoubtedly, that human female is the living corpse that Fan Zhuo brought back to the Republic after the distribution of Xiaobai in the Federation! It is now shared with Fanzhuo and soul, and provides a tool for downgrading ‘services’ for Annabelle Fanzhuo who should be in a complete state!

Annabel 'dangerously invaded' Zac's private space, finger touched with Kraken's blood on Zac's chest, "Oh ~ my dear Zacary ~ don't 'say', give me a real 'welcome' ~ Not the disappointing Moors and demons at the door ~ "

Annabel's fingers didn't stay on her chest honestly, she was roaming.

Zac took a step back and looked at the other party, "I have a girlfriend, please take care of yourself." Turned out of the warehouse.

Real welcome? Annabel received the most genuine welcome from Button.

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